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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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4 hours ago, Arraenae said:

I'll be your RP partner, El. :) Internet connection is spotty now, but I'll have full internet when the game starts.

Sign me up as Rima, an informant who likes attending balls.

:P I was also going to say that that's my name. :P

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Oh, I did have a question, brought on by this bit:


No more than one member of the target faction may be attacked by the koloss during a single Night turn.

If multiple Houses attack the same house with koloss, what happens? Are the defending House's koloss divided up between the two, or sent to fight one and then the other? If they lose both battles, does one person die or two? 

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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

@Renegade, if the majority were to vote for Rima would we lynch two players at once? Or would there be a coin flip for which one perishes?

I don't know; maybe they'll just have to face each other in a dance contest or something to see who survives.

1 hour ago, Elbereth said:

Oh, I did have a question, brought on by this bit:

If multiple Houses attack the same house with koloss, what happens? Are the defending House's koloss divided up between the two, or sent to fight one and then the other? If they lose both battles, does one person die or two? 

If multiple factions attack the same faction with koloss, one of those attacking factions will be randomly determined to attack first with 1 koloss, and then it will cycle between the attacking factions, each attacking with a single koloss, until a player from the faction is attacked, or there are no attacking koloss remaining.  Only 1 person from each faction can be killed by koloss during the Night, no matter how many factions attack them.

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I could see knowing the Kandras names as being useful.  If you know your own Kandra and then it's stolen you could find out which team stole it and therefore know one of the allomancy powers that faction has access to.

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Sandhya grinned as she felt a draft of cool air on her face, but didn't look up. She finished the last stroke of the A she was working on and set her brush down gently on the marble of the table beside the illumination she'd been doing. Then, and only then, did she look up, down the length of the empty ballroom where her sister was gently closing the door out to the balcony behind her. 

Sandhya quickly got up and went around the long table, trying to appear like she was just happy to see Thanata rather than hiding the illumination from her. No need to spoil the surprise, after all.

"Hey, Sandhya!" Thanata said with a smile, taking off her mistcloak and revealing a black tunic and black trousers beneath. 

Sandhya gasped mockingly. "Trousers! How scandalous!"

Thanata stuck her tongue out, some of the hardness going out of her eyes. "What, you expect me to fly around in a dress all the time and let any passers by see my legs? Would that not be more scandalous?"

"I suppose," Sandhya allowed. "But really, sister. Trousers? I nearly thought you were a man, coming to court me."

"And so I am," said Thanata, drawing herself upright and proffering her arm. "My lady. Would you care to dance."

Sandhya twirled into Thanata's arms with a grin. "I would love to. My lord."

The two girls whirled around the floor for endless minutes, to music only they could hear. One was dressed in black, hair in a tight bun, eyes hard as stone, with a pair of obsidian knives tucked away in her clothing. The other was in a beautiful bright blue evening gown, like the sky on an ashless day - if such a thing existed. Her beautiful brown hair fell in waves down her back, and she smiled with carefree joy. If anyone had been watching from outside the stained glass of the windows, they might have seemed a gentleman and his lady at some ball, but for the fact that the room was deserted except for them, and the fact that there were no balls. Not anymore. 

Thanata whirled Sandhya around three times and dipped her dramatically low, finishing the dance. 

Then they both collapsed to the floor laughing like none of the past year had ever happened. 

Thanata sobered first, turning to glance behind her at the balcony where she'd entered.

"Thinking you could be out flying instead of dancing with your dreary old sister?" 

"No," Thanata said fervently, ignoring her sister's flippant tone. "I've seen enough already. Too much, maybe."

"Always so serious," Sandhya complained. "Where's my fun older sister who gave me piggybacks around the walls?"

"She died with the Lord Ruler," Thanata answered quietly. "How can I stand idly by and watch the world collapse around me?"

"It's not collapsing, really, though. Just... reforming. Isn't it?"

Thanata turned to face Sandhya. "The Lord Ruler died, Sandy. A millenium of steady, constant rule, gone in a night because of some skaa girl. How can that be a good thing? How can this new world be better than the old one?

"I saw a body tonight, Sandhya." She delivered the words flatly, without anything in her face to say what she was feeling. "Some dead noble, strung up like the Inquisitors used to do to skaa who overstepped, but with a big hole in his chest like he was stabbed with a sword first. He was an Allomancer - found the vials in his pockets. And I've heard of at least one more Allomancer gone missing, too. There's an Inquisitor in town. And it's searching for people like me."

"No," Sandhya said. "It can't be. Must be some skaa trying to scare us or something. The Inquisitors were the Lord Ruler's loyal servants. I assumed they just kind of... disappeared, I guess, when he died. What would they do, anyway?"

"Kill Allomancers, apparently. And I can't assume it was just skaa. I hope it is... but I don't think so."

"Then you're staying home," Sandhya declared. "Can't have you going and getting yourself killed by a rogue Inquisitor."

But Thanata was shaking her head. "I can't, Sandy. I'm sorry. But I have to protect our family, our House. That's more important than my own safety. And you know Father would never allow that."

Sandhya sighed. "Probably not. But... I just want you to be safe, Thana."

Thanata smiled, or tried to. "I know. But I can't be. Not if I'm protecting you."

"I can take care of myself," Sandhya protested weakly.

Thanata snorted. "No, you can't. You have no idea what's out there in the big scary world, you with your ballgowns and your calligraphy. You don't have any more responsibilities than to sit with Father at dinner and make eyes at your pretty young suitors. You don't know how protected from the world you are, and you should never have to." She stood up, proffering a hand to Sandhya. "I hope you never have to learn the dangers of the real world, sister. I truly do. I'm heir and Mistborn, so I had to, but you? You're free.

"Stay that way. Keep a little spot of brightness in the world." Thanata gathered up her mistcloak. "I should report to Father. You'll have to show me your newest illumination another time, I think."

"See you later, Thanata," Sandhya said brightly, glad that Thanata hadn't asked to see it. She wasn't nearly done yet.

"Goodbye, Sandhya." Thanata smiled one last time, then visibly turned herself cold. That was how she dealt with everyone else, Sandhya knew. But that didn't make it any less heartbreaking to see.

Thanata left without another word. Sandhya did one more desultory twirl, then went back to work on her calligraphy up at the high table.

She stared at the name for a moment, then picked up a small brush and began outlining the silver letters of her sister's name in black.

Well, that got a little longer than I was expecting. 2 things: I don't know what the timeframe is here, and I don't know whether there are still balls anymore. If anyone can tell me either of those things, I'll change them. :) I'm going to like this game. EDIT: Unless I die. Then I will be sad. :(

Edited by Elbereth
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Going purely by the OP, I would say we are just after TFE and before/during TWoA.  No balls were held in Luthadel during that time (or after for that matter) but there were some held in Fadrex.

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Yeah. I just couldn't remember if there were any in Luthadel at the time. And I'm aware it's near WoA, but I'm not sure what the timeframe is there. How long between the last night of TFE and the beginning of WoA? Days? Weeks? Months? 

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38 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Changing character name to Ri, then.

Nooooooo.:(  I was looking forward to the dance off you and Maill were going to have to do.

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Oh this sounds like loads of fun! And terribly confusing.. I'm not feeling incredibly confident with my ability to understand the rules and not make a fool of myself in LG22 right now, but alas, one must play to learn!

I will sign up as Jaena, former mistress to a minor lord, trying to keep herself in an elevated status despite the revolution and the death of her lover.  I will try to RP, but I completely failed at that in LG22 after a couple, mostly because of time constraints, so we shall see. 

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19 hours ago, Elbereth said:

Excellent, thanks! That works perfectly. 

And yay. Kipper's back! And Burnt's playing! And Rae! This is going to be fun. :D

Pssshhh as if those two matter. I'm gonna kill them N1 and N2.

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