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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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3 minutes ago, DreamLord_Erith said:

Thanks, bye the way... is there anything I can do to make an interesting discussion start?

You can't force it. It'll come to you in time.

6 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Kingkiller is phenomenal. Rothfuss is almost as good as Sanderson, but Brandon holds a special place in my heart.

I can't compare them; Kingkiller Chronicles prose is absurdly good and beatiful while Brandon... eh, what's the point in listing his strong points on the forum dedicated to his works? :D

Anyway, read Rothfuss, it's the same shelf as Brandon.

Edited by Oversleep
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33 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Kingkiller is phenomenal. Rothfuss is almost as good as Sanderson, but Brandon holds a special place in my heart.

They have very different writing styles. Rothfuss has the most amazingly beautiful prose, in some places it's practically poetry. (I'm looking at you prologues). 

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2 minutes ago, Delightful said:

They have very different writing styles. Rothfuss has the most amazingly beautiful prose, in some places it's practically poetry. (I'm looking at you prologues). 

This is true. I always love seeing the prolouge/epilogue of Name of the Wind whenever I decide to reread it.

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4 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

Ah yes, I too, am learning to drive. My dad says that he has nightmares about it. :mellow: 

My dad says he's worried but that I can't be much worse than my sister (and she waited until she was 18 to get her license, cause she kept putting it off!) 

I think I can drive okay though. I'll be fifteen in 3 months so I'll be getting my permit before long. If anyone happens to drive through Kingsport and gets hit by a tall teen driving a car, it's probably me. And I apologize in advance.

Also, @TwiLyghtSansSparkles, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout! That's the "New Chapter" shout-out we needed!

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:
1 hour ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

A new chapter? Two in one day? Awesome!

*Follows the link*

.   .   .   . Curse you and your lying ways. I read that this morning.

41 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Sorry. :mellow: 

On the bright side, it means the concept of being polite in YouTube comments isn't as new as we thought! ^_^

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29 minutes ago, Delightful said:

I spent two hours waiting at the bank for the guy to tell me " welcome to israel! sorry we're actually closed now, I can't help you."

I did get some useful information from him and he was friendly,  but like seriously? 

I felt that way this morning, i made brownies last night, and mom said it was bedtime, this morning she gave my little brother a brownie, when I asked for one she said he had'nt had one last night, i did not get one either, she must have thought i had one.

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3 hours ago, DreamLord_Erith said:

I felt that way this morning, i made brownies last night, and mom said it was bedtime, this morning she gave my little brother a brownie, when I asked for one she said he had'nt had one last night, i did not get one either, she must have thought i had one.

I don't see the connection? I'm also exhausted so 

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