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17S Lagoon Day?

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So, I'm at Lagoon today, and I keep on thinking how fun it might be to have a 17S day. If we were to do one, how many would 100% be down? If we can get 25 people or more we qualify for group discounts and reserving a pavilion (you know it's be cool to see that sign!) It might be fun to do it this year, but if we need to we could plan for next. So, what do people think? 

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Now that could be fun. My sister is an employee there, so at present, I get the family discount. I wouldn't sign up for paying the group rate because of that (I don't have that much money), so you'd have to find 25 other people, but I'd love to show up on a day you set it up.

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22 hours ago, firstRainbowRose said:

You know you could always fly out and join us, right? I mean, it's not unheard of for people to come to Utah just to visit Lagoon. There were a TON of people who did just that last year (and probably part of this year) because of one of the coasters we have.

It's tempting. <_<  But I've already committed James and I to vacation in Florida this fall, and between that and all the conventions I did this year, my work vacation bank is completely claimed.

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