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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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I talked to the principal's secretary about whether he's angry at Make-a-Wish for denying his 25 percent request, and whether I needed to worry about it in the future. She told me that it was something that he asked all the clubs and that he wasn't sure how to approach it, hence implying that there wasn't an issue. Despite her vagueness, I left the interaction feeling more hopeful.

I then talked to my club advisor. Turns out the secretary straight-up lied to me about him asking all the clubs; it was only Make-a-Wish. Since our rebuttal of him, he has now moved on to trying to gouge College Club out of their grant money, something which I assume is highly illegal.

Now, time for the icing on this repulsive cupcake. The man is upset at Make-a-Wish and denying our fundraisers, right? Well, everything's dandy when he realizes that our status as the most successful club in our county is good press. Admin has now asked us to write a press release to a local newspaper detailing how we have raised an unprecedented amount, more than the next 3 clubs combined, bla bla bla...

Has he approved the restaurant fundraisers now? No.

If this behavior spills into next year, I'm seriously considering a press leak.

Contact Make-A-Wish immediately. Spend the summer coming up with a course of action and a workable strategy. Make sure the foundation knows everything that's happened so far, every sordid detail, and get cracking on your response as soon as you possibly can. This is wrong and illegal, and if you need a press leak to get this to stop, it'll be better if you leak the story while it's still relatively recent. Do not, under any circumstances, wait until the next school year, because I can guarantee you this behavior will absolutely continue until this principal is forced to stop, either by scandal, by law, or by both.

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Why wait? I mean, unless all the clubs deny him, the situation probably won't get better.


EDIT: Oh right, the year is ending, summer is coming. Yeah.

Edited by Oversleep
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I talked to the principal's secretary about whether he's angry at Make-a-Wish for denying his 25 percent request, and whether I needed to worry about it in the future. She told me that it was something that he asked all the clubs and that he wasn't sure how to approach it, hence implying that there wasn't an issue. Despite her vagueness, I left the interaction feeling more hopeful.


I then talked to my club advisor. Turns out the secretary straight-up lied to me about him asking all the clubs; it was only Make-a-Wish. Since our rebuttal of him, he has now moved on to trying to gouge College Club out of their grant money, something which I assume is highly illegal. 


Now, time for the icing on this repulsive cupcake. The man is upset at Make-a-Wish and denying our fundraisers, right? Well, everything's dandy when he realizes that our status as the most successful club in our county is good press. Admin has now asked us to write a press release to a local newspaper detailing how we have raised an unprecedented amount, more than the next 3 clubs combined, bla bla bla...


Has he approved the restaurant fundraisers now? No. 


If this behavior spills into next year, I'm seriously considering a press leak.

You know, there are some things that just make me wish I could divinely smite people. That principal would definitely get on the list fast. Like, what the crap.

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Is the double posting because so many people are posting at the moment? When I posted, instead of the edit-box becoming actual post, nothing happened. I had to open the topic in another tab to confirm that I in fact posted already.

EDIT: Again.

Edited by Oversleep
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I talked to the principal's secretary about whether he's angry at Make-a-Wish for denying his 25 percent request, and whether I needed to worry about it in the future. She told me that it was something that he asked all the clubs and that he wasn't sure how to approach it, hence implying that there wasn't an issue. Despite her vagueness, I left the interaction feeling more hopeful.


I then talked to my club advisor. Turns out the secretary straight-up lied to me about him asking all the clubs; it was only Make-a-Wish. Since our rebuttal of him, he has now moved on to trying to gouge College Club out of their grant money, something which I assume is highly illegal. 


Now, time for the icing on this repulsive cupcake. The man is upset at Make-a-Wish and denying our fundraisers, right? Well, everything's dandy when he realizes that our status as the most successful club in our county is good press. Admin has now asked us to write a press release to a local newspaper detailing how we have raised an unprecedented amount, more than the next 3 clubs combined, bla bla bla...


Has he approved the restaurant fundraisers now? No. 


If this behavior spills into next year, I'm seriously considering a press leak.

...And I have a new 'I need a Terminator,' situation.

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Is the double posting because so many people are posting at the moment? When I posted, instead of the edit-box becoming actual post, nothing happened. I had to open the topic in another tab to confirm that I in fact posted already.

EDIT: Again.

Yeah, that happened to me. I dunno.

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OK, I just had a conversation with two coworkers and learned that neither of them have ever heard of Depeche Mode.



Your coworkers should hang their heads in shame, then Proceed to download a playlist of their music and listen to it on repeat

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I just sent an email to our liaison at the Foundation. Since you're all emotionally invested now, I'll keep you posted. -_-

Good! I wouldn't do anything else until you hear back from them. No press leaks, no good article about your successes, nothing until you get their say.
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"I don't feel we're getting off on quite the right foot." 


Huh, what makes you say that? Was it the fact Buffy's previous Watcher was fired for caring about his charge enough to have second thoughts about draining her of her powers and locking her in with a psycho vampire? Or the fact that you spent your first five minutes with the Slayer engaged in dry pretentious droning to enjoy the sound of your own voice? Or maybe the fact that you never proved you aren't evil? 


I'm just as mystified over this as you are, New Watcher.








Um, but maybe robbing a sporting goods store isn't the best way to prove you're better off without a pretentious academic breathing down your neck?

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I've never seen Buffy, so everything I know about the show comes from Twi's reactions, and whatever is currently happening sounds hilarious, even if the second spoiler is only a metaphor.

yeah I have *no idea* what that means but it's hilarious :)
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And then, when you'd be done with crying, you'll enjoy the silence, right? ;)


Ba-dum, tish


Probably just being at my desk too much?


OTC painkiller of your choice and a hot bath with epsom salts.  Also, start taking stretch breaks during the day; it helps!


I'm with Chaos. I want to see this guy taken down. :angry:


Can it be with a bazooka?  I like bazookas.


Yeah, that happened to me. I dunno.


That happens to me whenever someone has ninja'd me on a post.  Oh, also, that little pop-up that says, "Click here to load new posts?"  Yeah, that never works.




"I don't feel we're getting off on quite the right foot." 


Huh, what makes you say that? Was it the fact Buffy's previous Watcher was fired for caring about his charge enough to have second thoughts about draining her of her powers and locking her in with a psycho vampire? Or the fact that you spent your first five minutes with the Slayer engaged in dry pretentious droning to enjoy the sound of your own voice? Or maybe the fact that you never proved you aren't evil? 


I'm just as mystified over this as you are, New Watcher.








Um, but maybe robbing a sporting goods store isn't the best way to prove you're better off without a pretentious academic breathing down your neck?


Ahh, I see Wesley has arrived!  :D

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For me, its a song about an actual cannibal. :ph34r:


Immediately made me think of Julian Smith's song

, which I listen to regularly on my headphones and have a very hard time resisting the urge to belt it out when I'm in public.


OK, I just had a conversation with two coworkers and learned that neither of them have ever heard of Depeche Mode.




I'm 21 and like several of Depeche Mode's songs. Have I restored your faith in humanity?


Ahh, I see Wesley has arrived!  :D


XD I love Wesley! He starts out pompous, pretentious, and annoying, but he undergoes significant character growth as the show goes on. But he never stops being funny.

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Immediately made me think of Julian Smith's song

, which I listen to regularly on my headphones and have a very hard time resisting the urge to belt it out when I'm in public.
That was highly entertaining! :D

The following, I guess, is more of a zombie song, but zombies are cannibals so it counts, right?

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That was highly entertaining! :D

The following, I guess, is more of a zombie song, but zombies are cannibals so it counts, right?


Yours was also highly entertaining! I Googled the song and was pleased as punch to discover that the guy who wrote it is also the guy who wrote "Still Alive" from the Portal end credits. Love that song! (Weird fact, though: the first time I ever heard it was while playing Rock Band 2; it's one of the downloadable songs.)

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I talked to the principal's secretary about whether he's angry at Make-a-Wish for denying his 25 percent request, and whether I needed to worry about it in the future. She told me that it was something that he asked all the clubs and that he wasn't sure how to approach it, hence implying that there wasn't an issue. Despite her vagueness, I left the interaction feeling more hopeful.


I then talked to my club advisor. Turns out the secretary straight-up lied to me about him asking all the clubs; it was only Make-a-Wish. Since our rebuttal of him, he has now moved on to trying to gouge College Club out of their grant money, something which I assume is highly illegal. 


Now, time for the icing on this repulsive cupcake. The man is upset at Make-a-Wish and denying our fundraisers, right? Well, everything's dandy when he realizes that our status as the most successful club in our county is good press. Admin has now asked us to write a press release to a local newspaper detailing how we have raised an unprecedented amount, more than the next 3 clubs combined, bla bla bla...


Has he approved the restaurant fundraisers now? No. 


If this behavior spills into next year, I'm seriously considering a press leak. 


I'd recommend arranging a meeting with the principal personally. See if you can get them to straight out give a reason for why he's not allowing it. That way, you can rebut whatever the argument is, and try to get him to change his mind. Plus, even if he still refuses, you'll know what his argument is for his side to counteract it should it get to a stage where it goes to the news.

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