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A Game of Riddles, perhaps...

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You may be aware of the ancient game of riddles.

You may not.

Regardless the rules for this game are as follows:

1) The riddle must be answerable using information within the riddle, or knowledge which is expected to be universally know i.e. everyone knows that fish have scales and are thus 'clad in mail but never clinking'

2) If it answers the riddle, regardless of the intended answer of the questioner, the answer is valid.

3) Once your riddle is answered, edit a spoiler in your post to say your answer, if it was different

$)Rules will be added as need be.


First riddle: How is a raven like a writing desk?

That was a joke. That was asked, but never answered by the Mad Hatter.


First actual riddle: Throw away the outside, cook the inside. Eat the outside, throw away the inside. What am I?

Indeed. 'Tis an ear of corn.


Edited by aeromancer
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Riddles!  I love Riddles!


Answer: An ear of Corn.


My riddle:

Come, let me tell you of Hector's demise,
of Tristan's love and Mordred's lies.
Tales woven by others, not a word I can claim,
yet my recitings are flawless, each telling the same.
Patience and I'll teach you the words of the wise,
secret truths only experience supplies.
You'll find me in halls of scholarly concern,
the rigid tutor that knows yet won't learn.
Hush and know fables both dark and grand,
of Homer's epics and the Grimm's cautioning hand.
They'll whisper their intrigue in a voice you own,
slip the hours away till sleep calls you home.

Nice one Nashan'Elin.  Books it is.

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My riddle:

What, when put in an open box, makes it less heavy?

A hole.


My riddle:

When the Hanging Gardens of Babel grew,
I read the heavens for what it knew
to gesture a thing that can't be seen,
with rigid arm and hand so keen.
I have a marked and telling face,
and never rush - I keep my pace.
I'm shy of clouds and the dead of night,
otherwise faced true North I'm always right.
Now given gears I never sleep,
and two more arms are mine to keep.
Sixty to one they each will race,
but twice a day they all embrace.

A clock it is.  Nicely done jaimeleecee.

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A hole.

My riddle:

When the Hanging Gardens of Babel grew,

I read the heavens for what it knew

to gesture a thing that can't be seen,

with rigid arm and hand so keen.

I have a marked and telling face,

and never rush - I keep my pace.

I'm shy of clouds and the dead of night,

otherwise faced true North I'm always right.

Now given gears I never sleep,

and two more arms are mine to keep.

Sixty to one they each will race,

but twice a day they all embrace.

A clock!

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Heh read that wrong

Here's one anyway!

What asks, but never answers?


A question.


A flash of movement blocks out the stars.  An organic flying machine, it seeks its fuel in the night sky. Silent wings, keen hearing, eyes like the wings of a moth. What is it?


An owl.

Edited by Arraenae
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A question.

A flash of movement blocks out the stars. An organic flying machine, it seeks its fuel in the night sky. Silent wings, keen hearing, eyes like the wings of a moth. What is it?

An owl? Or a bat.

Riddle: The beginning made the end removes it with rivers of blood.

Edited by Haelbarde
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Death by childbirth????

Bah, just realised I messed up. So your answer works just fine.

What I had wanted to ask was more like "Removing the start of much bloodshed brings joy"

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A question.


A flash of movement blocks out the stars.  An organic flying machine, it seeks its fuel in the night sky. Silent wings, keen hearing, eyes like the wings of a moth. What is it?



I love that we had the same idea even if you didn't guess what I was really going for ^.^

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A coffin.

The fool knows it, but the wise man does not. The poor man has it, but the richest man does not. What is it?



A man dies and goes to heaven. He walks through paradise and everyone are naked. Under a tree he finds a couple and he walks up to them and says "Hello, I see you must be Adam and Eve." How did he know?

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Now I have to think of a riddle....

Made from straightened curls, curled again, I am a trap for one of life's necessities.





A man dies and goes to heaven. He walks through paradise and everyone are naked. Under a tree he finds a couple and he walks up to them and says "Hello, I see you must be Adam and Eve." How did he know?

I think he was going for the old cliche of happiness.


They introduced themselves first?

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A man dies and goes to heaven. He walks through paradise and everyone are naked. Under a tree he finds a couple and he walks up to them and says "Hello, I see you must be Adam and Eve." How did he know?

They have no belly buttons?

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Ok, so my riddle.

You are in a room with three switches. One of them turns on a light bulb in a different room. You can't see this other room or the bulb in it. You can do whatever you want with the switches, but once you leave the room and go to see the lightbulb you cannot go back. You have to figure out which switch turns the light on. You know the light is off at the beginig.

I hope I explained the conditions clearly enough :P


Best answer from Sunbird :)

1. Pick a random switch and turn it on. Leave it on for an hour; then turn it off again.
2. Pick one of the other two switches and turn it on.
3. Immediately go into the room with the light bulb.

If the light bulb is off and cold, then the switch you didn't touch is the one that connects to the bulb. If the bulb is off and warm, then the switch you left on for an hour is the one. If the bulb is on, then the switch you just turned on connects to it.

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Turn them all on.


The following was devised by Kasimir:


 I am neither the Blackthorn nor his kin
Even though we share but half a name.
I am the gift of hope, yet a daughter’s sin
By my dry hands was a father slain.

Correct Young Bard.  Blackbane it is.

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Ok, so my riddle.

You are in a room with three switches. One of them turns on a light bulb in a different room. You can't see this other room or the bulb in it. You can do whatever you want with the switches, but once you leave the room and go to see the lightbulb you cannot go back. You have to figure out which switch turns the light on. You know the light is off at the beginig.

I hope I explained the conditions clearly enough :P

Can we assume that the other two switches turn on the lights in our current room?

Alternatively, expanding someone else's suggestion, either remove all three switches, so that none of them turn the light on, or wire all three together, so that all switches turn on the light.

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