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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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I just started my *Official Readthrough* of the Reckoners RPG and by page 2 of the first thread I found this.

On some day(my quote button isn't working), Delightful wrote:

(and don't worry - i'm pretty sure people trying to write Australia are all like KANGAROOS! IN THE STREETS! RIDING THEM TO SCHOOL! which is just...no. I'm not sure those people even try. XD)


*wipes tear from eye* Thank you, Delightful.

I haven't even gotten to the ponies yet!

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21 minutes ago, WayneSpren said:

I just started my *Official Readthrough* of the Reckoners RPG and by page 2 of the first thread I found this.

On some day(my quote button isn't working), Delightful wrote:

(and don't worry - i'm pretty sure people trying to write Australia are all like KANGAROOS! IN THE STREETS! RIDING THEM TO SCHOOL! which is just...no. I'm not sure those people even try. XD)


*wipes tear from eye* Thank you, Delightful.

I haven't even gotten to the ponies yet!

Be careful of such readthroughs, young spren. Many have come to madness. :ph34r: 

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12 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Twi, should we start getting concerned? After all, TVTropes will ruin your life:

Browsing is danegorus enough. You engaged in editing activity. Do you remember to sleep and eat? :P

Mayyybeeee….. :ph34r: 

I actually haven't done a ton of editing, all things considered. Mostly, I've been poking holes in some of Cursed Child's more outlandish points, gaining a strange sense of amusement when fans of the play attempt to defend those points. 


For instance, the "Why did Albus and Scorpius not try to prevent the war, when they went back in time?" question has spawned a few answers. I'll italicize mine. 

  • How come nobody wondered if it would have been a better idea to instead take a piece of paper (or parchment) with a list of horcruxes and their locations, write them down, then time turner themselves outside of Dumbledore's office (or where the order of the phoenix would be), then leave it there and say it is addressed specifically to someone like Dumbledore? If the time is a concern, at least put it in around say, third or fourth year after the diary was destroyed, so that they would know what to look for? Or maybe instead, you know, warn Cedric himself?
    • Because that was never their intention. They only wanted to stop Cedric from dying. Not help defeat Voldemort.
      • But why? That would be akin to someone having the power to go back in time, prevent WWII, the Holocaust, and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki—and then passing up on all of those opportunities so they could save Private Ryan. Is it a good thing to do, on its own? Absolutely. Is it better than preventing a war and saving dozens, if not hundreds, more lives from being needlessly wasted? Absolutely not. And then, of course, there's the fact that if they prevented the war and stopped Voldemort early, they'd save Cedric anyway.
      • DO NO MESS WITH THE TIMELINE. Albus and Scorpius were persuaded that saving Diggory was just a little change with the only consequence of making an old man happy. They never had the intention of rewriting history at large, just saving a spare.
      • But why not? Scorpius and Albus are good people. Both of them have at least one parent who was involved in and psychologically damaged by the war. Both of them grew up hearing stories about people who died far too young, and they certainly learned about the human rights abuses propagated by Voldemort's side (sending Muggleborns to Azkaban, anyone?). What kind of decent person wouldn't want to prevent that? Yes, it would mess with the timeline, but it seems like refusing to prevent the deaths of innocent people when you have the power to do so is more irresponsible than changing history.

That's right. The first defense to "They could have prevented a war, human rights abuses, and the deaths of innocents" was "DO NOT MESS WITH THE TIMELINE." I posted my last answer a few days ago, and no reply as of yet. It's strangely fun, posing questions that go unanswered. :ph34r: 


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4 hours ago, Sunbird said:

More schools need to do cool stuff like Civil War reenactments and archery and cooking and wood shop. I feel like too many kids nowadays are being indoctrinated to think that learning is always boring and stressful and that fun is only to be had when in possession of some sort of screen and an Internet connection.

@Mistrunner You bet! That was easily my favorite class that semester. We watched a lot of clips from various film adaptations of the plays we were studying, and I'm a lot better at reading and understanding Shakespeare now.

Yes  fun stuff but also how to sew buttons and navigate a city and how tax works and actual useful stuff. 

Re Reckoners, I've lost that quote now.....you're welcome :)

twi, a read through.....would it make more sense to read the answers thread and then the rp? Try read them evenly? I'm curious to venture in (I haven't been there much since the early days) but.....what you all have created is indeed a monster. 

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2 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Yes  fun stuff but also how to sew buttons and navigate a city and how tax works and actual useful stuff. 

Re Reckoners, I've lost that quote now.....you're welcome :)

twi, a read through.....would it make more sense to read the answers thread and then the rp? Try read them evenly? I'm curious to venture in (I haven't been there much since the early days) but.....what you all have created is indeed a monster. 

If you want to know what happens when a bunch of zany characters come to Oregon, read the RP. 

If you want to know what happens when a bunch of zany Sharders start a collaborative fanfic, read the Question threads.

The RP threads are the story proper, while the Question threads are discussion, jokes, and ponies. They go together (mostly) but they're two very different beasts.  So however you want to read them is fine. 

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3 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

If you want to know what happens when a bunch of zany characters come to Oregon, read the RP. 

If you want to know what happens when a bunch of zany Sharders start a collaborative fanfic, read the Question threads.

The RP threads are the story proper, while the Question threads are discussion, jokes, and ponies. They go together (mostly) but they're two very different beasts.  So however you want to read them is fine. 

Do I need one to understand the other?

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35 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

If you want to know what happens when a bunch of zany characters come to Oregon, read the RP. 

If you want to know what happens when a bunch of zany Sharders start a collaborative fanfic, read the Question threads.

The RP threads are the story proper, while the Question threads are discussion, jokes, and ponies. They go together (mostly) but they're two very different beasts.  So however you want to read them is fine. 

I'm reading the RP first, though I'm sure the Question threads will contain much ponies.

41 minutes ago, Delightful said:


Re Reckoners, I've lost that quote now.....you're welcome :)

twi, a read through.....would it make more sense to read the answers thread and then the rp? Try read them evenly? I'm curious to venture in (I haven't been there much since the early days) but.....what you all have created is indeed a monster. 

Ooo! We should have a readthrough group together! 

You can bring the snacks.:lol:

Edited by WayneSpren
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4 minutes ago, WayneSpren said:

I'm reading the RP first, though I'm sure the Question threads will contain much ponies.

Ooo! We should have a readthrough group together! 

You can bring the snacks.:lol:

I approve of this idea! ...but I'm all out of upvotes for today.


We could turn it into a group meme-a-thon with our reactions as we're reading, a la Twi's thread Memefying Books! (I'm still sad that this topic died; can you tell?)

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10 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

I approve of this idea! ...but I'm all out of upvotes for today.


We could turn it into a group meme-a-thon with our reactions as we're reading, a la Twi's thread Memefying Books! (I'm still sad that this topic died; can you tell?)

We all are, Sunbird. We all are.

Also, good idea! Memes! So much up votes!

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22 minutes ago, WayneSpren said:

I'm reading the RP first, though I'm sure the Question threads will contain much ponies.

Ooo! We should have a readthrough group together! 

You can bring the snacks.:lol:

I'm up for this, if you guys have room!  Always wanted to check out the thread but daunted by the monstrous size of it. 

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8 hours ago, Delightful said:

Do I need one to understand the other?

The RP threads should stand fine on their own, even if the Questions may add a meta viewpoint. Reading just the Questions though may leave you a bit lost, seeing as you're missing the context of what's actually happening.

As for a topic in the subforum, I may not be Twi but I like the idea of you dancing for our entertainment while also stroking our ego see no problem with it.

Edited by Edgedancer
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38 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

The RP threads should stand fine on their own, even if the Questions may add a meta viewpoint. Reading just the Questions though may leave you a bit lost, seeing as you're missing the context of what's actually happening.

As for a topic in the subforum, I may not be Twi but I like the idea of you dancing for our entertainment while also stroking our ego see no problem with it.

Beat me to it. :ph34r: 

Think of the Question threads as the combination behind-the-scenes R&D and Rifftrax commentary. You can read the RP threads on their own, but if you go for the Question threads alone, you might be lost, and you'll definitely appreciate them more if you know what they're riffing on. 

I for one shamelessly embrace the ego stroking. :ph34r: In a more pragmatic sense, an ongoing readthrough might help new members get a sense of what's going on, if it goes for long enough. 

As for Memefying Books…..I'd just started memeing Final Empire when the rep system was changed, and there was a bit of controversy around the massive number of upvotes each post could net. (Which, to be honest, surprised even me. 40+ upvotes for a joke about Sadeas' first name? I'm not complaining, but….just a little surprised.) I thought it'd be best if I put it on hold for a while, and then came the new job and moving and all that jazz, and I wasn't sure if anyone had any interest in The Final Meme anymore. If people are still interested, I'd be willing to pick it back up, though.  

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Just randomly thought of this, so may I present….How Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Should Have Ended.


VOLDEMORT: So, let me see if I have this right. You, Older Draco, are married. 


VOLDEMORT: And you have a Time-Turner. 

OLDER DRACO: I figured that was obvious. 

VOLDEMORT: You used that Time-Turner to bring your wife back with you, even though Time-Turners aren't supposed to work like that, and even though I treated you like something I stepped in for two years straight. 


VOLDEMORT: And now, instead of killing me or telling your younger self to, I don't know, flee to Greenland or something, you're asking me to do the do with your wife, who you are married to, and who I am not married to and do not find attractive, as I have never shown a romantic interest in anyone, no matter how much they might throw themselves at me. 

BELLATRIX: But my lord! 

VOLDEMORT: Shut up, Bellatrix. And put some clothes on over that bikini! 

BELLATRIX runs off sobbing.

OLDER DRACO: That's about the size of it. 

VOLDEMORT: You don't want me to go forward in time and lay waste to the future?


VOLDEMORT: You don't want to tell me how to win the war? How to keep Potter from destroying my—er, from discovering my secret to immortality? 

OLDER DRACO: That's not half as good a plan as this. 

VOLDEMORT: Wow, Malfoy. If you weren't such an idiot, I'd assume this whole thing was a ploy to get me into a vulnerable position so that wife of yours could stab me with a poison dart or something. 

OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA trade glances. 

ASTORIA: Heh heh. 

She grins sheepishly and hides something behind her back. 

VOLDEMORT: Waaaaiiiiit a minute, that was your plan! You were going to have your wife kill me! Naked! 

OLDER DRACO: I really don't see how the nudity is the worst part of this. 

VOLDEMORT: You lying little snake! I have had enough of you! Avada Ke—

IRON MAN: Tank missile! 

VOLDEMORT is vaporized in the explosion. The dust clears, and OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA straighten, their dual Shield Charms having protected them from the fire and debris. IRON MAN lands, his face plate sliding back. 

IRON MAN: You know, I really don't see why I couldn't have just done that from the beginning. 

ASTORIA: Yes, but watching You-Know-Who be an idiot was just too much fun.

IRON MAN: Is there, uh, anything else you want me to explode? I got a whole sleeve full of these things. 

OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA look at each other. They grin.


Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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26 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Just randomly thought of this, so may I present….How Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Should Have Ended.

  Hide contents

VOLDEMORT: So, let me see if I have this right. You, Older Draco, are married. 


VOLDEMORT: And you have a Time-Turner. 

OLDER DRACO: I figured that was obvious. 

VOLDEMORT: You used that Time-Turner to bring your wife back with you, even though Time-Turners aren't supposed to work like that, and even though I treated you like something I stepped in for two years straight. 


VOLDEMORT: And now, instead of killing me or telling your younger self to, I don't know, flee to Greenland or something, you're asking me to do the do with your wife, who you are married to, and who I am not married to and do not find attractive, as I have never shown a romantic interest in anyone, no matter how much they might throw themselves at me. 

BELLATRIX: But my lord! 

VOLDEMORT: Shut up, Bellatrix. And put some clothes on over that bikini! 

BELLATRIX runs off sobbing.

OLDER DRACO: That's about the size of it. 

VOLDEMORT: You don't want me to go forward in time and lay waste to the future?


VOLDEMORT: You don't want to tell me how to win the war? How to keep Potter from destroying my—er, from discovering my secret to immortality? 

OLDER DRACO: That's not half as good a plan as this. 

VOLDEMORT: Wow, Malfoy. If you weren't such an idiot, I'd assume this whole thing was a ploy to get me into a vulnerable position so that wife of yours could stab me with a poison dart or something. 

OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA trade glances. 

ASTORIA: Heh heh. 

She grins sheepishly and hides something behind her back. 

VOLDEMORT: Waaaaiiiiit a minute, that was your plan! You were going to have your wife kill me! Naked! 

OLDER DRACO: I really don't see how the nudity is the worst part of this. 

VOLDEMORT: You lying little snake! I have had enough of you! Avada Ke—

IRON MAN: Tank missile! 

VOLDEMORT is vaporized in the explosion. The dust clears, and OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA straighten, their dual Shield Charms having protected them from the fire and debris. IRON MAN lands, his face plate sliding back. 

IRON MAN: You know, I really don't see why I couldn't have just done that from the beginning. 

ASTORIA: Yes, but watching You-Know-Who be an idiot was just too much fun.

IRON MAN: Is there, uh, anything else you want me to explode? I got a whole sleeve full of these things. 

OLDER DRACO and ASTORIA look at each other. They grin.


Send this to HISHE. It's brilliant.

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