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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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11 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Thing is, you have to be a certain level for your death to really matter much. Event comics seem to have a tendancy where they'll kill off someone -usually a C, maybe a B-lister- and use that as a motivator, or as an indicator of how bad the threat is, but that death isn't really referenced much.

(See, the original Civil War).

On the other hand, if a major character dies, you can expect that fallout to be cited for years and years afterwards as a huge defining thing, a death that has left an indelible hole in their lives... which then makes it awkward when the character comes back. See, Captain America.

Frankly, at this point, the heroes of the Marvel Universe should be emotionally burnt out. They have friends die, come back to life and die again constantly. I'm not saying they should be sociopaths or anything, but at some point, you have to assume the heroes are just going through the motions, which makes the attempts at milking the death seem all the more shallow.


...I am not even kidding. Considering what a huge Harry Potter fan you are, I'm expecting a lot of headscratchers, fridge logic edits, and for you to tear this play apart, and it will be glorious to watch. I'm adding that page to my bookmarks, just so I can watch the edits in real time.

Heh. I've already added a good number of them. :ph34r: If you want some more recent ones, the last two Fridge Horror entries are mine. 

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A prequel book starring Dumbledore would have been much better. Dumbledore is such an amazing character and you would get a lot of viewpoints on things like the first war with Voldemort, the rise of Grindelwald, and many other events.


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13 minutes ago, Straw said:

A prequel book starring Dumbledore would have been much better. Dumbledore is such an amazing character and you would get a lot of viewpoints on things like the first war with Voldemort, the rise of Grindelwald, and many other events.


Or a prequel about the marauders XD or even the Hogwarts founders!

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59 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Favorite attempt to fix a plot hole on the Cursed Child Headscratchers page on TV Tropes so far: 

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The plot hole: 

And the attempted fix: 

But why

That's like having the power to prevent WWII 

and the Holocaust 

and literally everything else that went wrong in the world between 1939 and 1945 

and then not doing it 


This lack of action is actually more irresponsible than the act of meddling in time 

They're literally saying "All of those other people can die, so long as we save this one person who wasn't even killed during the war" 

Just why

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If you visit that page—yes, the following entry, that says basically what I just said, is mine. 



So essentially the answer here is "they are short sighted" and some other not nice things.

44 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Thing is, you have to be a certain level for your death to really matter much. Event comics seem to have a tendancy where they'll kill off someone -usually a C, maybe a B-lister- and use that as a motivator, or as an indicator of how bad the threat is, but that death isn't really referenced much.

(See, the original Civil War).

On the other hand, if a major character dies, you can expect that fallout to be cited for years and years afterwards as a huge defining thing, a death that has left an indelible hole in their lives... which then makes it awkward when the character comes back. See, Captain America.

Frankly, at this point, the heroes of the Marvel Universe should be emotionally burnt out. They have friends die, come back to life and die again constantly. I'm not saying they should be sociopaths or anything, but at some point, you have to assume the heroes are just going through the motions, which makes the attempts at milking the death seem all the more shallow.


...I am not even kidding. Considering what a huge Harry Potter fan you are, I'm expecting a lot of headscratchers, fridge logic edits, and for you to tear this play apart, and it will be glorious to watch. I'm adding that page to my bookmarks, just so I can watch the edits in real time.

Well the Marvel heroes do like sudden burst of villainy, see Carol currently going dictator.

More than that I think it's the fans suffering from burnout here. 

It's a good Hobby,  trust me I've been watching Twi for a while and it's delightful.

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22 minutes ago, Straw said:

A prequel book starring Dumbledore would have been much better. Dumbledore is such an amazing character and you would get a lot of viewpoints on things like the first war with Voldemort, the rise of Grindelwald, and many other events.



8 minutes ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

Or a prequel about the marauders XD or even the Hogwarts founders!

By the last book, I didn't like Dumbledore all that much, so I'd rather see a Marauders or Founders prequel. But yeah, there's so much potential in that world, I don't know why Thorne and Rowling went with an Epilogue story. 

7 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

So essentially the answer here is "they are short sighted" and some other not nice things.

Well the Marvel heroes do like sudden burst of villainy, see Carol currently going dictator.

More than that I think it's the fans suffering from burnout here. 

It's a good Hobby,  trust me I've been watching Twi for a while and it's delightful.

More like "They're shortsighted and that makes it all okay." 

I didn't know I had followers. :mellow: 

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7 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

didn't know I had followers. :mellow: 

Everyone wants to serve the Godess of pugs!

Edit: Yeah, I don't see why J. K. Rowling had to do The Cursed Child, for me the epilogue of The Deathly Hollows was one of the best parts of the book because it had such a sense of finality. You knew that the characters were saying goodbye and that they would be carving their own path from then on free of the restrictions of the author. You knew that the rest of Harry's story was up to you to imagine and that the world would continue differently in each person's mind. The Cursed Child ruined that moment for me. Even if I never read The Cursed Child I will know that the millions of stories  in the minds of those who read The Deathly Hollows are now gone.

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2 hours ago, ThirdGen said:

The Time Turner was a mistake thrown in for essentially a cheap joke.


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The Harry Potter series is not that well-written.


It's also a cheap dues ex machina.


And yes, it really is not well written... Approaching poorly written, even!


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2 hours ago, ThirdGen said:

The Time Turner was a mistake thrown in for essentially a cheap joke.


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The Harry Potter series is not that well-written.



Hey, @ThirdGen, are you dissing Harry Potter in general, or just the cursed child?

Cause if it's the first...



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2 hours ago, ThirdGen said:

The Time Turner was a mistake thrown in for essentially a cheap joke.


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The Harry Potter series is not that well-written.



30 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

It's also a cheap dues ex machina.

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And yes, it really is not well written... Approaching poorly written, even!



14 minutes ago, WayneSpren said:


Hey, @ThirdGen, are you dissing Harry Potter in general, or just the cursed child?

Cause if it's the first...


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I know I'm not ThirdGen, but the thing is, the Potter books are flawed. There are plot and worldbuilding holes in every book; some implications are thought through to half-baked conclusions; and some implications aren't thought through at all. The underlying sense of morality is very much us-versus-them, and the treatment of Slytherin is filled to the brim with unfortunate implications. Rowling is an outliner, not a discovery writer, and there are times—especially when Harry is caught red-handed in a situation that would get any other student expelled—that her need to get her characters from Point A to Point B shows.* 

And yet, there's a charm to it. Maybe it's simple nostalgia for some, having grown up with their parents reading them the new book each night. Maybe it's escapism. For me, it's the fact that reading these books was my first major act of rebellion against my parents, and my first piece of evidence that they weren't right about everything. There's something about the world that made me want more, flawed as that worldbuilding is; and it's that something that compelled me to write my own fanfic, and later my own stories. 

So, yes, there are serious flaws with the Harry Potter books. Pretending those flaws don't exist is impossible and pointless. But those books are still enjoyable for many, despite being flawed, and I think that's a testament to the power of story—that something deeply (some would say fatally) flawed can still inspire and be enjoyed by many. 

*This is not to say that discovery writing is free of problems. I know that I've written stories where my complete lack of direction was obvious and glaring.

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12 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


So, yes, there are serious flaws with the Harry Potter books. Pretending those flaws don't exist is impossible and pointless. But those books are still enjoyable for many, despite being flawed, and I think that's a testament to the power of story—that something deeply (some would say fatally) flawed can still inspire and be enjoyed by many. 

Couple things: first, nothing wrong with enjoying or bring inspired by flawed things! I mean, I'm a big fan of Man-Thing and Magnus Robot Fighter comics.  There's nothing challenging about them, and it's essentially the same story over and over again (Magnus goes after evil robot. After fighting for a bit, Magnus karate chops the robot to pieces. Robot emits death squeal, "Squeeeee!". Rinse, wash, repeat with different robots, dinosaurs, robot dinosaurs and evil alien warlock robots that want to harvest the psychic energy of humans as a source of their mystical powers. See? Garbage!) But I enjoy them.

That said, it shouldn't be surprising that new things coming from Rowling aren't particularly imaginative or challenging because, well, look at the source! That's like if I got a new Magnus comic and complained about him fighting robots. I might say that Magnus' robot fighting is not as good as it used to be, but expecting Magnus to be the high end of comic art? That's just not what it is. And you can still keep the inspiration and even use the failings of the art to instruct/inform you on your own projects.

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17 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

Couple things: first, nothing wrong with enjoying or bring inspired by flawed things! I mean, I'm a big fan of Man-Thing and Magnus Robot Fighter comics.  There's nothing challenging about them, and it's essentially the same story over and over again (Magnus goes after evil robot. After fighting for a bit, Magnus karate chops the robot to pieces. Robot emits death squeal, "Squeeeee!". Rinse, wash, repeat with different robots, dinosaurs, robot dinosaurs and evil alien warlock robots that want to harvest the psychic energy of humans as a source of their mystical powers. See? Garbage!) But I enjoy them.

That said, it shouldn't be surprising that new things coming from Rowling aren't particularly imaginative or challenging because, well, look at the source! That's like if I got a new Magnus comic and complained about him fighting robots. I might say that Magnus' robot fighting is not as good as it used to be, but expecting Magnus to be the high end of comic art? That's just not what it is. And you can still keep the inspiration and even use the failings of the art to instruct/inform you on your own projects.

Mistakes I expected. More of the same, and new ones even, but for the new installment to violate previously established canon? I expect that of amateur fanfic writers, not an officially sponsored play. 

But more than that, CC is just lacking in the charm that made it so easy for me to gloss over the original series' mistakes. It doesn't feel like a continuation of the story, it feels like a bad fanfic. If CC had the charm and the lovable characters of the original, I wouldn't be here tearing it apart. I'd point out its mistakes, sure, but I wouldn't have given it the dreaded one-star review. 

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Hey, so, I'm looking for a quick opinion on something. It's comic related, sort of, but I'm sourcing opinions from a few different fields.

Okay. So.

I picked up my weekly books, which is why my wallet hates Wednesdays. One of said books was the new Supergirl series. I was curious about it anyway, thanks to the show and general improvement the Superman line has had, but also the bookfeatured a long lost Kryptonian werewolf, so you can see why that became a must buy.

(Not sparking or exaggerating, either. This is a Kryptonian who literally transforms into a Wolf, triggered by the full moon.)

Anyway. Supergirl has had her status quo reset to something closer to the shows, which...okay. Corporate synergy, and Kara has never really managed to keep a consistent status quo.

Shells had her costume changed which...makes sense. Rebirth has all been about going for the classic character looks, and that's the look she had other show...

But, I dunno. I always found it kind of generic, and I appreciated her New 52 look. It was more sci-fi, emphasising that Kara was an alien. Which, to me, makes sense; Kara grew up on Krypton, so her wearing a Kryptonian uniform made more sense to me.. 

But, I view Kara as the darkest, most tragic member of the Superman family. My opinions are the outlier in that regard. So.

Which do you think looks better, the New 52 or Rebirth?

(I maintain that New 52 has the coolest cape though.)

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New 52, but this comes from someone who's entire comic knowledge comes from Watchmen, Preacher, Sandman, a couple movies and whatever scraps I've picked up from the internet.

I agree that the rebirth one looks pretty generic, it is just Superman with breasts and a skirt... someone needs to draw that...

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I had a strange awesome dream. 

Brandon was a teacher at my high school. Why he was on the wrong continent didn't occur to me. 

I had small coins I was giving to my friends to pretend we were coinshots. 

Brandon was giving everyone a quiz on his books, regardless of wether they'd read them or not.

Questions included:

1. Name the maps that evolved (like elendel getting more detailed per book - I don't think this actually happened)

2. Draw a lighteyes. Then draw a lighteyes with an interesting material, I suggest a lemon. 

3. Draw Navani as she looked after Dalinars death. Wouldn't it be strange to see Navani cry?


And I was wishing I'd remembered to wear my mistcloak to school.....

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