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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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Just read through those Tumblr posts now. 


"Don't quote MLK if you're white"? I….I….I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :mellow: 


Though it is encouraging to see that even some Tumblrians don't take them seriously. 



...can...can I see your Batfic? That would be great.

Honestly, I need to write more fanfiction. I mean, there's a lot of MLP stuff I wanna write, but I've found a few other shows and stuff I want to do...

(And I still wanna do an Arrow/Shield crossover...)

Any recommendations for sites to find quality fiction?



I, um, I wrote it eight years ago, so I'm not very proud of it. And it's unfinished. I might go back and rewrite it, because I really do like the Bruce/Harley ship, but it's really not my best work. 

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I, um, I wrote it eight years ago, so I'm not very proud of it. And it's unfinished. I might go back and rewrite it, because I really do like the Bruce/Harley ship, but it's really not my best work. 



This is the first I've heard of the Bruce/Harley ship, and I already like it. :ph34r:

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Has anyone else read or heard of "William Shakespeare's Star Wars"? Basically, it's the Star Wars series (excluding the Force Awakens, as of right now) re-written into a play as though William Shakespeare had written them. They are absolutely hilarious and fantastic, and you should all go check it out.


Oh yes, I love those books! I recommend them to pretty much anyone who says they like Shakespeare. Since the anniversary of Shakespeare's death was recently, GoodReads had a Shakespeare week with some goodies from authors who write Shakespeare-related stuff, including one from Ian Doescher. It's pretty funny.

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Favorite quote from Twimom's blog this week: 


 However, when driving, I stick almost exclusively to Christian music. There are reasons for this. The goody-two-shoes spiritual reason is that I have kids who are usually with me in the car. Even the best secular music frequently presents questionable philosophies in a very appealing manner. Young minds are simply not prepared to make sense of those messages from a Christian worldview.


Smug superiority in own taste, false self-deprecation, and age-related condescension all wrapped into one elitist paragraph. 10/10, would roll eyes at again. 

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You know, I've heard similar reasoning in relation to Jewish music, anti-movies etc. (not usually so age condescending though). I tend to just shrug and move on. Not my worldview, it's not directly effecting me, if that's how they want to live, they're welcome to it.

Twi, why are you still reading her blog? It can't be healthy for you. :(

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You know, I've heard similar reasoning in relation to Jewish music, anti-movies etc. (not usually so age condescending though). I tend to just shrug and move on. Not my worldview, it's not directly effecting me, if that's how they want to live, they're welcome to it.

Twi, why are you still reading her blog? It can't be healthy for you. :(

I do that for the most part, but what gets me about my mom and people who share her reasoning is that they want to foist their way of thinking on everyone else. Not people outside the church, but anyone who claims to be a Christian. They'd probably be happy if Hollywood shifted entirely to Christian movies and radios played nothing but Christian music, and the unspoken assumption is that everyone else should want that, too. FOR THE CHILDREN. :rolleyes:

It's actually helping me solidify my own views. Reading her blog reminds me of precisely what I disagree with, and allows me to think about what I might believe, as opposed to just what I don't believe. If she starts talking about me or my siblings, though, I'll stop reading.

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I do that for the most part, but what gets me about my mom and people who share her reasoning is that they want to foist their way of thinking on everyone else. Not people outside the church, but anyone who claims to be a Christian. They'd probably be happy if Hollywood shifted entirely to Christian movies and radios played nothing but Christian music, and the unspoken assumption is that everyone else should want that, too. FOR THE CHILDREN. :rolleyes:

It's actually helping me solidify my own views. Reading her blog reminds me of precisely what I disagree with, and allows me to think about what I might believe, as opposed to just what I don't believe. If she starts talking about me or my siblings, though, I'll stop reading.

that...makes a lot of sense. How could I have doubted you? Hoowwww?!??

Honor Spren, I saw a post that is simultaneously genius, and reflects really sadly on the elections.

It goes like this: if you're feeling down on yourself, all those terrible things you're saying to yourself, imagine Trump was saying them.


Trump: you're thighs are too fat and your face is ugly

Me: Storm you and storm what you think a person should look like, go hide behind your racist wall, I'm fabulous.

It works.....and this is the man running for president. Ugh.

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At this point, I'm almost hoping Donald Trump wins the Presidential Election.


Not because I support his policies, you understand. I think he is one of the most annoying, loudmouthed, crass, politically inept blowhards I have ever seen on teleivison. And I used to watch Jeremy Kyle.



Donald Trump is basically a cartoon character. In fact, he's a mad, xenophobic billionaire with a bad haircut running for president.

Sounds familiar.


So, if we live in a world where Lex Luthor Donald Trump can become president, we live in a comic book universe. Which could be awesome.

...You know, so long as we don't all die in the fires of nuclear war first. That's the worst way to get super powers. 

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I don't think Trump will be able to do anything if he becomes president. The politicians can't stand him, and are going to do their best to block his every action. Of course, he can and will ruin all foreign relations.


"Marshall has made his decision. Let him now enforce it." --Andrew Jackson, saying something eerily similar to how Trump will probably respond to Congress and the Supreme Court blocking his actions

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I can just imagine Trump saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and starting a nuclear war G-D forbid.

Quiver, if this is a comic universe, now we be a good time for the superheroes to show up

sometimes, you have to help the heroes along.


















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sometimes, you have to help the heroes along.



















Good news everyone! I'm starting a patreon, where you can all donate to help me fund my one-man war on crime!


Donations start at $5.  $10 and I'll use the catchphrase of your choice when taking down people with my trusty bow and arrow.


...Actually, huh. Crowdsourcing superhero. That... might be an idea to file away for later.

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Good news everyone! I'm starting a patreon, where you can all donate to help me fund my one-man war on crime!


Donations start at $5.  $10 and I'll use the catchphrase of your choice when taking down people with my trusty bow and arrow.


...Actually, huh. Crowdsourcing superhero. That... might be an idea to file away for later.


You know....that's actually one of the more plausible ideas--aside from making a character independently wealthy--to provide a hero with the funding necessary for their heroics. 


Yes. Idea. Good. This one. File away. 

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In other news, the spam bots are back.


Ouch. I'm hurt you would describe me that wa-


Oh, right. Babaji. Nevermind.


You know....that's actually one of the more plausible ideas--aside from making a character independently wealthy--to provide a hero with the funding necessary for their heroics. 


Yes. Idea. Good. This one. File away. 


Huzzah! Twiapproval!


It would actually really fit a socialist, Green Arrow type character...

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I could....um....bake brownies and mashed potatoes? Then, while Trump is distracted by a misogynist rant about how real women stay in the kitchen, the heroes with useful powers could take him out!

this is a fascinating idea. I may know people who refer to a roast as a grenade. :ph34r:

In Hebrew, pomegranate and grenade are literally the same word......

If anything goes wrong we can fall back on Rapunzel's trusty frying pan.

Though a superhero with actual influence might help more than raw power......Tony Stark? Maybe? We can make like a polyjuice potion that makes people smarter and kinder and spike the national waterways with it....

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