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Random Stuff IX: Rogue Admins

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1 hour ago, Quiver said:

Chikortia is awesome and cute and great and

Sorry. Chikorita was my first Silver starter, and an... incident with our trading cable meant I lost it forever. 

...But, yeah. Pokemon was a great game on handheld. I don't have Go -and have no itnentions of getting it- but I am sort of temped to start up ed or Blue and go for a Nuzelocke run, if only to collect some pokemon to transfer to Sun/Moon. 

Jooooooin uuuuusssssss

10 minutes ago, Mestiv said:
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New Polish covers for Brandon's books :D

From left:

  • Warbreaker
  • Elantris
  • Mistborn: Secret History

I like Warbreaker the most, what do you think? :)

ERROR:  No Sarene on Elantris cover.  Does not compute!

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6 hours ago, Mestiv said:
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New Polish covers for Brandon's books :D

From left:

  • Warbreaker
  • Elantris
  • Mistborn: Secret History

I like Warbreaker the most, what do you think? :)

I like Warbreaker the most.
I know that arguments can be made that Hrathen was really important in Elantris, but... I expected something different, perhaps Sarene or an Elantrian Raoden.

No. Wait. I'd really like a fallen Elantrian. I wonder how would Broniek (cover artist) picture what's basically a zombie.

Secret History... It's nice, but I really like the original one. Nothing beats that:



And there's this fact that Kelsier's mistcloak was hoodless, IIRC.

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Day 4 of the great MCR binge:

I have listened to a few songs by different artists, simply to keep things varied. Yet after each one, I found myself drawn back to the waiting arms of my two MCR albums. Perhaps this means the novelty will soon wear off and I will return to the rest of my music collection. 


Oh, never mind. My hold on Danger Days just came in. 

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If someone is interested, here is a full picture of Vasher which is used as cover for Polish edition of Warbreaker:



EDIT: I just remembered what I hoped for to be on Warbreaker cover - the effect of Breath aura on colors. Warbreaker could do very well in some graphic medium (graphic novel/film/game...). Well, if Wayne is usually depicted with a shotgun, I can't complain much, can I?

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FB suggested a fanpage I'd might like. I checked it, I see it's nothing that fits my tastes (it was a fanpage for book lovers, but it's one of those that there are Vampire Diares, Divergent and things like that fans).

But before I closed the tab I noticed something: they posted a screenshot of a FB post which was brilliant parody of those "pokemon go are bad and making people into zombies, how about you actually go outside and meet people and where is this world going" posts but with books replacing the smartphones. At the end, in the screenshot the OP even included a line with greetings for people ranting about Pokemon GO...
and, at the fanpage that was for people reading books...
...people went full holy rage about somebody insulting books and none of the people commenting noticed that it's a satire.

I laughed very, very hard :lol: Sweet, sweet irony.

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4 minutes ago, LarkoftheRiver said:

I'm terrible I'm so sorry I forgot this place existed. Heck.

Anyway what happened to this site my gosh the entire theme is new and its scary.

Chaos updated the site. THe one he kept saying would be coming "soon" Also, Morzathoth and I took over the Discord using CAH.

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18 minutes ago, LarkoftheRiver said:

I'm terrible I'm so sorry I forgot this place existed. Heck.

Anyway what happened to this site my gosh the entire theme is new and its scary.

Called it!

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I found it:

On 7/14/2016 at 6:49 AM, Delightful said:

btw has anyone seen @LarkoftheRiver around lately? She seems to have been gone forever. 

On 7/14/2016 at 9:55 AM, Kaymyth said:

She was last online mid-May; she hasn't even seen the new site yet.

I wouldn't worry too much; she tends to disappear for long periods because she forgets to log in.  We'll see her back in a few weeks, and she'll make a post that mostly just says "oops"

So Kaymyth did indeed call it.

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Lark underestimated me. We just played a game of Cards against Humanity. She was the judge for a black card. I can't be certain, but I think it was "Boy has Hoid got a story to tell about <Blank>." I had a fill it in yourself card, so I wrote "Lark's Parents.".  The next time she judged, it was "<Blank>; The Musical." And I had another fill it in yourself card. So I wrote "Lark's Life."

I had a lot of points that game, but Lark eventually won.

Don't pkay Cards against Humanity with me. I have no boundaries for that game. 

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