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Sharddamn it guys! I just said that nobody would kill Quiver. I'm guessing they went after Quiver because he was inactive enough that the 17th shard could be pretty certain that he hadn't moved his shard as some players hopefully have.

Esit: Note to self, read writeup before posting. So Ruin is a village Vigilante.

Edited by The Only Joe
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So, yesterday, I said I didn't care for worlds being shared, but I would like to know what world Nyali was on and if she claimed to her world. It seems pretty lucky for Odium to have guessed right on his first try. So unless Devotion gave her a PM for some reason, it'd be nice if someone from her world came forward and told us what she said in your PM.

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Probably inactivity.


Yeah, but sheesh, it was the first Cycle! I'm guessing this was someone who hasn't played with Quiver before. I didn't want him to die so soon. I haven't played with him very much. :(


I agree with Mailliw, I'd like to know where Nyali was and who she was with. I do remember Nyali mentioning Cultivation in the thread, so it's possible that Odium just guessed based off of that comment, but that seems like a pretty thin reason to think someone's Cultivation.

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Probably inactivity.

Yeah, but sheesh, it was the first Cycle!

Wasn't me. :mellow:


I kinda have mixed feelings about Cultivation being killed so early.  On one hand that means the 17th Shard can no longer get their Instant win.  But on the other, it's totally unfair Culty died so easily considering how hard it was to kill her in LG14.  Hael and Co worked storming hard to try and kill Culty and failed so many times only for a new Odium to do it in one night?!?!  It's not right I tell ya.

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Shattered Cultivation does mean that the 17th Shard can't unshatter any shattered shards they get, right? I'm not quite sure what the other ways of unshattering shards are, but is it worth trying to destroy Cultivation completely at this point, to block the instant win?

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Wasn't me. :mellow:


I kinda have mixed feelings about Cultivation being killed so early.  On one hand that means the 17th Shard can no longer get their Instant win.  But on the other, it's totally unfair Culty died so easily considering how hard it was to kill her in LG14.  Hael and Co worked storming hard to try and kill Culty and failed so many times only for a new Odium to do it in one night?!?!  It's not right I tell ya.

Well, this one is basically that game's Devotion and Orlok died N1 too. :P


Yes, Sheep. So every minor role is stuck with the amount of items they have now unless a Returned gives you an extra and all Shattered Shards will remain that way. That was a good move, Odium. Real good.  :angry:


Edit: Aman, since the writeup says Nyali was on Taldain, mind telling us who else was there?

Edited by Mailliw73
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Does anyone realize that if Honor didn't invest, then Ruin has two shards. It's unlikely, but possible. Two shard deaths in one night, plus a radiant! That's just terrible for us.

Edit : Devotion, would you mind making a pm between mark and I?

Edited by Conquestor
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Does anyone realize that if Honor didn't invest, then Ruin has two shards. It's unlikely, but possible. Two shard deaths in one night, plus a radiant! That's just terrible for us.


Well, Ruin is a villager, so that should be fine. Unless they passed their Shard to a 17th Sharder...in which case, yeah, that would be very bad. :(


I'm going to put my vote on Rae, because I'm suspicious that she's Hoid. Although I'd lynch Aman too. Either one is suspicious enough in my mind to lynch, although I will say I am more suspicious of Aman at this point. I just suspect that Rae is more powerful, so she should probably die first.


Edit: Oh, and for the newer players, "Rae" is Arraenae. Just wanted to make sure I was understood about who I want to brutally murderlynch. :)

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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So I've caught up on everything that's happened since I've been gone but unfortunately I'm about to board my last flight and therefore won't be able to respond until I arrive at by destination. Just wanted to let you all know the cause of my absence.
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Yeah, you missed a little something. :P Hoid targeted Elbereth last Day Turn with an Action(which appeared to have been a vote manipulation Action), but she had The Stick meta role, which turns any Action from Hoid that's directed at her into a kill Action, and so she died from Hoid's vote manipulation. Very sad. But very helpful as well, because we were able to narrow down who Hoid could be to 10 players.

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Edit: Aman, since the writeup says Nyali was on Taldain, mind telling us who else was there?

On Taldain there was only myself, Nyali and Aman. Aman talked the most, nyali and I didn't say much. It was a somewhat quiet pm. Nyali and I have been much more focused on LG20. I still am. I'll try keep up with the thread though. Oh, and Nyali didn't say anything that would imply she was cultivation in the pm.

Oh, and if devotion could put me in any pm I would be happy.

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I'm on mobile, so apologizies in advance for spelling mistakes.

[insert quote from Lopen here]

After retracting off of DC, I didn't post anything else because I was busy with an end-of-the-year party that lasted until about 15 minutes before I normally get off the computer. I checked back on the thread a little bit, but didn't have many coherent thoughts to type.

I also wasn't online right before rollover. Not much I can say about that. I value my sleep over SE, except when in very active PMs and docs. Those are harder to resist.

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Since I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, I'm going to post RP stuff for both last night and today.  Oh, and before I start, can anyone guess what Kelen is set out to become?



They set up camp as the night was coming on, the moons becoming visible in the darkening sky, cast against a backing of stars.  Kelen quickly found the Tear, and moments later the thing asked him about it, asked what it was, how it got there, what it was for.  Kelen couldn't answer most of those questions, not in honesty, but he didn't wish to unnerve the few of his companions that hadn't yet shrugged off their beliefs in Vorinism.  The discovery of the Cosmere, of the wide, open universe had destroyed the conceptions of most of any kind of religion. Tel was one of the two who had stuck to their religion, of the five who had begun this journey at Kelen's request.  Tel was a close friend of Kelen's.  He didn't wish to upset the younger man, the more fragile, perhaps the most fragile one of the group.  As such, his answer to the thing was one to offset the question for later, when he could discuss the topic in more privacy.  Not that he intended to spend any more time with it than he had to.  He still didn't know what it was... perhaps he could ask it later...


The group had brought small tents with them, two people to one tent and three to another, with Kelen sharing the smaller tent with Tel.  The things were made of a rough linen, and had taken a while to set up, due to inexperience on the part of a few members of the group which included, to his embarrassment, Kelen himself.  He had planned the trip perfectly, the food, the supplies, the route.  He hadn't taken in account the actual skills he'd need.  Fortunately there were others along with him that were able to help, and after the party had completed that task, they set about more mundane tasks.  Food was the speciality of one particular member of their group, a man named Abel - strange of both name and mannerisms - who immediately set about preparing something with the provisions brought with them on their pack animal, a lumbering chull which Kelen found most repulsive.  With that dealt with, Kelen took the time to wander away from the camp and look around the surrounding area. 


It didn't take too long for the thing to find him.  It had stayed behind to examine Abel's work and, Kelen presumed, to try and figure out what all the dead stuff that they'd brought with them was used for.  It had shown an interest in that earlier.  Yet now it came up to him, when he was trying to clear his mind and think over his recent findings.  Now it came and disturbed him.


"Kelen?" It asked, it's voice a cacophony of shifting tones.

"Yes?" he replied, exasperated as usual when talking to this irritating creature.

"Star the, it is what?"
"Oh. Yes, that.  I, don't know, if I tell the truth."
"You know not?"

"Yes, I don't know."

"But others the seemed certain."

"The others are fools at times."

"What about?"

"About a great many things, it seems."

"They think the star is what?"

"Some think it's the tear of Reya.  An old figure of mythology.  Yet that can't be true, not with what I've learned now."

"What you learned?"

"The Cosmere, Mist, the whole storming Cosmere."

"Ah, Cosmere the."

"It's so, big.  And so destructive of everything I've always thought I've known."

"You will know more."

"I doubt that."
"You will, I know certain."
"What are you, Mist?"
"I... I am spren a."
"But what kind? And why are you here, following me, talking to me? It's as if the others can't see me."
"I... know not. And they cannot."

"Strange. Thank you for your honesty, though."

"I think not that people can learn honesty without."

"I'm almost tempted to agree."



He dreamed of a dark place, filled with strange bauble like things through which he fell.  A white ball hung in the sky above him, and he swore he could hear Mist's voice.  Yet, soon, the sound faded.  As he plunged through the blackness, into hell.



Kelen awoke to shouting.  Shouting and screams.  He sat up in seconds, and within instants was outside his tent, and watched as a man brought a sword down in an arc and through Abel's neck.  The man took a moment to catch his breath, then looked up at Kelen.  Dark, brown eyes. A rogue darkeyes then. Or perhaps, Kelen shook his head, of course.  Abel had not been Alethi, of course he hadn't.  That name, that accent, those mannerisms.  He was not from this world at all.  Only that could explain all the facts, one of which was the man muttering something under his breath, which Kelen made out to be "Bloody Worldhoppers".  So it was true, Abel had been a worldhopper, a traveller in the Cosmere.  And he hadn't told any of them, the reason for which Kelen could not discern in the least.  He had more important things on his mind now, though.  As a heavy wind blue down across the plains, the man across from Kelen started to approach him, and Kelen reacted by making flight away from him.  The man had been wearing armour, quite heavy by the looks of it, and should have probably been slower then Kelen, an estimation upon which Kelen was willing to take his chances.  He was already dressed, electing to stay in his clothes the night before to keep warm, and so was ready for an event like this occurring.  As ready as a man such as him could be at the very least.  The hill disappeared in front of him as he sprinted down it.  And then he saw the real threat.  Before him, two armies sat locked in conflict, men dying rapidly on either side.  A border skirmish.  Damnation, they were supposed to miss all of these.  He looked over his head, and saw the armoured man barrelling after him, and in that moment, he made a decision, and sprinted straight towards the battle.


Mist appeared next to him, her body losing shape and struggling to reform.  "Kelen, what occurs?!" She shouted at him.

"I don't know!" He shouted back, leaping over a small crevice which was filled with a collection of rockbuds, varying in size and shape.  He was nearing the battle quickly, well, quickly in his estimation, and it seemed that it hadn't been as far away as he had thought.  It was a wonder he hadn't heard it and woken up, though perhaps the strange armoured man had something to do with that, on which note, he turned his head again, and groaned.  The man had been joined by two others, one which had much less armour on, and was beginning to catch up with Kelen.  Kelen was not the most athletic man in the world by far, and so far that was playing against him, it was a wonder he hadn't been caught already.  His one hope was losing them in the confusion of the fighting, but that of course risked getting caught up therein.  Kelen was willing to risk that, however, as the chance of that was certainly lower than the nearing hundred percent chance of being caught by the men behind him if he didn't make this gamble.


Ten more minutes, and he crossed into the outer ring of the battle, the sounds overwhelming him.  Go round the edge, that's what he'd do, weave in between combatants, and hopefully make it out alive.  And so it began.  Kelen pushed all his strength into this run, knowing that his life truly depended on it. 


At first, he had managed to circumnavigate most big pockets of fighting, but eventually, with Mist zipping around him, making noises both confused and panicked, he found himself running along the edge of one, mere steps away from people swinging instruments of death at each other, hoping to end the life of their opponent.  Most were spearmen, working in badly organised squads that scattered and regrouped chaotically, never managing to get a single push against the foe to work in their favour.  No matter what they did, they seemed to end up on the retreat.  This army had not been trained well, even Kelen could figure that out.  And it annoyed him.  This first encounter was not particularly dangerous to him, however, though he had gotten some worried glances from combatants on both sides of the fight.  His next encounter was not so lucky.  Mere minutes after leaving the last pocket, Kelen found himself swerving into another group of fighters, and this time, more than a few of them turned their sights on him.  In the few seconds he was nearby, he had evoked shouts of anger from both officers and privates.  A few seconds later, he found himself bleeding on the arm, having been hit by a thrown blade.  The blade had skimmed the edge of his flesh, but had torn away the skin in a small area, and a trickle of blood ran down.  Fortunately, the wound wasn't too bad, but that was an encounter Kelen didn't wish to repeat.


The rest of his run consisted of more small events like this, much to the utter shock and confusion of Mist, who stopped several times to see what the groups of men were doing.  She didn't seem much pleased by it.  It was not until he was just out of the battle that his plan really backfired on him.  A sudden pain to the side.  Kelen looked down to see an arrow sticking out of him, accompanied by a sharp, searing agony, that tore at him.  He kept running, kept trying to get away, but it was too much for him.  His vision started to blur, and he collapsed, falling to the floor, though still continuing to drag himself forwards, not willing to die yet.  The last thing he remembered was pulling himself into cover behind a large rock, and then nothing.

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Knight Radiant?


Specifically which order? :P

EDIT: With a little bit of help from Lopen I just remembered that Knight Radiants are actual roles in this game...

Anyway, Kelen is a proto-radiant then, rather than an actual Radiant, don't want to make anyone think I'm accidentally roleclaiming KR.

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