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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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Whelp, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum has mentioned #SayNoToHYDRACap. 




They're not officially taking sides, but with this many people donating in protest, Marvel would have to be staffed exclusively with morons to let the twist stick. 







Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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Whelp, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum has mentioned #SayNoToHYDRACap. 




They're not officially taking sides, but with this many people donating in protest, Marvel would have to be staffed exclusively with morons to let the twist stick. 







Yeah, from what I heard of the behind the scenes work the Hydra Cap situation is motivated a good deal by wanting to stirr up a buzz for his 75th anniversary. (Naturally I can't look into their heads to tell just how much of the reason it is.) Of ourse then there's this statement: .https://twitter.com/nickspencer/status/736700383737745408

Sure, them talking about it is a good thing but people fighting for the right cause doesn't make the wrong action they are fighting against right. It just shows that people care.

Edit: Oh and reflecting on Trump's current influence on politics, so blame him for that as well. :ph34r:

Edited by Edgedancer
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Yeah, from what I heard of the behind the scenes work the Hydra Cap situation is motivated a good deal by wanting to stirr up a buzz for his 75th anniversary. (Naturally I can't look into their heads to tell just how much of the reason it is.) Of ourse then there's this statement: .https://twitter.com/nickspencer/status/736700383737745408

Sure, them talking about it is a good thing but people fighting for the right cause doesn't make the wrong action they are fighting against right. It just shows that people care.

Edit: Oh and reflecting on Trump's current influence on politics, so blame him for that as well. :ph34r:


Wonder if starting a #FireNickSpencer hashtag would be too over the top. <_<

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Wonder if starting a #FireNickSpencer hashtag would be too over the top. <_<

Probably, I mean for one I have no idea how much is actually himself and how much is him standing up for editorial mandate (if someone knows feel free to tell). Plus, the story isn't over yet, so while the reveal was definetly handled badly and for shock value, we don't have the entire picture yet.

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I've heard of Charlie! Do you know roughly when she turns up?

:lol: quality could go down if they like, start growing ugly beards or something. Sam and Dean already have the awful shirt thing going on (seriously, yellow with stripes? Ugh) so they can't get much worse on the clothing front. :P

Tbh one of my favourite episodes was the one with the phantom ship, and the British girl and Dean are on a "date" as a cover to go to the party in the house the model ship was kept in. And Dean comes downstairs all awkwardly in his tux, and the British girl makes some semi suggestive comment, and he blushes and goes all "ah, don't objectify me!"

So Dean the womaniser doesn't like being objectified. Huh.


Um...later?  ish?  Erm, it'll be a couple seasons, I think.

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On the whole cap thing, I can't say anything either way. I haven't read the issue nor am I hugely invested in his character but i can see why others would be raging mad over it. I just see it as another plot device, similarly to handing over the mantle of Thor to Jane Foster, or Bendis writing teen Iceman as gay. To me it's just the beginning chapter of the story, similarly when we read preview chapters from Brandon.

And I really need to watch season 11 of supernatural, (even though I had the ending g spoiled without context)

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I have to endure an all day wedding and reception. Help.


Some things you can do….


  • If you are wearing a suit, pretend you're a member of the Secret Service. If you're wearing slacks and a nice shirt, pretend you're a plainclothes cop. Seek out suspicious activity among the guests. 
  • During the ceremony, imagine what would happen if ninjas crashed the wedding. Would any guests escape? 
  • If ninjas are boring, imagine zombies. 
  • Better yet, ninja zombies. 
  • Haunt the chocolate fountain. Unless there's no chocolate fountain, in which case just be sad? I guess? 
  • During the dance, pretend you're a judge on Dancing with the Stars. Rate each couple from 1 to 10. Make snarky comments in your head. 
  • Eat cake. 
  • Eat MORE cake. 
  • Um….
  • …yeah, not sure what else there is. 

Do you know the couple? Or are they more your parents' friends? 

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I have to endure an all day wedding and reception. Help.

If it's any consolation, last year I had to participate in an all-day wedding and reception. I was a bridesmaid for my sister's wedding, which meant I had to stand still for a couple hours while people talked about love and dinosaurs.


It was not fun.

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Mistrunner, dinosaurs??

Um, yes. There was a thing they had someone read about dinosaurs falling in love? And it wasn't even fun, rampaging dinosaurs. Just strange metaphors.


Found it! It's called A Lovely Love Story by Edward Monkton. I'm not sure how much of my dislike of it comes from its actual content and how much came from me having to stand through its reading. In any case, it was kinda weird.

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Yeah, from what I heard of the behind the scenes work the Hydra Cap situation is motivated a good deal by wanting to stirr up a buzz for his 75th anniversary. (Naturally I can't look into their heads to tell just how much of the reason it is.) Of ourse then there's this statement: .https://twitter.com/nickspencer/status/736700383737745408

Sure, them talking about it is a good thing but people fighting for the right cause doesn't make the wrong action they are fighting against right. It just shows that people care.

Edit: Oh and reflecting on Trump's current influence on politics, so blame him for that as well. :ph34r:

Well. Apparently:

1) In Cap's last appearance, he had a run in with the (telepathic) Red Skull, who used his mind control powers to disguise himself and gloated about wanting to keep Cap alive for,"my greatest victory!"

2) The reason for HydraCap is revealed in issue 2. So, yes, I'm saying it's a feint or mind control.

3)Stan Lee and Jack Kirkby wrote a story way back in the early days of the character where the Red Skull brainwashed Cap and Cap saluted Hitler. On panel.

The story ended with the power of democracy getting through to Steve so, you know. Precedence.

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Well. Apparently:

1) In Cap's last appearance, he had a run in with the (telepathic) Red Skull, who used his mind control powers to disguise himself and gloated about wanting to keep Cap alive for,"my greatest victory!"

2) The reason for HydraCap is revealed in issue 2. So, yes, I'm saying it's a feint or mind control.

3)Stan Lee and Jack Kirkby wrote a story way back in the early days of the character where the Red Skull brainwashed Cap and Cap saluted Hitler. On panel.

The story ended with the power of democracy getting through to Steve so, you know. Precedence.

You know, the more I dig through the entire situation the less I think the problem (or even reason for outcry) is with the comics/story itself and more with the writer making the most misleading statements possible if not outright lying and not being ready for people actually believing what he's saying. Certainly not the best handling of the situation, if they didn't want the attention for whatever reason possible, be it the anniversary, overshadowing DC's Rebirth, political or something else entirely.


Although, his mental powers come from implanting Xavier's brain into his head, right? That really sounds like something that should backfire on him.

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You know, the more I dig through the entire situation the less I think the problem (or even reason for outcry) is with the comics/story itself and more with the writer making the most misleading statements possible if not outright lying and not being ready for people actually believing what he's saying. Certainly not the best handling of the situation, if they didn't want the attention for whatever reason possible, be it the anniversary, overshadowing DC's Rebirth, political or something else entirely.

Although, his mental powers come from implanting Xavier's brain into his head, right? That really sounds like something that should backfire on him.

Considering Dan Slott sent the entire Superior Spider-Man run insisting that Peter Parker is really dead, for super real guys, yes.

Comic book writers areliars. I believe nothing until it's printed on page, and even then, I am suspicious.

Heck, Dick Grayson got ousted at Nightwing in a 'permanent decision!'...which is getting reversed next month.


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Considering Dan Slott sent the entire Superior Spider-Man run insisting that Peter Parker is really dead, for super real guys, yes.

Comic book writers areliars. I believe nothing until it's printed on page, and even then, I am suspicious.

Heck, Duck Grays got ousted at Nightwing in a 'permanent decision!'...which is getting reversed next month.


That's where I appreciate RAFOs. They at least allow Brandon to talk about just about anything, while not having to make up crem workarounds about spoilers without risking alienating his fanbase.

I just find the entire attitude somewhere between entertaining in a very black comedy way, worrying and just confusing why people think it's a good idea.

Edited by Edgedancer
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Hey Twi I'm not sure why your rep would've gone down. I'll investigate.

On the upgraded site the software will recount everyone's rep so it should reflect accurately on the total reputation across all posts. This might mean people's rep goes slight down in case of deleted topics, which won't contribute to rep totals. But if say I deleted a topic now it doesn't take away the rep total until I press the "recount reputation totals" button, so I really can't see why it would've decreased. I'll investigate.

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Hey Twi I'm not sure why your rep would've gone down. I'll investigate.

On the upgraded site the software will recount everyone's rep so it should reflect accurately on the total reputation across all posts. This might mean people's rep goes slight down in case of deleted topics, which won't contribute to rep totals. But if say I deleted a topic now it doesn't take away the rep total until I press the "recount reputation totals" button, so I really can't see why it would've decreased. I'll investigate.


No rush in my case. :) Like I said before, it's still a ridiculously high number, and the main reason I noticed is because I was about to beat Kobold. :ph34r:

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