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What was the plan?

For Hael to switch me with Odium's Champion, while they were lynched. That'd make it so they'd die as a Poisoner who had Poisoned Alv, and both would die. Once they were dead, I'd be cemented as Odium's Champion, making me the last player Odium had Invested in, so I'd get Odium and then Hael would pass Autonomy to someone else and I'd make him my Champion, and thus, Original Odium and his Successor would come full circle and end as Team Odium.

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For Hael to switch me with Odium's Champion, while they were lynched. That'd make it so they'd die as a Poisoner who had Poisoned Alv, and both would die. Once they were dead, I'd be cemented as Odium's Champion, making me the last player Odium had Invested in, so I'd get Odium and then Hael would pass Autonomy to someone else and I'd make him my Champion, and thus, Original Odium and his Successor would come full circle and end as Team Odium.

It would have been glorious!
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Thanks Lopen :D

Well that was really quite fun :D

Though i honestly couldn’t believe just how much vote manipulation power i kept getting... first i was an elantrian, so theres some, and then when i had Cultivation as well i had 2 vote manipulations, and just after i ran out of Aons i got Dominion which could also mess with votes if you chose to use it that way.

Thats a lot of vote manipulation for one person :/ and funnily enough, i got both manipulation shards from Nyali dying which was kinda crazy.

I guess the thing with this game, near the start we thought it was going to go so badly, especially after Rae and Aman and cloud getting suspicion so easily.

Oh and for the record, i was never Odium's champion. :P

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Guys, which is better, #accidentalStickery or #StickicPower? :D

Really enjoyed this game, Seonid, was really good, even if I did die midway through. Thanks to the Shard as well for making my time their enjoyable.

You're welcome! :D it was such a nice surprise when you joined us. Turned our bad luck around and all that :P It's a pity you couldn't have ended the game alive with the rest of the originals,but oh well.

Oh, and thanks Hael for giving sheep to us :P

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Seonid PAFO'd me on what would happen with that...

Sorta wish I'd just played for a village win, tbh...

Although that would have completely broken the game...

Edited by Haelbarde
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From the Eliminator Doc:

Yep. Joe is annoying. > :( (If you’re reading this, Joe, please know that you caused a lot of frustration for this team(especially for Rae). Highest order of compliments an eliminator can give to a villager.)

That he is.

:P  :P  :P  Though, You did do a really good job Rae.



I… might know what high school Joe attends.

Really? And how did you obtain this information?

I used my powers of Hoid to worldhop to Oregon and see Joe attending school. Nah, I just searched up an event he said happened to him, along with the state he lived in. Came up with a newspaper article with school names. Actually, nevermind. I have a city, but not a school. Which is nothing I couldn’t have found from 17th Shard itself.

:blink: That's super Creepy, and I should have seen it coming.


I figured out why, even after all of this time, I still kind of trust Joe. He’s not a deity. Far from it. He’s just a Joe. But he’s a cool Joe, one that does leaps and flips in the air as easily as I could walk. He’s approachable. He’s fun. He’s not some divinity waiting in the wings to smite me if I do something he doesn’t like. No, he’ll just lead me into a trap, where I’ll tie myself up with the rope he gives me. And even after I hack my way out of the rope, I still want to talk to him. After all, in this world of angels and voids and glitter (hehee!)and death, I need someone normal to talk to, and he’s the most approachable of the entire lot.

Awww, I might put that in my Signature. Thanks!


And I was fully intending to give you guys Preservation. I had estimated a less than 40% chance of me actually getting Ruin, but I play the Long-Meta Game, and it would have been worth it.


EDIT: Another Gem from the Eliminator Doc

Being in a PM with Joe is like talking to someone who’s skipping circles around you. You think you might have done okay with following the conversation, maybe even got something slightly valuable -- then you discover he’s picked your pockets clean. All of the manipulation in the PM is on his terms, not yours, and oftentimes you don’t realize that until it’s too late.

Edited by The Only Joe
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For Hael to switch me with Odium's Champion, while they were lynched. That'd make it so they'd die as a Poisoner who had Poisoned Alv, and both would die. Once they were dead, I'd be cemented as Odium's Champion, making me the last player Odium had Invested in, so I'd get Odium and then Hael would pass Autonomy to someone else and I'd make him my Champion, and thus, Original Odium and his Successor would come full circle and end as Team Odium.

I knew I should've killed you N1.  At least I fooled you in Doc. :D  Then Hael revealed me. :(


Funny how Odium knew I had that book. Maybe his Hatred was really just jealousy all along... :)

It's my book now!!


Hmm, as the first Odium to survive a game I shall have to think of a new title.

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I knew I should've killed you N1.  At least I fooled you in Doc. :D  Then Hael revealed me. :(

For a while yes. Then the day after, I knew there weren't many people who could keep that intense of a deception going so well and so long. So I began to be paranoid it was you or Hael. Then I found out Hael was Auto, so that gave you away too.


I gave you one. Bludium. :P I'm still waiting on that panda RP, by the way. :P

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:( Kinda sad the game's over. I was enjoying that dead doc.

I really loved what little I got to play in this game. My only regret is not staying alive long enough to actually be Hael's Agent, because that would have been amazing. :D

Thanks to Seonid for GMing, and to everyone else for being entertaining to watch! And I shall certainly be back for the sequel. :)

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For a while yes. Then the day after, I knew there weren't many people who could keep that intense of a deception going so well and so long. So I began to be paranoid it was you or Hael. Then I found out Hael was Auto, so that gave you away too.


I gave you one. Bludium. :P I'm still waiting on that panda RP, by the way. :P

You thought I was Cloud.  For all you knew I was that new a player.  Even your "trap" failed to catch me.  BTW, I wasn't going to kill either you or Lopen when I said I was.  I suspected you were the Troll as soon as I saw Joe's name so wanted to see your reaction if I said I was targeting you.  Didn't disappoint.  My target that night (N2) was going to be Burnt.  But then I got some information from Lopen and decided to go after someone else.  Shame.  Would've been a different game if I had.


The game isn't over so you shall have to continue to wait. :P   And I did say I needed a new title for being the only Odium having survived a game. :P  I'm thinking Shadium.



Great game Seonid.  Vastly enjoyed playing.  Looking forward to seeing the sequel.

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Yes, I knew I was falling into a trap, but I didn't care. :P I never tried all that hard to hide myself in this game. :P I went for the easiest ones to hide behind and then just used the basic tricks.

When you turned up on my alignment, I didn't do too good a job of hiding my identity, did I... :P
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You thought I was Cloud.  For all you knew I was that new a player.  Even your "trap" failed to catch me.  BTW, I wasn't going to kill either you or Lopen when I said I was.  I suspected you were the Troll as soon as I saw Joe's name so wanted to see your reaction if I said I was targeting you.  Didn't disappoint.  My target that night (N2) was going to be Burnt.  But then I got some information from Lopen and decided to go after someone else.  Shame.  Would've been a different game if I had.


Oops...  :rolleyes:

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Thanks very much for GMing this game, Seonid :D  for an eliminator caught on the very first day I had a ton of fun, even if it was more often than not at the expense of the Shardic Coalition (sorry guys). And thank you Hael for helping us finish the game, even if it was unintentional. I knew I wouldn't be able to get online today due to work commitments so I was a bit worried about what I'd see when I got home, so imagine my surprise when we won, and without even lynching leift like I had intended :lol:

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One thing people should take from this game is that if Aman is a known eliminator, KILL HIM!  There is no reason good enough to allow a known eliminator to live.  Ever!

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^That. Also, once Sheep!Hoid died and Rae wasn't Preserved anymore, there was absolutely no reason not to lynch Rae. None. And yet... It never really happened. Not even sure why. Don't do that. Please.

Edited by Elbereth
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One thing people should take from this game is that if Aman is a known eliminator, KILL HIM! There is no reason good enough to allow a known eliminator to live. Ever!

I might have done this, had I not been not village aligned...
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One thing people should take from this game is that if Aman is a known eliminator, KILL HIM!  There is no reason good enough to allow a known eliminator to live.  Ever!


Well what I was thinking was that we could lynch DC to find out if he had Ruin/was a 17th Sharder, use Night Actions to find Ruin if he didn't have it and then use UP on the next Day to lynch Ruin/a 17th Sharder(not Aman, probably Rae, who was Hoid, so we'd catch her unawares so she couldn't give herself an extra life) and then UP would end on a Day Turn again and we could lynch Aman using Hael's Puppetmastery. But that it didn't work out like that, sadly. But yeah, this game there was actually a situation where not lynching a known eliminator was actually a valid strategy given he wouldn't die right away/would kill a villager with his death and we could just roleblock him and half the village was gone in 2 Cycles and the 17th Sharders had 2 kills and a planet wide roleblock and tons of vote manipulation, so we needed to find and remove/restrict some of their power immediately. So I'd say I disagree with you. :P

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Thanks, all of you! This was a massive amount of fun, and I greatly enjoyed it. Such a shame my conversion ended the game.  :( I would have loved playing the Agent of Autonomy.


And, Seonid, I know I sent you an awful lot of requests for PM's and whatnot, and I'm sure many others did too, and I don't know how you kept up with it all. Your game was incredibly sophisticated and fun, and I'd love to participate in whatever your next game happens to be.

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