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2 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Good morning @Alvron, you're the moderator for this game, yeah? Due to Mckeedee's circumstances, I was wondering if you had access to enough information to post the next turn, or if not, knew someone who does / could? 

I have no access to the SS so no, I don't have information to post the next turn.  I think we should give Mckee another 24 hours to start the next round.  It wont be the first time RL has interfered with rollovers.  If it's not up or he hasn't responded then the players can add me to the role PMs and I can have it up shortly afterwards if that's what's decided needs to happen.

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2 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Should be no reason why not. Personally I would like to just see Mailliw and Seonid's alignments before I start reading any deeper into everything else.

Ah. I could tell you, but where's the fun in spoiling it?

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I also have bandwagoned onto the "Invite Alv" train.

13 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Ah. I could tell you, but where's the fun in spoiling it?

I'd prefer if you just up and told us, but I understand your desire to stretch out your final moments in the spotlight. I will be waiting.

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2 minutes ago, Elenion said:

I also have bandwagoned onto the "Invite Alv" train.

I'd prefer if you just up and told us, but I understand your desire to stretch out your final moments in the spotlight. I will be waiting.

Actually, I'd much rather not be in the spotlight. Not one bit. Storming Dulas. 

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I think it's time for another Table of Suspicions:

1. Elbereth- Saoli: Hasn't done anything too suspicious but if she's an elim would be disastrous. I recommend close scrutiny but not lynching.
2. Mailliw- Reomaim: Practically dead, kolo?
3. Cloudjumper- Kelron: Vetted by El, vetted Straw. Is most likely village but if El proves to be an Elim he might be as well.
4. The Young Bard- The Mysterious Figure: Vetted by Aman. Most likely village but could be a teammate of Aman's.
5. Ecthelion III- Aeleus: Enjoys pointing me out for bandwagoning and tunneling, some of which is true. Neutral feelings.
6. Orlok- Locke: Not enough information to do much with.
7. Elodin- oaR  Village Merchant
8. Straw- Straw: Vetted by Cloud and the role has not been contested. Confirmed villager, unless something really big is going down.
9. Conquestor- Lorienthe Mysteries Cultist Landlord
10. Eramit- Kolokolo Kolo Derethi Convert Gyorn
11. Metacognition- Meta Mysteries Cultist Merchant
12. emilylime- Lime: Inactive, with a possible D1 distancing from Meta. I'd suggest death.
13. Eolhandras- Eolhandras: Same as Orlok.
14. Elenion- Ashkelon: That one overaggressive guy.
15. Sart- Sart: I suspected him for his D1 actions but few others did. I'd be fine with a kill or scan.
16. Jaimelecee- Jaena Village Merchant
17. Amanuensis- Opalin: Devised numerous strategies that appear to have been a pain in the kolo for the elims. I'd suggest keeping him around.
18. Seonid- Sheon Idris: We'll know soon enough, kolo?
19. Kipper- Kipper: Another of my critics, but seems to be concerned only for village safety.
Unless something new comes to light after tonight (which will probably happen) I'd suggest lynching Lime and scanning one of 4 people depending on what we need.
  1. Scan El if there's no immediate need for a new senator
  2. Scan Sart if another kill appears to be unsubmitted
  3. Scan Orlok or Eolhandras if we need a new senator to be vetted, or if the elims appear to be active


Everyone's thoughts are appreciated and encouraged.

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5 minutes ago, OrlokTsubodai said:

I'd support the death of emilylime - her day one post expressing suspicion of Eramit, but taking a vote of him despite suspicion stood out to me.

I agree with lynching her, but it's less to do with that and more with her interaction with Meta and the fact that she was inactive during the turn where there was only one kill that makes me think she could be Jeskeri.

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3 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Aman, you had the wrong religion for me all along. I would never belong to a Cult. 

Really. Meallin says differently. :P

(EDIT: Also, along the same lines, I'm very amused that Meta's Jeskeri now, given QF11. :P Maybe he was infiltrating their ranks in order to get his heart back.)

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1 minute ago, Elbereth said:

Really. Meallin says differently. :P

I am Reomaim now. Meallin was a bastard. I only give retribution for my honor.

1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

Hah, well given Straw is apparently an Acolyte, I pretty much assume no one else is.

Assumptions. Always bad to make hastily. 

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6 minutes ago, Elbereth said:

(EDIT: Also, along the same lines, I'm very amused that Meta's Jeskeri now, given QF11. :P Maybe he was infiltrating their ranks in order to get his heart back.)

You think those of us implicates in stealing his heart would stay in the cult and risk him finding us so easily?

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5 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I know :ph34r: or at least suspected. I figure you're going to keep your alignment vague until the write up? Or were you officially claiming Derethi, earlier?

I'm debating. First, I'd like to hear why you so decided I was Jeskeri. Aside from the Merchant question, which I've already said I think is a crem reason. 

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9 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

I'm debating. First, I'd like to hear why you so decided I was Jeskeri. Aside from the Merchant question, which I've already said I think is a crem reason. 

Well, at the time I hadn't considered the possibility that Meta went on a business trip and therefore could have been attacked by the Derethi the night of the missing kill. I believed that if the cause of the missing kill was due to a village Merchant they would have come out and said it immediately, and thus assumed that the missing kill was Jeskeri since Meta was barely on at all that cycle (only got on to tell the thread he was celebrating his birthday). So, I generated that list of players who didn't post that turn (Emily, You, Orlok(ish), Sart, Seonid and Straw), and given that you were asking about the Merchant thing, I guessed you were just trying to convince people not to look at the inactives when that was the real cause. Plus, I already had an evil-read from you based on some things you said early on in the game, like "it's up to the Senate, not me" and asking us what we thought about a plan. I got the vibe you were intentionally trying to stay on our good side and therefore avoid being scanned for a while.

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1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

Well, at the time I hadn't considered the possibility that Meta went on a business trip and therefore could have been attacked by the Derethi the night of the missing kill. I believed that if the cause of the missing kill was due to a village Merchant they would have come out and said it immediately, and thus assumed that the missing kill was Jeskeri since Meta was barely on at all that cycle (only got on to tell the thread he was celebrating his birthday). So, I generated that list of players who didn't post that turn (Emily, You, Orlok(ish), Sart, Seonid and Straw), and given that you were asking about the Merchant thing, I guessed you were just trying to convince people not to look at the inactives when that was the real cause. Plus, I already had an evil-read from you based on some things you said early on in the game, like "it's up to the Senate, not me" and asking us what we thought about a plan. I got the vibe you were intentionally trying to stay on our good side and therefore avoid being scanned for a while.

Ah. Well, you're right. The Jeskeri were the one who failed the kill. My team just missed the fact that I said I'd send in an order to protect El. :P

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