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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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1 hour ago, Delightful said:

To me she looks a little Asian but mostly anime. 

Yeah, my drawing style is very heavily influenced by anime. Her ethnicity would probably be more obvious if she was in color . . .

1 hour ago, Zathoth said:

Malon? Did you cut your hair?

Okay, so my outfit may be based off Malon's, :ph34r: but there are some differences. :P


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9 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

Yeah, my drawing style is very heavily influenced by anime. Her ethnicity would probably be more obvious if she was in color . . .

Okay, so my outfit may be based off Malon's, :ph34r: but there are some differences. :P

You are Malon now, you cannot escape this fate!


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9 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Could be worse.

At least you aren't being abducted by aliens in a creepy sidequest.

Is this a thing that is likely to happen today?


I managed to sunburn one arm.  Because I somehow forgot to slather that single limb with sunscreen at the beach.  Woe.

Also, the ocean ate my hat.

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Just now, Kaymyth said:

Is this a thing that is likely to happen today?


I managed to sunburn one arm.  Because I somehow forgot to slather that single limb with sunscreen at the beach.  Woe.

Also, the ocean ate my hat.

Depends on whether you accept Majora's Mask as literal canon, I suppose. :ph34r:

Heh. Before you mentioned sunscreen, my assumption was that the unburned hand was the safe hand. 

Just be grateful that C'thullhu was satisfied with only your hat, I suppose?

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1 minute ago, Quiver said:

Depends on whether you accept Majora's Mask as literal canon, I suppose. :ph34r:

Heh. Before you mentioned sunscreen, my assumption was that the unburned hand was the safe hand. 

Just be grateful that C'thullhu was satisfied with only your hat, I suppose?

Well, technically neither hand is burned, just the arm. But now that you mention it, yeah, it's my right arm that burned. It is rather sore. Thanks, Scotch-Irish gingerblood!

I...guess?  It was kinda funny.  James and I were playing out in the waves; we went just deep enough that we were past the breakers.  Except then one big wave came in that broke early, knocked me down, and stole my hat.  Just, poof! No more hat!

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Just now, Kaymyth said:


I...guess?  It was kinda funny.  James and I were playing out in the waves; we went just deep enough that we were past the breakers.  Except then one big wave came in that broke early, knocked me down, and stole my hat.  Just, poof! No more hat!

... Now I'm imagining the Ironborn mugging people for their fashion.

"We do not sow" isn't too different from "We do not sew."

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3 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Depends on whether you accept Majora's Mask as literal canon, I suppose. :ph34r:

Heh. Before you mentioned sunscreen, my assumption was that the unburned hand was the safe hand. 

Just be grateful that C'thullhu was satisfied with only your hat, I suppose?

Majoras Mask is my favorite game so of course it is canon, Im not sure how, but it is.

Nitpick: Cthulhu isnt actually a water creature, it is imprisoned under the water.

1 minute ago, Kaymyth said:

Well, technically neither hand is burned, just the arm. But now that you mention it, yeah, it's my right arm that burned. It is rather sore. Thanks, Scotch-Irish gingerblood!

I...guess?  It was kinda funny.  James and I were playing out in the waves; we went just deep enough that we were past the breakers.  Except then one big wave came in that broke early, knocked me down, and stole my hat.  Just, poof! No more hat!

The sea really liked your hat, apparently.

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1 minute ago, Quiver said:

... Now I'm imagining the Ironborn mugging people for their fashion.

"We do not sow" isn't too different from "We do not sew."


Today, Quiver is Best Pony.

1 minute ago, Zathoth said:

Majoras Mask is my favorite game so of course it is canon, Im not sure how, but it is.

Nitpick: Cthulhu isnt actually a water creature, it is imprisoned under the water.

The sea really liked your hat, apparently.

It wasn't even a very impressive hat.  It was just a white floppy one I was wearing to keep from sunburning the top of my head.  But the sea wanted it, so it took the silly thing.

Fortunately, I have another hat.  I will not be wearing that one into the ocean, though, as I do not want to lose my cool Star Trek baseball cap.

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Just now, Kaymyth said:

It wasn't even a very impressive hat.  It was just a white floppy one I was wearing to keep from sunburning the top of my head.  But the sea wanted it, so it took the silly thing.

Fortunately, I have another hat.  I will not be wearing that one into the ocean, though, as I do not want to lose my cool Star Trek baseball cap.

What the sea wants the sea takes... I should try some nautical horror...

That would be a sad thing to lose XD

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Just now, Quiver said:

So...baseball Star Trek cap.

Is that a DS9 reference, or an Enterprise reference?:ph34r:

Well, you have to understand that the baseball cap style is HUGELY popular in the States.  Like 90% of people wearing hats out here are wearing that style.

But this one was a bit of promotional swag from Star Trek Beyond that I got hold of 'cause we got a bunch of leftover stuff brought to the last ConQuesT staff meeting.

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1 hour ago, Zathoth said:


1 hour ago, Zathoth said:

Nitpick: Cthulhu isnt actually a water creature, it is imprisoned under the water.

Further nitpick: Not necessarily. According to August Derelith's system, he would line up with elemental water, opposed to elemental air in the form of Hastur.

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