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Sumiko frowned. she didn't really care if M knew or not, just as long as someone was giving her stuff to blow or burn. And M had made an enticing offer. "What option gives me more stuff to burn or blow up, cause that's where my vote will go."

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Alexander watches from afar as the group converses. They have no idea what's coming.He decided that he would help them, purely out of pity.

I'm sick, so my RP (or reasoning) will not be as good, just so you all know.

Edited by Master Elodin
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The Shinigami King watched the human world from the Hole.  "Ryuk was right it seems." he mused to himself.  "The human world is much more interesting than ours."


Three hours until the blood flows.

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"It would be better to blow up Kira address with him in it," Rikku said. "If anyone deserves death, it's him."


I'll likely be busy Thursday and Friday, so I might not post as much around that time. Assuming I'm still alive, of course.

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"Agreed," Elbe said, stepping into the conversation. "Kira is the threat here. All M wants to do is stop him. Just like all of you, right? So why oppose him? And in particular, why oppose him now, while Kira's still on the loose? If you want to try to take him down, that's fine. Although possibly not very healthy. But why not at least wait until after Kira's dead?"

Every eye swung to her, and she nodded. "I'm here as M's emissary. As proof of his sincerity, I have a copy of each of your records. Sealed, of course." She tossed an envelope to the ground. "M is just trying to find Kira. That's all he cares about. It's your choice whether he uses your skills or your records to catch Kira." She smiled humorlessly. "I highly recommend the former. So what's it to be?"

Also, Alv, I'd like to add "Oniel" as a last name. Thanks!

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Memories. Memories of previous men who had controlled him, used him as their tool, their fist, their bloody dog. Memories of years spent in prison because he hadn't been his own master, because he was disposable. A man to be used until it was inconvenient to keep him, and then he was thrown to the police to hide his masters. Never again. Never!


Joseph suddenly realized that people were staring at him with some trepidation. Right. He closed his eyes, and sucked in a deep breath. He forced his fists to unclench, and his teeth to unlock. Relax.


"I'm sorry, Ma'am? I don't believe I caught your name, but I don't think you understand. Kira is my priority. I would much rather find him than MBut, M has given me no proof he isn't Kira, nor has he given me any proof that he wouldn't happily kill me if it meant getting to Kira sooner."


He stepped forward, to less than an arm's length away from the emissary. He had dropped his umbrella at some point, but it hardly mattered if M had eyes here. "I will never be a tool for men like M again. He's just as dangerous as Kira. Men of no morals, who believe that what they are doing is right, and that the ends justify the means."


He turned away, facing the larger portion of the gathering. "My first priority, even above that of killing Kira, is keeping myself, my friends, and those few I consider family alive. I would do anything to keep them alive. M has said outright that he is willing to sacrifice any of us to get what he wants. Just because his want's align with our, does not mean we should not oppose him! He is just as much a threat to us while Kira lives as Kira himself is!"


Joseph turned back to the Emissary. "M sent you with a copy of our records? Who cares. That means nothing. They are a copy. Until M proves that he values our lives, Then I will hunt him like the rabid dog he is. If you want to work with him to take down Kira, then do so. I won't harm you for that. You're not a villain for working with a sociopath, you're just ignorant. That goes for all of you. If you choose to work for M, you're safe from my wrath. I reserve that for M and Kira alone."


Joseph bent down a bit, putting his mouth next to the emissary's ear, ans whispered so that only she could hear him. "Tell your master, that I'm coming for him. The only way he can prove his good intentions is to reveal his face and name to us, just as we are known to him. Otherwise, he will be the first man I will ever kill."


Hey Meta, do you have a backup/decoy base that Sumiko and I can blow up/burn down/knock over/sink into a swamp? Also, This reminder mainly applies to myself, but remember that RP shouldn't bias you. We currently have no idea who Kira is. I could be Kira. Pre-game debate shouldn't influence how you see alignment


8 pages of RP before the game has even started..... O.o

You should go read the first several games. This use to be the Norm, and I for one want to it become the Norm again. I'm actually going to go RP as Jonly in LG21 in a bit. 

Edited by The Only Joe
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Will respond to the RP later. But I'm pretty sure we're abandoning our old base, so that's probably up for destruction. Elbe might even lead you there, if you ask politely. :P Not.

Also, love Joseph's character. Love love love.

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Will respond to the RP later. But I'm pretty sure we're abandoning our old base, so that's probably up for destruction. Elbe might even lead you there, if you ask politely. :P Not.

Also, love Joseph's character. Love love love.

Thank you! I haven't gotten to do a man angry at himself for a long time, so RP'ing Joseph has been fun, especially since Meta gave him such an outlet.

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Day One: The search begins.

Case#: 876629


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 0615 by
Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Edogawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876629

Name: Soichiro Yagami
Date of Birth: July 12, 1955
Age: 60
Gender: Male
Race: Asian - Japanese
Body Identified by: Hideki Ide

Location of Subject:
Subject was found slumped over his desk at 0530 by Hideki Ide. Clutched in hand was a piece of torn paper with “This world is rotten. The rotten should die.” scribbled on it.

Evidence Collected:
Fourteen (14) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Three (3) case files
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Driver’s License
One (1) Leather Wallet containing ¥3962
One (1) Standard issue Detective badge
One (1) piece of paper with scribbled note


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 0130 and 0230
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Manner of Death: Homicide


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 0615 by
Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Edogawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876629

Name: Touta Matsuda
Date of Birth: December 14, 1978
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Asian - Japanese
Body Identified by: Hideki Ide

Location of Subject:
Subject was found slumped over his desk at 0530 by Hideki Ide.

Evidence Collected:
Thirteen (13) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Packet of ‘Otoko Kaoru’ brand chewing gum
One (1) Wallet containing ¥3544
One (1) Standard issue Detective badge


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 0130 and 0230

Cause of Death: Heart attack
Manner of Death: Homicide



Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 0615 by
Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Edogawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876629

Name: Shuichi Aizawa
Date of Birth: May 11, 1969
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Race: Asian - Japanese
Body Identified by: Hideki Ide

Location of Subject:
Subject was found slumped behind his desk at 0530 by Hideki Ide.

Evidence Collected:
Thirteen (13) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Wallet containing ¥2678
One (1) Photo of Shuichi Aizawa and family
One (1) Standard issue Detective badge
One (1) Driver Licence under the name ‘Aihara’


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 0130 and 0230
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Manner of Death: Homicide



Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 0615 by
Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Edogawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876629

Name: Kanzo Mogi
Date of Birth: September 13, 1973
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Asian - Japanese
Body Identified by: Hideki Ide

Location of Subject:
Subject was found slumped over his desk at 0530 by Hideki Ide.

Evidence Collected:
Fourteen (14) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Autographed photo of Kanzo Mogi and Misa Amane.  Written on back is “Thanks for everything Motchi. Love Misa Misa.”
One (1) Wallet containing ¥2683
One (1) Standard issue Detective badge


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 0130 and 0230
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Manner of Death: Homicide


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 0615 by
Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Edogawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876629

Name: Hirokazu Ukita
Date of Birth: November 9, 1977
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Asian - Japanese
Body Identified by: Hideki Ide

Location of Subject:
Subject was found slumped over his desk at 0530 by Hideki Ide.

Evidence Collected:
Fifteen (15) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Three (3) packs of ‘Mevius’ brand cigarettes
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Wallet containing ¥2947
One (1) Standard issue Detective badge


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 0130 and 0230
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Manner of Death: Homicide



Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 0615 by
Inspector Ryotaro Sakajo
4 Chome-8-1, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-9800 (FAX 3-3680-9900)

Investigative Agency: Edogawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876629

Name: Light Yagami
Date of Birth: August 23, 1998
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Asian - Japanese
Body Identified by: Hideki Ide

Location of Subject:
Subject was found slumped besides his desk at 0530 by Hideki Ide.

Evidence Collected:
Thirteen (13) photographs
Seven (7) swabs from various body locations
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) Wallet containing ¥965
One (1) Student Photo ID Badge

One (1) Red apple


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 0130 and 0230
Cause of Death: Heart attack
Manner of Death: Homicide

Case#: 876630


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 0730 by
Inspector Shiori Akino
2 Chome-4-5, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3680-3486 (FAX 3-6808-3321)

Investigative Agency: Edogawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876630

Name: Hideki Ide
Date of Birth: February 1, 1970
Age: 46
Gender: Male
Race: Asian - Japanese
Body Identified by: Ryotaro Sakajo


Location of Subject:
Subject was located outside the offices of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau.  Next to body lay the subjects standard issue NAMBU M60 .38 caliber pistol.

Evidence Collected:
Seventeen (17) photographs
Nine (9) swabs from various body locations
One (1) NAMBU M60 .38 caliber pistol - loaded
One (1) .38 caliber shell casing
One (1) Wallet containing ¥1685
One (1) Standard issue Detective badge

Ryotaro Sakajo

Time of Death: 0703
Cause of Death: Gun shot wound to the right temple
Manner of Death: Suicide

Case#: 876638


Office of the Edogawa Regional Police Bureau

Date and Hour of Investigation:
05/09/2016; 0900 by
Inspector Tomomi Tsuchiya
6 Chome-6-13, Nakakasai, Edogawa, Tokyo 134-0083
3-3687-8021 (FAX 3-3687-8021)

Investigative Agency: Edogawa Regional Police Bureau Homicide Division
Case #: 876638

Name: Kozai Kudiso
Date of Birth: March 21, 1999
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Asian - Japanese
Body Identified by: Student photo ID Card

Location of Subject:
Subject was found behind the Nightclub Feria.

Evidence Collected:
Twenty eight (28) photographs

Thirteen (13) swabs from various body locations
Three (3) Red leather fibres
Two (2) standard fingerprint cards
One (1) latent print
One (1) Plaster cast of bootprint
One (1) Wallet, empty
One (1) Student photo ID card


Time of Death: Preliminary tests approximate the time of death between 0300 and 0500
Cause of Death: Multiple stab wounds to the torso.  Robbery appears to have been the motive.
Manner of Death: Homicide

No one was lynched
And with all those deaths we begin our game.  Good hunting to all.
Cycle will last 24 hours.
PMs are open but can only be one on one and must include the GM.
Role PMs are being sent out now.
Vote Tally:
M (1): Joseph Busshu
Player List:


1: Metacognition - M
2: Elbereth - Elbe Oniel
3: The Only Joe - Joseph Busshu
4: Mailliw73 - Maokani
5: Master Elodin - Alexander Notlimah
6: TheMightyLopen - Frank B. Ingram
7: Burnt Spaghetti - Sumiko
8: Haelbarde - Hal Heatherlocke
9: AliasSheep - Kai Lo
10: Cloudjumper - Huko
11: Conquestor - Con
12: Trelagist - T
13: Amanuensis - Yushi Kurimura
14: ThatTinyStrawMan - Straw
15: DeathClutch19 - Mello
16: Hellscythe - Ryuzaki
17: Weaving Webs - Near
18: Mark IV - Mitai
19: Arraenae - Rikku
20: LUNA - Tsuki
21: Bugsy6912 - Akiyama
22: RippleGylf - Gylf
Edited by Alvron
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Current Thoughts:


We can probably use the Murderer kill as a Second Lynch. Ryuk only has one voice right now, so He can be partially certain that he doesn't have much influence. If the murderer's are willing, I'd love for them to target whoever has the second most number of votes. Of course, that will lead to the death of two villagers most days, but they're going to die anyway. (Yes, I know how suspicious that sounds, but it's true.) (Of course, I don't want to use either the lynch or the kill today.)


Secondly, We need some Police protection on L pronto. The best plan I've come up with to do that is this. L targets Me, learns that I'm Innocent. He contacts me, and on day two, police and murderers reveal themselves to me. I pass their names onto L, and ask the Police to always protect him. I am killed, by either the murderers or the Lynch on day two. Because otherwise, Ryuk would convert me, and I would tell him the names of everyone. (Yes I'm volunteering to be killed 48 hours from now.(Unless someone else would prefer to do that)) What do you guys think of such a plan?


Third, Day one lynches. We have an equal chance of killing Ryuk as we do L. We have a better chance of killing a player with a role than we do of killing Ryuk. I vote we don't lynch today.


Fourth, I've been thinking about the murderers. Ryuk will claim to be one, since it's the only way he can slide underneath L's investigation. What do you guys think of a mass murderer role reveal? (Not advocating one, since I don't like it.) It would give us a smaller group to search in, but also reveal our only kill roles, plus Ryuk might not claim murderer. But if he doesn't, and L finds someone who isn't a murderer, but is Guilty, it's likely they're Ryuk or a holder.


So, biggest thing is, what does everyone think of the plan I have put forward to get protection of L?

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Joe, I'll think about your plan. I'd kind of like to have a Day 1 lynch though, tbh.

Then by all means, do so! I hate players who put out a plan, then attack people who go against their plan. My idea shouldn't be any more important than yours. I do think it's a bad idea though.


Unrelated note, if we do go with my plan, can I get police protection tonight? I've really tossed myself out there right now.

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Light died?!? :o

I think I'm gonna vote on El, because of the irony of her shortened name in regards to Death Note. :P

Joe, I'll think about your plan. I'd kind of like to have a Day 1 lynch though, tbh.

...Lopen, for changing your avatar so I can't immediately recognize who you are. Hmph.

(Also, can I just point out the lack of logic in voting for me because my name is similar to the confirmed Seeker role in this game? :P)

Joe, I do see one problem. What if the Ryuk claims policeman? You tell them who L is, and then they kill L. And since you're dead and so is L, there's no one else who knows the identities of every claimed policeman, unless L tells someone.

So, I'd suggest telling L the identities of the claimed, but not telling the policemen who L is. Then L can scan one of them N2, and get protection by N3. Not quite as good of a result, but still not bad.

Edited by Elbereth
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Current Thoughts:

We can probably use the Murderer kill as a Second Lynch. Ryuk only has one voice right now, so He can be partially certain that he doesn't have much influence.

What do you mean by this? Ryuk starts with a teammate, and can only have one at a time.
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Joe, I do see one problem. What if the Ryuk claims policeman? You tell them who L is, and then they kill L. And since you're dead and so is L, there's no one else who knows the identities of every claimed policeman, unless L tells someone.

So, I'd suggest telling L the identities of the claimed, but not telling the policemen who L is. Then L can scan one of them N2, and get protection by N3. Not quite as good of a result, but still not bad.

Hmm. You're right about that. I can think of a few ways around that, but most of them can be easily circumvented by Ryuk sacrificing his holder to kill L. The best way I can think of to salvage my plan is to delay it. L contacts me as before, I give him the names of all the police, and only tell L's name to the one currently assigned to lead the protection detail. He'll have to check them off one at a time. If two cops claim to be in charge of protection that cycle, then one of them must be Ryuk or his Holder, so we'll find one of them that way. But that severely limits who L can investigate.


What do you mean by this? Ryuk starts with a teammate, and can only have one at a time.

I missed that Ryuk starts with a randomly chosen Holder. I thought he would be picking one tonight. Which is actually better for my plan. I don't have to die until we successfully kill a holder, because I can't be converted until then.

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Joe, I don't think I like your plan. First, how can we be sure you've gained the trust of L at all. It wouldn't be too hard for you to claim so, and for L to claim the contrary, they would have to reveal themselves to at least one person, and if they'd used their detect on you, they're not going to know who's trustworthy.

Also, yes, you would die, but we know that Ryuk can get a new Death Note Holder each time someone dies. You could get the names of everyone, pass them onto Ryuk, die, and then have the eliminator team systematically take out all of our useful role players. The fact that Ryuk can replace the holder makes the holder effectively disposable, and a plan like this would certainly make use of it.

Lastly, it would require the rest of us to simply trust you, when this plan is your first post, and you've given us no other reason to trust you. I, personally, don't like that.

Alv, two rules questions. First, can a Shinigami/holder change the death note holder freely? Second, is killing L the win condition for the elimknators, or do they have to kill L and outnumber everyone else.

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Alv, two rules questions. First, can a Shinigami/holder change the death note holder freely?

Second, is killing L the win condition for the elimknators, or do they have to kill L and outnumber everyone else.

Depends on how bloodthirsty they are.  It is possible for Shinigami/Holder to kill the Holder themselves thus allowing them to recruit a new one.

Kill L and outnumber everyone else.

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Current Thoughts:


We can probably use the Murderer kill as a Second Lynch. Ryuk only has one voice right now, so He can be partially certain that he doesn't have much influence. If the murderer's are willing, I'd love for them to target whoever has the second most number of votes. Of course, that will lead to the death of two villagers most days, but they're going to die anyway. (Yes, I know how suspicious that sounds, but it's true.) (Of course, I don't want to use either the lynch or the kill today.)


Secondly, We need some Police protection on L pronto. The best plan I've come up with to do that is this. L targets Me, learns that I'm Innocent. He contacts me, and on day two, police and murderers reveal themselves to me. I pass their names onto L, and ask the Police to always protect him. I am killed, by either the murderers or the Lynch on day two. Because otherwise, Ryuk would convert me, and I would tell him the names of everyone. (Yes I'm volunteering to be killed 48 hours from now.(Unless someone else would prefer to do that)) What do you guys think of such a plan?


Third, Day one lynches. We have an equal chance of killing Ryuk as we do L. We have a better chance of killing a player with a role than we do of killing Ryuk. I vote we don't lynch today.


Fourth, I've been thinking about the murderers. Ryuk will claim to be one, since it's the only way he can slide underneath L's investigation. What do you guys think of a mass murderer role reveal? (Not advocating one, since I don't like it.) It would give us a smaller group to search in, but also reveal our only kill roles, plus Ryuk might not claim murderer. But if he doesn't, and L finds someone who isn't a murderer, but is Guilty, it's likely they're Ryuk or a holder.


So, biggest thing is, what does everyone think of the plan I have put forward to get protection of L?


Using the Murderer kill as a type of second lynch could be used to protect L and Officers, because if their name comes up and they get voted to be killed, they should have some warning so that they can claim in the thread if need be(which isn't ideal, but it's better than crippling ourselves by taking out any of our players that are confirmed good/can't be converted). However, I don't think that it's vital that the Murderers actually kill whoever we vote on. If they have a suspicion of someone, and the power to kill, they could pretty much just tell that person they're gonna kill them, because Ryuk and his underling(s) don't have any protection I don't think. Or...they could just kill whoever they wanted, since they are murderers.


Honestly, L doesn't have to get protection right away. The earliest he could be found out would be next Cycle, and that's very unlikely. Also, I don't care to rely on L for finding Ryuk. But it's not a bad plan, and it would centralize our allies together I think. In the unlikely scenario that Ryuk claims Policeman, L would already have protection anyways, because all the Police would know his identity, so whoever is the Policeman with the power to protect for that Cycle just targets L, and he's protected. Sheep, my general understanding of the plan is as follows:


C1 - L scans Joe.

C2 - L tells Joe he's been cleared, Joe announces that in the thread, then policemen and Murderers claim to Joe, who tells them L's identity. L is the protected by a Policeman, while scanning whoever he wants.


So not really a lot of trust put into Joe, unless you suspect he's the Death Note Holder who is just trying to draw out L into the thread, but if that happened, the Police would always protect him anyways.


Day one lynches. Like I said above, I don't want to rely on L's scanning power to find Ryuk. I'd rather we used the lynch. And again, it's unlikely L would get lynched on Day 1(not trying to jinx you L, just stating statistics). If we do what you suggest, what do you propose we discuss right now? It's probably gonna be difficult to find Ryuk, sure, but that's because he's 1 player out of 22. L can scan people that we don't lynch, so if we hit a villager, and he scans a villager, that's 1 dead villager, and 1 scanned villager(who at least can't be Ryuk, and so should be kept alive for the rest of the game, even if their alignment gets switched), making us able to narrow down a little more on who Ryuk could be.


Mass reveal by Murderers? Hm, well, I guess it's up to them really. So I don't care if they do or not.


I personally plan to take a very straightforward approach to this game. I'm also planning to advocate lots of voting for this game, since I think it can be more useful than it generally is in the games here.


(El, my character is trying to killfind L remember?  :ph34r: So it's perfectly logical. Something that's not logical is you voting on me for changing my avatar when you just did so yourself. :P)


Bugsy, how's it going? Get a new notebook lately? Or have you given a notebook to anyone?  :ph34r:

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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