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My favorite part of our PM is you telling me that you'll never trust me because of QF15, then telling me your role anyeay. Guys, how many times do I have to say it, don't trust Joe!

Doesn't count -- you weaseled it out of me. Talking with you is like trying to hold a conversation with someone who is backflipping in circles around me. I think I did okay, and then you flash my wallet, car keys, and ID card at me. And by the time I have the presence of mind to chase after you, you're already on the roof of the building two houses over and waving my stuff in the air for everyone to see.


EDIT: Hey, Amanuensis, how much sleep did you get last night/early morning today?

Edited by Arraenae
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I'm confused. Are you suspecting me of being 17th Shard?


I'm suggesting that Aman has already used his one vial of Poison since he knew he'd be a major target today, so leaving him alive means he has no useful role abilities he can use. He's just a vote, and his votes are useful to see, as long as we don't leave anything close to tied. Plus, killing him kills a villager, which removes one of our votes (though their votes are stronger since they know the team layouts better than we do). (On a side note - is there anything in the game that detects if someone's been poisoned? I can cure poison by dying, but I don't get how I do that if there's no way to know if someone is poisoned or not.)


Are you suggesting that going after Hoid, the eliminator super power role with five different abilities, is a bad idea?


And we do know a very small set of people, one of whom absolutely has to be Hoid. That's definitely something.


EDIT: The actual Hoid list is:


1. Jonly (The Only Joe)

2. Hal Heatherlock (Parodium Haelbarde)

3. Alkazar (Zephrer)

4. Bernte Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

5.  :) (MarkIV)

6. Nila Hamming (Arrenae)

7. Second of the Sky (Alvron)


One of those seven are Hoid. Evidence suggests that it's Arrenae, but Arrenae could be a decoy (or another 17th Sharder).


Ugh, I just realized one of the rules to this game that I don't know how I feel about - the "meta roles" are recast when someone dies with one. So, there's another suicidal analyst out there, and another stick. That means that as long as Hoid lives, there's a fair chance he'll randomly kill townies every turn or so. In fact, by my reading of these rules, Hoid can kill two townies a cycle because of the stupid Stick thing (once during the day via a vote redirect or secret vote, role is recast, and then Hoid can kill again at night with one of his other powers) =\ Yeah, that's a worst case scenario, but that's still a really annoying possibility.


Remember, if you put off killing Aman now, he's going to live and you'll have to deal with him later. And votes can be very annoying during lynches. Especially when the eliminators have vote manipulation.

I'm wondering why you claimed to Joe when Mark had already claimed to Aman and proven himself as Survival. Did you really get played? Or were you playing Joe? Well you can't fool me! :P


I'll explain to those of you who aren't in the know. I am in a PM with a group of players. Joe claimed Survival at first, but after much ninja'ing and trolling, decided to trust us and tell us he was Preservation. He then claimed Survival to Rae because we were very suspicious that she was Hoid, and eventually she claimed to be Hoid to him. Now, Mark got a PM with Aman on D1, and supposedly claimed to be Survival and gave Aman an extra life to prove it. This is also confirmed by Conq scanning mark as Survival. So, why, if Rae knew that Mark was Survival, would she claim to Joe? Because she knew we were already suspicious of her enough to kill her and wanted to try and protect both Aman and DC(who is in that group PM I mentioned) because Aman knew who the real Survival was and DC knew that Joe wasn't Survival. So Rae claiming to someone who she obviously knew wasn't Survival was almost definitely a ploy to help DC and Aman gain trust.


And so, DC is a 17th Sharder. I don't have completely solid proof, but if you'll look back at his posts from Day 1 where he interacted with both Aman and Rae, I think you'll find those posts suspicious, in light of the information that both Rae and Aman are 17th Sharders.


This also brings me to another point. Cloudjumper is most likely a 17th Sharder as well. Why? Just because I think so! :P Haha, j/k, but he does seem extremely suspicious to me. Both his last post at the end of D1, him being voted on by Aman(weird piece of evidence for guilt, I know, but Aman has cast suspicion on his teammates many times before) and his complete silence in the thread lately(as well as his very quiet nature in the Sel World PM on D1) lead me to believe that he is an evil 17th Sharder as well.


So...yeah, those are my thoughts for who the 17th Shard team is made up of. Maybe another member, but I don't think so.


Can you point to which posts DC made that were suspicious? Your argument would be much stronger if you had specific pieces of evidence to point to, rather than a vague assertation that the posts were suspicious.

You have a point about Cloud. Lopen. Cloud, are you here? Have a poke vote.

About four hours :o


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Alv said:

On a side note, apart from the lynch, Ruin, could you pass me Honor if you've got it? That would be extremely helpful. Or you could keep Honor for yourself and pass me Ruin. But I'd prefer Honor if possible.

Congratz Lopen.  I suspect you just became the top target for Odium tonight.


...Really? Come on, guys, we need to lynch Lopen.

Edited by Mailliw73
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DC, Rae has been invested by Preservation. Also, I still think your evil, so I'm not taking my vote off of you. You only reappeared to make my point that you only show up when voted upon. I realize that you are busy, but can't you say anything helpful. You just haven't said much and you care to much about people voting on you.

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DC, Rae has been invested by Preservation. Also, I still think your evil, so I'm not taking my vote off of you. You only reappeared to make my point that you only show up when voted upon. I realize that you are busy, but can't you say anything helpful. You just haven't said much and you care to much about people voting on you.

I already said if I get lynched and don't die because of my role we essentially lost the game. So if I'm going to lose if it goes as it is I care about people voting on me. Sorry.

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This is obviously another reason not to lynch Lopen.


Yeah, maybe. You caught a very nice Ripple Effect error with Lopen -- referring to the village as "they", not "us". The first time someone died for it, Ripple was a villager who was later undeadified as an eliminator. The next time someone caught that, Elbereth was a secret eliminator. I want to know how effective of a tell the Ripple Effect is.

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DC (4)- Nyali, Conquestor, Lopen, Sheep

Aman (2)- Araris, Alv

Lopen (3)- Rae, Aman, Mailliw

Burnt (1)-  Bard


Don't let this tally fool you though. Lopen is definitely going to die, even if it means me spending my last aon.

Edited by Amanuensis
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DC (4)- Nyali, Conquestor, Lopen, Sheep
Aman (3)- Araris, Maill, Alv
Lopen (3)- Rae, Aman, Mailliw
Burnt (1)-  Bard
Don't let this tally fool you though. Lopen is definitely going to die, even if it means me spending my last aon.



Uh... you don't have Aons. You're an assassin who poisons people to death, presumably by cooking that poison and putting it into their food.

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Uh... you don't have Aons. You're an assassin who poisons people to death, presumably by cooking that poison and putting it into their food.


Ahh hahahaha just realized the irony in this situation. Crazy that I ended up an unkillable outed eliminator kill role again. Should change my RP character to Davenir.

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You wanna know why I asked for Ruin or Honor? So that I wouldn't get converted by Odium. And I got Honor and still have it. There was 1 Day where I could have been converted(Day 1), but thankfully I wasn't.


I guess if you all are gonna even consider the possibility that I'm evil I'll share what information I have to share. It's almost a 100% certainty that Alvron is Odium It's also extremely likely that Burnt is his Champion. I'd already shared this info with a cleared group of Shards, but here it is for you all too, since the 17th Shard already knows it.


And want to know why and how I can prove I'm not Odium's Champ? I used my Shardic roleblock on Alvron last Night and then surprise! There was no Odium kill. If I was Odium's Champion, then I would have tried to RB someone else, like a Mistborn or something, so I could make a kill.


Also, I think it should be apparent I'm not a member of the 17th Shard. I was pushing crazy hard for both Aman to be lynched on Day 1 AND for Rae to die by Night 1! That would have to be the stupidest bussing I could do. Aman is a great planner/manipulator and Rae is Hoid. The thing with the "they" instead of "us" isn't nearly the same as what Elbereth did. In this situation, I was referring to the game mechanics and a factions win con, so I just referred to the village as an all encompassing "they."

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I have a history of being bussed -- twice, in QF12 and LG17. I'm not above letting myself die to get cleared (although whether my death cleared anybody in LG17 is up for debate, seeing as the person who revealed me to the person who would reveal me to the world eventually died).


Of course, bussing the most powerful role on your team is a stupid idea. That's why you're probably not a 17th Sharder. But you can't deny that you've done it before.


Look at me, casting suspicion on the most cleared person of us all. He definitely can't be a 17th Sharder...right?

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You wanna know why I asked for Ruin or Honor? So that I wouldn't get converted by Odium. And I got Honor and still have it. There was 1 Day where I could have been converted(Day 1), but thankfully I wasn't.


I guess if you all are gonna even consider the possibility that I'm evil I'll share what information I have to share. It's almost a 100% certainty that Alvron is Odium It's also extremely likely that Burnt is his Champion. I'd already shared this info with a cleared group of Shards, but here it is for you all too, since the 17th Shard already knows it.


And want to know why and how I can prove I'm not Odium's Champ? I used my Shardic roleblock on Alvron last Night and then surprise! There was no Odium kill. If I was Odium's Champion, then I would have tried to RB someone else, like a Mistborn or something, so I could make a kill.


Also, I think it should be apparent I'm not a member of the 17th Shard. I was pushing crazy hard for both Aman to be lynched on Day 1 AND for Rae to die by Night 1! That would have to be the stupidest bussing I could do. Aman is a great planner/manipulator and Rae is Hoid. The thing with the "they" instead of "us" isn't nearly the same as what Elbereth did. In this situation, I was referring to the game mechanics and a factions win con, so I just referred to the village as an all encompassing "they."


I already told Mailliw this in the Taldain PM but I might as well share with the whole class. Burnt was originally Alv's Champion. After Nyali died I suspected her and confronted her about it in our world PM. I ended up claiming that I was a 17th Sharder and offered to work with them, and fortunately they agreed. I'd give them the name of both a Vessel and a non-Vessel each cycle so they could kill players my team wanted dead. Thing is after Nyali returned Alv took his investment away from her with plans of stealing you before you could get Honor. We are very confident he succeeded. Also that's a very likely story, but we both know the truth for why there was no kill is because the player Alv targeted passed their Shard without your knowledge. Besides, unless there's another roleblock out there you blocked our Mastrell last night, so nice try.

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I have a history of being bussed -- twice, in QF12 and LG17. I'm not above letting myself die to get cleared (although whether my death cleared anybody in LG17 is up for debate, seeing as the person who revealed me to the person who would reveal me to the world eventually died).


Of course, bussing the most powerful role on your team is a stupid idea. That's why you're probably not a 17th Sharder. But you can't deny that you've done it before.


Look at me, casting suspicion on the most cleared person of us all. He definitely can't be a 17th Sharder...right?


I will admit to having bussed a teammate before. Most notably LG16, where I helped lynch Kipper. But that actually ended up poorly for my team, just like Aman bussing you ended up poorly for your team in LG17. I don't like bussing teammates, but if I did, I'd much prefer being bussed over bussing.


You might be casting suspicion, but my Stormlight will shine through the worst you can throw. :P


@Aman, Dude, I have Honor...

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