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Sanderson "Would you Rather"

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Lightweaving. I'd love to play with illusions and visualize my worlds and characters in Stormlight, and I currently have no use for additional blood--though that might change if I ever need a transfusion. :)

WYR spend six months in the belly of a giant fish or six months on Braize?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lines of Making. So long as nothing tries to kill me, I'll have a grand time drawing little chalk stick-men and making them play out my stories on the pavement. :)

WYR be a doomslug or an axehound? (Caveat; I don't think I've read more than 50 pages of Skyward... Science fiction has never really been my thing, honestly, and I didn't manage to get into it. Though, knowing Sanderson, it probably has a ton of secret fantasy elements hanging around in it.)

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I don't want to spoil it for you, but suffice it to say that I would be far more interested in being a doomslug.

WYR have gold compounding like Miles Hundredlives or a full set of feruchemical powers but no allomantic?

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That's a hard question. Ruin's shard is definitley less destructive, but Odium's is significantly more powerful. If feel like I don't want my life defined by hate, though. I choose Ruin.

WYR be a Rithmatist or an Epic?

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Hard one! I think the Lopen would be really fun, but I'd rather take the chance to learn from a master chef like Rock. 

WYR have a mistcloak or a replica of a Shardblade? 

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Knight Radiant. Seeing more colors would be cool, but I prefer Surges, spren, and Shardblades.

WYR fight a dog-sized chasmfiend or a chasmfiend-sized dog?

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Chasmfiend-sized dog, it has no gemheart, therefore bonds no spren, and immediately collapses and dies under its own weight.

WYR have Shallan's multiple personality disorder or have Ruin speak in your mind like he did to Zane?

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Shallan's multiple personality disorder. I'd always have someone to talk to, and I'm an incurable chatterbox, so I'm always in need of that. Although, I'd probably look like I was insane to anybody else...

WYR ride a santhid or a skyeel?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Burns away because you could get a really nice job just sitting there and testing people for metals.

WYR have no choice of what Knight Radiant order you get or get to choose from two random honorblades? You'd expend more stormlight by using them, remember.

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Hmm, tricky one. I'm going to go with Radiant, just so I can at least get Shardplate. Still, I hope I don't end up with Bondsmith, I wouldn't want to be bonded to any of those three.


WYR have a Hemalurgic spike giving you strength or Allomantic pewter?

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Allomantic pewter. I'm a real pussy when it comes to pain, so the process of getting the spike would be tough for me; plus, I generally don't like the idea of having metal things stuck through me.

Would you rather have the chance to experiment with spores or find out what chouta tastes like?

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Chasmfiend. It doesn't come from an island where literally everything reads my mind. Sure, I'll probably end up dead either way--but at least I retained the privacy of my thoughts.

WYR live in Hallandren or the Diem? (Coupled question: would you rather be an Awakener or a Sandmaster?)

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