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Lightweavers are the most powerful Radiant(WoR Spoilers)


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@Maxal: I like your idea about the Truthwatchers and their external truth, but I think it's states in the books that only the Lightweavers hasn't Oaths. But maybe I remember wrong.


Anyway If I don't remember wrong BS said the Oaths "natural grow" from the Radiant Spren, therefore probably speaches them is just a "final step" to made the bond progress to its next stage.

I always though every Radiant have to made a "concept" his own and then just after He may formalize this concept in his Bond with the rightful Oath (and the wording may be very personal for every Radiant Knight).


In both of cases, Truth and Oath, it needs a very extreme event (or a long sequence to event) to made a Radiant ruin his Bond.

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Brandon has said that the oaths can be spoken in different ways, it is just the meaning behind it that remains the same. There is going to be another windrunner that states different oaths from Kaladin in the coming books as per WoB. Lightweavers are much more complicated due to personal truths I agree, but the oaths for windrunners are not pre-determined words. 

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@Maxal: I like your idea about the Truthwatchers and their external truth, but I think it's states in the books that only the Lightweavers hasn't Oaths. But maybe I remember wrong.


I do not recall it being stated anywhere the Lightweavers were the only order who progressed through other means than oaths. In fact, I think it more likely they aren't the only order with an abnormal progression. Truthwatchers seem as good candidates, but this is pure speculation here.

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Personally, I think there's a progression among the Orders from being more aligned with Honor to more aligned with Cultivation; those with more of the progression-themed Surges (e.g., Regrowth and Illumination) are more Cultivation-oriented, whereas those with more of the binding-themed Surges (e.g., Tension, Adhesion) are more Honor-oriented. While we haven't really seen enough of the intermediate orders to determine their precise location, I believe this scale looks something like this:




In my mind, Edgedancers are pretty much in the middle because they A: Have oaths; and B: Have one "Honor" surge and one "Cultivation" surge. Likewise, the honor-side order appears fairly set, with the Bondsmiths having very two Honor-themed surges, the Windrunners slightly less so, etc; in the same way the Truthwatchers appear to be the most Cultivation-themed, having both Illumination and Progression, although it's possible Lightweavers should be beyond them.

Edited by Three1415
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Personally, I think there's a progression among the Orders from being more aligned with Honor to more aligned with Cultivation; those with more of the progression-themed Surges (e.g., Regrowth and Illumination) are more Cultivation-oriented, whereas those with more of the binding-themed Surges (e.g., Tension, Adhesion) are more Honor-oriented. While we haven't really seen enough of the intermediate orders to determine their precise location, I believe this scale looks something like this:




In my mind, Edgedancers are pretty much in the middle because they A: Have oaths; and B: Have one "Honor" surge and one "Cultivation" surge. Likewise, the honor-side order appears fairly set, with the Bondsmiths having very two Honor-themed surges, the Windrunners slightly less so, etc; in the same way the Truthwatchers appear to be the most Cultivation-themed, having both Illumination and Progression, although it's possible Lightweavers should be beyond them.


Actually, Brandon has confirmed the Edgedancers were the more "Cultivation aligned" order. They are to Cultivation what the Windrunners are to Honor.

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What it comes down to it is we just don't know. Although it is logical that if there is one order that can use a different form in order to "swear oaths" without actually having to "swear oaths", then it is possible for there to be more than one order that does so. But we also have no other proof that is the case. So pretty much until we hear all the other orders' form of "oaths", there can always be a chance of one other that is unique as well. 

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And not everyone handles the "telling truths" part very well. One epigraph mentioned someone who was a fine warrior and a good person, but they made a bad Lightweaver because they simply weren't capable of the level of self-discovery and reflection that their Cryptic demanded.

Sure they don't have binding oaths and values, but not everyone can be truthful to themselves.

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