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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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Thank you, but

On 5/4/2016 at 0:22 AM, Morzathoth said:

Hard one, but I keep imaging Rubix as Elodin and I really like Elodin... And I don't like math... Rubix it is!

Of course I would actually be on my own side and confuse everyone.

Edit: FFIX is indeed the best Final Fantasy.

This hurts. :P I can't be my own person.. I have to be a popular pattern toy.

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First, change the Big Bad. Voldemort's daughter? That's just silly. How about a Death Eater who may have escaped? Someone really dangerous, like Fenrir Greyback. 

Remove the time-travel angle. Set the whole thing in the present, and amp up the danger level. You don't have to do much work here, since Greyback is already shoot-on-sight dangerous. Especially if the heroes are Albus and Scorpius, and they should be. 

So, now that we have our plot (Greyback returns for revenge and/or creepiness) and our heroes (Albus and Scorpius) we just need a setting. I think the woods would do nicely. 

Next, add mood music. 

And a choir. Maybe the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles? 

Don't forget the ballet dancers. 

Oh, and Greyback needs to be played by a big-name, easily recognizable actor. A Hollywood superstar. Shia LaBeouf, perhaps? 

Yes. A musical about Albus and Scorpius running for their lives from Shia LaBeouf. 

I really think this can work, guys. :ph34r: 


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@Delightful @TwiLyghtSansSparkles For some reason, when watching that episode the thing that bothered me the most was at the end when the Jewish guy writes his name on the little scroll, all the rabbis names are written in Hebrew script, not print. This is anachronistic. Script wasn't invented until relatively recently. It may have been around when the guy's father write his name, but not his grandfather.

I don't know why, but this tiny thing bothers me the most.

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8 hours ago, Pinnacle-Ferring said:

@Delightful @TwiLyghtSansSparkles For some reason, when watching that episode the thing that bothered me the most was at the end when the Jewish guy writes his name on the little scroll, all the rabbis names are written in Hebrew script, not print. This is anachronistic. Script wasn't invented until relatively recently. It may have been around when the guy's father write his name, but not his grandfather.

I don't know why, but this tiny thing bothers me the most.

Really? They used to write in print? I mean a sofer would but didn't everyone write Yiddish in Hebrew (script?) letters?


I'm slow. 

I was like, I know that choir.....but I only got it when you brought in Shia


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On 8/6/2016 at 4:58 PM, Slowswift said:

Heh, no. :P Nauvoo, a city in Illinois where Mormons settled. Naboo would be pretty fun, though.

I've been there, once.  It was a school trip in, like, elementary school or junior high or something.

On 8/7/2016 at 8:57 AM, Delightful said:

Starting to watch a Supernatural episode:

Golem bashing up Nazis, awesome!

five minutes later: this rabbi needs a haircut and his accent is off. 

Ten minutes later: Golems aren't supposed to talk, why is this one randomly violent, and I don't know what 'lefarchumbi' is but I promise you it isn't Hebrew.

Keeping commandments doesn't make you a rabbi, neither does having a magic book of golem spells. 

Five minutes later:

"they did terrible unimaginable  experiments in the camp. They killed people and reanimated them!" 

Dude have you even Mengele, resurrection is pleasant compared to the smallest things he did. 

Five minutes later: Nazi controls Golem with an Aramaic sentence with one word of Hebrew thrown in that doesn't really make sense at all. Was that also supposed to be Hebrew?

end of episode: Jewish kid takes over as 'rabbi'. He is not a rabbi. 

Jews aren't all rabbis. 

Jews with beards from 1940s Europe are not all rabbis. 

Can you please just stop saying rabbi all the time?!?!


......that episode could have gone down so well. But poor research and it's trash. Is making me angry. You have one episode with Jews and you have to mess it up so awfully? Boooo!


Oh, you poor, poor innocent thing.  You expected Supernatural to actually do any research at all beyond "find stuff that sounds authentic and twist it around to fit what we want to do"?

Supernatural NEVER does the research.  Ever.  It's pop culture Christianity and whatever sounds good for everything else.  They've butchered every pagan pantheon and mythology they've touched.  Don't get me started about the "Samhain" episode.  They couldn't even pronounce it right (it's pronounced "SOW-wen"), let alone use anything remotely resembling the real origins of the holiday.

...and yet I still watch.  Because Dean Winchester is pretty.

On 8/7/2016 at 10:13 AM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

That….is where things can get weird and subjective. I'll PM you so we're not cluttering up this thread. 

If you'd like the pagan/ecumenical perspective, you can add me to that PM thread. :)

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1 hour ago, Kaymyth said:

I've been there, once.  It was a school trip in, like, elementary school or junior high or something.

Oh, you poor, poor innocent thing.  You expected Supernatural to actually do any research at all beyond "find stuff that sounds authentic and twist it around to fit what we want to do"?

Supernatural NEVER does the research.  Ever.  It's pop culture Christianity and whatever sounds good for everything else.  They've butchered every pagan pantheon and mythology they've touched.  Don't get me started about the "Samhain" episode.  They couldn't even pronounce it right (it's pronounced "SOW-wen"), let alone use anything remotely resembling the real origins of the holiday.

...and yet I still watch.  Because Dean Winchester is pretty.

If you'd like the pagan/ecumenical perspective, you can add me to that PM thread. :)

I've heard the writers described it once as "fan fiction, with the Bible as our canon." So they get a good bit wrong there, too. One episode was so bad it actually made my brother quit the show. (Don't remember which one, as I've never watched.)

I'll leave that up to Delightful, though I'd like to hear your perspective. :)

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33 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I've heard the writers described it once as "fan fiction, with the Bible as our canon." So they get a good bit wrong there, too. One episode was so bad it actually made my brother quit the show. (Don't remember which one, as I've never watched.)

I'll leave that up to Delightful, though I'd like to hear your perspective. :)

Really, you just can't take it at all seriously.  Focus on the pretty men and the angsting and the humor.  That's really all you need.


In other news, I am officially going to get my hair cut after WorldCon is over.  I have enough of the stuff that I'm planning to do a hair donation to a reputable charity.

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26 minutes ago, Quiver said:


So, there's a show I like, called Haven. Kind of, supernatural procedural. One episode involved a Golem.

...except, for some reason, the savy roguish character? Upon hearing they were chasing a Golem?

"A Gollum? Like Lord of the Rings?"

I didn't know any other person liked this show! Have you read the Colorado Kid? It is actually quite good.

Also do you watch Trailer Park Boys? If so, did you realize that Dave Teagues is Mr.Lahey?

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9 minutes ago, Iron Eyes said:

I didn't know any other person liked this show! Have you read the Colorado Kid? It is actually quite good.

Also do you watch Trailer Park Boys? If so, did you realize that Dave Teagues is Mr.Lahey?

No to both of those, I'm afraid. Though I saw enough clips to recognise Dave.

I like Haven, but man, it could be a bad show sometimes. 

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12 minutes ago, Quiver said:

No to both of those, I'm afraid. Though I saw enough clips to recognise Dave.

I like Haven, but man, it could be a bad show sometimes. 

Very much agreed, I liked the first 2.5 season a lot, but once they got to the "Barn" the show just got weird. At this point though, I have watched enough of it that I will keep watching it just to know how it ends since leaving it incomplete would bother me greatly (not unlike the last 2ish seasons of TrueBlood)...

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1 minute ago, Iron Eyes said:

Very much agreed, I liked the first 2.5 season a lot, but once they got to the "Barn" the show just got weird. At this point though, I have watched enough of it that I will keep watching it just to know how it ends since leaving it incomplete would bother me greatly (not unlike the last 2ish seasons of TrueBlood)...

I...have thoughts on the later seasons. Which I will save since, doesn't sound like you've finished yet.


Side note, open Question to everyone: can someone recommend some good romance? Novels or fanfiction, I don't care which.

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3 hours ago, Morzathoth said:

@Quiver I need some inspiration and you read too many comics: Whats the weirdest and/or most creative super powers you have seen?

Of course everyone who are not Quiver can answer too...

I read mostly mainstream comics, so I can't think of many that you probably don't already know.

One that might be worth a look, stolen from Twy. Check the Umbrella Academy; more than just powers, the wholesome is interestingly off-center.

Besides that, I'd recommend this column.column

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