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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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In case anyone's been wondering what happened to me the last few days, I am on VACATION. In ORLANDO. James and I have ridden the two big Harry Potter rides at Universal at LEAST five times each.

On 9/27/2016 at 7:42 AM, The Honor Spren said:

I didn't have the Internet last night, but, um, does anyone want to talk about the circus on national television last night?

I know I'm behind the times, but it was...really something, wasn't it?

On 9/27/2016 at 8:13 AM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I didn't watch it, but I listened to it, and I'm still not entirely convinced that the moderator wasn't facepalming the entire time. 

I was live Facechatting back and forth with Oudeis during the whole thing. There was a lot of exasperation and snark on both our parts. At one point, I asked, "Why the <bleep> doesn't the moderator have a mic kill switch?" And he replied (wisely): "Because he has a TV show and one of these people will become the President, and he wants whoever it is to agree to do interviews."

So there you have it. The moderators let themselves be walked all over because interviews.

On 9/27/2016 at 7:36 PM, Delightful said:

I was thinking about if their roles were reversed.

Surely if Trump was a woman, spouting absolute nonsense, contradicting her own spokespeople, lying about what she has and hasn't done, hating men, hiding her tax returns etc etc. surely, surely she'd be laughed out of the running?

And if Hillary was a guy responsible for Benghazi and dodgy emails and and doing a lot of other messed up stuff, 'he' would just be any other politician with questionable morals who would be elected to leadership anyway because there's no such thing as an honest politician?

I think you hit the nail on the head.

On 9/27/2016 at 7:42 PM, Mistrunner said:

I sincerely doubt that Hillary's crimes would be overlooked if she was male. To be honest, as I see it they're overlooked too much now as it is- if anyone else in the government had done what she'd done, accidental or not, they'd at least lose their security clearance and most would lose their jobs.

In conclusion, both Hillary and Trump are terrible people who should not be possible presidential candidates, but here we are.

I'm going to go hide under a rock for the next four years. Who's with me? :lol:

I disagree; Hillary Clinton broke out of the proscribed First Lady mold; she was active in the political sphere and had no interest in setting aside her career. She's been reviled by the traditionalists from day one for not "knowing her place"; from what I've seen over the years, the vast majority of her "scandals" were manufactured.

She's been completely cleared about anything to do with Benghazi. She never had information that would have allowed her to change events. Even FOX News has finally admitted that the entire thing was a sham.

As for the emails, I do admit that I was extremely disappointed in her for that lapse in judgment...but I also understand where it came from. Yeah, it's against policy, but when you get submerged into a culture that says, "Oh, no, you should do it this way because it's so much easier. Everyone else has done it this way, it'd be silly for you not to!" She's hardly the first Secretary of State to run her own private server; they've ALL done it for years now. Even Colin Powell has gone on record to say that yes, he did exactly the same thing, but you don't see anyone dragging him in front of a federal court for it. Nor do you see it happening to any other Secretary of State who has followed the same pattern - the difference there is that every other Secretary of State was male. That right there says a lot.

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Who wants to go drown in blood with me?

Might as well tell u guys why. BTW, after seeing this you will want to drown in blood


You have been warned


Last chance to back out


Image result for spiderman doctor octopus meme

Image result for spiderman doctor octopus meme

those memes ruined Spiderman for me



So, dare to jump in?


Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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24 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Who wants to go drown in blood with me?

Might as well tell u guys why. BTW, after seeing this you will want to drown in blood

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You have been warned

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Last chance to back out

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Image result for spiderman doctor octopus meme

Image result for spiderman doctor octopus meme

those memes ruined Spiderman for me



So, dare to jump in?




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15 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

I'm trying to work on diversity in things I draw, so does she look Asian to anyone here?

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As compared to this self portrait of me a an elf?

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Excuse me, elf? Link is no elf. If you are a Hylian, be proud! Don't dumb it down. Stand up as a proud Hylian. :P

Those are really good drawings, by the way!

Edited by bleeder
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One of my 4 closest friends, the one I shall refer to as J, was just throwing a water bottle at the ground.

I said, "Hey J___, you might wanna stop before that busts"

"Nah, C__. It'll be fine. These are sturdy." 

*throws bottle at floor*


J___ is now drinking out of a hole in the bottom of the poor abused bottle.

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5 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

I'm trying to work on diversity in things I draw, so does she look Asian to anyone here?

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As compared to this self portrait of me as a elf Hylian, standing tall and proud?

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To me she looks a little Asian but mostly anime. 

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5 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

I'm trying to work on diversity in things I draw, so does she look Asian to anyone here?

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As compared to this self portrait of me as a elf Hylian, standing tall and proud?

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Malon? Did you cut your hair?

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