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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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2 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Yes, plus beneath all of her innocence and anxiety, she's very ambitious. She channels that ambition in a distinctly Ravenclaw direction, but it's quite strong. She has a strong Ravenclaw bent, but I think her primary is Slytherin. 

Hmm, now I'm imagining Hogwarts Houses as heraldry. Like, Shallan having a quartered banner of blue and Green, with a Raven and a Snake.

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1 minute ago, Delightful said:

That just doesn't make any sense. It feels like *lets make something super unexpected happen just to trick you all*. 

But Delightful, they are time traveling, of course reality itself actively just makes everything bad and misserable to punish the entire world for the missteps of two kids. That's exactly how it happened in the series so far, right?

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4 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Which makes her a Slytherclaw like you, right?

i need to get around to reading the  tumblr at some point. 

That just doesn't make any sense. It feels like *lets make something super unexpected happen just to trick you all*. 

See, I normally don't mind that. I am a HUGE fan of mirror universe stories, or stories wherealignments flip, heroes becime villains and so forth...

Buttons mostly works in serialised fiction. We can see an episode of Trek where Kirk is a space pirate...but the point is to juxtapose that with the (still ongoing) adventures of the real Kirk. 

But, in this case, the character is gone. Them being the best was the point, so this twist...has impact, but it changes the emotion in the regular timeline.

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12 minutes ago, Delightful said:

Which makes her a Slytherclaw like you, right?

i need to get around to reading the  tumblr at some point. 

That just doesn't make any sense. It feels like *lets make something super unexpected happen just to trick you all*. 

Yep. :ph34r: 


I also tend to think Draco was a mis-sorted Ravenclaw, or a Slytherclaw at least.


5 minutes ago, Quiver said:


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See, I normally don't mind that. I am a HUGE fan of mirror universe stories, or stories wherealignments flip, heroes becime villains and so forth...

Buttons mostly works in serialised fiction. We can see an episode of Trek where Kirk is a space pirate...but the point is to juxtapose that with the (still ongoing) adventures of the real Kirk. 

But, in this case, the character is gone. Them being the best was the point, so this twist...has impact, but it changes the emotion in the regular timeline.


Yeah, "let's pull a fast one on the audience" seems to be the extent of the logic here. 


I'm a fan of mirrorverse stories, too—at their best, they can show what a character could have been, or maybe should have been. But a mirror is supposed to reflect what's already there. If your mirror starts adding things to your appearance that you didn't, run screaming into the night, because you are now in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and you are about to be the victim of the week.

12 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Hmm, now I'm imagining Hogwarts Houses as heraldry. Like, Shallan having a quartered banner of blue and Green, with a Raven and a Snake.

That would look seriously awesome. Someone with artistic talent want to draw that? :ph34r: 

9 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

But Delightful, they are time traveling, of course reality itself actively just makes everything bad and misserable to punish the entire world for the missteps of two kids. That's exactly how it happened in the series so far, right?

Someone understands the essence of bad time-travel stories, I see. <_< 

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14 minutes ago, Morzathoth said:

I am just pretending that the epilogue and everything after it never happened. So Harry and Ginny lived an entertaining life together with children who did not have really stupid names.

Sunlight slanted through the hospital room window as Harry held his newborn son in his arms. Only a few hours old, and beautiful. So beautiful. The first Potter born since the war. The thought filled Harry with thoughts he couldn't vocalize, thoughts jumbled together in a mix of joy and sadness and pure relief that brought tears to his eyes. 

He needed a name. 

Not just any name. A celebration and a memorial. A name that told the dead they were remembered, and the living that healing had begun. 

And more than that, he needed a courageous name. A name that would make him hold his head up high when asked about it, that would make him proud to explain who he'd been named for. 

And just like that, Harry had the perfect one. 

He ran a finger gently down the infant's cheek, his smile broadening. "Welcome to the world, Dobby Hedwig." 

There was a loud crack that sent a sharp pang down his leg; he yelped, looking for the source, but the only other person in the room was Ginny, and she was asleep. 

Or had been. 

Her brown eyes were open, her wand in her hand. 

"Ginny? What—I thought you were asleep!" 

"No, Harry." 

"No….but it's a good name! You said yourself—" 

"No. Just no."

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2 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


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Sunlight slanted through the hospital room window as Harry held his newborn son in his arms. Only a few hours old, and beautiful. So beautiful. The first Potter born since the war. The thought filled Harry with thoughts he couldn't vocalize, thoughts jumbled together in a mix of joy and sadness and pure relief that brought tears to his eyes. 

He needed a name. 

Not just any name. A celebration and a memorial. A name that told the dead they were remembered, and the living that healing had begun. 

And more than that, he needed a courageous name. A name that would make him hold his head up high when asked about it, that would make him proud to explain who he'd been named for. 

And just like that, Harry had the perfect one. 

He ran a finger gently down the infant's cheek, his smile broadening. "Welcome to the world, Dobby Hedwig." 

There was a loud crack that sent a sharp pang down his leg; he yelped, looking for the source, but the only other person in the room was Ginny, and she was asleep. 

Or had been. 

Her brown eyes were open, her wand in her hand. 

"Ginny? What—I thought you were asleep!" 

"No, Harry." 

"No….but it's a good name! You said yourself—" 

"No. Just no."


At least Ginny isnt married to a friend of mine who is going to name all his kids Bob...


I can just imagine the conversation...

"You are not naming our child after your soddin' owl!"


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@The Young Bard I was thinking about why many Aussies myself included don't care much about politics. 

Its because it's all nonsense. Some are a little more racist, some are a little less racist, some say stupider things then others, but no one has something real to stand for. The election ads I saw were all scare tactics about how the other party were going to cut Medicare and everyone would die of illness or starve. The last election was all about how many refugees we could shove somewhere out the way and forget about. They all have more or less the same policies and they just......they're not leaders. Not one of them is a visionary, voting one way or the other won't bring Australia to paradise or ruin. We'll just keep bumbling along with politicians who care more about their positions and their power than they care about the people and the country. 

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While adding the date for the next A Kind of Magic chapter, I accidentally added an extra zero. 

First thought after this morning's Cursed Child conversation: 


After misplacing the decimal on his taxes, Draco Malfoy wakes in the year 20,000, where the brutal Voldetron 6.0 rules through his immortal second in command, Hannah Abbott, who became a Death Eater after Neville dumped her at their senior prom and she decided the only way to heal her broken heart was to become pure evil.

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27 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

While adding the date for the next A Kind of Magic chapter, I accidentally added an extra zero. 

First thought after this morning's Cursed Child conversation: 

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After misplacing the decimal on his taxes, Draco Malfoy wakes in the year 20,000, where the brutal Voldetron 6.0 rules through his immortal second in command, Hannah Abbott, who became a Death Eater after Neville dumped her at their senior prom and she decided the only way to heal her broken heart was to become pure evil.

Well, the Voldemort voice in my head is officially Orson Welles now. Thanks Twi.

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2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


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Sunlight slanted through the hospital room window as Harry held his newborn son in his arms. Only a few hours old, and beautiful. So beautiful. The first Potter born since the war. The thought filled Harry with thoughts he couldn't vocalize, thoughts jumbled together in a mix of joy and sadness and pure relief that brought tears to his eyes. 

He needed a name. 

Not just any name. A celebration and a memorial. A name that told the dead they were remembered, and the living that healing had begun. 

And more than that, he needed a courageous name. A name that would make him hold his head up high when asked about it, that would make him proud to explain who he'd been named for. 

And just like that, Harry had the perfect one. 

He ran a finger gently down the infant's cheek, his smile broadening. "Welcome to the world, Dobby Hedwig." 

There was a loud crack that sent a sharp pang down his leg; he yelped, looking for the source, but the only other person in the room was Ginny, and she was asleep. 

Or had been. 

Her brown eyes were open, her wand in her hand. 

"Ginny? What—I thought you were asleep!" 

"No, Harry." 

"No….but it's a good name! You said yourself—" 

"No. Just no."


I don't know what Ginny's going on about. That's a GREAT name.

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Reminds me of this


Alt-text: "And it says a lot about you that when your friends jump off a bridge en masse, your first thought is apparently 'my friends are all foolish and I won't be like them' and not 'are my friends ok?'"

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40 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

While we're on the topic of cliched argument shut-downs....

The best response I've heard to "Eat your dinner. There are starving children in Africa" is "Here's twenty bucks. Mail it to them."

It's interesting that that original cliched statement implies that a reasonable response to thought of "children in Africa are suffering the pangs of hunger and nutritional deficiency" is not "we should try to help them!" but is instead "let's force this ungrateful brat to eat food it neither wants or needs."

Kinda dehumanizes starving children into mere rhetoric wasted on privileged children who have not even developed the cognitive abilities necessary to understand, let alone appreciate, reasoned argument. *claps slowly* Bravo, 50s white America...bra-vo.

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2 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

Today I was thinking about vending machines, and ramen noodles, and was wondering why there isn't any ramen noodle vending machine. 

Wrong question, the right one should be, why aren't there any where you live.





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12 minutes ago, Edgedancer said:

Wrong question, the right one should be, why aren't there any where you live.

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Resolved: We should all move to wherever those vending machines are. We can take the magic soda machine from Seattle and university vending machines that dispense pizza rolls and mini tacos. :ph34r:

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So funny story from church today: at one point we were having a discussion about some verses of scripture and one of the women in the room said, "I'm accountable," and for a minute I was really confused because she didn't fully pronounce the "T" in accountable so what I thought I heard was "I'm a cannibal."

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2 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

So funny story from church today: at one point we were having a discussion about some verses of scripture and one of the women in the room said, "I'm accountable," and for a minute I was really confused because she didn't fully pronounce the "T" in accountable so what I thought I heard was "I'm a cannibal."

No you heard right. She was confessing her sins.

Or whatever.


So in other news I am writing a story about mermaids. Dont worry, it is weird.

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I had some idea - you know, worldbuilding idea or idea for a power or something. I wrote it down to remember it...

And all I have now is a post-it with a picture I drew on it: a bird sitting on the power lines captioned "AVOID THE LINES". I have no idea what is that supposed to mean :blink: That is surely sight from my window, but what did I try to remember?

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