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Arraenae, I find you and Aman most suspicious out of all of you here, and Aman isn't here to defend himself. Your posts seem a little off to me compared with everyone else's. In addition, you're one of the 10 that could be Hoid. (or is it eleven? That list seems to have an extra name on it. I'll cross reference the old list in a minute.)


You defended Lopen's vote on Aman, maybe to encourage more votes on someone who wasn't here to defend themselves. In your words, 'This game is long enough for people to have ample time to respond, and I doubt Lopen will be particularly gung-ho about lynching Aman today if he's not able to come back and defend himself.' By the same token, couldn't you hold off voting on him until he's back, so you know he'll be able to respond?

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Notice to the thread - on Monday, I start a new morning position, as opposed to my current swing shift position. As a result, rollover times will be changing in the near future. Day 2 (the current day), Night 2, and Day 3 will remain on the current schedule. Night 3 will be extended by 13 hours, such that rollover will occur at 13:00 (1:00 PM) on Monday, 5/23, Mountain Daylight Time.


All future cycles will rollover at 13:00 MDT.


I will continue to provide countdowns for each cycle - they will be authoritative. Also, Day 2's writeup may be delayed by a few hours due to work constraints. I will provide more information when I have it.

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I'm going to bed right now, but wanted to ask that players chime in on who they think we should lynch or just who they're suspicious of. This Day Turn has been really unproductive in terms of lynching. I personally want to lynch either Rae or Aman. If not one of them, I think I'd say Cloudjumper would be my next lynch target, because of his suspicious post at the end of last Day Turn and because he's been really quiet this Day Turn, for seemingly no reason(unless I missed something, which is possible, because I am extremely tired right now). There's also the fact that me, Kynedath, Trelagist and Cloudjumper started out in Sel, and now that Trelagist and Kynedath have been revealed to be innocents, and I know I'm innocent, that does make me wonder if Cloudjumper could be the 1 evil in our World PM. It is very possible Seonid put all villagers into one World PM, I know, but still, with my previous suspicion of him, it's just another point against him(but I should note that using GM tendencies for suspicions isn't something I generally promote, I'm just saying that it is something that should be considered alongside the rest of the reasons players(only me currently though, because I'm the only one who knows for certain that I am village) might think he's innocent/guilty). I'm gonna leave my vote on Aman for now though, because I'm more confident in my suspicion of him than I am of Rae or Cloudjumper.


Also, if possible Devotion, could you get me a PM with Burnt, Alvron and me? I'd ask for separate PM's with each of them, but I think I already noted a couple other requests, so I figure I shouldn't be too selfish with my requests. :P

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Arraenae, I find you and Aman most suspicious out of all of you here, and Aman isn't here to defend himself. Your posts seem a little off to me compared with everyone else's. In addition, you're one of the 10 that could be Hoid. (or is it eleven? That list seems to have an extra name on it. I'll cross reference the old list in a minute.)

You defended Lopen's vote on Aman, maybe to encourage more votes on someone who wasn't here to defend themselves. In your words, 'This game is long enough for people to have ample time to respond, and I doubt Lopen will be particularly gung-ho about lynching Aman today if he's not able to come back and defend himself.' By the same token, couldn't you hold off voting on him until he's back, so you know he'll be able to respond?

It's a complex issue. On one hand, eliminators can be inactive. There have been games where inactive eliminators survived (and won) because the village didn't want to bother with inactives. On the other hand, villagers can be inactive too, and sometimes people will tell the thread that they will be inactive for a certain amount of time. Players have to balance being jerks and voting on people who can't defend themselves versus being right and lynching an eliminator. We also have to keep in mind that voting on someone encourages them to respond.

Some games fix this by having inactivity filters, where people who don't post inthread, speak in a PM, or type in a doc die after x cycles. This isn't one of those games.

Amanuensis said that he'd be able to respond after his last flight. If he was going to be out for a few cycles, he probably would have said so. That's why I have no qualms with people dropping votes on him -- he's probably going to be back by this Day to respond.

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I'm going to bed right now, but wanted to ask that players chime in on who they think we should lynch or just who they're suspicious of. This Day Turn has been really unproductive in terms of lynching. I personally want to lynch either Rae or Aman. If not one of them, I think I'd say Cloudjumper would be my next lynch target, because of his suspicious post at the end of last Day Turn and because he's been really quiet this Day Turn, for seemingly no reason(unless I missed something, which is possible, because I am extremely tired right now). There's also the fact that me, Kynedath, Trelagist and Cloudjumper started out in Sel, and now that Trelagist and Kynedath have been revealed to be innocents, and I know I'm innocent, that does make me wonder if Cloudjumper could be the 1 evil in our World PM. It is very possible Seonid put all villagers into one World PM, I know, but still, with my previous suspicion of him, it's just another point against him(but I should note that using GM tendencies for suspicions isn't something I generally promote, I'm just saying that it is something that should be considered alongside the rest of the reasons players(only me currently though, because I'm the only one who knows for certain that I am village) might think he's innocent/guilty). I'm gonna leave my vote on Aman for now though, because I'm more confident in my suspicion of him than I am of Rae or Cloudjumper.


Also, if possible Devotion, could you get me a PM with Burnt, Alvron and me? I'd ask for separate PM's with each of them, but I think I already noted a couple other requests, so I figure I shouldn't be too selfish with my requests. :P

Of course, you could be the evil one :P


Anyway, I'm not sure what to think about Cloud's last post.  They've put some suspicions out that I'd like to see more clarifications on.  

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Sorry for my lack of contribution, but these holidays have brought on more work than I'd thought. I now have to catch up on ten days of work. :(

Either way, I'll keep trying to post.

Right now though, I've got to go to bed. It's well into the night here. I'll post about an hour before turnover.

Keep stabbingplaying!

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Ok, this is going to be a bit of a short post, but I'll try and put some meat into it. I find it a bit odd that Lopen has a village read on me. I haven't really done anything to iterate a couple of opinions that I always have; role is not basis for lynch/not lynch, and that information should be given away only under extreme duress. Mark and Aman are two people that had posts that didn't agree with these views, so I indicated suspicion of them.


Anyway, don't see myself as having done anything worthy of a village read, and I find it suspicious then that Lopen produced one.


I also am somewhat suspicious of Conquestor. I have been willing to ignore some of it since he is a new player, but I would be willing to lynch him at this point.


Mark, you never responded to my post last cycle, so far as I could see. Can you please explain, with whatever level of detail you prefer, what you meant about your role making you a bad lynch for us to make?

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Of course, you could be the evil one :P


That's always a possibility of course. But no one has really stated that much suspicion of me so far and I've been posting quite a lot, so I'm probably a villager. :P


Anyways, you've been talking a good amount, but are you gonna vote on anyone?


Ok, this is going to be a bit of a short post, but I'll try and put some meat into it. I find it a bit odd that Lopen has a village read on me. I haven't really done anything to iterate a couple of opinions that I always have; role is not basis for lynch/not lynch, and that information should be given away only under extreme duress. Mark and Aman are two people that had posts that didn't agree with these views, so I indicated suspicion of them.


Anyway, don't see myself as having done anything worthy of a village read, and I find it suspicious then that Lopen produced one.


I also am somewhat suspicious of Conquestor. I have been willing to ignore some of it since he is a new player, but I would be willing to lynch him at this point.


Mark, you never responded to my post last cycle, so far as I could see. Can you please explain, with whatever level of detail you prefer, what you meant about your role making you a bad lynch for us to make?


And of course, as soon as I say that no has stated suspicion of me, there's a quote from a player who stated suspicion of me. :P Anyways, I'll admit that I didn't have any type of read on you when I said that. I was just curious what you'd say or someone else would say. You are one of the players that I have a really hard time getting a read on and I usually end up suspicious of you because of that. But, from this post, I'm seriously getting a good vibe from you. I'm thinking "if he was an eliminator, he probably wouldn't draw attention to someone who's reading him as a villager." It's not that much of a read at this point, but it's better than nothing!


So what is the current vote tally?


Aman(1): Lopen

Elodin(1): Arraenae

Arraenae(1): The Young Bard

Mark(1): Araris


So, could we get more votes? That way Hoid won't be able to secret vote and we'll just have better discussion all around. There's been some accusations of players being suspicious but they didn't really come with votes so they're not as effective imo.

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Of the people in the list of hoid, these are probably my top suspects. They are the top four posters from the list, but didn't settle down on voting on anyone. This could be because they're trying to keep a low profile while still keeping a facade of contributing.

  1. Master Elodin (2 posts) (talked about amenuensis, didn't do anything)
  2. The Only Joe (18 posts) (talked about things, voted on people, didn't settle on anyone)
  3. MarkIV (7 posts) (fought against being voted on for QF15 reasons, voted on amenuensis as a reminder, but took it off)
  4. Arrenae (15 posts) (discussed and voted quite a bit, but didn't settle on anyone by the end of the cycle)

I'll vote on Joe for now, because he seems to be saying the most while doing the least.

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Because I don't want Hoid to effectively have a free kill, I will vote on Arraenae, for reasons already explained, and also for voting on me.


1. I just voted.

2. I did say something. I expressed my opinion about Arraenae, not Aman.And i've definitely posted more than twice.

EDIT EDIT: Oh. Never mind.

Edited by Master Elodin
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I do have a question before I vote. Does Joe vote most games? I ask because I haven't played with him often. It does seem suspicious that he has talked a lot, but has not settled a vote on someone. If he is Hoid, he might have been unsure about the secret vote. He might have thought that if he voted for someone in public, that would be his vote. Joe have anything to say about that?

Edited by Conquestor
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On a side note, apart from the lynch, Ruin, could you pass me Honor if you've got it? That would be extremely helpful. Or you could keep Honor for yourself and pass me Ruin. But I'd prefer Honor if possible.

Congratz Lopen.  I suspect you just became the top target for Odium tonight.

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Of the people in the list of hoid, these are probably my top suspects. They are the top four posters from the list, but didn't settle down on voting on anyone. This could be because they're trying to keep a low profile while still keeping a facade of contributing.

  1. Master Elodin (2 posts) (talked about amenuensis, didn't do anything)
  2. The Only Joe (18 posts) (talked about things, voted on people, didn't settle on anyone)
  3. MarkIV (7 posts) (fought against being voted on for QF15 reasons, voted on amenuensis as a reminder, but took it off)
  4. Arrenae (15 posts) (discussed and voted quite a bit, but didn't settle on anyone by the end of the cycle)

I'll vote on Joe for now, because he seems to be saying the most while doing the least.


I do have a question before I vote. Does Joe vote most games? I ask because I haven't played with him often. It does seem suspicious that he has talked a lot, but has not settled a vote on someone. If he is Hoid, he might have been unsure about the secret vote. He might have thought that if he voted for someone in public, that would be his vote. Joe have anything to say about that?


As I've said before, I have a village read on Joe, so I don't agree with his lynch. But even if he is evil, I really don't think he'd be Hoid. He was online during rollover for Day 1, as evidenced by his posts at the end of day 1 and his posts at the start of N1. If he was Hoid then why would he have secret voted for Aman and redirected Elbereth's vote? That wouldn't make sense, because the lynch was pretty firmly settled on Trelagist. Maybe he wasn't able to cancel his orders in time or something, but that's not what I think happened obviously.


Congratz Lopen.  I suspect you just became the top target for Odium tonight.


Bring it on. :P

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The Highstorm started in the east, in the Origin.  It swept across the seas, causing waves and tides beyond that normally seen.  Then it hit New Natanan, raining debris down thereon and bringing heavy rains and winds upon the houses there, each holding people who were, despite the normality of the event, slightly intimidated, even subconsciously.  Even regularity could not undo the terrifying effects of such a tempest.  Next it hit the Unclaimed Hills, and for a while, then moving into Althekar and the main section of the Frostlands.  It moved across with similar effects to New Natanan, the creatures hiding away.
  Kelen had been lying behind the rock for the best part of a day, completely unconscious.  His wound had taken all the strength out of him, leaving him in a pool of his own blood, surprising him that he hadn't already died from bleeding out.  His head ached fiercely, as did most of the muscles in his body and it took all of his strength just to sit up slightly.  He raised a hand to his head, and found a small cut there, probably from when he'd fallen over.  Memories dripped into his mind in small fragments, though telling him little about how he'd actually gotten behind the rock.  He had faint thoughts of running through a battle, a battle that was surely over now, but nothing of how he'd made it out alive.  A hand to his side informed him of why he'd been unconscious however.  A single stray (hopefully stray, at least) arrow to the side.  It was a miracle he was still alive.  Not that he believed in miracles.  Yet after a few moments of recovery, a sound pierced the faint dullness of his senses.  The sound of wind.  Kelen swore, and took a quick look over the top of the rock he was behind.  And there it was.  The Stormwall, in all its glory.  The symphony of destruction and minister of death.  Specifically, Kelen's.  He sat down again and slumped against the rock, hitting his head and crying out in sudden pain, though not significantly moving his body.  The cry had been muted as it was.  Resignation swept over him, along with despair.  Utter and total despair.  One did not simply survive being out in a highstorm unprotected, especially one in the condition he was.  Mist appeared in that moment from around the rock, looking confused, though she had obviously seen a highstorm before.  Surely she had.

"We are inside always when this happens."
"Yes, we are."
"And we are now not"
"Because I'm an idiot."
"I understand not."
"It doesn't matter if you do or not.  Not anymore."
"Because death approaches, Mist.  Horrible, horrible death."
And then the highstorm struck.
  Kelen was largely protected by the rock, though bits and pieces of debris did occasionally veer towards him, usually missing by a few fingerlengths.  He was cold though.  So cold.  There was no warmth in the air, and all the warmth in his body was stolen thereby, leaving him a freezing mess, curled up tightly, hoping that death would be quick and painless.  He would have walked into the storm itself, but he didn't have the willpower.  He didn't want to die, he just thought it was inevitable.  And then that thought stuck.  He didn't even intend for it to, but it did.  He didn't want to die.  And he didn't have to either.  Grabbing ahold of that thought, he got onto his knees and moved close to his rock cover, then began to examine the area around him, checking for places of a greater safety than the place he was then.  The place was mostly other rocks, some buried into the stone floor where normally tiny strands of grass would be sticking out.  And then he saw something, a small crevice in which a few rockbuds were strewn.  It seemed big enough to fit him and a little more, and was protected by an outcropping of stone that reached up and over in an arch, keeping off most of the wind.  If he got over there he'd be able to live.  A plan started to form in his mind, first with finding a route among the other rocks.  Each would provide minimal cover, but by moving from rock to rock he'd be able to minimise the amount of time spent in the ravages of the storm, and so maximise his chances of staying alive.  Each second in the storm increased the probability of him dying, so reducing that time was vital.  From what he could tell, he'd be able to get to each rock quite quickly, and if he was nimble enough, grab onto it within less than a second of leaping out from the previous windbreak.  That way, he'd be able to swing himself round using the power of the wind itself.  True he might get a little smashed against the rocks, and true he didn't know if he had the strength in him, but he had no better options.  The plan seemed effective enough anyway, and if carried out successfully, he would survive a highstorm.  Survive a storming highstorm. With no protection at all.  That was an achievement if anything was.  And thus, he put it into action. 
  The first rock was somewhat to the right of him, and so he moved towards that edge, getting as close to the border of safety as he dared. He eyed the thing and found what looked to be a decent handhold on its side, somewhere where he could reasonably keep himself in place.  Mist eyed him suspiciously, and then moved in front, looking him in the eye.

"What are you doing?"
And he jumped, reaching his right hand, his strong hand, outstretched before him.  For a moment, he felt nothing, and he panicked as he became conscious of beginning to move away from the rock.  And then he hit it, his hand instinctually clasping down on the target he'd laid out earlier.  He started to swing round, pushed by the wind and pulled up by his own minimal strength.  And then his hopes broke.  The stone lifted up into the air, pulled out of its precarious hold by the enormous storm, the winds dragging it along.  Kelen lost his hold immediately, and flew off into the tempest, being dragged around by rogue currents and swirls.  He collided with bits of debris, his body being almost torn to pieces by small pieces of shrapnel, then battered with bruises from rocks long since smoothed over by the storm.  He felt himself fly in every direction, sometimes at once, chaotically moving through the storm's tides, slowly dying each time.  Despair set in again, and he resigned himself to death.  And then for the third time, Mist appeared.  And he grabbed onto hope again, grabbed onto that need to survive.  No.  He would not let himself die, even if he was completely powerless.  He could not let that happen. Not now, not ever.
"Speak the words", the spren whispered into his ear, softly, this time it's tone normal, not changing erratically like before.  What words!  He didn't know what she was talking about.  It was so vague, so meaningless to him.  And what would the words do to help him anyway, in this situation?  He pushed the thought out of his head, put the spren out of his mind, and set about thinking over his predicament, thinking of a way to escape.  And then it came again.
"Speak the words."  And this time, he knew.
He had not let himself die.  He had grasped onto the few strands of hope, the last thing he had to keep him here in this world, in this Cosmere.  He had taken what he could, and he had made it work.  It had worked.  He had forced himself to keep living.  To live.
"Life before death," he whispered.  He felt new strength swirl inside of himself, felt a new confidence arising.

He had not given up.  He had taken what little willpower he had and made it work.  He had forced his weakened body into action, and because of that, he had not died a worthless death.  He had done something to work, done something with the little strength he had left.  That was what was important.
"Strength before weakness," he spoke, louder this time.  The strength swirled again.  The confidence rose higher.  The feelings grew greater.

He had not seen is objective and resolved himself to that.  He had planned.  He had decided what to do.  He had made a plan, he had set out his route, he had made his way.  And what mattered was not that he had failed to reach that place, that original objective.  But that he had began his journey.
"Journey!" he shouted, "before destination! He felt his body burst into new life, and Mist shouted over the storm, loud enough that he could hear, "Now breathe!".  He opened his mouth, and filled his lungs, and the light filled him.  It healed his wounds in instants, the arrow being forced out.  It strengthened his body, made the flying debris no longer inflict any great damage upon him.  It strengthened his resolve, making him believe he could get out of this situation.  It powered his mind, and suddenly all his thoughts felt clear.  In one moment, a storm entered him, filling him completely, until he could be filled up no more.  And it powered him.  A light swirled around him, covering his body completely, and then he felt the wind cease against his body.  No more rain against his skin. He was surrounded by black, with a white ball in the sky.  Before him stood Mist, looking nothing like before, though he knew it was her.

"Welcome," she spoke.  Yet he could not respond.  He was too overwhelmed.
It was his nightmare.

For the full experience of the RP post I just wrote, listen to this whilst reading it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMbFu457jGs
It's what I listened to whilst writing it.

Now, game stuff.
I can see the reasons for suspicions behind Arrae, but at the moment I think her arguments have been quite reasonable, and she's said she wants to be deconstructing more posts this game, something I'm quite interested to see - and if that doesn't happen, we'll know that something's up.  That, plus I've found a lot of Aman's arguments against him being an eliminator to be incredibly weak (see: 'I wouldn't do that if I was an eliminator' and 'I'm not Odium because Odium dying Day 1 is bad for Odium').  This is in addition to me finding his Elantrian claim to be dubious at best, for reasons already given, equating basically to: him being an Elantrian, specifically the Elantrian from the previous day, makes no sense, given the actions that occurred.  For all this (which I'm pretty is sure is mostly incredibly weak arguments, but eh), I'm going to vote for Aman.
And with that, I'm going to bed.  See you all tomorrow!


EDIT: I got the order of the statements in the first ideal wrong >.>

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I also village read Joe. I'm at work right now, so I can't talk much. Of the top four suspects right now, Rae is the one I've been suspecting most. The evidence I've seen points to her most.

All the IKYKs, Lopen. :P

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Wonders if Odium is someone who has been interacting with Nyali in LG20, if we assume that Odium attempted to invest in her during the day, then attacked during the night. I've not followed LG20 close enough to know who has been though.

Need to read back over cycle 1, but I'll just throw a vote down on myself, in case of Hoid, until I work out a better option. Not convinced about Rae or Aman yet.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Wonders if Odium is someone who has been interacting with Nyali in LG20, if we assume that Odium attempted to invest in her during the day, then attacked during the night. I've not followed LG20 close enough to know who has been though.

Need to read back over cycle 1, but I'll just throw a vote down on myself, in case of Hoid, until I work out a better option. Not convinced about Rae or Aman yet.


If you haven't voted, it might be a good idea to vote on yourself like Hael just did here, so you can prove you're not Hoid if Hoid secret votes.


Why might Odium be someone who has interacted with Nyali in LG20?


After thinking about this in math, I think Amanuensis is more suspicious than Elodin.



QF15 is complete. Elbereth was Rem from the start (and she received the first vote in the game). The reason I voted for Mark was because Lopen and I had a very short discussion about how often the first vote in these games is on an eliminator (honestly it happens quite a lot). The theory I talked about testing was whether or not Mark, who received the first vote this game, followed this trend. At the time I had no other reason to vote for anyone, and as I said I wanted to encourage discussion in a different way than usual, so I decided to go for it. I have since talked things over with Mark and believe he is aligned to the Shardic Coalition, and therefore I have no reason to push for his lynch.


There's a difference between correlation and causation, as shown below.



So, what Amanuensis and Lopen noted was that the first poke vote often goes on an eliminator (no numbers were provided). There are three theories on why that may be the case: 1, people who are eliminators have a quality that makes them more pokable, 2, people become eliminators because they were poke voted, or 3, it's just random chance.


I don't want to spend too much time going into these theories, but it's interesting that Aman chose to vote on Mark for that reason. It's similar to saying people with blond hair tend to have lighter eyes than people with black hair (except on Roshar, because Roshar is weird with hair and eye color), so if I, a black-haired brown-eyed person, want lighter eyes, I should dye my hair blond.


The more I think about this, the less valid the first-poke-vote-on-eliminator reason seems. Aman eventually took his vote off, but it's still weird he voted for Mark for that reason. I'm quite confident Amanuensis is an intelligent person, so unless he believes that people who place the first poke vote can innately sense an eliminator within minutes of a game beginning, or GMs select eliminators by seeing into the future who get's poke voted on first, he has no reason to believe that Mark is more likely to be an eliminator because someone poke voted on him first.


Amanuensis might have been an eliminator who wanted a reason to vote on someone, so he picked something that seemed a little legitimate and voted.

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How many games has Nyali played? I would have thought her role in LG20 would have been her most significant, or where people would have interacted with her the most. I figure that when choosing an investee, people are more likely to Invest in someone they've interacted with before. Like, I'd choose people like Burnt, Alv, Mail, or Joe, for example, because I've interacted with them before, and know they'd be useful allies, whereas I've not spoken to Nyali before.

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LG20 is Nyali's first game however since it's still going I don't think talking about it is a good idea.

That's a good point. But I'll raise the idea so that the people who are playing or properly spectating can maybe speculate by themselves.

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Of the people in the list of hoid, these are probably my top suspects. They are the top four posters from the list, but didn't settle down on voting on anyone. This could be because they're trying to keep a low profile while still keeping a facade of contributing.

  1. The Only Joe (18 posts) (talked about things, voted on people, didn't settle on anyone)

I'll vote on Joe for now, because he seems to be saying the most while doing the least.

To be fair, I often have a high post count up until I die. And yes, I do talk a lot, often without saying much. So, I can't really defend myself against this accusation.


I do have a question before I vote. Does Joe vote most games? I ask because I haven't played with him often. It does seem suspicious that he has talked a lot, but has not settled a vote on someone. If he is Hoid, he might have been unsure about the secret vote. He might have thought that if he voted for someone in public, that would be his vote. Joe have anything to say about that?

Unless I have a firm suspicion, or are testing something, or are trying to get things moving, I often don't vote. As for being unsure about a rule relating to my powerset, no. I am very careful with my powerset. I've asked Seonid a bunch of question about my role, sussing out everything i can and can't do. (There's way more can'ts than Can's sadly.) So no, I am not hoid. And yes, I know it's fallacious to say this, but I wouldn't have vote in that way if I was Hoid, because of how revealing it is.


As I've said before, I have a village read on Joe, so I don't agree with his lynch. But even if he is evil, I really don't think he'd be Hoid. He was online during rollover for Day 1, as evidenced by his posts at the end of day 1 and his posts at the start of N1. If he was Hoid then why would he have secret voted for Aman and redirected Elbereth's vote? That wouldn't make sense, because the lynch was pretty firmly settled on Trelagist. Maybe he wasn't able to cancel his orders in time or something, but that's not what I think happened obviously.




I'm putting my Vote on Amanuensis. i'm not going to reiterate why, since I agree with the evidence that everyone else has brought up against him. Just go reread their posts.

Edited by The Only Joe
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