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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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2 hours ago, Edgedancer said:

You know, Wonder Woman had some good designs in her time.

To be fair, she's also had some awful designs, too. I didn't even post the 90's look she had (since...you know. The 90's.)

But, I think there is a reason for the consistency though, related to this:

2 hours ago, Mestiv said:

I like the Odyssey one the most :)


See, here's the thing. Wonder Woman is awesome. She's strong, she's noble, she's heroic...but in 75 years, she's never had 'The Story'. You know, that one great piece which defines the character, that one story people will point to as a guiding stone for how the character should be, the tale that sets the bar and tops the list of Wonder Woman recommended reading.

Superman has All-Star Superman, or Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow. Batman has the Dark Knight Returns. Spider-man has The Night Gwent Stacey Died. The X-Men have The Days of Future Past.

Now, each of those characters have great runs, of course, and Diana has those too.Greg Rucka and Gail Simone are both held up as critically acclaimed writers for the book.

But Wonder Woman herself has never had the single, all encompassing story to guide her canon, which has led to her having (probably)one of the most fractious fanbases in DC.

Everytime a new writer comes onto the book, they end up redefining some part of her character or origin. In particular, the main problem is 'Is Diana a warrior or not'. There are fans who will dig their heels in with the opinion that Wonder Woman should be a non-violent hero who solves problems through love and understanding, and there are fans who believe that Wonder Woman is an Amazon, raised in a warrior culture, so her not fighting is ridiculous.

That's nor even getting into the 'loving submission' doctrine that the original stories promote, or the fact that Wonder Woman is meant to be a perfect woman so what does that mean, and...

Yeah. Yikes.:wacko: 

Point is, I've seen entire flame threads based around the question of "Should Wonder Woman wear pants". So, you know. If you're on a comic book forum, don't mention that.:P

(I like the Odyssey look, but personally? I liked the New 52 look. They keep coming up with reasons to "explain" it, but I've never liked the fact that Wonder Woman wears a costume based on the American flag. The New 52 look is less specific in that regard. Rebirth is looking decent, though.)

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@Quiver To be fair, nowadays there are many things you shouldn't say on a comic book forum. Comics do tend to come with a certain amount of controversity.:ph34r:
To be fair, from my perspective people being upset about Wonder Woman wearing pants is a rather strange thing for people to be upset about.:mellow:

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@Edgedancer Yeah, to both those accounts. There is literally no statement that has no controversy on a comic book forum.

("I like comics" would immediately be followed by people demanding what comics, arguing over companies, and at least one guy saying that every Marvel and DC book since about the mid-80'sa are basically trash. :ph34r:)

But, yeah. People will argue that pants aren't a part of the "iconic" look, and then someone will point out that the "classic" costume had a skirt instead of leotards and that might be read as sexist, and then the debate about heroines showing skin and...

Yeah.  <_< I love comic books, but a lot of the time, watching fans is like watching a slow motion car crash.

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35 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

That's... that's a beatiful metaphor to describe a flame war <3

Well, at least I managed to do one thing right!:D

...seriously, um. Yeah. Sorryfor the off topic ramblings. I talk to much. :unsure:

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2 minutes ago, Quiver said:

Well, at least I managed to do one thing right!:D

...seriously, um. Yeah. Sorryfor the off topic ramblings. I talk to much. :unsure:

*Looks at thread title*

*Looks at post count*

Both parts of statement are false

This statement is false.

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So I was debating over whether to put this in Creator's Corner or here, and ultimately decided that since this thread gets more traffic and is frequented by many people whose opinions I respect, I'd post it here. 

As many of you know, my original fiction project is set in an alternate version of 1942 where one of those WWII scientists who creates a superpowers-granting serum (a virus in this case) succeeds—and releases it far and wide, resulting in roughly one third of the world gaining superpowers. I plan to tell many different stories within this world, but for now, I'm focusing on one taking place in Spokane, WA, on the home front. It follows two young women, both Supers. Susan is white, Francine is black, and their stories intersect as a friendship forms and the Super viruses rapidly change their world. 

Now, the problem. As I'd planned out Francine's backstory, I had her father as a minister. Yet over the course of my research, I learned that Spokane had pretty much only one black church, and the minister was extremely important to their community and influential in the lives of his parishioners. By making Francine's father the minister, I'd be giving him the role occupied by this man. 

I want opinions here: Do you think that qualifies as erasure? I'm already replacing one historical figure with an original character (Ira Martin was the police chief at the time, but in my story, that role will be filled by a chief named Jonathan Cusick) simply because 1) it's already set in an alternate universe, so the police chief is just another divergence from our timeline, and 2) to add Ira Martin as the police chief, I'd basically have to write a biography with fantasy elements to ensure I kept him in character, so to speak. 

Another option I had for Francine's family was to make her father a deacon. It would change the nature of the story in many ways, but it would still work, and if it's the more respectful option, I'll take that one. 

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3 hours ago, Quiver said:

Well, at least I managed to do one thing right!:D

...seriously, um. Yeah. Sorryfor the off topic ramblings. I talk to much. :unsure:

He said in the most off topic thread of the off topic forum :P


@TwiLyghtSansSparkles I think you can replace that minister without being disrespectful or anything.  If you are so worried about people being upset with inconsistencies you can write a foreword explaining why you had to diverge from the actual past events and people. 

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Added response to Twi
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11 minutes ago, Mestiv said:

He said in the most off topic thread of the off topic forum :P


@TwiLyghtSansSparkles I think you can replace that minister without being disrespectful or anything.  If you are so worried about people being upset with inconsistencies you can write a foreword explaining why you had to diverge from the actual past events and people. 

My OC would play a similar role to his historical counterpart—i.e., they're both Good Shepherds, so I wouldn't be replacing a good minister with an evil one because it'd suit my purposes better. I also considered going ahead with my OC and (provided I get published one day) adding a sort of appendix, listing where I diverged from history and where I went along with it, allowing readers to meet Pastor Newell's real-life counterpart. 

5 minutes ago, Delightful said:

The randomness has become a palace. Let it rule! Let it rule!

The ponies flutter through the air and all around
There's a CAH game going on here on the 
And one thought crystalizes like old Gotham's Bat—
Mestiv is finally here! 
He brought all of his ca-ats! 

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@TwiLyghtSansSparkles I don't think it would be disrespectful to use your OC as the minister. When you are writing stories in alternate history, you're letting readers know upfront that the "facts" of your story are not the facts of actual history, so I think as long as you don't stick the actual minister's name on a different character and portray him in a bad light, you won't be doing anything offensive.

Or another possible option you might want to consider would be to mention the real minister's name but not insert him directly into the story--maybe he used to be the minister at that particular church before the start of the story, but something happened during the upheaval caused by the emergence of Supers to remove him from the narrative. Maybe a villainous Super killed him or something.

Of course, it's your story; do what you think is best. I'm just allowing my fingers to post the random ideas my brain is spitting out upon reading your post. :)

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

The ponies flutter through the air and all around
There's a CAH game going on here on the 
And one thought crystalizes like old Gotham's Bat—
Mestiv is finally here! 
He brought all of his ca-ats! 

I was Death-Rattling... Where did that come from??


Edit: gotcha. Now I want to write the rest of this. 

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

My OC would play a similar role to his historical counterpart—i.e., they're both Good Shepherds, so I wouldn't be replacing a good minister with an evil one because it'd suit my purposes better. I also considered going ahead with my OC and (provided I get published one day) adding a sort of appendix, listing where I diverged from history and where I went along with it, allowing readers to meet Pastor Newell's real-life counterpart. 

The ponies flutter through the air and all around
There's a CAH game going on here on the 
And one thought crystalizes like old Gotham's Bat—
Mestiv is finally here! 
He brought all of his ca-ats! 

That poem was good and you should feel good 

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The shard glows white on the screen tonight

theres an update, we're confused

all of these notifications, but somehow I'm amused,

Morzathoth is plotting 

how to scare us all

chaos doesn't care

He gets to rulllle.....


dont let let them out 


but here we're more than free

to geek out so comically

we're free!

let it rule! Let it rule! 

No holding back anymore

let it rule! Let it rule!

its what our board is for!

the radomness

becomes a palace!

bring the crazy on,

im the craziest here anyway......



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On 07/16/2016 at 6:17 PM, Delightful said:





actually it would be adorable. 

 How would this even work? I mean... You kind of have to accept that a) Jigglypuff doesn't have a butt, or b) Jigglypuff is a butt. Right? In either case, twerking would be weird. Am I wrong? What is a Jigglybutt? Why am I wondering about this



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5 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

The ponies flutter through the air and all around
There's a CAH game going on here on the 
And one thought crystalizes like old Gotham's Bat—
Mestiv is finally here! 
He brought all of his ca-ats! 


3 hours ago, Delightful said:

The shard glows white on the screen tonight
theres an update, we're confused
all of these notifications, but somehow I'm amused,
Morzathoth is plotting 
how to scare us all
chaos doesn't care
He gets to rulllle.....


dont let let them out 
but here we're more than free
to geek out so comically
we're free!
let it rule! Let it rule! 
No holding back anymore
let it rule! Let it rule!
its what our board is for!
the radomness
becomes a palace!
bring the crazy on,
im the craziest here anyway......

I feel stupid for now knowing what you are basing your songs/texts on :( 

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1 hour ago, Eki said:

 How would this even work? I mean... You kind of have to accept that a) Jigglypuff doesn't have a butt, or B) Jigglypuff is a butt. Right? In either case, twerking would be weird. Am I wrong? What is a Jigglybutt? Why am I wondering about this



I was just imagining Jigglypuff bouncing up and down on its tiny feet being all happy  

1 hour ago, Mestiv said:


I feel stupid for now knowing what you are basing your songs/texts on :( 

(It took me a good few minutes to get it at first too)

(it's Let It Go)

(I was originally just quoting a death rattle with one minor change). 

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8 hours ago, Sunbird said:

@TwiLyghtSansSparkles I don't think it would be disrespectful to use your OC as the minister. When you are writing stories in alternate history, you're letting readers know upfront that the "facts" of your story are not the facts of actual history, so I think as long as you don't stick the actual minister's name on a different character and portray him in a bad light, you won't be doing anything offensive.

Or another possible option you might want to consider would be to mention the real minister's name but not insert him directly into the story--maybe he used to be the minister at that particular church before the start of the story, but something happened during the upheaval caused by the emergence of Supers to remove him from the narrative. Maybe a villainous Super killed him or something.

Of course, it's your story; do what you think is best. I'm just allowing my fingers to post the random ideas my brain is spitting out upon reading your post. :)

Acknowledging the RL minister is an option I hadn't considered. There are pros and cons, definitely, so it's something I'll need to think over a bit more. He could've retired, or been injured in the crime wave, or any number of things. Though I'm not sure if I'd rather do that, or just have my OC fill his position from the beginning. Stepping in to replace him would give the whole "passing the torch" legacy hero vibe….I'll have to consider this some more. :ph34r: 

7 hours ago, Orlion Determined said:

@TwiLyghtSansSparkles As has been said, it's alternate history. Further, when trying to be "authentic" you don't need to get every detail correct. Just your basic stuff for setting and enough so your characters are authentic.

It's been said that trying to learn history from historical fiction is like trying to learn botany by studying Impressionist paintings of flowers, which would make fantastic alternate history something like this: 



Still, I'm basing my story in history, so….I guess I'm not worried about taking liberties so much as I worry about taking the wrong ones. 

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23 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Acknowledging the RL minister is an option I hadn't considered. There are pros and cons, definitely, so it's something I'll need to think over a bit more. He could've retired, or been injured in the crime wave, or any number of things. Though I'm not sure if I'd rather do that, or just have my OC fill his position from the beginning. Stepping in to replace him would give the whole "passing the torch" legacy hero vibe….I'll have to consider this some more. :ph34r: 

It's been said that trying to learn history from historical fiction is like trying to learn botany by studying Impressionist paintings of flowers, which would make fantastic alternate history something like this: 

  Hide contents


Still, I'm basing my story in history, so….I guess I'm not worried about taking liberties so much as I worry about taking the wrong ones. 


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