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Sanderson "Would you Rather"

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Withering, it's got a small window of survival and if I don't make it, at least I can go 'boo!' and scare the pants off people for a few years as a Shade. Or possibly get shot out of a gun by Nazh, however that works.

Would you rather be locked in a room with a bored Ham for an hour or a monologuing Sadeas for ten minutes?

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19 minutes ago, Weltall said:

Withering, it's got a small window of survival and if I don't make it, at least I can go 'boo!' and scare the pants off people for a few years as a Shade. Or possibly get shot out of a gun by Nazh, however that works.

Would you rather be locked in a room with a bored Ham for an hour or a monologuing Sadeas for ten minutes?

Ham. He's one of my favorites. 

Would you rather be an aluminum gnat or a duralumim gnat

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34 minutes ago, Hemalurgic_Headshot said:

Aluminum, actually. Something about aluminum savants being able to cleanse more than just metals from their bodies, but who knows?

Would you rather be a chasmfiend Mistborn or an army of shades with lightsabers?

Dude, chasmfiend Mistborn. For reasons obvious.

Would you rather be on the run having stolen from the Lord Ruler or Nale?

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2 hours ago, Elenion said:

Nale, because he doesn't have an army of ruthless Inquisitors backing him up. He would just kill me outright, efficiently, no torture involved.

Would you rather be married to Sadeas or put on the bridge crews?

Put on the bridge crews. Less torture involved, more outright death. Far more desirable.

Would you rather have the Lord Ruler's knowledge, or his powers?

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His powers, especially now that we know what they can do when one is actually trying.

But on the subject of knowledge... Would you rather have every essay Khriss has written up to the point of the Arcanum Unbounded texts or a chance to ask Brandon one question, anything you like, and he would have to answer it completely honestly?

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I ship Shadolin because Shalladin is so... stereotypical. Main girl ends up with main guy? I expect Brandon to do better.  Besides, with their personalities, a Shalladin divorce would always be close.

Would you rather eat Rock's stew with Bridge 4 or go thieving with Kelsier (no allomancy included)?

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Lifeless cat. If Lightsong can give ridiculously complicated Commands to a squirrel, imagine how much fun you can have with a cat that will actually do what you tell it to. :D

Where would you rather go on your Cosmere summer vacation, T'Telir or the Reshi Isles? And you don't get to pick up any Investiture as a souvenier.

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5 hours ago, Weltall said:

Where would you rather go on your Cosmere summer vacation, T'Telir or the Reshi Isles? And you don't get to pick up any Investiture as a souvenier.

Reshi Isles. Giant-crab-island-gods? Trell yeah, dude. 

Would you rather be a Listener Surgebinder stuck in Kholinar, or a high-profile runaway plantation skaa from a famous master stuck in Luthadel?

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7 minutes ago, The Technovore said:

Kholinar, have you seen what happened to Luthadel? Plus I get to be a Surgebinder, so yea.


Would rather Be a full Feruchemist, or a full mistborn with one feruchemical power? (You don't get to pick pick what power you get)

Full Feruchemist. Mistborn would be more fun, but full feruchemist would be much more useful. Besides, if you store enough pewter and steel use become the Flash-Hulk :D

Would you rather have the Shard of Honor, or the Shard of Autonomy?

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Hoid. The man is effectively unkillable and he's already got (or is strongly implied to have) half the Lord Ruler's powerset via the lerasium bead, plus lots of other stuff. I'll gladly take all that in return for the 'no harming people' restriction that Hoid has. Might be a good thing actually, less temptation to go mad with power that way.

Your life depends on winning a game. Would you rather have to play Tarachin against Lightsong or a hand of Kabers against Yalb?

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*googles monkey paw*

Nightwatcher, with her you're more likely to actually be able to live with your curse, with Kelsier you might just end up destroying a planet and dying in the process.


Would you Rather be a disillusioned Returned and hate your own existence, or a Knight Radiant and want out of the oaths you made? (<- such a happy question right there :P)

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I think I'd pick being the Returned. I'm still worshipped and have everything provided for me, after all, and I don't have to kill any friends to get what I want.

Would you rather be dropped on Scadrial with a bag of spheres, but no coins, or dropped on Roshar with a bag of coins, but no spheres?

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Scadrial with spheres. The world is less likely to end in fire and death, and I'm sure you could find someone to sell a bunch of glowing gemstones to.


Would you rather fight a very pissed off Kaladin (Words of Radiance) or a very pissed off Vin (Well of Ascension)?

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