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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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@Slowswift I've been there once. It was a fun trip! I got to try my hand at walking on stilts, and we bought a Jacob's ladder as a souvenir. Plus we met a pair of sister missionaries and my parents got to talking family history with them and figured out that we were distant relatives, which was weird but awesome. Unfortunately all the photos we took with them were lost when some jerk stole my parents' camera bags from our car. They didn't get the cameras, though, just the film with the photos. (This was back in the days when everyone was still shooting on film.)

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So I was listening to the radio, and Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" came on. 

For some bizarre reason, I misheard one of the lines as "blood during my stride." 

This made me think of "September." 



As sung by Freddie Mercury. 

Which made me feel the same way I felt when I thought of a cover of "The Hanging Tree" as sung by Kurt Cobain—that is, horribly sad that it would never be a thing. 

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

So I was listening to the radio, and Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" came on. 

For some bizarre reason, I misheard one of the lines as "blood during my stride."

Well, "Bohemian Rhapsody" does have the most widely misheard lyrics, like, ever. I get really happy when I hear it alone in my car because I can sing along with it (or attempt to) without anyone judging my breaking voice on that one ridiculously high note. (You know the one I mean--"for MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!")

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This morning in Random Thoughts Caused by Glitches in Twi's Life….

I've been going to TV Tropes pretty often to check out the YMMV and Fridge pages for Cursed Child, to see if anyone has added anything. (And yes, I've made a few entries myself.) Anyway, the page decided to freeze for a second after I'd typed "chil," which for some reason made me think "chili." 

Harry Potter and the Cursed Chili. 


"Argh!" Harry pushed the bowl aside, reaching frantically for a glass of water that, so far, had done little to blot the fire from his tongue. "That's awful! Why haven't you brought a curse-breaker in yet?"

"Because it ain't cursed?" 

Harry paused, spoonful of pure sour cream halfway to his lips. "What?" 

The waitress shrugged. "It ain't cursed. That's just how we eat it here in Texas." 

Something seemed to have disconnected in his brain, barring him from understanding. This horrid, fiery bowl of unidentifiable meat and beans was actually considered a meal to these Texans? "Is….is Voldemort here? He's supposed to be dead, but—oh no, he's cursed your minds, hasn't he? He's cursed you and you all think this is normal and—I—I've got to owl Hermione, she'll know what to do…." 

The waitress left him babbling to himself, muttering under her breath about "stupid tourists" and "mild chili knocking 'em on their rears."


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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

"Argh!" Harry pushed the bowl aside, reaching frantically for a glass of water that, so far, had done little to blot the fire from his tongue.

Fool of a Potter! Water ain't gonna help you. :P

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Starting to watch a Supernatural episode:

Golem bashing up Nazis, awesome!

five minutes later: this rabbi needs a haircut and his accent is off. 

Ten minutes later: Golems aren't supposed to talk, why is this one randomly violent, and I don't know what 'lefarchumbi' is but I promise you it isn't Hebrew.

Keeping commandments doesn't make you a rabbi, neither does having a magic book of golem spells. 

Five minutes later:

"they did terrible unimaginable  experiments in the camp. They killed people and reanimated them!" 

Dude have you even Mengele, resurrection is pleasant compared to the smallest things he did. 

Five minutes later: Nazi controls Golem with an Aramaic sentence with one word of Hebrew thrown in that doesn't really make sense at all. Was that also supposed to be Hebrew?

end of episode: Jewish kid takes over as 'rabbi'. He is not a rabbi. 

Jews aren't all rabbis. 

Jews with beards from 1940s Europe are not all rabbis. 

Can you please just stop saying rabbi all the time?!?!


......that episode could have gone down so well. But poor research and it's trash. Is making me angry. You have one episode with Jews and you have to mess it up so awfully? Boooo!


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@Delightful: But why bother doing the research necessary to write an accurate and thoughtful portrayal of a different culture when you can just save time and go with the theme park version? <_< #notstillbitterabouthowRowlingdidWizardingAmerica #nope #notbitteratall #disgruntledreviewersUNITE

Edit: @Oversleep: Poor Harry doesn't know that water can't save him. If he ever gets around to eating that bowl of sour cream, he might be helped. Of course, the entire restaurant will mock him mercilessly, but oh well. :P 

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11 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

@Delightful: But why bother doing the research necessary to write an accurate and thoughtful portrayal of a different culture when you can just save time and go with the theme park version? <_< #notstillbitterabouthowRowlingdidWizardingAmerica #nope #notbitteratall #disgruntledreviewersUNITE

It's not even like a couple details are off. The used a Hebrew word in AoS, one letter was drawn looking more like a very similar letter and I couldn't work out what it meant till someone said the word. (It looked more like ר than ו)

Ok. They tried, and they were pretty darn close. That's cool.  

This is......this is awful. They didn't even bother looking up how someone becomes a rabbi. Nope. Magic golem powers weeeeeeee! 

Lets have this probably originally Hebrew/Yiddish speaking golem pronounce all the Hebrew words it does say super anglicised! (Sabbath? Sabbath?! His makers probably said Shabbes!) 

also, seriously, there are lots of Jews in the industry. What does it take to ask someone to ask their parent/grandparent/more knowledgeable/religious cousin step-sister whoever to take a look at the script? To bother getting the language right? 

Also, I really don't want to see a theme park Golem. Unless it will do whatever I say :ph34r: and protect me from ignorant screenwriters* :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: 

When your 'Nazi' speaks better Hebrew/Aramaic/Judaic language than your golem, and your golem speaks, you have a serious problem. 

*who, to be clear, I'm not calling antisemitic. Surely golems can deal with lazy people too? "Do your research!" *randomly destroys six tables* :P:ph34r:

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11 minutes ago, Delightful said:

It's not even like a couple details are off. The used a Hebrew word in AoS, one letter was drawn looking more like a very similar letter and I couldn't work out what it meant till someone said the word. (It looked more like ר than ו)

Ok. They tried, and they were pretty darn close. That's cool.  

This is......this is awful. They didn't even bother looking up how someone becomes a rabbi. Nope. Magic golem powers weeeeeeee! 

Lets have this probably originally Hebrew/Yiddish speaking golem pronounce all the Hebrew words it does say super anglicised! (Sabbath? Sabbath?! His makers probably said Shabbes!) 

also, seriously, there are lots of Jews in the industry. What does it take to ask someone to ask their parent/grandparent/more knowledgeable/religious cousin step-sister whoever to take a look at the script? To bother getting the language right? 

Also, I really don't want to see a theme park Golem. Unless it will do whatever I say :ph34r: and protect me from ignorant screenwriters* :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: 

When your 'Nazi' speaks better Hebrew/Aramaic/Judaic language than your golem, and your golem speaks, you have a serious problem. 

*who, to be clear, I'm not calling antisemitic. Surely golems can deal with lazy people too? "Do your research!" *randomly destroys six tables* :P:ph34r:

Eek. A few details I can understand, but even I—with my very limited knowledge of Judaism—know that becoming a rabbi isn't a successional thing. You don't automatically become a rabbi because the old rabbi died; there are a few more steps involved. :ph34r: 

I….was under the impression that Nazis wouldn't even bother to learn Hebrew or Aramaic. This is a group run by a man who wanted to replace crucifixes in Catholic churches with pictures of himself. The Reich Church, a heretical denomination that tried to reconcile German Lutheranism with Nazi ideology, actually discarded most of the Old Testament because of its "Jewish influences." There was a hymn with the line "cedars of Lebanon," and they proposed replacing it with "firs of of the German forest." You want an idea of the lengths they'd go to stamp out "Jewish influences" on Scripture? When Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote a study in Psalms from prison, called Life Together, they hauled him before a judge and demanded to know why he wanted to publish something so obviously Jewish, and he had to play it cool and say (read: lie) that his interest in the Jewish influences of the Psalms were "purely academic." They don't seem like the kind of guys who would bother studying Jewish languages, is what I'm saying. 

Gah. Hearing stuff like this makes me both want to research more and worry that I'm not researching enough. 

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@TwiLyghtSansSparkles becoming a rabbi is kind of like becoming a dr, there's required knowledge and tests and stuff. So golem magic doesn't qualify. And keeping commandments makes you an observant Jew not a rabbi, like eating lettuce makes you a healthy person not a dr. 

I think the Nazi learned Aramaic or whatever that was to control the golem so that makes a leeetle bit of sense.  

I mean, in a way, there's probably no such thing as too much research. Worry about it some, I guess, cause it's important but don't worry too much. :) 

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@Delightful: That's what I thought—that it's more comparable to becoming a minister. You have to go to seminary, and take classes, and pass tests, and write essays, and preach sermons, and do all sorts of things to prove you have a solid understanding of the Scriptures you'll be teaching. You wouldn't, for example, become an ordained minister because you performed a successful exorcism; exorcisms are a completely different thing.* 

Yeah, I know that with fantastic alternate history, I'll be more easily forgiven for small to medium mistakes, but I still don't want to make any big ones. 

*It's worth noting that exorcism is somewhat controversial between denominations. I'm not super familiar with opinions outside the Pentecostal circuit, but within that denomination, it's not even considered strictly the domain of ministers; any believer with strong faith and a lot of help from God is capable of casting out a demon, according to them, but exorcism is also considered very dangerous and not to be attempted lightly. Or, in many cases, alone. 

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14 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

@Delightful: That's what I thought—that it's more comparable to becoming a minister. You have to go to seminary, and take classes, and pass tests, and write essays, and preach sermons, and do all sorts of things to prove you have a solid understanding of the Scriptures you'll be teaching. You wouldn't, for example, become an ordained minister because you performed a successful exorcism; exorcisms are a completely different thing.* 

Yeah, I know that with fantastic alternate history, I'll be more easily forgiven for small to medium mistakes, but I still don't want to make any big ones. 

*It's worth noting that exorcism is somewhat controversial between denominations. I'm not super familiar with opinions outside the Pentecostal circuit, but within that denomination, it's not even considered strictly the domain of ministers; any believer with strong faith and a lot of help from God is capable of casting out a demon, according to them, but exorcism is also considered very dangerous and not to be attempted lightly. Or, in many cases, alone. 

Wait.....demons and exorcisms are a thing? I did not know this. 

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2 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Wait.....demons and exorcisms are a thing? I did not know this. 

Oh yeah. That's where the show gets them from. Different Christian denominations treat them with varying degrees of seriousness/alarm, but the belief that 1) Satan has minions, 2) those minions are very old, very powerful, and very much out to get you in one way or another, and 3) those minions can and do possess people is pretty widespread throughout Christian churches. Exorcisms look different depending on the denomination; from what I hear, Supernatural goes with Catholic influences like crucifixes and holy water (no idea how accurate they are with that) but in Pentecostal churches, the exorcist(s) will just pray over the possessed person and call on God for help. 

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Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Oh yeah. That's where the show gets them from. Different Christian denominations treat them with varying degrees of seriousness/alarm, but the belief that 1) Satan has minions, 2) those minions are very old, very powerful, and very much out to get you in one way or another, and 3) those minions can and do possess people is pretty widespread throughout Christian churches. Exorcisms look different depending on the denomination; from what I hear, Supernatural goes with Catholic influences like crucifixes and holy water (no idea how accurate they are with that) but in Pentecostal churches, the exorcist(s) will just pray over the possessed person and call on God for help. 

And.....how do you know if someone is possessed? How do you know the demon is gone? What can demons do?

supernatural goes with holy water, salt, and pentagram-type symbols that trap demons inside them, and some Latin chant to exorcise. 

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2 minutes ago, Delightful said:

And.....how do you know if someone is possessed? How do you know the demon is gone? What can demons do?

supernatural goes with holy water, salt, and pentagram-type symbols that trap demons inside them, and some Latin chant to exorcise. 

That….is where things can get weird and subjective. I'll PM you so we're not cluttering up this thread. 

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21 minutes ago, Morzathoth said:

*Lights candles*

*Paints pentagram in virgin blood on the floor*

*Praises Morzathoth, The Weird God*

*Performs an incorsism on the thread*

*meanwhile gets disconnected*
*demon gets stuck in the router*

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Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


Could be worse. You could still have dial-up. 

Having a demon stuck in the dial up would be nightmarish. The dial up screeches from hell would become literal dial up screeches from hell.

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