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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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6 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:


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the employers of the DNA test firm just couldn't be bothered to do their paper work?:huh:




Like Harry "I'm Too Distraught Over My Strained Relationship with My Youngest Son to Read a Few Important Files" Potter. <_< Setting a great example there, Mister Head of Magical Law Enforcement.


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Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


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Like Harry "I'm Too Distraught Over My Strained Relationship with My Youngest Son to Read a Few Important Files" Potter. <_< Setting a great example there, Mister Head of Magical Law Enforcement.



I refuse accepting that Harry gets away with it for being that special, so clearly the wizarding world just doesn't care about paperwork in general.


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Just now, Edgedancer said:
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I refuse accepting that Harry gets away with it for being that special, so clearly the wizarding world just doesn't care about paperwork in general.


He can get away with anything because he's that special. After all, he's Potter with his scar and his broomstick

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Just now, Edgedancer said:
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I refuse accepting that Harry gets away with it for being that special, so clearly the wizarding world just doesn't care about paperwork in general.



That's probably the more likely conclusion. My guess as to why Harry gets away with it: Thorne and Rowling have no idea just how important paperwork is to LEOs (doubly so for top brass) and so they didn't consider how disastrous it'd be if the Head of MLEO didn't read a few files  


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Ya know, thinking about Cursed Child, I'd really like to know exactly what input J.K had to it.

It's "based on a story" by Rowling, but written by other people... but what does "based on" actually mean? I mean... look at recent superhero films. Batman v Superman is "based on" the Dark Knight Returns, but there are huge differences in the portrayals involved there. 

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I really need to get a copy of CC.... 

cause then I can at least read the pages upon pages of CC spoilers in this thread hahahaha. This is far worse than when a new marvel movie or cosmere novel comes out.... [spoiler/]

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8 minutes ago, ScottLeft said:

I really need to get a copy of CC.... 


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cause then I can at least read the pages upon pages of CC spoilers in this thread hahahaha. This is far worse than when a new marvel movie or cosmere novel comes out.... [spoiler/]

I'm reading spoilers and honestly I don't think it's going to negatively impact my view of CC when I actually get a copy. If anything it's giving me a more realistic view of what to expect. Buuut that's me. 

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18 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

So, my question is: How can I portray a happy family dynamic well, especially without making it saccharine? I've got dysfunctional family dynamics down pat, but I'm trying to write a happy family and not only is it stumping me, but….I find it kind of boring? Yet the happy family is central to the story and its themes, so I can't just go "Screw it, here comes Dysfunction Junction." 

So if your family is a happy one, what's it like? 

I'm a bit late to this conversation, but if you want an example of a happy family, just watch Leave it to Beaver! :P

In all seriousness, what everybody else said is right. You may argue, and you may say you despise your parent/sibling/whatever, but in the end you completely forget about it and play some stupid games together.

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Read Umbrella Academy, thanks everyone

Im reading the spoilers anyway, I have no interest in reading The Cursed Child.

If you google for the daughter of The Church of Satan and scroll down far enough you end up getting pictures of Taylor Swift. Im not sure how to react to this.

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1 hour ago, Mistrunner said:

You may argue, and you may say you despise your parent/sibling/whatever, but in the end you completely forget about it and play some stupid games together.

I do not agree completely. Few things are less enraging that people expecting you to completely forget how angry you are because of something they did an hour later. I'm not a goldfish! The North... I remember!

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23 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

Another quote from my mother:

"Don't die in my kitchen. You'll ruin the pie."

If you're wondering why I was dying in the kitchen, it has something to do with a summer project for English on Lord of the Flies.

That sounds exactly like something my mom would say. 0.0

20 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

So, my question is: How can I portray a happy family dynamic well, especially without making it saccharine? I've got dysfunctional family dynamics down pat, but I'm trying to write a happy family and not only is it stumping me, but….I find it kind of boring? Yet the happy family is central to the story and its themes, so I can't just go "Screw it, here comes Dysfunction Junction." 

So if your family is a happy one, what's it like? 

There will be bickering, but it won't matter after a little while. Also, don't forget about banter. Steelborn and I trash talk each other on a regular basis, but I'd consider him to be my best friend. Brothers will still pick on each other and the youngest child will still throw tantrums, but after an hour or so, they'll go back to playing together. 

19 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

What about when one or both of the parents get angry with one or more of the kids? Again, I know what happens in a dysfunctional family—there might be shouting or lectures, but the kids get blamed for the parent's bad mood and a slew of other things, the kids are probably cried at, accused of trying to upset their parents, accused of lying when they refute the charges, probably bought to tears and yelled at for crying, punished for fighting back, etc., etc., and when it's all over, the kids are expected to forgive and forget as soon as the parents want to see the smiling faces of their offspring. But in a healthy family…..it's hard for me to imagine a situation with an angry parent having a happy ending. :mellow: 

When a parent gets yells in my family, its almost always for one of these three reasons: 1. The kids refuse to do what the parent asks (get ready for bed, help clean the kitchen, etc.), a kid is throwing a fit and the parent has had enough, or the kids are bickering again and the parent has had enough. Parents still have bad days and does get mad at their children over something that doesn't matter very much, but the difference is that afterwards the parent apologizes for snapping at them and one of the kids tells them it's fine or apologizes in return. They share a hug and go on with their day. Because in the end, silly disagreements don't matter. What matters is that they love each other.

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Does anybody know which time amazon operates on? I mean, it says "arriving by 8pm"... But which timezone is it? I mean, my timezone is 8 hours ahead of America. I don't know whether amazon defaults to the timezone of my current location or what...

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@Oversleep I know that in the USA Amazon operates on Eastern time, at least with regards to delivering preordered ebooks. (I.e. the book arrives at my Kindle at midnight Eastern time the morning of its release date, which is 10pm the night before in my local time since I'm 2 timeZones to the west.)

But I would think that since Amazon has your shipping address, it would use your local time for purposes of shipping schedules. Plus if it meant 8pm Eastern time, that would be in the middle of the night/ridiculously early morning in Poland, and I doubt anyone's going to be delivering packages at that hour.

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2 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

Plus if it meant 8pm Eastern time, that would be in the middle of the night/ridiculously early morning in Poland, and I doubt anyone's going to be delivering packages at that hour.

Yeah, I know. But maybe amazon just doesn't care for timezones and if it was to be delivered by 8 p.m. tomorrow, it can also mean "by 4 am the day after tomorrow" and since nobody is delivering at that hour I could be expecting it later the day after tomorrow?
Am I overthinking it yet?

I wonder what is the time window for "by 8pm". It's up to 8 p.m., but when is the lower bound?

Oh, and I wonder whether the courier is proficient at usage of GPS or not. Because quite often we get neighbours' mail...
What's more alarming is that I have never received a letter or package when I ordered it to my little "nowhere". I usually have to go a few villages further to the mail's office to get them personally. A few I've never received :unsure:

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Two Halloween costume ideas: 

1) (Wo)Man in Black with Bruce as Frank. I'd have to buy precious little for this costume—mostly just an "I Heart New York" T-shirt for Bruce, as I already have a black pencil skirt and blazer. I'd have to make or buy a neuralyzer, though. 

2) Fem!Teddy Roosevelt. Random, I know, but a comment on iO9 said that "all of the Roosevelts should be cosplayed more" and the thought got lodged in my head. 

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4 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Two Halloween costume ideas: 

1) (Wo)Man in Black with Bruce as Frank. I'd have to buy precious little for this costume—mostly just an "I Heart New York" T-shirt for Bruce, as I already have a black pencil skirt and blazer. I'd have to make or buy a neuralyzer, though. 

2) Fem!Teddy Roosevelt. Random, I know, but a comment on iO9 said that "all of the Roosevelts should be cosplayed more" and the thought got lodged in my head. 

Planning Halloween costumes in August? I approve. Heartily.

I think this year I'm going to do what I did last year, which was Marty McFly--at least while I'm handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. Last year lots of the kids didn't get it, but their parents did. ;) I might wear something different to classes, depending on the weather and how much walking I have to do that day... Possibly 10th Doctor or the Benedict Cumberbatch incarnation of Sherlock. (10th Doctor would not be good costume for lots of walking, since Converse have zero foot support.)

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8 hours ago, Oversleep said:

I do not agree completely. Few things are less enraging that people expecting you to completely forget how angry you are because of something they did an hour later. I'm not a goldfish! The North... I remember!

I was mostly talking about the little arguments that end up forgotten on their own. I know I bickered with my brothers a ton, but I honestly can't remember what any of the arguments were about. (I do have a suspicion that one of them had something do with a piece of notebook paper I found that is titled "Number of times I can poke Brother #3 before he punches me." But that was for science.)

I do remember one time I confronted two of them about my theory that they only got me Transformers for my birthday so they could complete their collection. They looked at me like I had two heads and said "Well, yeah." Conclusion: keep expectations low for birthday presents from siblings. :P

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5 hours ago, Master Elodin said:

..have any of you listened to the song Killer Instinct by Stage Masters? It was recommended to me because I listen to Hamilton a lot and.. I'm not sure about it. It's interesting.

Speeeaaking of Hamilton, this video is the best Hamilton animation I've ever seen:

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15 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

Speeeaaking of Hamilton, this video is the best Hamilton animation I've ever seen:


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We live in a time when a fight between Batman and Superman is boring, while American history is fun and sexy and rebellious. 

It's a good time to be alive. 

Also, there may be a new AKOM chapter coming your way in a few minutes. :ph34r:

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I would dress up as creepily as possible (In my opinion Halloween isnt about looking like something, thats for cosplayers, Halloween is about looking horrifying), but Halloween is sadly barely a thing here  and even if it was I completely lack a social life so I dont have a reason to dress up.

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