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11 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

It always saddens me when real life interferes with a team's chance of victory (even though in this case I'm somewhat glad it happened, as otherwise my team would have lost). Regardless, your team did very well though. I can never seem to get a read on you (which by default makes me suspicious of you) but it wasn't until later in the game when I had enough information to really figure it out that it was you. Shout out to @jaimeleecee for doing a great job in both your first game and as your first time being evil.

And of course, many thanks (and upvotes) for our great GM, Gamma Fiend! I especially look forward to the write ups involving my lynch and my death, even though both of those moments (particularly the first) were very painful for me as a player.

Ugh, and once again, congratulations to the @TheMightyLopen for surviving until the end. I really need to figure out (and emulate) how you last in these games so often. Maybe I should try hanging my handle to TheMightierLopen...

Same. I was a bit worried about Hael for most of the game, but couldn't get enough of a read to really push for his death until the facts made it mostly clear.

Also, totally agree about @jaimeleecee. She had me fooled for almost all of the game actually. It was only when weird shenanigans with Joe getting Corrupted that I really began to think she was Corrupted.

Haha, thanks. My secret techniques are still working! :D Seriously though, I'm not sure why I've survived as much as I have. It's not like I really do anything specific that allows me to survive. In the case of this game, I think the DF's didn't want to attack me because of my Aiel-Blooded claim. Looking at Wilson's spreadsheet though, it appears that I'm tied for the most survivals of anyone(Alvron is tied with me at 12, although the spreadsheet says I've survived 13 times, it's wrong)! And with that being said, let the death streak begin. >.>

10 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

Yeah :'(. Nevermind me pretending we won. If I tell enough people who believe that I won, that becomes the truth right!? :P

Something Aonar didn't end up bringing up, when he took over for me was my awful record of being a scanner - QF7 (a game in which most players had powers) I managed to scan all the powerless players, AG2, I scanned all the smokers, and didn't find a single spiked, and I think there was a third game I did just a poorly... Point was, me having awful luck with my scans would be well in character. And it'd also explain why I was so cautious about trusting anyone - why claim when you have the luxury of actually knowing for certain what alignment someone is?

And indeed, well done Jaime. Apologies for throwing you in the deep end in your first game. :)


Well you certainly played well enough to win, that's for sure. :) I did ask everyone to pile on Aonar at one point, but no one really listened to me...

I did actually recall your statement about your role being ironic(when I accused you of being Hoid) once Aonar "revealed" he was a scanner. I thought that was probably what you were referencing.

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The spreadsheet's not wrong. (Shame for even conceiving of such a thing. :P Blasphemy. The spreadsheet is not wrong.) You've survived 13 times. You're just missing LG15a. 

Excellent game, everyone! Thanks to Gamma for running this. I enjoyed it. I had more comments, but I scattered them in the dead doc. So all I have left to say is that this was a great game. :D 

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Well done everyone. That really got down to the wire at the end there.

And thanks to Gamma Fiend. Great game. (To think I had a plan that if both my Warders died, I would reveal all (of not very much), only to die the same night as my second Warder.)

And Elodin, you really played well the second half of the game. Just a question about last night: I'm guessing you didn't make a kill last night because you Dreamwalked to avoid Bugsy's kill?

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3 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

Well done everyone. That really got down to the wire at the end there.

And thanks to Gamma Fiend. Great game. (To think I had a plan that if both my Warders died, I would reveal all (of not very much), only to die the same night as my second Warder.)

And Elodin, you really played well the second half of the game. Just a question about last night: I'm guessing you didn't make a kill last night because you Dreamwalked to avoid Bugsy's kill?

Yeah. No use in killing someone if I was probably gonna die anyways. It's a shame though, I could have maybe won if I had done that.

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Actually Gamma, do you mind running through what happened... D2, I think it was? (The night Nyali accused me of being detained?) So, Nyali was initially told I'd performed no scan, then that her action had failed. Why was that? (For anyone interested, I never did submit an action that night. I had no idea who to put a weave on.)

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21 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

Actually Gamma, do you mind running through what happened... D2, I think it was? (The night Nyali accused me of being detained?) So, Nyali was initially told I'd performed no scan, then that her action had failed. Why was that? (For anyone interested, I never did submit an action that night. I had no idea who to put a weave on.)

While I'm not Gamma, I can answer the question.  Basically what happened is that Nyali tried to change your target to someone else.  Initially nothing was said in the PM so Nyali thought that meant she was successful.  But later Gamma said that the action failed.  He said this because you didn't put in an action to be redirected so to him Nyalis redirect had failed but by that stage a very good portion of the turn was over and Nyali had already outed her role in thread.  Nyali was greatly upset by this.  (I'm going to leave it up to Nyali to expand on this should she choose to.  If not, then that's her choice to make and we will respect it.)  Nyalis action was actually successful despite not having an action to redirect as it simply changes the target of the action not the action itself.  It was just a miscommunication/mix-up at exactly the wrong moment.

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6 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

Actually Gamma, do you mind running through what happened... D2, I think it was? (The night Nyali accused me of being detained?) So, Nyali was initially told I'd performed no scan, then that her action had failed. Why was that? (For anyone interested, I never did submit an action that night. I had no idea who to put a weave on.)

I spent the last cycles that I played trying to work out that interaction (I wanted to find me a Darkfriend) - It did come down to the ruling that trying to redirect a non-existent action is regarded as an action failing, while someone (you maybe, or possibly Elodin) had suggested in thread that that action would count as a success, which never got denied by Gamma in thread at the time. Then once Joe took over, he never clarified. 

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13 hours ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Well you certainly played well enough to win, that's for sure. :) I did ask everyone to pile on Aonar at one point, but no one really listened to me...

I did actually recall your statement about your role being ironic(when I accused you of being Hoid) once Aonar "revealed" he was a scanner. I thought that was probably what you were referencing.

I'm familiar with being able to win, but having inactive teammates. This one was just annoying because the game was won, really, but it was pure chance that it didn't... Ah well. It'd have made a nice game to leave on - I'll be going on hiatus from the shard for the coming semester of uni.

Do you mean Fain? From memory, Lopen also made some comment about it being amusing if I were fain too. The viewer claim seemed more plausible than roleless or aiel-blooded. We already had 3-4 aiel-blood claims, and a roleless claim sorta puts you under suspicion as fain by default. Viewer had the advantage of not necessarily being the first thing people might expect Fain to claim, my past experiences as a scanner to play on, but also we'd only seen one viewer, and given the DF team, a 2nd viewer seemed entirely plausible. 

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30 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

I'm familiar with being able to win, but having inactive teammates. This one was just annoying because the game was won, really, but it was pure chance that it didn't... Ah well. It'd have made a nice game to leave on - I'll be going on hiatus from the shard for the coming semester of uni.

Do you mean Fain? From memory, Lopen also made some comment about it being amusing if I were fain too. The viewer claim seemed more plausible than roleless or aiel-blooded. We already had 3-4 aiel-blood claims, and a roleless claim sorta puts you under suspicion as fain by default. Viewer had the advantage of not necessarily being the first thing people might expect Fain to claim, my past experiences as a scanner to play on, but also we'd only seen one viewer, and given the DF team, a 2nd viewer seemed entirely plausible. 

Yeah, I've had inactive teammates before. Not fun. Even though you weren't able to pull it off(and yeah, that was extremely unlucky :/ (not that I'm too upset by it :ph34r:)), I hope that players will show a bit more awareness in future games because of this. Because a few of the villagers did get too comfortable with the lead we'd formed by catching as many DF's as we had at that point.

Haha, yeah, I meant Fain. >.< I did make that comment, yes. Because you'd just been Autonomy in the previous LG, so for you to get another conversion role directly after, it seemed like a funny coincidence, since we don't have conversion roles all that often. I'm definitely looking forward to reading your doc.

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Here's the link to the dead doc, in case anyone who doesn't have it wants it. @Sart / @Seonid / @RubiksCube / @Master Elodin, could one of you post the link to your doc? Same question for @Haelbarde / @Aonar Faileas / @jaimeleecee / @The Only Joe regarding yours. I'm bored and wouldn't mind reading through them now.

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1 hour ago, RubiksCube said:

@Amanuensis, Are we allowed to do that?

Because, I have access to both docs, and could post links, but I thought it would be against the rules.

It's not against the rules, I don't think. Normally they get posted along with the final write-up, but Gamma said he'd do it later when he had more time. I know I, and many players, really enjoy reading the docs after a game ends, so I figured getting them out here sooner rather than later would be nice.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That was a long Long Game, but I'm glad we pulled it off in the end. There were a few times where I didn't think we'd be able to do it! Inattentiveness hurts both teams though, Hael. If Sheep had been paying attention, you guys wouldn't have been able to pull off the hammer that would've won you guys the game. Even with that though, you guys made sure to make all of us really work for it! Even at the end, I was sure we must have been played expertly by Lopen the entire time. 

Leave it to one of Gamma's games to make everyone uber-paranoid of each other. :P

Special thanks to Wilson for stepping up after Gamma disappeared! 

Now, as always, if anyone would like to try your hand at running a game, please get a hold of GammaWilson,  Alvron, or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but I'm sure we'd be more than willing to help out in any way we can as well!

You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!

Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to seeing you in future games! 

Edited by Metacognition
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