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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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13 hours ago, bleeder said:

I am confused and amazed and this is adorable.

13 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

Did . . . Did you just use the word "bae?"

*respect for bleeder steadily drops* (I kid. :P)

@Mistrunner , choose someone from one of your fandoms that you could cosplay easily. For example, I found a pink sweater and a purple skirt at a thrift store, so now I'm sewing a shooting star on the front and going as Mabel Pines. My brother has the hat, so once he gets a blue vest, he can go as Dipper. 乁(ツ)ㄏ 

I was at a con last week and I saw a few Mabels. :)

12 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

Nate Silver at FiveThirtyEight has probably the best handle on things.  Different polls can vary wildly, but he aggregates all the data, weights it by how reliable a particular poll is likely to be, and then feeds in a bunch of historical data as well.  It's not looking good for Drumpf.

Poor Bruce.  He'll be in for a rude awakening when Leia shuns him.  She...she thinks she's a cat.

I am still not 100% sure I even know what the heck that means.


I know, I am so old. Get off my lawn, ya darn kids!

Bae is like babe/love/darling but more annoying. I believe it technically stands for Before All Else which also wrecks English because "you're My before all else" just doesn't grammar.

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@TwiLyghtSansSparkles, sorry it took me a long time to respond!  XD  I'm only online late at night my time.  You can totally do either, I don't think it will hurt your story in the long run.  Lots of the books on Wattpad have no covers, so you don't have to post your story with one immediately.  ^_^  If you'd like, you can maybe find a picture of Draco Malfoy or something for a "filler" while you wait.  It gives the readers something to look at, but you don't have too.  It's up to you!  Btw, what's your username on Wattpad?  I want to see the finished product (you got me curious. lol)!

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3 hours ago, Mistrunner said:

I spent this morning practicing trombone in my pajamas and eating waffles. Today has been a good day. ^_^

Sounds like fun. 

I've been in the car on the way back from Orlando (ten-hour drive...) rereading The Final Empire on my laptop and listening to music.

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14 minutes ago, Mistbornwithakitty said:

@TwiLyghtSansSparkles, sorry it took me a long time to respond!  XD  I'm only online late at night my time.  You can totally do either, I don't think it will hurt your story in the long run.  Lots of the books on Wattpad have no covers, so you don't have to post your story with one immediately.  ^_^  If you'd like, you can maybe find a picture of Draco Malfoy or something for a "filler" while you wait.  It gives the readers something to look at, but you don't have too.  It's up to you!  Btw, what's your username on Wattpad?  I want to see the finished product (you got me curious. lol)!

@Mistbornwithakitty, no worries. ^_^ I'll start posting now. For you and anyone looking to follow me there, my username is the same as it is here (link if that makes it easier). 

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4 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

@Mistbornwithakitty, no worries. ^_^ I'll start posting now. For you and anyone looking to follow me there, my username is the same as it is here (link if that makes it easier). 

I followed you (user is Emmavale16).  ^_^  Look forward to reading!

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1 minute ago, Mistbornwithakitty said:

I followed you (user is Emmavale16).  ^_^  Look forward to reading!

Thanks! ^_^ 

Currently struggling with a summary. I hate describing my own work—I'm always afraid I'll make it sound much better than it actually is, so I kind of want to default to "Um, this is a story, and I wrote it, and I hope it's good—but if it's not and you hate it that's okay, just don't write me angry letters?" :mellow: 

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51 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Thanks! ^_^ 

Currently struggling with a summary. I hate describing my own work—I'm always afraid I'll make it sound much better than it actually is, so I kind of want to default to "Um, this is a story, and I wrote it, and I hope it's good—but if it's not and you hate it that's okay, just don't write me angry letters?" :mellow: 

Oh my goodness, I get it.  I have a harder times with the summery than I do with the actual story.  I'll toil over a simple paragraph for a day, desperately trying to make it a little interesting. lol  There should be some kind of support group.  :D 

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6 minutes ago, Mistbornwithakitty said:

Oh my goodness, I get it.  I have a harder times with the summery than I do with the actual story.  I'll toil over a simple paragraph for a day, desperately trying to make it a little interesting. lol  There should be some kind of support group.  :D 

It'd be much easier to just lob the story at people and say "READ THIS PLZ," but unfortunately they expect more sophisticated marketing tactics. :P 

The first chapter is up, by the way. It's longer than the ones I've been posting on DA, and I did a bit of editing before posting it, but it's up. Tell me what you think, because like most writers I need feedback and praise to survive. :P 

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

It'd be much easier to just lob the story at people and say "READ THIS PLZ," but unfortunately they expect more sophisticated marketing tactics. :P 

The first chapter is up, by the way. It's longer than the ones I've been posting on DA, and I did a bit of editing before posting it, but it's up. Tell me what you think, because like most writers I need feedback and praise to survive. :P 

Read it and loved it.  Left a comment and vote.  ^_^  For anyone who likes Potter Fanfics, read it!  It's really good. 

Awesome job @TwiLyghtSansSparkles!  Keep posting.

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I have achieved a new plane of existence. My procrastination has reached the highest level- indeed, rather than do homework, I decided to learn the flute. I have begun to procrastinate by actually accomplishing things.

Farewell, my friends. I ascend.

Edited by Mistrunner
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6 minutes ago, Mistrunner said:

I have achieved a new plane of existence. My procrastination has reached the highest level- rather than do homework, I decided to learn the flute. Indeed, I have begun to procrastinate by actually accomplishing things.

Farewell, my friends. I ascend.

Behold, the bearer of the little-known Shard of Procrastination. :o

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