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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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1 hour ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

@Zathoth, This might help.

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I find that if I imply things about myself, even if they're not true, other people sometimes mistakenly get creeped out about me. For example;  once I told a friend "do you ever get annoyed by how hard getting away with murder is these days?"  That friend, and a couple of others that overheard, refused to speak to me for an entire week. I also use a ton of overly complicated and super long words that, usually, are difficult to translate into regular, every-day English. They don't often enjoy the conversation at that point. After that most people just laugh, shrug, and walk away. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it may help your cause. Good luck!


My dad has a friend that watches for awkward silences to yell 'it's not cannibalism if you use barbecue sauce!' You aren't alone.

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3 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


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…or, as Zathoth said, just a way to misspell "spooky." 

Da-aamn Son, he breakin them moves good.

2 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

@Zathoth, This might help.

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I find that if I imply things about myself, even if they're not true, other people sometimes mistakenly get creeped out about me. For example;  once I told a friend "do you ever get annoyed by how hard getting away with murder is these days?"  That friend, and a couple of others that overheard, refused to speak to me for an entire week. I also use a ton of overly complicated and super long words that, usually, are difficult to translate into regular, every-day English. They don't often enjoy the conversation at that point. After that most people just laugh, shrug, and walk away. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it may help your cause. Good luck!


Haha, this is what we do at shool every day. We try and make the most uncomfortable and strange things to say, then say them at the wrong moment,

*Principal walks by*

Matt- Don't you just hate it when your torturing someone and they have to scream?

*Principal freezes*

Me- No way, that peeves you to? I know right! I mean, come on people, if your gonna get tortured at least have the diginity to stay silent!

*Principal slowly turns his head to look at me*

Matt- That's exactly what I mean, just because I'm flaying the skin off your back doesn't mean you have to wake up the whole neighbourhood

*Principal slowly looks down at Matt*

*Que Sunny, another friend*

Sunny- What are we all talking about *chews gum noisily*

*Principal takes the chance to inconspicuously leave*

Edited by Darkness Ascendant
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4 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Who you gonna call? Kaymyth!

Heh.  If it's an unsavory character, yes.  If, however, it's your dear departed Auntie Schmee just hanging around 'cause she loves her family and isn't ready to move on yet, imma tell you to just deal.

Edited by Kaymyth
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Just now, Kaymyth said:

Heh.  If it's an unsavory character, yes.  If, however, it's your dear departing Auntie Schmee just hanging around 'cause she loves her family and isn't ready to move on yet, imma tell you to just deal.

But, but Auntie Schmee's idea of love is to chain us up in the basement, and say it's for our own good.

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1 minute ago, Kaymyth said:

Your family is weird.

That is understatement of the year. Round of applause guys

EDIT- Woah, I just learnt that my mum saved a guy from commiting suicide today at work. He had been contemplating it while sitting at the train station, but then decided to see a doctor and came to my mum because and I quote my mother he said "He came to me because he said I was the best doctor in the area". Mum convinced him not to, then let him answer a call from his mum, after which he left.

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4 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

@Zathoth, This might help.

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I find that if I imply things about myself, even if they're not true, other people sometimes mistakenly get creeped out about me. For example;  once I told a friend "do you ever get annoyed by how hard getting away with murder is these days?"  That friend, and a couple of others that overheard, refused to speak to me for an entire week. I also use a ton of overly complicated and super long words that, usually, are difficult to translate into regular, every-day English. They don't often enjoy the conversation at that point. After that most people just laugh, shrug, and walk away. I don't know if this is good or bad, but it may help your cause. Good luck!



2 hours ago, PantsForSquares said:

I'm typically the random trivia/fact person in almost every circle of friends I'm in, which is neat. Today's random fact was sponsored by Cracked, and featured the fact that dummies exist for dentistry practice.

They range from bizarre (one company made a calendar by Photoshopping the model into stock photos, leading to some genuine Twilight Zone weirdness) to nightmare-inducing (one might as well be a Terminator with dentures).

It still doesnt solve the problem of there being funny vampires in kinds shows...

2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Speaking of horror, @Zathoth, do you listen to The Black Tapes? I can't recall whether you said you did or not. 

I dont... so I should. Well now I know what to listen to during work.

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6 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

Well, I've deghosted a couple of houses.  So...probably.

Kay, heard of Rotherwood Mansion? 

It's supposedly the most haunted place within 50 miles of me and I live less than a mile away from it. 

Also, little graveyard at the entrance to my neighbohood that's rusting creepy.

And I've seen some freaky crem.

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On 03/10/2016 at 0:56 PM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

This week in Thoughts from Twimom: "Why are so many Millennials leaving the church? Well, we were too storming nice to them in their formative years. We should've taught them to respect and fear authority more." 


Oh Great Noodly One my mother is Vernon Dursley. 

Yes. They left because you were too nice to them. Clearly. :rolleyes: 

mistrunner, an example could just be "it's great when a friend is trustworthy, ie you tell them a secret and know they won't tell anyone else." Like just make the fluffy idea a little more concrete. 

@bleeder [url=http://www.gq.com/story/my-son-the-prince-of-fashion] this article [/url] reminds me of you. 

Edited by Delightful
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So... DC is unveiling the cast for a new Justice League comic. By sheer coincidence, the cast thus far consists entirely of characters who have appeared, or are slated to appear, in their DCTV shows.

I snark (somewhat inaccurately, since the Atom of the show is Ray Palmer, not Ryan Choi, but Ryan is wearing a suit that looks like TV!Ray's, so I think we can call that a wash), but honestly? I'm excited. One of DC's flaws is that they don't really capitalize on the success they find in other media well.

Not that they don't capitalize, of course. Smallville led to Lex being re-established as having grown up in Smallville, for instance, while recent Green Arrow runs have introduced Diggle and Felicity (to mixed success). Heck, a lot of crucial Superman lore (the Fortress, Jimmy, Kryptonite) originated from movie or radio and was introduced to the comics retroactively; DC definitely pulls on extra-comic influences a lot.

But at the same time they botch things so hard sometimes. Like the fact that at a time when Green Arrow and the Flash are riding waves of popularity, they don't really promote the characters any more than they had been, and instead saddle them with terrible writers who write terrible stories that aren't going to make readers stay. And if you saw Supergirl, or Vixen, and thought "She looks cool!" and wanted to read a book about her? Too bad, because DC didn't publish any Supergirl or Vixen comics when those shows were released. 

So... yeah. Having a book which has CW-based characters? That doesn't sound like a bad idea. It could definitely help draw in new readerbases. 

Also, the teaser images just look so cool that I want the book right now.

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15 minutes. That's how long I spent on the phone with ONE patron. It wasn't even a complex problem; the call shouldn't have taken more than a minute, but they kept. repeating. everything. And rambling. Rambling on and on about how the problem made them feel. Only when I said "There's nothing I can do for you right now if you don't have access to a computer" did they FINALLY get off the phone. 


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13 hours ago, Djarskublar said:

My dad has a friend that watches for awkward silences to yell 'it's not cannibalism if you use barbecue sauce!' You aren't alone.

Awkward silences are the perfect time to turn to someone and yell "Hey! You hear voices in your head too?!

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6 hours ago, bleeder said:

Kay, heard of Rotherwood Mansion? 

It's supposedly the most haunted place within 50 miles of me and I live less than a mile away from it. 

Also, little graveyard at the entrance to my neighbohood that's rusting creepy.

And I've seen some freaky crem.

I haven't, but there are a ton of haunted places around.  Most of them won't do worse than creep people out.  Most ghosts are just lonely and/or confused, and just acting out in order to get someone to acknowledge their existence.  Some aren't even aware that they're dead, and think they're the ones being haunted.

Interestingly enough, not all hauntings involve ghosts.  There are repeater hauntings; basically, the same scene plays out over and over.  The theory goes that there were such strong emotions involved in those events that they left an "imprint" on the fabric of existence in that spot, and it's stuck on repeat.

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7 hours ago, bleeder said:

heard of Rotherwood Mansion? 

It's supposedly the most haunted place within 50 miles of me and I live less than a mile away from it. 

Also, little graveyard at the entrance to my neighbohood that's rusting creepy.

And I've seen some freaky crem.


"There comes a point where tall tales aren’t just entertainment any longer. They’re accepted as fact."

I haven't read the series of articles, but you might find them helpful.

 Lots of people seem to prefer the "thrill" of falsehoods to actual demonstrative reality... often following "it feels true" tactics that characterize harmful movements such as the Trump campaign.

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5 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:


"There comes a point where tall tales aren’t just entertainment any longer. They’re accepted as fact."

I haven't read the series of articles, but you might find them helpful.

 Lots of people seem to prefer the "thrill" of falsehoods to actual demonstrative reality... often following "it feels true" tactics that characterize harmful movements such as the Trump campaign.

I know that most of the stuff about Rowena is faked, but a bunch of other creepy stuff is around.

Like, in the 20's or so on Netherland Inn Road, in front of the Netherland Inn, a guy got hit by a car on a foggy night, and they say you can see him on foggy nights. There's a whole story about it (I don't know the deets), but I don't doubt it. I live in an eerie area.

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