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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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13 hours ago, Slowswift said:

So we're at 200 pages now. :mellow:

Did... did the admins just drop the 100-page limit for some reason? Or am I missing something?

I think it disappeared with the site redesign.

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So, I decided to check out how much starting a comic shop would cost, out of curiosity.

I thoughtit'd be...well, I wasn't expecting the answers I saw. That ranged from $50,000 - $100,000.

I. But. damnation. I have a new appreciation for how expensive books can be.

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10 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


9 minutes ago, bleeder said:

...yes. This is how you introduce new chapters, people. Take notice.

I object.

Twilight's description contained no mention of her pug overlord, and is therefore an inaccurate example of self-advertisement.

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16 minutes ago, Quiver said:


I object.

Twilight's description contained no mention of her pug overlord, and is therefore an inaccurate example of self-advertisement.

The pug overlord in question was eating dinner, and I thought it unfair to post on his behalf without reaching him for comment. 

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3 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

I learned that llama should be pronounced yamma today because two L's make a Y sound in Spanish. 

Well, if you're speaking Spanish, you should pronounce it that way, yes. But if you say "yamma" to a native English speaker they're going to look at you funny, because English doesn't just borrow, it assimilates.




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16 minutes ago, Zathoth said:

I feel proud of myself. I was able to produce the sound correctly from reading the text description before listening to the audio clip. :D Thank you, phonetics class, for teaching me all that pronunciation jargon!

Also, speaking of people looking at you funny for your pronunciation... You know the theme music from 2001: A Space Odyssey? The actual title of that piece is "Also Sprach Zarathustra," which is German for "Thus Spake Zarathustra." Whenever I say the German name of the piece, I pronounce it according to German rules of pronunciation because it's become a hard-to-break habit after taking 5 semesters of German in college. So it sounds like "all-ZOE shpra[x] tsah-rah-TOOST-rah" where the sound I've noted as [x] is a back-of-the-throat noise that sounds a little like a cross between an "H" sound, gargling, and a person imitating a cat's hiss. And people always look at me weird when I say the song title like that. XD

Edited by Sunbird
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7 hours ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

I learned that llama should be pronounced yamma today because two L's make a Y sound in Spanish. 

Heh. Reminds me of a book I read a while back where a woman, Mrs. Stein, is talking about her former husband, Lloyd. Shortly after they were married, he told her that since the correct Spanish pronunciation of llama is yama, then obviously Lloyd is supposed to be Yoyd. She called him Mr. Stein the whole time they were married. :lol: 

Any thoughts on the latest chapter? :ph34r: 

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