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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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12 hours ago, Delightful said:

Who was Charlemagne? He's in my mental list of 'names of important people I know nothing about". 

What Honor Spren said.

10 hours ago, Mestiv said:

I've heard the same thing about Genghis Khan :P

For much the same reason.

There's a mathematical method applicable to genealogy that shows for any given person, they will trend to becoming either the ancestor of everybody, or the ancestor of nobody.  Certain individuals make it to "ancestor of everybody" faster than others.

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19 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

What Honor Spren said.

For much the same reason.

There's a mathematical method applicable to genealogy that shows for any given person, they will trend to becoming either the ancestor of everybody, or the ancestor of nobody.  Certain individuals make it to "ancestor of everybody" faster than others.

When reading some book about archeology I've read that  there might be a woman that we sre all ancestors of. Like a biblical Eve. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve

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7 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

You all really need to polish your history.

How come (almost) none of you knew about Charlemagne and Genghis Khan?

Nec' minute you'll all be like. Adolf who? Bonaparte? Lionheart?

Don't disparage people for not knowing something. What one person might consider common knowledge might be brand new information to another. It all depends on the sources you were raised with and given in school. :)

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32 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Don't disparage people for not knowing something. What one person might consider common knowledge might be brand new information to another. It all depends on the sources you were raised with and given in school. :)

Oh I meant it for the lols, didn't intend to disparage. I agree with you totally tho

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3 hours ago, Mestiv said:

When reading some book about archeology I've read that  there might be a woman that we sre all ancestors of. Like a biblical Eve. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve

There is an interesting short story by Jacek Dukaj, "Przyjaciel Prawdy. Dialog idei" (translation: "Friend of truth. Dialogue of ideas"). I think you may find it interesting :) (You may find it in anthology "Xavras Wyżryn i inne fikcje narodowe")

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12 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

@TwiLyghtSansSparkles @Delightful if you are interested in holocaust and concentration camps, you may want to read about Witold Pilecki, Polish officer who voluntarily let Nazis take him to Auschwitz to find out what's going on there and to prepare some form of resistance. 

:o I've never heard of him before guess I have some reading to do. 

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2 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

You all really need to polish your history.

How come (almost) none of you knew about Charlemagne and Genghis Khan?

Nec' minute you'll all be like. Adolf who? Bonaparte? Lionheart?

I've heard of them! Good old Age of Empires and Robin Hood. And Bible Prophecy!

9 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

Wasn't he one of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire?

Edit: Nope! I was wrong.

No you were right - this was the next sentence, basically, in wikipedia:


From 800, he became the first Holy Roman Emperor — the first recognized emperor in Western Europe since the fall of the Western Roman Empire three centuries earlier.


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Well, I've read a bit about Pilecki, and I've reached a conclusion. 

Writers often create characters so ridiculously badchull that they're thought to strain credulity. Were Pilecki a work of fiction, he would be one of those characters. A man so insanely brave that he'd make skeptical readers call bull. :o

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I have a new hero. 

Pilecki was freaking insanely amazing. 


Edit: and this research led me to the Pogorski sisters, then aged 16 and 6 who rented a house to hide Jews in for years. 

I am wow. 

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Is anyone here familiar with nooks? For some the entire touchscreen is unresponsive, no matter what I do. 

Also, a while back, all my PDFs were deleted from iBooks. Going back to the page and selection open in iBooks won't work either. At best, it'll open for five seconds before deleting again. 


Can an any of the more technical people here help with either of these problems?

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Faith in humanity +1 saw someone reading a book on public transport. 


Faith in humanity -99999998

(I just need to say this you probably don't want to read it)

seriously. We're talking major gross objectification I wish I hadn't seen.

okay so I was in one of those shops that sell bits and pieces of things, touristy merchandise, dress up costumes, notebooks, gardening tools etc. and up the back near avenger minions was.......


squishy balls shaped and coloured like a human female breast. Complete with nipples. Marketed as 'squeezable'. I feel so sick. 

I left the shop immediately but I now kind of which if stayed and yelled at the guy for selling such a monstrosity. 

Like I'm actually still gagging at it. 


Im sorry guys. I just couldn't keep this one bottled up. I feel so sick.

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16 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Faith in humanity +1 saw someone reading a book on public transport. 


Faith in humanity -99999998

(I just need to say this you probably don't want to read it)


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seriously. We're talking major gross objectification I wish I hadn't seen.

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okay so I was in one of those shops that sell bits and pieces of things, touristy merchandise, dress up costumes, notebooks, gardening tools etc. and up the back near avenger minions was.......


squishy balls shaped and coloured like a human female breast. Complete with nipples. Marketed as 'squeezable'. I feel so sick. 

I left the shop immediately but I now kind of which if stayed and yelled at the guy for selling such a monstrosity. 

Like I'm actually still gagging at it. 


Im sorry guys. I just couldn't keep this one bottled up. I feel so sick.



I almost want to down vote your post. That is just so bad. I don't have adequate words.

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4 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:


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I almost want to down vote your post. That is just so bad. I don't have adequate words.



I told my (religious, modesty valuing) parents hoping for sympathy. Their reaction is "welcome to 21st century adulthood what do you expect people are gross sorry you're so innocent and scarred."

No no no no then I want OUT. That is not an adulthood a agree to be part of. 

Edited by Delightful
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A friend of the family's parent was moving from a house to a nursing home, and was giving away a lot of books. We were told they had some Christie books they wanted to give away. We said yes. It turns out "some Christie Books" is basically her complete works. Visual representation:


I have a bit of reading to get done...

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4 hours ago, Delightful said:

Faith in humanity +1 saw someone reading a book on public transport. 


Faith in humanity -99999998

(I just need to say this you probably don't want to read it)


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seriously. We're talking major gross objectification I wish I hadn't seen.

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okay so I was in one of those shops that sell bits and pieces of things, touristy merchandise, dress up costumes, notebooks, gardening tools etc. and up the back near avenger minions was.......


squishy balls shaped and coloured like a human female breast. Complete with nipples. Marketed as 'squeezable'. I feel so sick. 

I left the shop immediately but I now kind of which if stayed and yelled at the guy for selling such a monstrosity. 

Like I'm actually still gagging at it. 


Im sorry guys. I just couldn't keep this one bottled up. I feel so sick.



If it's any consolation, unless the guy behind the counter owned the shop, the chances he chose to sell those things are slim. So he could be as disgusted by them as you are. I mean, he could not be, but he could also wish he worked in a place that didn't sell those things. The decision was likely made by the shop owner or, if it's a chain, by corporate. 

Unfortunately, the flip side of human creativity and all the wonders it's produced is that we can create some pretty repulsive things sometimes. :/ I think the most productive way to counter it is to celebrate the good where we see it, and give the bad as little attention as possible. Most trolls function on the notion that no publicity is bad publicity, and stone cold silence drives them bonkers.

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6 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


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If it's any consolation, unless the guy behind the counter owned the shop, the chances he chose to sell those things are slim. So he could be as disgusted by them as you are. I mean, he could not be, but he could also wish he worked in a place that didn't sell those things. The decision was likely made by the shop owner or, if it's a chain, by corporate. 

Unfortunately, the flip side of human creativity and all the wonders it's produced is that we can create some pretty repulsive things sometimes. :/ I think the most productive way to counter it is to celebrate the good where we see it, and give the bad as little attention as possible. Most trolls function on the notion that no publicity is bad publicity, and stone cold silence drives them bonkers.


I...I find the squeezy amusing.  Of course, I have the sense of humor of a 12-year-old boy, so this probably surprises nobody.

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