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Seonid you never answered my question about if shard deaths show up in the write up. Also what if survival invests in a returned player? Does that player continue to live or does the player only survive one more cycle?


Shard deaths will show up in the writeup only if the person who dies holds the Shard at their time of death.


If a Returned has an extra life (from Survival or any other method) when they use their Returned action or Endowment removes her Investiture, then they lose that life. They continue to survive beyond that until they are attacked or lynched.


EDIT: A Returned cannot be brought back a second time.

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New clarifications:

If Odium shatters all ten Shards, the game does not end. At that point, Odium's secondary win con comes into play.

Meta roles are distributed at the end of a Night Cycle, after all other actions have occurred.

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I usually won't vote unless I have a very strong suspicion. I believe that Hoid probably will vote this cycle, so that he can reduce the amount of information gained. One thing that I can say, though, is that I am moderately suspicious of Arraenae, as her actions have been mostly eliminators has. A strong reason for why is suspect her is that her playstyle as of right now has been mostly trying to provoke discussion of suspicions by others but not necessarily herself. This post:

Seonid, are there hints in the writeup?

If there are, the person in Elb's death writeup didn't seem to be intentionally killing her.

Indicates to me that she is trying to steer discussion towards something that will distract people and not provide any real helpful information or give the village an idea of who the eliminator team is.

EDIT: Yeah, I've convinced myself. Arraenae.

Edited by Master Elodin
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As this is a night cycle, no votes will be counted.

Also, due to work, the writeup will be delayed by about two hours. Rollover will remain the same. I will post to close the cycle.

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I usually won't vote unless I have a very strong suspicion. I believe that Hoid probably will vote this cycle, so that he can reduce the amount of information gained. One thing that I can say, though, is that I am moderately suspicious of Arraenae, as her actions have been mostly eliminators has. A strong reason for why is suspect her is that her playstyle as of right now has been mostly trying to provoke discussion of suspicions by others but not necessarily herself. This post:

Indicates to me that she is trying to steer discussion towards something that will distract people and not provide any real helpful information or give the village an idea of who the eliminator team is.

EDIT: Yeah, I've convinced myself. Arraenae.


Uh... this is a Night turn. You can't vote during the Night.


I'm trying something new with fallacies this game, which is why I'm trying to poke holes in people's arguments. I'm trying to move past the "paranoia points to that person being evil but paranoia gives no reason why" of previous games. QF15 was the second time I caught an eliminator early on for entirely wrong reasons. I'm trying to get to a point where I can catch eliminators early on for the right reasons.





Honestly I can't even blame you for coming to this conclusion. I would too if I didn't know any better. But I am not a member of the 17th Shard even though it appears that Hoid interacted with her in some way. I guess I'll have to go ahead and claim that I am an Elantrian and put in the order to move Elebereth's vote to Trelagist. That is the reason why in the write-up her vote was moved despite the fact that she died to Hoid.



The wording of this feels off. "I guess I'll have to go ahead and claim that I am an Elantrian"? It feels like Amanuensis is grumbling about fakeclaiming rather than coming out with the truth.

Edited by Arraenae
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Uh... this is a Night turn. You can't vote during the Night.

I'm trying something new with fallacies this game, which is why I'm trying to poke holes in people's arguments. I'm trying to move past the "paranoia points to that person being evil but paranoia gives no reason why" of previous games. QF15 was the second time I caught an eliminator early on for entirely wrong reasons. I'm trying to get to a point where I can catch eliminators early on for the right reasons.


The wording of this feels off. "I guess I'll have to go ahead and claim that I am an Elantrian"? It feels like Amanuensis is grumbling about fakeclaiming rather than coming out with the truth.

Whoops. I'm an idiot. Anyways, I'm also trying something new: being slightly more aggressive. I understand if you are making a playstyle change, but my point still stands. Edited by Master Elodin
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Okay! Just about finished thinking about all of this vote changing business. First of all, and basically irrelevant, El must have been gifted someone's roles by a Puppetmaster, because you can't start with 2 meta-roles. Really, the only reason I'm mentioning this is that it points towards there being a village Puppetmaster, making sure a players abilities don't get lost when they get lynched. They gave the abilities to Elbereth, who wasn't evil, which is why I'm guessing they're village. Will stay paranoid of plots by evils to gain trust, but that's my opinion right now.


Anyways! Back on track. Here's my current theory about what happened with the votes. Votes are piling up on Aman(at one point he had 4 I believe). There really wasn't a great alternative lynch candidate, but The Young Bard had 2 votes on him at one point, so assuming Aman is a 17th Sharder, that would most likely be where a vote manip would move a vote to. So Aman asks his leader(Hoid) to secret vote on him, to make it seem like the 17th Shard was trying to take advantage of the votes on Aman to kill him without bringing attention to themselves, but also asks that Hoid moves Elbereths vote to The Young Bard, which would make the votes be 3 on Aman(me, phatt, Hoid) and 3 on Bard(voter #1, voter #2, Elbereth). Aman would then last minute vote on Bard, claiming he was saving himself from the lynch(because villagers do that, so it's fine), but it would in actuality kill Bard. He would then explain that he was worried about Hoid secret voting and moving a vote on him to kill him, so he moved Elb's vote to Bard. However, votes started to move away from Bard and onto Trelagist, with players not agreeing with the Bard or Aman lynch. But Hoid was offline when the shift happened, so they couldn't change their orders. Aman, not wanting the vote change to appear on Bard(because he couldn't explain moving a vote to Bard when Trelagist was the more voted on player), used his Elantrian power(yes, I believe his claim, because it makes sense) to ALSO move Elb's vote, but to Trelagist, so that he could more easily explain the vote switch(he would be hoping that his vote change would win the coin flip over Hoids, therefore keeping the previous plan to relieve suspicion of Aman by using the secret vote/vote change hidden). I believe this makes sense, given he really didn't need to use his vote changing power, because he could have moved his own vote to Trel, and made it 6 votes on Trel and only 3 on him(good enough to avoid any vote shenanigans).


That's what I believe happened. Or something like that anyways. So I'm now even more confident in my suspicion of Aman.


Now, on to who could be Hoid. My current suspect is Arraenae. Reason being that she voted multiple times during the Day Turn, but eventually cancelled her last vote and didn't vote again. I believe that is because Aman and her had made the plan to secret vote, so she knew she would be revealed if she voted. Another reason for my suspicion of her is that she went offline right around the time that the shift from Bard/Aman to Trelagist happened, so she wouldn't have been able to change her Hoid orders.


Edit: Just in case I die, I'm also quite suspicious of DeathClutch for his involvement with Aman and Rae, and Cloudjumper, for his post at the end of last Day Turn and other small reasons which I'd rather not say. I have village reads on Sheep, Joe, Bard, Mark, Hael, Conquestor, Elodin(vote on Rae just now), Araris and phattemer(vote on Aman). Their not all that strong of village reads.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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No problem, assuming I'm alive to respond to your response! :P


Also, I edited my post to include some more reads, just in case I die on N1 again. :/

I'll be sure to respond to your response to her response to my response to Nyali's response to her.
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Okay! Just about finished thinking about all of this vote changing business. First of all, and basically irrelevant, El must have been gifted someone's roles by a Puppetmaster, because you can't start with 2 meta-roles. Really, the only reason I'm mentioning this is that it points towards there being a village Puppetmaster, making sure a players abilities don't get lost when they get lynched. They gave the abilities to Elbereth, who wasn't evil, which is why I'm guessing they're village. Will stay paranoid of plots by evils to gain trust, but that's my opinion right now.

You say 'someone' but then say they're making sure player abilities aren't lost. Can I assume you're thinking they gave Elb Trel's role(s) to prevent them being lost to the lynch?

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You say 'someone' but then say they're making sure player abilities aren't lost. Can I assume you're thinking they gave Elb Trel's role(s) to prevent them being lost to the lynch?


Oh right, yeah, I was just assuming that. I have no hard proof that they took away Trel's abilities, but that makes the most sense to me, given he was being lynched and he didn't have any roles when he died.

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Oh right, yeah, I was just assuming that. I have no hard proof that they took away Trel's abilities, but that makes the most sense to me, given he was being lynched and he didn't have any roles when he died.

It makes sense to me too. Just thought I'd check that that's what you were saying though :)

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Yeah, I feel like if this was Star Wars, someone would definitely have said "you assume too much" by now, with all the assuming I'm doing. :P


Hael, mind telling me what planet you're on? I'm gonna world hop somewhere, cause my world PM is so quiet and I would like to know who's where so I can find talkative people! And I know that you can be quite talkative.  ;)

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Hah. You assume too much. I've not said a word in the world PM yet (Roshar, btw). Though that was mostly because my time online was focused on ending QF15. 


I see what you did there. >>


Heh, just wait till I get over there. Then we'll have a bunch of talk! :D

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Seonid, will PM's go out nowish, or will they be in 2 hours along with the writeup? Like, are you going to post an empty thread so we can see what happens and discuss?

Edited by Haelbarde
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Actually, my boss changed his mind about staying late, so the writeup will be when I finish it.




The Night is over! Day 2 will be posted shortly!

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Uh. Storms.

Sorry guys! I slept yesterday away on account of work, so looks like I missed the festivities, actions and frantic politicking to convince people not to vote or stab in my direction.


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Day 2: Highstorm's Fury


Valan Quivar wandered the streets of Hallandren. It was high summer in the God-King's city, and he felt at peace. The power within him quivered to be loose, but he suppressed it with a laugh. After all, he was free from that Braize-cursed pact, and he had escaped Odium. And, after all, wasn't Odium working with the Coalition now, to end Hoid's offensive?


Life was good in Hallandren. Even if you were the Shard of Honor.


Without warning, a dark stormcloud rose in front of him, trailing black mist. In shock, he recognized the power. Ruin.


From the cloud issued a gleeful voice. "Valan Quivar, you traitor. I have caught you at last!" Valan struggled against the wind, willing his innate power to life to protect him. But, after so long suppressed, it responded only slowly. Dark lightning crackled from the cloud, and Valan Quiver fell, to rise no more.




Nijza trudged through the sands of Taldain. She hated Dayside. Far too few green and growing things for her taste. Well, if she had her way, she would change that. She was powerful enough to reshape the world into a garden paradise, if she wanted to. And if she could get Bavadin to not hinder her, of course. That was always the problem with interfering in other Shardworlds.


Her companion stopped to rest, and she turned impatiently to him. The first bolt of red lightning struck her from behind, throwing her a full hundred bodylengths before she came to rest on the blinding white sand. Pain shot through her whole form as she struggled to rise from the earth. The second bolt turned the sand beneath her hands to glass, ripping an involuntary shriek from her throat and blinding her vision. She could feel her Shard straining against the force pressing in on it.


"Odium! What treachery is this?"


"Treachery, my dear Cultivation? Did you really think that I could so easily lay to rest millennia of hatred towards you? Millennia of battle, while you strove to protect your dear, noble, naive Tanavast from me? Did you think I would lay that aside, just because some upstart worldhopper claims to want to reforge God? I am Hatred, Cultivation. And you are mine."


Her blinded eyes filling with tears from the pain, she opened her mouth to reply. The third bolt of lightning shattered her power into splinters, silencing her forever.




Seznith Seridanon was a simple man. His life had been a simple life in Arelon, before Honor found him. Simple tasks, simple responsibilities. Hard, but simple. Truth be told, it was still a simple life. The oaths he had sworn to were simple enough. Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination. Simple enough in theory.


Practice, now. That was anything but simple. But he liked it that way. The oaths were simple restrictions with complex effects. One day, he was sure he could reduce them all down to a single formula. That was why, engrossed in his research, he never saw the assassin coming. His spren cried a warning a little too late, and the knife plunged into his back.


It turned out that death, too, was simple.




Valan Quivar (Quiver) has been killed. He was a Vessel holding the Shard of Honor!

Nijza (Nyali) has been killed. She was a Vessel holding the Shard of Cultivation.

Cultivation has been Shattered!

Seznith Seridanon (Kynedath) has been killed! He was a Knight Radiant!



Day 2 has begun! It will end in 48 hours.



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Player List:

1. Par Degaton (Master Elodin)
2. Jonly (The Only Joe) - A Sliver of Preservation, and a Feruchemist
3. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)
4. Seznith Seridanon (Kynedath) Knight Radiant
5. The Nameless (Trelagist) Worldhopper
6. Gorl (cloudjumper)
7. Alkazar (Zephrer) - an exiled Sand Mastrell from Taldain
8. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) - a Scadrian nobleman
9. Miani (Mailliw), Maw's latest apprentice
10. Kelen Taldar (AliasSheep)
11. Tindomë (Elbereth) Mastrell; Agent of Autonomy; Stick and Suicidal Analyst
12. Amanuensis (Amanuensis)
13. Nijza (Nyali), a world singer of small renown; Vessel holding Cultivation
14. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
15. Gon Freecs (DeathClutch19)
16. Brian (Paranoid King), a lowly soldier
17. Exisa (phattemer), the original Seventeeth Shard
18. :) (MarkIV)
19. Parth (Conquestor)
20. Jimmy (TheMightyLopen), a Lifeless hamster
21. Nila Hamming (Arrenae), an enthusiastic Hemalurgist

22. Left of Space (leiftinspace)

23. Valan Quivar (Quiver), a Rosharan dudebro highprince; Vessel holding Honor

24. Second of the Sky (Alvron), on his last chance with the Collective.

25. Vathir (The Young Bard), a Nalthian Rambleman

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