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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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1 hour ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Alv, the times he "slipped out of the noose," people had very good reason to suspect him/he was revealed to be an eliminator. How is this situation even remotely similar? You're completely misrepresenting the facts of this situation compared to what happened in previous games. Although it's understandable coming from you, if you really are in Penrod's House.

Need I remind you of MR12 where Aman lied about going for a village win over his factions win.  I believe he lied in that game three times and he wasn't even up for the lynch then either.  As much as I respect and like Aman, I just can't and won't trust him in a faction game.

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Eesh. This is going to be a repetitive post.

I lynch people because they aren't in my faction. People who are not in my faction impede my chance of winning by earning boxings for their faction, voting for members of my faction, and generally being alive. Also, I don't give two boxings about "catching the Spiked" right now, AS IF WE CAN catch the Spiked with the current information we have. I don't believe that any of the people who are adamant about catching the Spiked genuinely care about catching the Spiked. Let's see a few quotes from the previous day...

Multiple people last cycle said that they had a "gut feeling" or "gut vibe" on someone, specifically @Straw and @TheSilverDragon. What gut vibe? What did the targets of your votes do that made you have a "gut vibe" about them? Did they do any standard Eliminator tells? Well that's funny, because we don't even have an Eliminator faction. We just have...another faction, that is much smaller than all the rest, and likely won't ever outstrip the rest of us. So why are you using typical dialogue from Elminator-based games, where you might legitimately have a gut vibe that someone is an Eliminator? It seems (as Ada rightly pointed out later) a rather shallow reason to vote for someone. Which is why I'm going to call for honesty. Why can't we all be honest about why we're voting for people? There's really no need to engage in artful sophistries and intricate arguments about exactly why you're voting for someone. It's a 1/10 chance at the moment, and the so-called "Eliminators" don't have a way to Eliminate anyone.

When Ada was under some pressure for the lynch (as I hoped would happen with my vote), he said perhaps the most honest thing I've seen all this game. "Can anyone give an actual reason why they're voting for me, beyond faction-based...." (or words to that effect). No! Absolutely not! That's the only reason I want you dead, so I can win!

A note on catching Eliminators: You're not going to do it based off of accusing people in the thread and looking for common Eliminator tells, because said tells will be totally inaccurate for this game. We have four teams, all of which will be trying to manipulate the other teams into helping them out. The best way you can find Spiked peeps imo is to not really talk about your Spiked suspicions, and look for people trying to be too careful. Haven't really finalized my thoughts on this strategy.

Oh, also I was completely lying about my faction attacking anyone. But thanks for the information I got based off of the reactions.

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Ri came back from her walk with the skaa, completely exhausted. These sermons were long, but uninformative. All she had learned was that the Survivor was a man named Kelsier who had been killed by the Lord Ruler (and survived beyond death, according to his priests). He probably was just a Mistborn, but Ri wasn’t about to point that out to the superstitious skaa.

The moment she walked back into the gates of Keep Tellé, Laura grabbed a tassel of Ri’s mistcloak. “Where were you?” Laura asked. “Mama’s been looking for you for hours.”

“Walking,” Ri said. “What’s going on?”

“A ball!” Laura said. “Come on!”

One bath, three fittings, two hairstyling sessions, and one carriage rides later, Ri arrived at the Venture boy’s ball. Keep Venture looked surprisingly well-decorated, with lavish displays of food and drink everywhere.

Is Elend Venture really that confident, or is he pretending to be confident? Ri wondered. She’d heard that he was near bankrupt and wasn’t anywhere near finding the Lord Ruler’s famous cache of atium.

Ri took a drink from a waitress and sat down at a table to watch the nobles. The partygoers stuck together in clumps, as if afraid to mingle. A few couples danced in the center of the ballroom. Some nobles shot them dirty looks.

Ri took sipped her drink. When she set the glass down, she noticed a young girl dressed in navy blue sitting near Ri with pen and paper in hand, looking wistfully into the distance.

“If only I knew his name,” the girl sighed. 

Ri glanced at the girl. She wasn’t supposed to engage with the nobles, just observe, but this was a chance for easy money. Lovesick fools always paid well. “I could tell you his House,” Ri said. “Or his name, or his address. Ten boxings, please.”
One day, these assumptions will be the downfall of Rima Tellé.

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12 hours ago, Kipper said:

Eesh. This is going to be a repetitive post.

I lynch people because they aren't in my faction. People who are not in my faction impede my chance of winning by earning boxings for their faction, voting for members of my faction, and generally being alive. Also, I don't give two boxings about "catching the Spiked" right now, AS IF WE CAN catch the Spiked with the current information we have. I don't believe that any of the people who are adamant about catching the Spiked genuinely care about catching the Spiked. Let's see a few quotes from the previous day...

Multiple people last cycle said that they had a "gut feeling" or "gut vibe" on someone, specifically @Straw and @TheSilverDragon. What gut vibe? What did the targets of your votes do that made you have a "gut vibe" about them? Did they do any standard Eliminator tells? Well that's funny, because we don't even have an Eliminator faction. We just have...another faction, that is much smaller than all the rest, and likely won't ever outstrip the rest of us. So why are you using typical dialogue from Elminator-based games, where you might legitimately have a gut vibe that someone is an Eliminator? It seems (as Ada rightly pointed out later) a rather shallow reason to vote for someone. Which is why I'm going to call for honesty. Why can't we all be honest about why we're voting for people? There's really no need to engage in artful sophistries and intricate arguments about exactly why you're voting for someone. It's a 1/10 chance at the moment, and the so-called "Eliminators" don't have a way to Eliminate anyone.

When Ada was under some pressure for the lynch (as I hoped would happen with my vote), he said perhaps the most honest thing I've seen all this game. "Can anyone give an actual reason why they're voting for me, beyond faction-based...." (or words to that effect). No! Absolutely not! That's the only reason I want you dead, so I can win!

A note on catching Eliminators: You're not going to do it based off of accusing people in the thread and looking for common Eliminator tells, because said tells will be totally inaccurate for this game. We have four teams, all of which will be trying to manipulate the other teams into helping them out. The best way you can find Spiked peeps imo is to not really talk about your Spiked suspicions, and look for people trying to be too careful. Haven't really finalized my thoughts on this strategy.

Oh, also I was completely lying about my faction attacking anyone. But thanks for the information I got based off of the reactions.

It was really a gut feeling, I really don't know what time me off, my subconscious is way more observant than me.

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A Request to the Houses Lekal, Cett, and Penrod:

Esteemed fellow noblemen, will you join with me in the efforts to regain our city? Will you fight to the last man for the men trapped in Luthadel's walls? Will you bleed for those who bleed there now? Join with me! Attack House Venture with your Koloss and we shall restore Luthadel! We shall rise triumphant. Rise with me, brethren and sisters, for Venture's day is past. 

Paid for by the Venture Vendetta

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Btw, before I forget: coinshots - remember back when Aman said that you should only attack on even turns and then said offhandedly that his faction has no lurcher? Given his willingness to lie to save himself, I have a feeling that his faction DOES have a lurcher, and he wanted people to only attack on even turns so his faction's lurcher could flare iron to protect the most likely target in their faction. Tonight, that's him.

It follows from what he did last night, and what's the point of telling people your faction doesn't have a protection role? It serves no purpose, but telling people you have no protection role looking out for you when you do have one does have a purpose. So, I'd bet Aman is protected by flared iron tonight.

Just something to keep in mind.

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I am doing well, but I was busy over the weekend and my phone was dead over most of yesterday.

Aman, even with it being a faction game, I am immediately distrustful when I see people blatantly lying. I understand that you did it to protect yourself, but given that you lied about that, how can we trust anything else you say? Are you really a seeker? Will the plans you come up with be ones you actually follow? 

Edit- Grammar

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On 7/4/2016 at 7:15 PM, Amanuensis said:

That's a lot of false assumptions. While I did lie about scanning Orlok last night to save my own skin (because why would any sane player let themselves get lynched over a player in another faction who actually said suspicious things?), I did actually Seek a player: Alvron. Given that Spiking is an action that means it's impossible for me to know what metal he burned, otherwise (if Alvron wants me to reveal it to everyone I will, but I'm assuming with as many hits Penrod has taken already he would want to keep that card close to his chest). I could be Spiked and another member of Penrod could be as well, but I promise you that the former is not true. That being said, now that it is out in the open that I am a Seeker, I think it would be a good idea for us to propose a vote on who I scan. Consider it like a secondary lynch. Players we actually think are suspicious can be nominated to make sure they are not Spiked, and another Seeker can scan me to confirm I am not as well. This way we force the Inquisitor to attack me if they want to keep my results from becoming public knowledge. It'll also be impossible for the Inquisitor to smoke a player that we vote to scan on during the night because Smoker's have to put their orders in during the day.

1) How do we know you're not lying about being a seeker? 

2) If you are a seeker, how do we know you're not Spiked?

I guess we'll get the answers tomorrow, after you get a few coins through your brain. :P

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15 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

Maill, you know how to decode this :P

Pppd ascb psc ggltjo Nxbkgii. Puj etuc chzfej ezk lgn zifwwes?

Here's my encoded one. Wxvk slqs bzk mndmxf Zejqnab. Dlv lbaj uanwqq mfr dzb qumeclk?

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Day 3: The Game Begins

When the siege began, it began in force.  We all felt a great fear in our hearts as all of the factions seemed to simultaneously begin their attack on Luthadel.  But, to our delight, we had managed to sow some infighting amongst the factions as well.


The night had suddenly burst into light, fire beginning to burn around the walls of Luthadel.  Somehow, all four factions had begun their assaults on the city within a matter of hours.  How they managed to accomplish this was a mystery, but it was not on the minds of the thousands of archers who took to the walls of Luthadel to defend the city from this preliminary bombardment.  The majority of the armies were still out of range; this would be only a preliminary attack, meant to weaken a few key point before the main assault began.  In each of the factions, men and women alike took to the battlefield to lead their soldiers onwards.

- - - - -

STINK led his men behind him towards the enormous walls of Luthadel.  Quite frequently, his men asked where he had received his odd nickname; at this moment, they were all focused solely on following their commander and making their way towards Luthadel.  A small hillock stood up ahead, just visible through the misty night.  They would have to make it just before that location in order to hide and get their siege equipment assembled and ready to fire.

“Come on!” STINK shouted, charging towards the hillock.  The archers on the walls held their fire.  Apparently, they were still too far for the archers to risk wasting any ammunition.  Probably smart, seeing as this siege was looking to take a long time.  Quite a long time.

STINK heard sudden shouts from behind him, and one loud shout of, “Commander, look out!”  STINK whirled back towards his men, confused as to what they were discussing.  Another set of shouts suddenly emanated from the mists, to STINK’s left.  He turned to the side to see a number of giant, hulking koloss charging towards him.

“By the Lord Ruler,” STINK breathed, dropping his sword and starting to take off from the koloss.  The koloss, however, had almost already reached their prey, and were on STINK in an instant.

- - - - -

Kipper sulked around his encampment’s koloss enclosure.  As a Rioter, it was his duty to use his Allomancy to help keep the koloss from doing stupid things, like going on a rampage and killing their entire encampment.  Still, Kipper had seen how ferocious these beasts could be, and was not a fan of his job.  One of their faction’s Soothers had been trampled by the koloss the other day.  Not good.  Nevertheless, they were paying him for this, and if their faction managed to take control of Luthadel, he’d be instantly promoted to one of the new emperor’s advisors.  Not bad, that.

Still, it was times like this, when other members of his faction were off doing battle, that Kipper felt underappreciated in his faction.  He’d just have to wait for his time to come.

Kipper suddenly heard a disturbance amongst the koloss.  He rolled his eyes and moved over in that direction, focusing his Rioting on the koloss that had been acting up.  One of the koloss, in particular, bellowed out a roar, and Kipper took an unconscious step back.  The beast’s roar was suddenly cut short, and Kipper saw a large object shoot up into the air.  As several other koloss began bellowing out, a coin cut straight through the night mists and hit Kipper in the side.  He collapsed as the mysterious form shot away in the mists.

- - - - -

Ganon strode quietly through the enemy encampment, doing his best to look busy and blend in.  He had a very important duty for his faction; that of discovering who the enemy factions’ Allomancers were.  It was by no means an easy task, but Ganon knew that it would provide him much honor and glory in the days to come, when his faction inevitably took the throne that Elend had pretended to claim.

Ganon smiled almost imperceptibly as his target ran into view.  Finally, he thought with a smile.  I thought I’d get eaten by a mistwraith before they showed themselves.  Still, this was the most dangerous part, as Ganon had to trail his target closely, in order to discern which metal they were burning, and hope that his own Seeking would not be noticed by any of the other Seekers.

Ganon’s target rounded a corner, and Ganon followed briskly.  Ganon brought out a scroll from his pocket, and began to run after the figure, shaking the scroll wildly.  “I have a message for you, Master--”

The figure whirled around to see Ganon on the ground, a pair of coins struck into his chest.  The assassinations had begun.  Nobody was safe.

- - - - -

All is going according to plan, the voice chuckled in the Inquisitor's ear.  But you know that you need more allies.  I have one particular target in mind...

- - - - -

STINK was killed by a koloss horde!  He was an unspiked non-Allomancer.

Kipper was coinshot!  He was an unspiked Rioter.

Ganon (TheMightyLopen) was coinshot!  He was an unspiked Seeker.

Somebody was Spiked!

Day 3 begins now and will end in 47 hours.  Good luck!

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Aman, I'm not entirely convinced that you're spiked. In fact, I read you as somewhat village. Still, I think letting a false scan become a way to avoid your own death is ludicrous and sets a terrible precedent. That sort of behavior is detrimental to the village, and if it is rewarded, it will spread and become rampant. If you truly are a scanner, which is by no means sure at this point, your scans are suspect anyways and even the alignment reveal accompanying your inevitable death can't confirm or deny your scans, as it's already proven you're willing to lie and manipulate scan data for your own sake and the sake of your faction. Basically, you won't help the village alive, and you'll send a much better message dead. 

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Player list:


  1. Jonly (The Only Joe)
  2. Locke (OrlokTsubodai) Penrod Non allomancer (via Lynch)
  3. Sandhya (Elbereth)
  4. Silk (Amanuensis)
  5. Rima (Mailliw73)
  6. Olvar (Alvron)
  7. Ranel (The Young Bard)
  8. Guilty (Master Elodin)
  9. MottelMusgreave (Mckeedee123)
  10. Ri (Arraenae)
  11. Straw (Straw)
  12. Kelron (cloudjumper)
  13. Kipper (Kipper) Rioter (via coinshot)
  14. Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian)
  15. Zas (zas678)
  16. Shara (Nyali)
  17. Vela (Burnt Spaghetti)
  18. Jaena (jaimeleecee)
  19. Dominic (dowanx)
  20. CennCelverclogs Stimbers (TheSilverDragon)
  21. Sart Tram (Sart)
  22. Ganon (TheMightyLopen) Seeker (via coinshot)
  23. -- (STINK) Non allomancer (via Koloss)
  24. Louik (Bugsy6912)
  25. Skydall (Paranoid King) Penrod Thug (via lynch)
  26. ExisaErikell (phattemer)
  27. Parth Resnuren (Conquestor)



Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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Three more dead and non of them Spiked.... we are slowly growing smaller while they are growing larger, great job making this easy for them everyone!

Maill you lied about (at least some) of your Venture info for sure, but think Aman's lying to save himself was a horrible thing to do.. hypocrite.. You say Aman is dangerous for his ability to get everyone to move or follow an idea, and attempt the same strategy he did the night before... I feel like you haven't done anything useful but point fingers at Aman (before his lie, for no obvious reason I could see) forcing him into a corner, and as a result out of the whole game if what he said in the previous cycle are still his intentions. I could see you wanting him out of the game if you were the inquisitor because he was saying that that was his biggest focus, and as a regular player, he would be very dangerous to you as the inquisitor. I think you are misguiding people on purpose, you have said from the beginning that you are not worrying about the spiked, just treating them as another faction.  They may be the same size (or one away) as at least one faction at this point, and have you done anything to prevent that? No. You're my biggest suspect right now. 


Edited by jaimeleecee
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12 minutes ago, jaimeleecee said:

Maill you lied about (at least some) of your Venture info for sure, but think Aman's lying to save himself was a horrible thing to do.. hypocrite..

You say Aman is dangerous for his ability to get everyone to move or follow an idea, and attempt the same strategy he did the night before...

I feel like you haven't done anything useful but point fingers at Aman (before his lie, for no obvious reason I could see) forcing him into a corner, and as a result out of the whole game if what he said in the previous cycle are still his intentions. I could see you wanting him out of the game if you were the inquisitor because he was saying that that was his biggest focus, and as a regular player, he would be very dangerous to you as the inquisitor. I think you are misguiding people on purpose, you have said from the beginning that you are not worrying about the spiked, just treating them as another faction.  They may be the same size (or one away) as at least one faction at this point, and have you done anything to prevent that? No. You're my biggest suspect right now. 

1. No. I don't think that was a horrible thing to do and never said it was. I've done the same on many an occasion and people know it. I never condemned him for it, not once.

2. But with style. :P It obviously didn't work.

3. Misguiding people on purpose? Why would I do that? It isn't as if you're all my enemies and I have to kill you to win. Oh. Wait...

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I'm going to be minimally active starting tomorrow, Thursday. I'll try to post every turn and vote.

Factionmates, please bold my orders for me. I'll be able to find time to out in orders, if nothing else.

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