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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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Maybe Mug could be the East Coast equivalent, those states being the original British colonies. Skeppie could be more of a Midwestern thing, with the West Coast shortening it to Skep.

This sounds cools to me.

Morzathoth, what does Schadenfreude mean?

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Add Preacher to that list.


Am I the only one who sees the irony in Cosmere fans complaining about Marvel and DC being 'messy'?

Cosmere is pretty simple and straightforward when compared with alternate multiverses with multiple reboots and crossovers.

In fact, my cousin borrowed me Preacher so I soon I will read it ^^

At least Brandon never had Elend turn out to be working for TLR all along, and reveal it to Vin at the tail end of the second book for shock value. <_<

Just another cheap trick. It will turn out to be mind control or another alternate history cause from what I've heard there was some collision with alternate universe...? And before that Doom was a god...? I don't even bother to keep up.

Anyway, weird plotwists are one thing, but I'm talking about all that comicbook plot-logic. I recently read a nice article summing up Civil War in comics and I was like "Uh, really? They should take half of what they sniff."


Morzathoth, what does Schadenfreude mean?

It means deriving happiness/pleasure from misfortune of others.

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Is it unhelpful if I chime in with 'i like Jay's?' :ph34r:

Heck, comparing them to birds could even be an insult. Caged in the mundane world, and none too bright to boot...


Most birds are actually smarter than people give them credit for. Crows, ravens, and magpies (which are related to each other) have been known to not only use tools, but make them. And many parrots not only remember large vocabularies of words but apparently understand what they mean too.


Check out this video of a crow (raven?) sledding down a roof:




Some of my favorite moments with Spike are the ones where he's not acting like your typical murderous vampire. Those moments become more frequent as the show progresses. :D


Schadenfreude is one of my favorite German words. One of my other favorites is Schnurrbart. It means moustache.

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Most birds are actually smarter than people give them credit for. Crows, ravens, and magpies (which are related to each other) have been known to not only use tools, but make them. And many parrots not only remember large vocabularies of words but apparently understand what they mean too.


Check out this video of a crow (raven?) sledding down a roof:




Some of my favorite moments with Spike are the ones where he's not acting like your typical murderous vampire. Those moments become more frequent as the show progresses. :D


Schadenfreude is one of my favorite German words. One of my other favorites is Schnurrbart. It means moustache.


Scientists are just now beginning to figure out exactly how intelligent birds are, and it's fascinating. There's one girl in Seattle who has become the Queen of the Crows—she'll leave them food, and they bring her gifts. Once, while taking pictures, her mom lost her camera lens cap. They came home to find it waiting for them, washed and ready to go. Video confirmed that one of the crows had brought the lens cap back and washed it in the birdbath. 


However, the common conception for years was that birds were dumb (hence, the insult "birdbrain") so I think Jay would fit. It also has the advantage of irony: Just like birds are smarter than humans realized, Muggles are more intelligent than wizards give them credit for. 


Oh goody. :D I loved when he started pouring out his heart to Buffy's mom. That was just so absurdly perfect.

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I heard about that girl and the crows! Isn't it awesome? There was a news story recently about a mother Canada goose in Cincinnati, Ohio, who sought out a police officer to help get her gosling untangled from a balloon string.


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ConQuesT Part 2:


Yesterday was panels.  Lots of panels.  And minioning for Julie.  And bidding on art.  So much art.  I, er, wound up winning most of what I bid on, too.  I am taking home a metric crem-ton of art.  (And not all of it is Julie's.  But some of it is.  Well, about half of it is.  Yeah.  She's really, really good.)


For dinner last night I took Julie to a local sushi place where my husband joined us and we stuffed ourselves silly.  Because sushi.  And also bubble tea.


We returned back to the con in time for me to meander down to the gaming hall and join the Texas Hold 'Em tournament.  I was one of two women who decided to play.  There was one guy who jokingly said something like, "Girls can't play poker!"  He wound up coming in third.


I won second place.


The other lady won first place.


(I originally thought his statement to be rather offensive, but I later found out the whole story.  This guy was once beaten in a poker tournament by an 11-year-old girl, thus it was a joke at his expense.  Still, dude, maybe that is context necessary for us to learn about when you make these jokes, so we don't wind up quite so satisfied when we destroy you at the table.)


Today was more panels, paying for art (ouch, but really, it's all so good!), and closing ceremonies.  I bought a couple of books from a local author I've seen around, and helped a bit with closing down the art show, popped down to gaming a bit and played a game of Pirate Flux, put in an appearance at the Dead Dog party, and am now ready to collapse.


It's been a fantastic convention; not a huge one, but I kind of prefer it that way.  I've been approached to possibly be the head liaison wrangler for next year, and I think I'll go ahead and do it.  If I'm wrangling the wranglers and not a GoH myself, then I'll have a bit more time to pitch in with some more of the setup stuff.


Tomorrow will be packing up, taking Julie to the airport for her journey home, and then going home myself.  Where I will snuggle James and then we will FINALLY go see Civil War.  And then I will sleep for a week.


Wait, no, I have to be back at work on Tuesday.


I really need to not ever try to do three conventions in five weeks again, because I am le tired.

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American names for Muggles, round two. 


Jays (used to be slang for "fool," but now it just sounds like the bird)

Mugs (just shorten Muggle! No one will notice :ph34r:

Jades ('cause they're all jaded….get it? Get it?????) 




Screw it. They will be called Parkhursts, after the name of some historical figure or other I glimpsed in the book I'm reading. 



Just call 'em skeptics? Or skeppies?

why not all of them? its america. we do what we want



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You have been visited by Pugdalf the Grey.




You may now go on an adventure.

I'm running an RPG adventure on another forum.

I started it a little differently than the book laid out, so I could introduce the characters and the setting and get the players invested.

They are currently planning a jailbreak and I don't know how things got so far off the rail.

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I'm no longer on Tumblr, but I suddenly want to write a fanfic for this. I have no idea what I'd write, but I want to write something. :mellow:

Honestly, I've seen so few Jewish characters in anything that I don't even know what to write. It's a problem.

My friends did once make a paper Cap shield with a Star of David in the centre...

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I'm running an RPG adventure on another forum.

I started it a little differently than the book laid out, so I could introduce the characters and the setting and get the players invested.

They are currently planning a jailbreak and I don't know how things got so far off the rail.

I warned you that things would get off-rail. Now you need a ten-foot guard pug to chase them down after the escape and drag them back to the adventure proper. :ph34r:


I'm no longer on Tumblr, but I suddenly want to write a fanfic for this. I have no idea what I'd write, but I want to write something. :mellow:

The multiverse collaps and all Captain Americas from every continuity ever emerge to 'educate' the version of them that went astray in his ways? :ph34r:

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Honestly, I've seen so few Jewish characters in anything that I don't even know what to write. It's a problem.

My friends did once make a paper Cap shield with a Star of David in the centre...


So after giving it a few minutes' thought, I have some jumbled ideas—winter, a military chapel service on one of the European fronts, revisionist history, this song, Cap's faith and Judaism. 


Delightful, what would you think of collaborating a bit? I had an idea—more the seed of an idea—for a Jewish superhero present in Europe alongside Cap, but who's often written out of official accounts for one reason or another. Revisionist history would be a factor, though him being under deep cover occurred to me as well. 

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I was witness to bird murder (birder?) in the church's front yard the other Sunday. My brother called me over to see a large bird sitting in the grass--a bird which turned out to be a falcon. Said falcon took one look at us and flew away, a clump of something ruffled and feathery grasped in its talons.



Apparently, the church is not a place of sanctuary if you happen to be a sparrow. -_-

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I was witness to bird murder (birder?) in the church's front yard the other Sunday. My brother called me over to see a large bird sitting in the grass--a bird which turned out to be a falcon. Said falcon took one look at us and flew away, a clump of something ruffled and feathery grasped in its talons.



Apparently, the church is not a place of sanctuary if you happen to be a sparrow. -_-

I guess you could say this was murder most fowl.

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why not all of them? its america. we do what we want



Well, it was more like "we'll kill you while you're drunk on Christmas," but whatever. :P


Speaking of such, one of my favorite stories from the Revolutionary War is when the American troops were being bombarded by British cannons and so they decided the obvious solution was to go steal them.


They got away with 21 of the 24 cannons.

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Well, it was more like "we'll kill you while you're drunk on Christmas," but whatever. :P


Speaking of such, one of my favorite stories from the Revolutionary War is when the American troops were being bombarded by British cannons and so they decided the obvious solution was to go steal them.


They got away with 21 of the 24 cannons.


I would love to hear the conversation leading to that plan. 


"We're losing men to those cannons!" 

"Well, why don't we go take the cannons?" 

"Steal the cannons." 

"Yes. Then we have cannons, and they do not have cannons. It's foolproof." 


America: Succeeding with the best bad ideas since 1776. :P 

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I would love to hear the conversation leading to that plan. 


"We're losing men to those cannons!" 

"Well, why don't we go take the cannons?" 

"Steal the cannons." 

"Yes. Then we have cannons, and they do not have cannons. It's foolproof." 


America: Succeeding with the best bad ideas since 1776. :P

Now you see why Washington was so reluctant to give Hamilton command. :P

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