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Long Game 23: The Siege of Luthadel


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1 minute ago, little wilson said:

...I show you as having been evil in 13 games. And survived 13....

Do you count MR7?  I do as Kas made us Eliminator faction near the end.

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Neutral?  My goal was to kill everyone.  How's a Serial Killer neutral?

Edit: The Collective doesn't want someone with his abilities loose in the Cosmere.  He's either with the Collective or dead.

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LG24 is going to be fun for you then if there's more than one set of Eliminators.  Speaking of, how did you do it in LG12 given that there were two Eliminator teams that weren't allied with each other?  MR15 as well.

Edited by Alvron
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Depends on the type of team. See, an eliminator team usually has a team kill (though not always, as seen by this game with the Spiked), so the Jeskeri and the Derethi from MR15 both count as eliminator teams since they had team kills that anyone on that team can make. The Gyorn and Odiv in LG12 (and Autonomy in LG21) I count as Neutral since they don't have kills but they're a separate faction from either team. They're not technically eliminators (in the way that I classify eliminators), but they are opponents. Usually, neutrals are loners, though occasionally they can have a convert/assistant.

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Ah, see I classify eliminators as those that have win conditions that prevent them from siding with the 'town'.  So for me the Gyorn and Odiv are eliminators as they couldn't win with the town while Autonomy could.  Odium and SKs can't win with the town as they have to kill the town to win while the town typically needs to kill the SKs/Odium to get their win in addition to the standard eliminator faction.

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5 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Ah, see I classify eliminators as those that have win conditions that prevent them from siding with the 'town'.  So for me the Gyorn and Odiv are eliminators as they couldn't win with the town while Autonomy could.  Odium and SKs can't win with the town as they have to kill the town to win while the town typically needs to kill the SKs/Odium to get their win in addition to the standard eliminator faction.

You want to break my spreadsheet, don't you? Or at least break me into breaking my spreadsheet.... >>

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Not at all.  You are free to categorize it any way you want.  It's your spreadsheet.  I'm merely pointing out why I consider Odium in LG21 to be an eliminator.

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7 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Congrats to Elbereth for engineering the destruction of Venture.

Don't encourage the betrayal >.> Elbereth must be punished for her crimes.

@Renegade, I want to echo what everyone else has said so far by thanking you for running a great game. It was definitely very interesting and refreshing, and goes to show that even after your long hiatus, you can still create something awesome.

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5 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Not at all.  You are free to categorize it any way you want.  It's your spreadsheet.  I'm merely pointing out why I consider Odium in LG21 to be an eliminator.

Yes, but it makes sense. It's your fault that I started categorizing faction games as neutral and now you're doing it again. Bah. I'm running out of easy codes for the conditional formatting too. This is a problem. And I added a new tab. And I still have to input data into one of the other tabs I got super lax about. >>

Is there a spreadsheet intervention program I can sign up for? I think I need help...

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But what Elbereth did is so impressive it deserves to be congratulated! In fact, I like it so much that one day, I want to do the same to her. I want to gain her trust and console her as her team falls to pieces around her, then enjoy taunting her after she dies and learns I've been evil all along. :)

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1 hour ago, Arraenae said:

But what Elbereth did is so impressive it deserves to be congratulated! In fact, I like it so much that one day, I want to do the same to her. I want to gain her trust and console her as her team falls to pieces around her, then enjoy taunting her after she dies and learns I've been evil all along. :)

Nah, you're right. She just did what she had to do to win. I can't really blame her for that. I do, however, blame her explicitly for my death. Mostly because of how many times she wrote in the Spiked doc "Aman needs to die," or something to that effect. I wish she followed through with her first plan about Spiking me with Zinc, instead :P would have been much more fun.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, it's long past time we closed this game.  Congratulations to Dow and the Spiked team for the win and a hearty thank you to Renegade for running this game.  It was most enjoyable.

The Kandra spies and Koloss army were very interesting mechanics that I thought went underutilized this game.  Hopefully they will make a comeback should this game be rerun. (Hint, hint)

If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of 
GammaWilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.

You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!

For those wanting to play, Quick Fix Game 18: The Black Prism is open for sign ups but will be starting soon so get in quick to join in the fun.

Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!

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