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Can we assume from the story, that PK was Ruin and Honor? I hope he had invested in someone that wasn't part of the 17th shard. Also, we have had two shards, technically, die a night! This is not turning out well.


Edit : I think we should kill Aman this round, so that way he can't keep poisoning people.

Edited by Conquestor
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Can we assume from the story, that PK was Ruin and Honor? I hope he had invested in someone that wasn't part of the 17th shard. Also, we have had two shards, technically, die a night! This is not turning out well.


Edit : I think we should kill Aman this round, so that way he can't keep poisoning people.


You can only poison one person at a time. I think he's useless now (the only extra thing he can do now is cast one vote, which won't do much against all of us) - we can get to him after we deal with the genuinely dangerous threats (Hoid / Arraenae and Odium). Hoid can vote manipulate, and likely has another vote manipulator on the team if Day 2's events are anything to go by. And Odium... well, he's already Shattered one Shard.


I'd still like to hear what Burnt has to say for herself. I don't think I've seen her respond to the allegation yet, even though she's been online since Nyali made her allegation.

Edited by The Young Bard
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We're going to have to take that risk eventually. Luckily, we know they didn't get Cultivation and so couldn't have given him more vials of poison. For now, I think Burnt is the much bigger threat. We need to take out one of Odium's kills now.

*grumbles* But i'm not Odiums champion...


Burnt might not be Odium's Champion, but she might be. Odium could have picked me at random. With Aman not being Odium, Odium picking Burnt at random is just as likely as Odium picking me randomly.

Thank you.  While I get that sure, it seems pretty likely I'm Odiums champion, I promise right now that I'm not. Currently, i can't prove that though. I can prove I'm not Odium- Nyali invested in me successfully and I have shattered cultivation to prove it. But unless you lynch Odium today (which, if i was Odiums champion, would give me the shard) and get another shard to try invest in me tonight (which, if i held Odium, would fail), I can't really prove I'm not Odiums champion right now. 


I'd still like to hear what Burnt has to say for herself. I don't think I've seen her respond to the allegation yet, even though she's been online since Nyali made her allegation.

Well, I've been busy responding in pms.



Either way, i'll explain my reasons as to why i personally didn't mention Nyali's shard claim.

So yes, I got caught out in a half truth. 
But to be fair, no one asked if she had claimed a shard... only if she had claimed cultivation...
I realize now that perhaps i should have been totally honest about what went on in the world pm. Not mentioning the shard claim was meant to be in self-preservation. I didn't exactly want to become a target for something I had no part in. Sure, perhaps it was info we could have used to get Aman lynched, but then, what if we were wrong about Aman? Then I was probably going to be next. I wasn’t willing to put my life on the line when Aman already seemed to be up for the lynch. And i didn’t vote for him either because I didn’t want to make the vote gap smaller either. 
So what would have happened if i had been honest about the shard claim? We would have reached this day with Aman being outed and then the same argument of "wait, Aman's not Odiums champion. So burnt must be". There doesn't seem to be that much difference in outcome.  At the time, not mentioning the shard claim seemed like the safest option for me personally.
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But how did you know that Aman wouldn't speak out against you? Surely, if you believed Aman to be a villager (which you seem to imply), then he would have spoken against what you said, and so condemned you anyway?


I'll keep my vote on you for now. Aman, technically you're still alive and you've got nothing to lose, what's you version of what happened on the Taldain PM?

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Well, if you had brought it up and gotten Aman lynched, and I had still been revived, I could easily vouch for you. (Not that you would have known that, but you also wouldn't have known that I'd be revived, so we're talking about at this point in time had that one change been made.) I had two abilities that wouldn't work on another Shard, and you being Odium OR Odium's Champion was far more likely than you just being Odium's Champion, if that makes sense.


But, that aside, I missed the rule that if a Shard doesn't ever Invest, their killer gets the Shard. So, you pointing out that you had Shattered Cultivation wouldn't prove you weren't Odium, since it proves either you weren't Odium and I invested in you (which I did, by the way, just to be clear), or that I hadn't Invested yet and you killed me as Odium. Not the best "I'm good, I swear!" argument to make, so I do see why you didn't clarify what I said. And I also understand waiting for Aman to react, because, if you missed his being away from game for the day like I did, it looks super suspicious that he didn't say anything. Waiting for him to talk is important.


Still, I wish you had said something when I accused you. Waiting to respond there, especially after Aman responded, does look a little odd.



In other topics, killing Aman right now will kill one of us. Unless, by a twist of luck (for us, unluck for the 17th Shard), Aman poisoned me the same night I was killed. My understanding is that it would have spent the poison vial because it would have worked, but then Oduim's attack, which comes later in the action order, would have killed me. Unless I'm mistaken, dying and Returning removes the poison? I guess I should ask Seonid about that. The 17th Shard can't use Cultivation to get more poison vials. The only way at this point for them to get more is for me to give Aman my Divine Breath, which kinda unlikely. Well, or if Aman travels to Yolen and gets Invested by Endowment, but as long as I'm alive, you can be sure that they don't have Endowment, since it started in the hands of a Coalition member. If Endowment ever changes hands though, it might be a good idea to kill Aman asap because they can start giving out more vials then via Returned and Endowment's Shardic power (though that can be used on anyone).


So, yeah, killing Aman right now rather than going after Hoid is, I think, a bad idea. Who are our remaining candidates for Hoid, by the way?

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Arraenae is the most likely at the minute. The Day 2 Lynch went from a landslide vote against her to a tie (meaning no lynch) between Aman and Arraenae, something only several people working together could have done, and only if they wanted to protect Aman and Arraenae.

Edited by The Young Bard
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Well, they would have had to be very sure no one else was messing with the vote... I guess they could be reasonably sure with Cultivation out of the way. Arraenae for now, I guess?



(EDIT: As a note, chances are high that I won't be on all day tomorrow, unless Google Fi somehow gets signal at the campsite. Verizon never did, but I haven't gone to a LARP since switching to Fi. I'll be on if I do get signal though - I'm not going to participate, I'm going to watch baby Shallan while my wife staffs it.)

Edited by Nyali
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[insert quotebox here]

So, yeah, killing Aman right now rather than going after Hoid is, I think, a bad idea. Who are our remaining candidates for Hoid, by the way?

Arraenae. Rae. Nila. Arrenae (by some mispellings). Arraene (by other mispellings). Arr. Arrae. That player who shouldn't be sacrficing time in class to play SE. That player who, because of SE, now has an internet addiction. Me.

There's your list of remaining candidates. ;)

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That player who shouldn't be sacrficing time in class to play SE. That player who, because of SE, now has an internet addiction. Me.


Is that a "please kill me and don't Return me" request? xD

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Okay, we should definitely lynch Aman today. The more time we leave him alive, the better chance that he will be able to find a more important role to poison. Besides, it's going to be extra annoying if we have to worry about last minute lynch changes the rest of the game. Nyali, I find it rather suspicious that you advocated not lynching Aman, and instead going after Hoid. The thing is, this is SE. We don't know roles and such, we have to work out who the 17th shard is by discussion and lynching. And we won't be able to find Hoid any better than the other members of the Shard, since his slips and so forth with be indistinguishable from theirs.


If we don't lynch Aman today, I am very certain that it will come back to bite us in an unpleasant way.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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I'm confused. Are you suspecting me of being 17th Shard?


I'm suggesting that Aman has already used his one vial of Poison since he knew he'd be a major target today, so leaving him alive means he has no useful role abilities he can use. He's just a vote, and his votes are useful to see, as long as we don't leave anything close to tied. Plus, killing him kills a villager, which removes one of our votes (though their votes are stronger since they know the team layouts better than we do). (On a side note - is there anything in the game that detects if someone's been poisoned? I can cure poison by dying, but I don't get how I do that if there's no way to know if someone is poisoned or not.)


Are you suggesting that going after Hoid, the eliminator super power role with five different abilities, is a bad idea?


And we do know a very small set of people, one of whom absolutely has to be Hoid. That's definitely something.


EDIT: The actual Hoid list is:


1. Jonly (The Only Joe)

2. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)
3. Alkazar (Zephrer)
4. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)
5.  :) (MarkIV)
6. Nila Hamming (Arrenae)
7. Second of the Sky (Alvron)
One of those seven are Hoid. Evidence suggests that it's Arrenae, but Arrenae could be a decoy (or another 17th Sharder).
Ugh, I just realized one of the rules to this game that I don't know how I feel about - the "meta roles" are recast when someone dies with one. So, there's another suicidal analyst out there, and another stick. That means that as long as Hoid lives, there's a fair chance he'll randomly kill townies every turn or so. In fact, by my reading of these rules, Hoid can kill two townies a cycle because of the stupid Stick thing (once during the day via a vote redirect or secret vote, role is recast, and then Hoid can kill again at night with one of his other powers) =\ Yeah, that's a worst case scenario, but that's still a really annoying possibility.
Edited by Nyali
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Another day, another GM mistake :P


At least this one is minor. I forgot to note Paranoid King's meta-role in the writeup. He was the scapegoat.


Also, meta-roles are only redistributed at the start of the day cycle.

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Also, meta-roles are only redistributed at the start of the day cycle.


Thanks for the clarification!



By the way, a fact that no one has mentioned here that I think some people forgot - if we lynch Aman, he won't die for two full cycles (two days and two nights) due to being an "outed player." I don't know if that's an argument to kill him now or to wait. But, because outed players in zombie mode don't count as being alive, if every other 17th Sharder is dead, we win without having to wait for the zombie period to end.

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Nyali, I am saying that I suspect you. A decent amount, actually. A 1/7 chance to find Hoid is kinda lame, since eliminator ratios are usually 1/4 or 1/5. We will want to keep a close eye on those folks, but it would be really counterproductive to only focus our attention on them, unless for some reason lots of eliminators are on that list. So basically, I'm saying that "going after Hoid" is a somewhat meaningless statement at this point in the game, and that "killing the revealed eliminator" is a good idea.


Aman already had a lot of fun being an outed eliminator in a previous game, and while he doesn't have a kill role this time around, I want him to be gone as soon as is possible, which means a lynch this cycle.

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Thanks for the clarification!



By the way, a fact that no one has mentioned here that I think some people forgot - if we lynch Aman, he won't die for two full cycles (two days and two nights) due to being an "outed player." I don't know if that's an argument to kill him now or to wait. But, because outed players in zombie mode don't count as being alive, if every other 17th Sharder is dead, we win without having to wait for the zombie period to end.


I mean, I would prefer to live as long as possible, but just be aware that I am about to cause a ton of chaos. Just debating some things with my teammates right now before I make my move. 

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Nyali, I am saying that I suspect you. A decent amount, actually. A 1/7 chance to find Hoid is kinda lame, since eliminator ratios are usually 1/4 or 1/5. We will want to keep a close eye on those folks, but it would be really counterproductive to only focus our attention on them, unless for some reason lots of eliminators are on that list. So basically, I'm saying that "going after Hoid" is a somewhat meaningless statement at this point in the game, and that "killing the revealed eliminator" is a good idea.


Aman already had a lot of fun being an outed eliminator in a previous game, and while he doesn't have a kill role this time around, I want him to be gone as soon as is possible, which means a lynch this cycle.


... err, you do know that my role and alignment were revealed, right? I mean, since being Returned, Odium or Autonomy could have Invested in me in theory, but there's literally no way I can be 17th Shard...



EDIT: Also, killing the revealed eliminator won't kill them for two days and two nights - whatever mischief he has planned, he'll be able to do anyway. I'm not saying that's a reason not to kill him, but "let's stop him from causing mischief" is not exactly possible anymore. Because zombies.

Edited by Nyali
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Guys I think Joe is evil and by that I mean I think he is either Hoid or 17th shard member. I'm an awakener that scanned someone and was a shard that Joe is claiming to be in our pm. If he isn't a 17th shard member, then you guys could lynch me if you want. Joe, can you explain yourself? 

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"Why are you here?" Parth asked.


"I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you," Nila said. Then she considered. "Or at least spike the memory out of you. Could you survive that? I've been meaning to try some experiments with hemalurgy, but I'd rather not be chased out of Scadrial for being a mass murderer."

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Guys I think Joe is evil and by that I mean I think he is either Hoid or 17th shard member. I'm an awakener that scanned someone and was a shard that Joe is claiming to be in our pm. If he isn't a 17th shard member, then you guys could lynch me if you want. Joe, can you explain yourself? 


Interesting. I can confirm that Joe has no minor role (Cultivation's Shardic power failed on him). Back when I thought that everyone had at least a minor role, I had thought that meant Joe was either a Shard or Hoid, so I wasn't going to say anything (I thought it'd give Odium too good of a target). Someone recently corrected me though - it's possible to be a "worldhopper" with no roles at all.

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