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I don't think suspicious was the word he used. Actually quite the opposite, "DC's response to not retracting his vote wasn't very informative" 


I had no more information than any of you(Unless you are evil) at the time of my vote so testing a theory was better than nothing at all. 


I see no contradictions in my votes/posts. I only retracted off of Mark to vote for a player who I believed to be evil which I believe is a much better reason than wanting to test the theory on Mark. I believe Aman is too aggressive and out in the open to be evil and the people voting for him want him out of the way as he's the only one currently providing the village with information. 



Post information



Blue - Posted in full

Red - Did not post

Half Blue/Half Red - Posted but gained no information


1. Par Degaton (Master Elodin)

2. Jonly (The Only Joe) - A Sliver of Preservation, and a Feruchemist

3. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)

4. Seznith Seridanon (Kynedath)

5. The Nameless (Trelagist)

6. Gorl (cloudjumper)

7. Alkazar (Zephrer) - an exiled Sand Mastrell from Taldain

8. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) - a Scadrian nobleman

9. Miani (Mailliw), Maw's latest apprentice

10. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)

11. Tindomë (Elbereth)

12. Amanuensis (Amanuensis)

13. Nijza (Nyali), a world singer of small renown

14. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

15. Gon Freecs (DeathClutch19)

16. Brian (Paranoid King), a lowly soldier

17. Exisa (phattemer), the original Seventeeth Shard

18. (MarkIV)

19. Parth (Conquestor)

20. Jimmy (TheMightyLopen), a Lifeless hamster

Quote: I'm thinking I'm gonna force a lynch each Day Turn. So if anyone has 1 vote at the end of the Day and we haven't decided who to lynch, I'm going to lynch them, no matter what.

21. Nila Hamming (Arrenae), an enthusiastic Hemalurgist

22. Left of Space (leiftinspace)

23. Valan Quivar (Quiver), a Rosharan dudebro highprince

24. Second of the Sky (Alvron), on his last chance with the Collective.

25. Vathir (The Young Bard), a Nalthian Rambleman

Quote: I'm trying to suss out who's on what side, but no luck so far.

as well as anyone who follows my lead way too easily (hence why I'm currently suspicious of Con and DC

Okay, suspicious of your for following his lead, and voting for Mark.  My point about you changing just after stands.


I'm not sure about the timing for Aman putting forward theories in the dead doc, but you saying you had no other reason for keeping your vote, despite Aman saying he was testing a theory about Mark, makes me think that he'd already proposed it in the doc.  Perhaps I'm wrong, this is my weakest point.


Personally, I don't see not understanding someone's reasoning for a vote enough to vote for them immediately, maybe you see it differently, but that makes me suspicious.  In addition, Aman is not the only player providing information at all, I'm not sure where you got that idea from.

EDIT: Arrae, thanks!

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Okay, suspicious of your for following his lead, and voting for Mark.  My point about you changing just after stands.


I'm not sure about the timing for Aman putting forward theories in the dead doc, but you saying you had no other reason for keeping your vote, despite Aman saying he was testing a theory about Mark, makes me think that he'd already proposed it in the doc.  Perhaps I'm wrong, this is my weakest point.


Personally, I don't see not understanding someone's reasoning for a vote enough to vote for them immediately, maybe you see it differently, but that makes me suspicious.  In addition, Aman is not the only player providing information at all, I'm not sure where you got that idea from.

EDIT: Arrae, thanks!


I'm not following anyone's lead. Mailliw and I voted for Mark far before anyone said anything about QF15's dead doc and saw no reason to retract until Rae.


I only voted for Rae to get her reasoning on voting for Aman. I believe Aman to be village sided and wanted to know why he was being lynched because I gain more information that way when/if he dies.


Agreed, Aman is not the only player providing information. Aman is the player providing the most information.

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Can't talk now, I'm going to church. Will be back a few hours before rollover and respond to stuff.


Could someone make a vote tally?

(1) Mark IV:,  Araris Valerian,

(4) Amanuensis: Phattemer, The Mighty Lopen, Elbereth, Rae

(1) DC: Sheep

(1) Rae: DC

(1) AliasSheep: leiftinspace

(1) The Young Bard: The Only Joe

(1) Nyali: The Young Bard

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Post information



Blue - Posted in full

Red - Did not post

Half Blue/Half Red - Posted but gained no information


1. Par Degaton (Master Elodin)

2. Jonly (The Only Joe) - A Sliver of Preservation, and a Feruchemist

3. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)

4. Seznith Seridanon (Kynedath)

5. The Nameless (Trelagist)

6. Gorl (cloudjumper)

7. Alkazar (Zephrer) - an exiled Sand Mastrell from Taldain

8. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) - a Scadrian nobleman

9. Miani (Mailliw), Maw's latest apprentice

10. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)

11. Tindomë (Elbereth)

12. Amanuensis (Amanuensis)

13. Nijza (Nyali), a world singer of small renown

14. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

15. Gon Freecs (DeathClutch19)

16. Brian (Paranoid King), a lowly soldier

17. Exisa (phattemer), the original Seventeeth Shard

18. (MarkIV)

19. Parth (Conquestor)

20. Jimmy (TheMightyLopen), a Lifeless hamster

Quote: I'm thinking I'm gonna force a lynch each Day Turn. So if anyone has 1 vote at the end of the Day and we haven't decided who to lynch, I'm going to lynch them, no matter what.

21. Nila Hamming (Arrenae), an enthusiastic Hemalurgist

22. Left of Space (leiftinspace)

23. Valan Quivar (Quiver), a Rosharan dudebro highprince

24. Second of the Sky (Alvron), on his last chance with the Collective.

25. Vathir (The Young Bard), a Nalthian Rambleman

Quote: I'm trying to suss out who's on what side, but no luck so far.


Deathclutch, can you explain what you mean by "posted in full" and "posted but gained no information"?

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I would say that getting lynched D1 is the most detrimental thing for Odium.


At no point have you said you set out to be lynched.


I was finishing packing for my move tomorrow so I couldn't really say much at the time of my last post, but allow me to elaborate on what I meant. I was making both a reference to DC's last post and responding to Rae's accusation of me being Odium. DC has it completely right. 


In my opinion, thus far he is playing more like a villager, there is no harm in wanting information and the whole thing with mark has been explained. I think he is pushing too hard for information to be evil. As an evil player would not want to bring attention to themselves like he has. 

I believe Aman is too aggressive and out in the open to be evil and the people voting for him want him out of the way as he's the only one currently providing the village with information. 


My point in saying that getting lynched D1 is the most detrimental thing for Odium is that if I was Odium (or any other eliminator for that matter) why would I knowingly put my life at risk by pursuing things that can easily be interpreted as suspicious? Behaving the way I have hasn't done much for gaining trust, but what it has gained for us all is conversation.


If you're not going to look at past games that I have been a villager or an eliminator to see how involved I usually am on either side then look at what I have done thus far this game. We are on page eight right now, a total of 161 posts including this one of which 22 belong to me (the most). I have used several different methods to get people involved in the game (creating a debate on whether or not worlds should be revealed, poke voting lurkers to encourage them to post, and then this whole business with Mark). There are now many posts from a wide variety of players that can later be analyzed once we are privy to more information. If I did my job right then said information should help the village discover eliminators in the future.


The fact of the matter is I'm not an eliminator. I do not mind being lynched for two reasons; first, that the only loss the village receives from my death is one less body to keep them from being outnumbered, and second, that I am confident that my revealed alignment would lead the village to an eliminator. At this point I believe that at least (and most likely) a single player that has voted for me is evil. Personally I am the most and equally suspicious of Elbereth and Arraenae based off them being the ones that have effectively decided this lynch. I would rate Lopen next due to the fact alone that earlier on in the turn he said that he would rather keep me alive because I'm helpful as a villager (which I would say I have been more helpful this turn than most) and notoriously hard to kill as an eliminator (which in retrospect doesn't make sense to me as to why that's a reason to keep me alive since there is no protection from the lynch in this game) and yet he ended up turning on me based of very weak reasons (the way I understand it he voted for me for doing something that all players should do, which is be open about who they are suspicious of and why). As for Bard and phatt I think they are more likely villagers than not (if you want me to explain why I feel this way about these two I can as well).


There are two different roles that can scan players, the Awakener whom can confirm I am neither Odium or Autonomy (since I am Shardless) and the Suicidal Analyst (who will straight up know if I am innocent or not). I would prefer that the scans not be wasted on me but that's a much better alternative to a player aligned with the Shardic Coalition being lynched on the first day for reasons that I personally feel don't really make sense.

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I'm not following anyone's lead. Mailliw and I voted for Mark far before anyone said anything about QF15's dead doc and saw no reason to retract until Rae.


I only voted for Rae to get her reasoning on voting for Aman. I believe Aman to be village sided and wanted to know why he was being lynched because I gain more information that way when/if he dies.


Agreed, Aman is not the only player providing information. Aman is the player providing the most information.

It was Aman who said you were following people's lead, I'm saying I think it's suspicious that you changed your vote after Aman said he thought you were suspicious for voting after he did.


Imo you could have asked without voting, but fair enough I suppose.


I don't know if I'd say that, I'd need to check over his posts to see.  Previously you said he was the only player providing the information though.

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Deathclutch, can you explain what you mean by "posted in full" and "posted but gained no information"?

People who have posted in full have posts that have information on their suspicions/alignment/the game etc.


People who have posted but gained no information have posted but have not contributed anything towards the conversation at hand. No offense to them, it is day 1 however it adds to their suspicion for me as posting without contributing is a leading eliminator tactic.


What's your reasoning for voting on me?

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I'd like to know why for myself, if you don't mind.


If I could PM you I would tell you but unfortunately if I explained it openly it would end up effecting QF15. I know you've already done me one huge favor by creating a PM between Mark and I, Devotion, but if you don't mind / have the resources still available can you make one with phatt and I as well? Or maybe between him and Mark, since if I die this cycle it won't be wasted.

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Jonly shifted slightly, leaning his back against a different portion of the rock. It didn’t help. The rock was stubborn, and refused to offer him a comfortable resting place. He didn’t mind though. If the rock chose to be rough, who was he to blame it for its choice? He wouldn’t like it if the rock got mad at him for being soft and light.


He glanced down at his still sleeping companion, his eyes going naturally to his luscious blue hair. He unconsciously felt his own bald head. How ever did :) get such strange hair? He mentally noted to ask him if it was natural, then stored the memo in his to-do coppermind.


The wind picked up, blowing more dust and ash across :) face, making him shiver. Jonly smiled as his companion (Ha! Companion, get it?) opened his eyes. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked around in confusion. The red sun made it look like he was on fire, and Jonly couldn’t help but laugh. “About time you came about. I’ve been waiting for a while. The barren landscape and winds aren’t the most amiable of companions, you know?” He stored some weight to more easily stand up, then offered his hand out to :) “Come on.”


:) grinned and clasped his hand. Jonly tapped strength, and pulled him up to his full height.


“Where to no?”


We head South.” replied Jonly absently as he brushed the ash and dirt off his robes.


:)  raised an eyebrow, then looking around, asked “And which way is that?”


Jonly gently took him by the shoulders and turned him towards the south. Having been born and raised here, and then being present when it was completely rebuilt gave him an unmatched sense of direction. “That way. It’ll be an afternoon’s walk to reach civilization. So unless you wish to stay and see the sights some more, I suggest we start off.”

Mark, I’m assuming we’re on Scadrial form the ash falls. Why are we going south though?

Game relevant stuff:

I’m really not understanding all the votes on Amanuensis, so i’m going to keep my vote on Young Bard.


Interestingly, I am now in a pm, with several others, one of whom has already roleclaimed a minor role. I’m not sure if cultivation in inside the Pm, or even if she knows the title of it, but I recommend that you make a PM with the last person in the title Cultivation.

And, Cultivation, I would like to request a one on one PM with literally anyone. There are some ideas I have that I want to run by someone.

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I will likely be voting in the last hour or so of the cycle, due to the fact that I'll be driving home pretty soon and will arrive sometime in the last hour of the day.


Joe, Cultivation doesn't make PMs. :P Devotion does. Their roles are basically switched from your games. 


Joe and Aman, I doubt Devotion has any PMs left to make this turn. There's already been two mentioned in thread, so at most, there can be one more made.

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People who have posted in full have posts that have information on their suspicions/alignment/the game etc.


People who have posted but gained no information have posted but have not contributed anything towards the conversation at hand. No offense to them, it is day 1 however it adds to their suspicion for me as posting without contributing is a leading eliminator tactic.


What's your reasoning for voting on me?


I wanted to get you to respond, because I felt like you were posting suspicions without including reasoning. Deathclutch.

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Interestingly, I am now in a pm, with several others, one of whom has already roleclaimed a minor role. I’m not sure if cultivation in inside the Pm, or even if she knows the title of it, but I recommend that you make a PM with the last person in the title Cultivation.

And, Cultivation, I would like to request a one on one PM with literally anyone. There are some ideas I have that I want to run by someone.


So that means Devotion created a PM with Mark and I and a group PM that includes you, so they might still have one available one left to use - that being said I don't think that another should be spent on me, so really phatt you're just going to have to wait for now. I'm sorry. Oh and speaking of an idea that you want to run by someone Mark brought up something interesting in ours. He asked me what I thought about requesting that a Shard willing to die volunteer to be shattered by Odium to make it so the 17th Shard cannot get their sudden win. I think this is another subject worth discussing. There are a lot of players present right now (PK, Mailliw, Alias, Rae, DC and Joe) so I would be pleased if you all commented on this.


Personally I think that it's bound to happen anyway so we don't necessarily need to ensure it does occur yet, but it might be something to consider later on if the 17th Shard ends up in the lead (which should be obvious because there will be several Shards unaccounted for)... And I was ninja'd by Mailliw (EDIT: oh look, and Rae too >.>)

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Eventually, that may be a possibility that we should definitely consider. For now, we should keep it in the back of our minds, but I don't think we'll have to worry about it for a while yet. And, that's also assuming Odium's willing to do that for us. 

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Bother. I'm not sure who to vote for. The grouping up on Amanuensis makes me think he's probably good. But his reasoning being from the QF15 dead doc gives people a reason to vote for him, so I don't think very many (if any) of the people voting for him are eliminators. So I'll vote on the Young Bard, for frowning upon active players.


[Mark] asked me what I thought about requesting that a Shard willing to die volunteer to be shattered by Odium to make it so the 17th Shard cannot get their sudden win.


The 17thshard needs all 10 shards to meet their win condition. Odium needs to shatter all 10 to meet his win con. I'm pretty sure the sacrifice will happen naturally, without anyone revealing themselves. And given that there are more people willing to sacrifice themselves outside the 17thshard than inside it, someone revealing themselves would probably help both Odium and 17thshard, without helping the village at all. So, I would recommend that shards do not reveal themselves.

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Bother. I'm not sure who to vote for. The grouping up on Amanuensis makes me think he's probably good. But his reasoning being from the QF15 dead doc gives people a reason to vote for him, so I don't think very many (if any) of the people voting for him are eliminators. So I'll vote on the Young Bard, for frowning upon active players.



The 17thshard needs all 10 shards to meet their win condition. Odium needs to shatter all 10 to meet his win con. I'm pretty sure the sacrifice will happen naturally, without anyone revealing themselves. And given that there are more people willing to sacrifice themselves outside the 17thshard than inside it, someone revealing themselves would probably help both Odium and 17thshard, without helping the village at all. So, I would recommend that shards do not reveal themselves.

Good point.


Amanuensis, how would we decide which shard to shatter? Mailliw;, gosh darn it, it is devotion. I'm going to be making that mistake all game.

I know, I made the mistake a couple times too. :P

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If it gets to that point (which I highly doubt it would because that means the 17th Shard would somehow end up obtaining a majority of the shards without any being Shattered while still being significantly outnumbered by members of the Shardic Coalition) I would say it should be 100% up to the remaining Shardholders, particularly the one that would be sacrificed.


Who was it that mentioned earlier the passing of Shards to keep the eliminators guessing? I can't remember off the top of my head who it was or if many people responded, but that's another good subject to be discussed.

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Gah, sorry, I said I'd vote, and then company arrived earlier than I had expected, before I finished catching up here. (... And we spent much of the visit talking about Cosmere theories and WoBs because we're all total Sanderfan geeks.)

I don't think Aman is an eliminator based on what I've seen so far. Yes, he's getting very defensive, but you're all getting very aggressive at him over what feels to me like not terribly much.

That said, I don't like the idea of people using analyses from private PMs/docs of currently running games. If not everyone has access to it and it isn't part of the game in question, it is not fair game in my opinion.

Can we get a vote really, by the way?

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To be fair, I was challenged for doing something I always do, so I'm not entirely sure how else I am supposed to respond. If you look at all of my previous games (I know I'm doing it again but it's to prove a point) you'll see I always reference previous games whenever it becomes relevant to the situation. As for this supposed contradiction, I don't recall ever saying that I was changing my play style entirely, just that I'm not going to be hesitant about lynching people and even ensure it happens if I have to in order to keep the game from stagnating.

You haven't actually been very clear about how you're trying to change your playstyle, actually, only that you're changing it. I don't actually think that's much of a change, either, with you. You'd probably know better than I, though, obviously.


After I reread my post I realized I didn't really word it clearly. I was referring to when Lopen asked me about my opinion on Trelagist (where I said I would give him leeway) and then not too long after Young Bard (who is new as well) comes in with a vote on me. To me the timing came off as suspicious, and it made me wonder if he is a member of the 17th Shard and specifically sent to start a lynch on me knowing that I couldn't really retaliate. Not entirely sure what you're referring to about "That's not how eliminator docs work," can you please explain that bit a little more?

Like... Hmm. Basically, what I'm trying to say is that it seems very unlikely for that to have happened. In my experience, eliminator docs are a lot more about chance than that. They don't focus in on every detail of what's said, or give each other advice on who to vote on. It's more big picture stuff, putting suspicion on people or talking about mechanics or mentioning when teammates are acting a bit suspicious. I think it's possible that such a thing could have been suggested in an eliminator doc, but I regard it as quite unlikely.


I don't necessarily agree with that statement, plus I feel like this point contradicts your other. If I'd do the same thing when I'm an eliminator as I would when I'm a villager then how did I do something earlier that a villager is less likely to do (which just isn't true in my case)? When people start bringing up things I've done that are actually evil then maybe I'll be able to defend myself in a more meaningful way.

My problem isn't really with the action itself, I don't think? Because I agree you'd do it regardless of alignment. The red flag for me was the comment that "well, wouldn't do this as an eliminator" because you would, just so you could make that argument.

As for you, I've already responded to what I can. I can't really defend myself from gut feelings, only mention how they are more often wrong than not. That being said, if the majority decision is that I get lynched I am fine with that because it should provide all with a lot to analyze, as I'm becoming increasingly certain that at least one of the players who voted for me today is a member of the 17th Shard.

Sorry, but my vote's staying. It's not much, and a good deal is gut, but it is more suspicious than anything else I've seen so far, in my opinion.

People who have posted in full have posts that have information on their suspicions/alignment/the game etc.


People who have posted but gained no information have posted but have not contributed anything towards the conversation at hand. No offense to them, it is day 1 however it adds to their suspicion for me as posting without contributing is a leading eliminator tactic.

Um, I've contributed, I feel. Just saying.


So that means Devotion created a PM with Mark and I and a group PM that includes you, so they might still have one available one left to use - that being said I don't think that another should be spent on me, so really phatt you're just going to have to wait for now. I'm sorry. Oh and speaking of an idea that you want to run by someone Mark brought up something interesting in ours. He asked me what I thought about requesting that a Shard willing to die volunteer to be shattered by Odium to make it so the 17th Shard cannot get their sudden win. I think this is another subject worth discussing. There are a lot of players present right now (PK, Mailliw, Alias, Rae, DC and Joe) so I would be pleased if you all commented on this.


Personally I think that it's bound to happen anyway so we don't necessarily need to ensure it does occur yet, but it might be something to consider later on if the 17th Shard ends up in the lead (which should be obvious because there will be several Shards unaccounted for)... And I was ninja'd by Mailliw (EDIT: oh look, and Rae too >.>)

While I think it's an interesting idea, it would almost have to be Cultivation. Otherwise Cultivation could just unshatter that Shard, and the sacrifice would be for nothing.

Who was it that mentioned earlier the passing of Shards to keep the eliminators guessing? I can't remember off the top of my head who it was or if many people responded, but that's another good subject to be discussed.

'Twas me. :) Kinda sad that no one's said anything about it...
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Bother. I'm not sure who to vote for. The grouping up on Amanuensis makes me think he's probably good. But his reasoning being from the QF15 dead doc gives people a reason to vote for him, so I don't think very many (if any) of the people voting for him are eliminators. So I'll vote on the Young Bard, for frowning upon active players.


Ignoring the fact that I have the most votes right now, what do you honestly think of me in this game? While I should be happy that someone believes I'm good I would rather it be for reasons that actually have to do with my actions thus far, not just because the situation might be interpreted as a bandwagon.


So when I asked the players in the Taldain PM what they thought about the votes on me, one said something along the lines of why do people feel the need to vote for active players early on. This relates a bit to your vote on the Young Bard, PK, so I figured this would also be worth talking about. If I put my bias aside (since this is my life we're effectively talking about) I am personally against removing talkative players from the game early on (so long as they haven't made an obvious attempt at leading the village to misfortune) as more often than not the lack of information early on leads to mislynches and active villagers are potentially the most vital resource in the late game.


That being said, you voting for the Young Bard feels a bit odd. It's not that he is frowning on active players, it's that he's new and therefore unfamiliar with me as a player. While it is possible that he could be an eliminator told by his teammates to use that as an excuse, I'm of the opinion that he was being genuine. Besides, he's already retracted his vote after people explained that this is normal for me. So I'm not entirely sure where the real threat with him is.


I'm bringing this up because I would like to survive a little longer if I can do so without harming the village, which right now means I'm going to have to find someone else to vote on to save myself. With him being the only player having more than one vote that means I'd have to vote for him, which if he is innocent puts him at risk of dying to Hoid vote manipulation. I personally would rather not put a new player on the chopping block this early, even if it does turn out he is evil, as that may push him away from playing again. While the fact that he's only posted three times so far might because he's seeking direction through a doc, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that its just a byproduct of this being his first game.


EDIT: Fair enough Elby, if I can't convince you to remove your vote I'll stop trying.


(3) Amanuensis: Phattemer, The Mighty Lopen, Elbereth

(2) The Young Bard: The Only Joe, Paranoid King

(1) Mark IV:,  Araris Valerian,

(1) DC: Sheep

(1) Rae: DC

(1) AliasSheep: leiftinspace

(1) Nyali: The Young Bard

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I think shardholders should do whatever they think is best with their shards. Don't have anything else other than that.

First, I forgot to do this Arraenae


Secondly, I think that the shardholders should probably keep the shards for now, then try to find someone they trust to give their shard to. That way Hoid won't know all the of the people with shards.

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