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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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17 hours ago, bleeder said:

File:Alcohol by Country.png

This is a map of total recorded alcohol consumption per capita.

Uganda needs to storming chill.

Now I feel mildly guilty for not living up to the Irish stereotype and drinking. If I did, maybe we'd be at the top of that leaderboard.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Miraculous said:

Just got my wisdom teeth removed . . . My face is swollen, my jaws ache, and all I can taste is blood. Yay. <_<

And what does you blood tastes like? Mine tastes like iron. I've heard that most people describe their blood as sweet.

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1 hour ago, Mestiv said:

And what does you blood tastes like? Mine tastes like iron. I've heard that most people describe their blood as sweet.

It is metallic, but it also tastes sort of . . . Salty or maybe sour? It comes from the tastebuds on the back of my tongue.

1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

At least you'll get lots of milkshakes and smoothies these next few days. :ph34r:

I'll be excited for that once my tongue and lower lip stop being numb and I'm able to swallow. :P 

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@Ookla the Miraculous @Mestiv While we're on this admittedly rather weird topic... When I've tasted my blood, it has tasted kinda stale and metallic, a little reminiscent of the taste I get in my mouth when I wake up after having gone to sleep without brushing my teeth beforehand. Not very pleasant.

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Here's a cause I never would have championed if I hadn't become a librarian: Make every employer whose workplace has an online component (putting pay stubs online, sending schedules through email) provide basic computer training for employees who aren't computer literate. I just finished working with a patron who didn't even know how to access their own email account. Which sucked for them, because their employer had begun putting pay stubs online. So this patron was just given a page of instructions and sent off onto the wild blue yonder, probably told to "go to the public library if you need help."

Here's the thing: We librarians aren't supposed to spend more than a few minutes with each patron. We get a lot of questions each day, and spending 20+ minutes with one patron is out of the question. Yes, we do have computer classes, and yes they're free, but they're nearly always held during the day when most people are at work, since most people who sign up for those classes are retirees. In other words, these employers are putting all responsibility for computer training on an organization that doesn't have the resources or manpower to provide it, or else tossing their employees to the wolves. 

And really, how difficult is it to hold a class or two on accessing personal data on the company website? Especially since the librarian isn't even allowed to help said employees through the final steps, seeing as how we're not allowed to access patrons' personal information. Really, just a quick run-through after the employees are hired would solve a lot of problems. 

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8 hours ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

Guys I'm scared. There's this place where this homeless person lives. There's a bunch of cardboard boxes there and everything. 

And now there's the case for a storming 18-inch serrated machete.

I'm scared. 

Any chance at all that machete is legal? Can you report it to the police?

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2 hours ago, Deliiiiiightful said:

Any chance at all that machete is legal? Can you report it to the police?

If the assassin in burgundy lives in America, most likely it is legal, although it depends on the state/city and the exact circumstances.

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12 minutes ago, Deliiiiiightful said:

I have an Age Of the Internet problem. 

I wrote a Hamilton-inspired poem. I want to tweet it at Lin-Manuel. (Shh fangirl here. He seems pretty responsive to randoms). Its longer than a tweet. Where can I post it to link to?

The most common method (if it's not TOO long) is to attach it as a picture, but I guess you could post it to tumblr or something... There's also some website called "tweet longer" or similar, but I'm not sure exactly how it works.

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2 minutes ago, Eki said:

The most common method (if it's not TOO long) is to attach it as a picture, but I guess you could post it to tumblr or something... There's also some website called "tweet longer" or similar, but I'm not sure exactly how it works.

So like screenshot + attach? Does that work size-wise?


And now the weasels are telling me its awful and no one will ever like my bad poetry and SHUT UP YOU DARN WEASELS!

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Just now, Deliiiiiightful said:

So like screenshot + attach? Does that work size-wise?

Depends on how long it is, I guess. I don't really know how twitter does compression of bigger pictures, but it usually seems to work ok. You could try it out without @ing him first, just to see if it works (and then delete it if you want your tweet to him to be the "real" tweet).

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4 minutes ago, Eki said:

Depends on how long it is, I guess. I don't really know how twitter does compression of bigger pictures, but it usually seems to work ok. You could try it out without @ing him first, just to see if it works (and then delete it if you want your tweet to him to be the "real" tweet).

It works and I'm terrified. Wish me luck! Thank you!


I sent it. *hides under the bed*

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55 minutes ago, Deliiiiiightful said:

I have an Age Of the Internet problem. 

I wrote a Hamilton-inspired poem. I want to tweet it at Lin-Manuel. (Shh fangirl here. He seems pretty responsive to randoms). Its longer than a tweet. Where can I post it to link to?

There's a site called Twitlonger for just that.

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