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Can anyone make a list of people who didn't vote during day one, merged with a list of people who weren't on during turnover. Those two things would make are Hoid list even smaller. Until then, I'm going to let (/color=green Joe) go.

Edit : sorry about not being able to turn Joe's name green. Still not sure about the commands on mobile. Can everyone just assume it's green please?

Edited by Conquestor
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It looks like this:

[color=green] Joe [/color]
As of right now I am not retracting my vote on Rae. If she is shown to be innocent or someone reveals something that makes her less likely to be an eliminator, I will retract that vote.

EDIT: Double ninja'd.

Edited by Master Elodin
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Vote tally:


Aman(4): Lopen, Sheep, Arraenae, Joe

Arraenae(3): The Young Bard, Elodin, Mailliw

Joe(2?): PK, Conquestor?(wasn't able to green it out)

Mark(1): Araris

Haelbarde(1): Haelbarde


With about 3 hours left in the Day, it appears the lynch is gonna be on either Aman or Rae. While I do feel mildly bad about lynching Aman without him ever showing up, I do suspect him a bit more than Rae. Of course, I suspect Rae of being Hoid, who's a much more powerful role. Eh, I can't really decide. I might move my vote over to Rae, but I'll leave my vote on Aman for now.

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I think that Aman may be a little bit shady, but i also don't want him to be lynched without him being here to defend himself. And i he did have some good points on day one IMHO as to why he was likely not an eliminator. Not all of them, but some of them were anyway. Sorry Arraenae. I may vote for Aman on a later cycle, but for now, them's the breaks.


And I'm going to bed. Hopefully my character hasn't frozen to death on the horneater peaks. I haven't checked in on him for awhile. :)

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Ok, this is going to be a bit of a short post, but I'll try and put some meat into it. I find it a bit odd that Lopen has a village read on me. I haven't really done anything to iterate a couple of opinions that I always have; role is not basis for lynch/not lynch, and that information should be given away only under extreme duress. Mark and Aman are two people that had posts that didn't agree with these views, so I indicated suspicion of them.


Anyway, don't see myself as having done anything worthy of a village read, and I find it suspicious then that Lopen produced one.


I also am somewhat suspicious of Conquestor. I have been willing to ignore some of it since he is a new player, but I would be willing to lynch him at this point.


Mark, you never responded to my post last cycle, so far as I could see. Can you please explain, with whatever level of detail you prefer, what you meant about your role making you a bad lynch for us to make?

I'm guessing you're assuming I'm saying if you vote for me, you'll die. But since there's no such role/item/mechanic (except for the scapegoat) you're wondering what I'm talking about. I can't really say much except that the key characteristic of my role is what will interfere with the proper functioning of the lynch. No one who voted on me will die due to lynching me, don't worry.

Now, please understand I can't say more without being even more obvious, which would result in..... something I wouldn't want to happen.

Sorry for the late reply. I'd forgotten to reply last cycle.

Either way, my vote goes for Rae. A no vote is not something I prefer if there are people with 4 votes. And, I'm pretty confident aman is not Hoid and a bit less, (but still sure) he's not a seventeenth sharder.

I know this is a last minute vote, but I'd rather not see a tie.

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Well, with the votes being 5 on Rae and 4 on Aman, I'll switch over to Rae since Aman hasn't been on and if Rae is Hoid, she could switch votes. Aman Arraenae


Arraenae(6): The Young Bard, Elodin, Mailliw, leiftinspace, Mark, Lopen

Aman(3): Sheep, Arraenae, Joe

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I'm guessing you're assuming I'm saying if you vote for me, you'll die. But since there's no such role/item/mechanic (except for the scapegoat) you're wondering what I'm talking about. I can't really say much except that the key characteristic of my role is what will interfere with the proper functioning of the lynch. No one who voted on me will die due to lynching me, don't worry.

Now, please understand I can't say more without being even more obvious, which would result in..... something I wouldn't want to happen.

Sorry for the late reply. I'd forgotten to reply last cycle.

Either way, my vote goes for Rae. A no vote is not something I prefer if there are people with 4 votes. And, I'm pretty confident aman is not Hoid and a bit less, (but still sure) he's not a seventeenth sharder.

I know this is a last minute vote, but I'd rather not see a tie.

I see what you mean now, about your role. Yeah, I'm definitely not voting for you.
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:) asked "And which way is that?" Seeing as all directions looked the same to him, even the Stormfather would have been lost here.

Suddenly, :) was grabbed by the shoulders and turned.

"That way. It’ll be an afternoon’s walk to reach civilization. So unless you wish to stay and see the sights some more, I suggest we start off.” Jonly said.

"A full afternoon?" :) said, frowning with distaste. "I despise walking! Makes my storming ankles hurt! Couldn't we just hop over to there? "

Jonly gave him a puzzled look? "Hop? Why would you.... oH! You mean worldhop! No :), we won't."

"But why? We'd get there faster than a highstorm!" :) replied "And my ankles wouldn't hurt so much."

"Yeah. Lets say we world hop. We'll land right in the middle of a busy marekt yard. You'll be unconscious for ten more hours, so there's a big chance you'll just be run over. I on the other hand would probably be apprehended for appearing out of thin air. Do you really want that? "

:) thought for a moment. "Fine. Have it your way. But it's your fault if my ankles start hurting."

Jonly sighed and started walking. Reluctantly, :) joined him.

"I'm guessing you're from here? Scadrial? Seeing as you know your way about?"

:) waited for an answer, but none came. I guess he's the quiet type. That, or he didn't hear me over the wind.

Desperate to enter into conversation, :) thought of something else to say.

"So, you know why we're here, right?" :) said, hopeful that Jonly would reply. He didn't.

"To see what this 'Well of Ascension' is. " :) continued. Still no response.

Finally, :) smiley stepped in front of him and blocked his path. Jonly's face went from blank to mildly confused.

He asked "were you talking to me?" Though half his words were lost to the wind, :) could make out some of what he was saying.

"I wasn't listening. Sorry for that. I decided to fill up my metalminds, you see?"

:) burst out laughing. If there was something he couldn't resist, it was s good joke.

Jonly cracked a smile at him, and patiently waited, his face going blank again.

"I guess I'll have to lead you by the nose now, lest you fall into a trap somewhere between here and civilisation. "

With that they continued their journey.


Not one of my best, but it exists! That's good enough right now.

Either way, Joe, sorry for the delay. As mentioned, I have a lot of work do catch up on, so there might be some breaks in our RP flow.

I'm guessing you know why Jonly really turned on his metal minds? Especially his zinc one?

EDIT: That is a lot of smileys!

Edited by Mark IV
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Not one of my best, but it exists! That's good enough right now.

Either way, Joe, sorry for the delay. As mentioned, I have a lot of work do catch up on, so there might be some breaks in our RP flow.

I'm guessing you know why Jonly really turned on his metal minds? Especially his zinc one?

I'll reply to this sometime during the night cycle. But just a note, please don't God Mod. You didn't make Jonly do anything that was Out of Character for him, but next time allow me to come up with his responses to your questions. Thanks! 

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True. :P You know, Elbereth answered one of my questions today exactly like you would.

Ah, the pride of a father seeing his little girl take her first steps.

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I'll reply to this sometime during the night cycle. But just a note, please don't God Mod. You didn't make Jonly do anything that was Out of Character for him, but next time allow me to come up with his responses to your questions. Thanks!

No problem. :)

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I'm not sure the forum could handle the Demon love child of The Brightness and The Shadows.  That being said, El has agreed to be Kiireon and Edaan's wedding planner should it come to that.


For some reason, I didn't foresee this being the topic for my 1000th post.

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