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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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On 9.07.2016 at 6:16 PM, Morzathoth said:

There is no Pokemon Go in Europe at all. So Snag Machine it is!

I'm pretty sure that the webcomic author (which lives in the same city as me) whom tweets I occasionally read had posted a photo with Pokemon Go...

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57 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

I'm pretty sure that the webcomic author (which lives in the same city as me) whom tweets I occasionally read had posted a photo with Pokemon Go...

There is a workaround, but it glitches, apparently.

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27 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Aha! This book has an entire chapter devoted to cops talking about what cop shows get wrong about police work! Gold mine! 

But why are all of the cops from Ohio? :blink: 

Ohio is the only place with cops.

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3 hours ago, Oversleep said:

In fact, there never were any States. There is just and only Ohio. That's why.

Storm it! They realized the truth! We were quite happy quietly being everyone else's Buckeye Overlords. 

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 So I've got a question for some of those with some job experience. At the place I'm working at, I requested a few days off for a vacation myself and a few of my friends were planning on going on. I'm leaving Wednesday, and I told my managers the dates I needed off a month ago. I also gave them a reminder a few days ago before the new schedule came out so they knew I would be unable to work. Both times they said they would take care of it. And when this weeks schedule came out? They have me working EVERY DAY that I requested off. Any advice on what I should say to them when I go in tomorrow? 

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9 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

Wait, Twi, what episode is that from?

Season 4, episode 11, "Doomed." 

8 minutes ago, Patar said:

 So I've got a question for some of those with some job experience. At the place I'm working at, I requested a few days off for a vacation myself and a few of my friends were planning on going on. I'm leaving Wednesday, and I told my managers the dates I needed off a month ago. I also gave them a reminder a few days ago before the new schedule came out so they knew I would be unable to work. Both times they said they would take care of it. And when this weeks schedule came out? They have me working EVERY DAY that I requested off. Any advice on what I should say to them when I go in tomorrow? 

Start off by asking why you're scheduled to work on days you requested off, when you put the request in a month ago. Act like you think it was an honest mistake—because unlikely as it seems, it could have been. There's still a chance they could do some last-minute revisions to the schedule to give you the vacation time. If they can't or won't revise the schedule, ask if there's anything you can do, because the tickets are bought, the plans are made, and you simply will not be able to work. Not "I don't want to work on those days" or "I'd prefer to have them off," but "I will not be in town and will not be physically able to show up for work." Be polite, but also firm. 

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3 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

You had better post pics as soon as it's ready. 

Of COURSE I will.

I have scads of purple polyester dupioni.  Just ordered a few yards each of a different shade of purple and pink.  Victorian (dare I attempt steampunk?) Twilight Sparkle will happen.  Oh yes.

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Sitting in my hotel room overlooking Hong Lim park in Singapore and simultaneously watching what looks like a religious prayer session which is all very happy and peaceful AND a group of adults drinking and dancing around in a carpark

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25 minutes ago, MrMistborn said:

Ooooooooh it was a workout session. They were exercising. Haha I totally know what that feels like 

A workout that also looked like prayer? Interesting.

Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

New chapter, people! Which someone added to a collection, making me very happy indeed. ^_^

Ah I am so so far behind on these. :l

Sorry Twi. I'll get there. :/ 

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