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Sanderson "Would you Rather"

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34 minutes ago, Hmmm lies said:

Both books are already finished, but probably Elantris.

WYR have Brandon finish Elantris 2 or Rithmatist 2

(I meant finish them as serieses)

Also, I would prefer the Azlantian to Elantris 2.

WYR watch Kaladin die or never read Wind and Truth?

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Purelake fish sushi. Poultry is good, but I eat chicken way more often than I eat sushi, and I assume that Aviar drumsticks would be relatively similar to chicken.

WYR (spoilers for secret projects, though I don't know how necessary that is anymore)


dive into the nightmare mist on Komashi or face the sun on Canticle?


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The second option, both would kill me, but at least this way 


my soul gets to go to the Beyond

WYR have the power to make anyone read Elantris and Warbreaker, but no other book, or have the power to make anyone read Mistborn book 1, but no other book.

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Probably upwards, seems more useful! ... Although.. I could fulfill that life-long dream of grabbing the remote from foar away with sideways lashings, couldn't I?

Would you rather come into possession of a coppermind filled with all of Hoid's memories and knowledge or be an exceptionally skilled soother?

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A Coppermine filled with all Hoid's memories and knowledge, using that I would probably be able to make myself into one of the most powerful beings in the cosmere.

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8 hours ago, Iron-Eyes said:

A Coppermine filled with all Hoid's memories and knowledge, using that I would probably be able to make myself into one of the most powerful beings in the cosmere.


you forgot to add a question...


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Larkin! Well, except that I don't have the Stormlight to feed it. But Larkin are cute, and I already have a bunch of chickens. ;) (Actually, I mean that both in a Roshar-joke sort of way and literally. I have a lot of chickens.) (Also, surprisingly, autocucumber recognizes 'Larkin' as an actual word--though not 'larkin'.)

WYR attend the Church of the Survivor every day for the rest of your life or become an ardent?

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Probably an ardent, because there seems like there would be more to do. I mean, I could basically spend a lot of time reading and people would probably think I'm super devout or something.

WYR live under the Lord Ruler or Steelheart? (assume you are a skaa/average citizen)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Shattered Plains, 100%. If I were on Patji, I'd be well and thoroughly screwed. At least on the Shattered Plains I'd have access to Stormlight occasionally, and/or a spren or Shardblade to help me chase chasmfiends away. 

WYR take up Odium or Autonomy?

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Larkin! They are different enough from any real-world animal to be really cute, whereas axehounds are close enough to dogs that I find them a little bit creepy.

WYR be a spren trapped in a gemstone, or an inquisitor controlled by Ruin?

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An Inquisitor, both would suck, but at least there is a small chance I get to be Marsh.

WYR be a vegetarian kandra, or a koloss with complete sentience (You still have the never-ending growth problem). 

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