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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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I was going to vote for Nyali, but Bard's argument is pretty good. I'm going to vote Alv for now for reasons previously mentioned (plus I want Boxings, and I'm too busy to analyze for myself right now :P)

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Burnt. I know that previously, she was finally reading some books that many people have encourged her to read, but she still feels like a lurker. The quicklinks and playerlist are nice, but she gives off the same feeling of hiding that she did in LG15b. The only difference, of course, is that she's not speaking honeyed words to me in a PM that make me unable to acknowledge her potential eliminatorness.

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Oh, hey, I was just looking through old posts from prior days, and came across something interesting. People wanted to lynch me in part because they thought I was a Penrod who voted for Orlok? Well, what about the Penrod who DID vote for Orlok, and did so very early on, and didn't post after? I'm not too sure on this one though because he's inactive at the moment, but here's the post (okay, 17s is having issues with me copy/pasting the link to the other thread, so I have no idea how this will actually look):



I'm sorry again. It has been a very busy week for me, but am going to vote for

 Orlok. I haven't read through anything really, so don't kill me if I haven't seen anything.

Why come on, vote randomly for a member of your own faction, and then go away again?

And how do I know Con is in Penrod? Because Lekal found out via Kandra and told me both via that coded message from Day 1 and he confirmed it in the PM he set up with me afterward to try to coordinate an attack on Cett (haha, sorry about that, but I didn't ask to be the "face of Penrod!")

The only thing is, he says he's been inactive and claims he hasn't read up on stuff. That could be true, or he could be spiked or the inquisitor and active in his doc while saying nothing in thread to lay low. While he's not a great target for being spiked due to apparent inactivity, what about being the inquisitor? Or maybe he was spiked BECAUSE he was mostly inactive on N0, because if voting for Orlok was suspicious, he also voted for PK on Day 1.

(PK Vote Link)

He twice on two consecutive days voted for a teammate as a random vote, and that teammate ended up dying and not being spiked. If he was a little more active, I'd say that's definitely Spiked behavior, but I dunno with him being so absent.


Does anyone know if he's been on the forums in time to put in an order to spike each night? I don't know how to check...

And what does Penrod have to say about him? Is he active in your doc at all? Has he never posted in there?

In any case, I think I need to vote for him. Finding the spiked should be our top priority, and my vote for Alvron was just reciprocation for the whole "we wanted you to die if anyone went after Penrod so we had you be our voice" thing. [ Alvron ] and [ Conquestor ].

Edited by Nyali
added second link
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5 hours ago, Nyali said:

I'll also point out that Penrod has been hoarding Koloss. They didn't attack anyone last night (we checked) despite insinuating that they were going to hit Cett. Someone did hit Cett - I don't know who, but whomever it was, you didn't get the support from Penrod you were expecting. Why stay so defensive? Because the Spiked don't want Koloss attacks to go through. Random deaths can hit them. Cett hoarded last night because we were afraid of being attacked by 2-3 houses at once. What's Penrod's excuse?

We have been hoarding Koloss because we don't have as many members as people think.  Sadly two of our members are inactive which means we have even less income than the weakest of the other houses.  We have 8 Koloss but we also have no Thug and can buy three Koloss every two cycles at best.  Every other house can buy two-three Koloss every cycle.  We need to hoard Koloss now to have something to use later.

Not sure where you get the idea of Penrod attacking anyone.  Nothing was said in thread about Penrod attacking anyone so I question where you got your information from.  Did someone in your Doc say something about Penrod attacking?

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1 minute ago, Alvron said:

Not sure where you get the idea of Penrod attacking anyone.  Nothing was said in thread about Penrod attacking anyone so I question where you got your information from.  Did someone in your Doc say something about Penrod attacking?

Maill was trying to get everyone to hit Cett in the thread, but you didn't attack despite being the only faction with a reasonable amount of forces (we had checked Lekal and Venture the prior night and knew they had very, very few between the two of them). I guess he really tried to coordinate the attack via his PM with me, which didn't go so well, given I wasn't actually in Penrod.

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Between the two options we seem to have, I think Burnt is the best choice, because she’s not contributing to discussion in thread whereas Nyali is. I don’t really think either of them are Spiked, but if it’s one of the two we have a chance of catching Nyali out because of what she says in thread. We have no such option with Burnt. Plus, I don’t like voting for active players who are adding to the discussion. 

Sandhya turned as she heard the door open. The girl from before stood there, somewhat awkwardly. 

“Sorry for what happened earlier,” she said. "I can make it up to you. Five boxings, and I'll tell you everything you want to know about him."

Sandhya stared at the girl. “Seriously? You’re still going on about that? I was thinking you might be useful for a minute, but obviously you can’t even figure out that I’m not in fact trying to find a crush or a lover, or in fact anyone who’s currently alive. And I don’t need to know anything about him except his name.” She waved the piece of paper in her hand. “I do calligraphy, and I wanted to give him a tribute. Is that so hard to understand?”

She sighed. “So. Tell me the name of the man who died, and then maybe we can do business.” I do have to find this Inquisitor somehow, she added to herself. 

Sorry for the late reply, Rae. I've been paying more attention to MR15 recently, and my time is more limited than I like. :( 

EDIT: My email notifications failed me... :( Ninja'd. 

Edited by Elbereth
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I was actually just going to back you up with my own vote on Conquestor. (What is up with your vote coloring, by the way? I do like how it is visible, I suppose.) Whoever's faction he is in probably is really frustrated with him right now, and I don't honestly find any of the in-thread activity of any of the players up for the lynch here to be particularly suspicious. (And my faction wants some boxings)

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15 minutes ago, Straw said:

@Mailliw73 @Elbereth If you do not remove your votes house Cett WIL L kill you. Maybe...

Also Burnt has said she is sleeping in our doc. She is unable to defend herself.

Seeing as eventually Cett will kill everyone if they want to win, i don't understand why you rhink this will encourage anyone to retract their vote, let alone Mailliw.

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Tram needed to leave. There was something off about Jaena's death, and he needed to investigate it further. He couldn't afford to spend time here arguing with the other nobles. It might have clues to the identity of the Inquisitor. However, he could not leave without placing a vote. Such an action might draw displeasure on him from his benefactor. He decided to go with the flow, and vote for the one leading the lynch. "Vela (Burnt), I am sorry, but you have not convinced me of your innocence. I would argue more, but I am needed elsewhere. Good day." He hopped in the cab that had just arrived. Time was of the essence, and he was running out of it.

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Since I don't want to die and Nyali is a Soother,  I have little choice but to vote for Burnt.  Although, I really want to vote for you Straw.  I'm not a fan of people making threats.

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Just now, Straw said:

Nyali was our most suspected player. Burnt was our least suspected player. 

And why would you say this ONE MINUTE before the vote ends?

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