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2 minutes ago, OrlokTsubodai said:

Gah. Something is wrong. This just doesn't feel right. But I'm sorry, Elenion. Aman has a well constructed case, and your refutation didn't convince me.


Edit: can anyone explain why I can't color Elenion's name?

Sometimes it doesn't work the first time. Did you try editing it in again? Otherwise... no idea. Maybe put in bold "my text won't change colors so please count this as a recall vote against Elenion"?

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35 minutes ago, OrlokTsubodai said:

Edit: can anyone explain why I can't color Elenion's name?

I hacked the forum server to discount all of your votes. Bwahahahahaha! No, I actually have no idea.

39 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I've been pretty impressed with you so far this game

Thanks for that. I think I'll be a little less aggressive next game, though.

37 minutes ago, OrlokTsubodai said:

Gah. Something is wrong. This just doesn't feel right. But I'm sorry, Elenion. Aman has a well constructed case, and your refutation didn't convince me

No hard feelings.

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1 hour ago, Ecthelion III said:

Of course I'm Elenion's teammate! We're both village! My "going to bat" for him was simply my opinion that your statement "I know myself and the other guy I got the scan results for are innocent, therefor Elenion is guilty" is in no way a good reason for booting someone off the Senate.

You're so convinced that there's one Jeskeri on the Senate. I would be willing to compromise (maybe) that you're village and Elbereth is the Jeskeri. This theory makes pretty good sense to me: N2, Seonid was supposed to submit the Derethi kill but didn't actually. The Jeskeri did a WGG on El.

(Although, at the same time, I'm also unsure whether there was actually a WGG. It is a 2-faction game, so anyone attacked isn't necessarily cleared.)

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought Young Bard requested a scan to avoid lynch. It's better to have a 40% chance of survival from a scan than a 0% chance of survival from a lynch.

I also think that repeatedly hiding behind probability is not a legitimate reason to prove you as innocent. Then if it turns out Elenion dies and he really is village, you can just say "oh, the probability must have been off, oh well.

(sorry, spacing issues)
You're saying that it's "probable" you're not an eliminator. If I ever go to court, I want a storming better defense than "it's probable that I didn't commit this crime".

You seriously took this one out of context. My vote had been on Conquestor before, but I switched it to Cloudjumper because I was more suspicious of him, then switched it right back to Conquestor when I saw the senators had decided to scan cloudjumper.

Also, I don't know how relevant this is, but I didn't post that 3 minutes before the end of the cycle, I posted it 15 minutes before the end of the cycle, then updated it later. Notice that the post says: "Edited by Ecthelion III...countdown update."


You said in the thread of the new game to not trust anyone until they give you a reason to trust them, and you definitely have not given me a reason to trust you.

How can you possibly know that you're both villagers? The only way to investigate a player is via the Senate or Kesegan Monk scanning (which would result in him dying, thus you couldn't have possibly done that. Thus this argument is irrelevant. I understand why you should be skeptical about the information only I have access to (Bard and mine's alignments), but you're just "going to bat" for the wrong player, here.

While it's possible Elbereth is the Jeskeri, I believe it more likely she's the Derethi, given the fact that evidence severely suggests the missing kill N2 was the Derethi's, not the Jeskeri's. While it could have been an orchestrated WGG on the Jeskeri's part, but that's even assuming that they have a protection role, which we have no real evidence of, while there is evidence to suggest Mailliw protected Elbereth.

No, Bard was scanned because eramit voted against Bard, and people (Elenion mostly, not me) were convinced that it was because they were on a team together, and Bard just went along with it because he had no reason to fear being scanned.

I'm not hiding behind probability. I'm using it to support arguments that already exist. I'm not saying it's probably I'm not an eliminator. I'm saying there is a lot more evidence to suggest I am neither Derethi or Jeskeri while Elenion has done things that multiple players have remarked on as shady. Generally when a player is doing shady things it's because they're evil, and when a player is doing good things, it's because they're innocent.

I only took it out of context if I'm wrong. There is no way to know what your context is until your alignment is verified. Given the fact that I know the only possible Jeskeri is between Elbereth and Elenion (and believe that Elbereth is Jeskeri) that means I believe you're just trying to protect your teammate. That context makes just as much sense, if not more than, the latter.

Ah, well then I'd chalk that up to me not having timestamps to work with. That being said, it still doesn't change the fact that a vote change to the clearly already decided lynch target doesn't make sense for a villager.


I believe I have given you (and everyone) a lot more reasons to trust me than Elenion has. What has he done to earn your trust more than I have? Is it anything that a third party could perceive as anything other than "they are just on a team together?" Or do you have a good reason to believe he's not Jeskeri and I am? Elbereth told me in doc that you two are siblings. My response to you being evil too was not knowing that, and just assuming your sudden defense of him over me is because you're biased by being teammates and that I was absolutely right. Don't let the fact that you two are brothers cloud your judgment. Do some serious consideration about what we've both said and done so far game, and if you still think he's less likely than evil than I, post why.

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21 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I believe I have given you (and everyone) a lot more reasons to trust me than Elenion has. What has he done to earn your trust more than I have? Is it anything that a third party could perceive as anything other than "they are just on a team together?" Or do you have a good reason to believe he's not Jeskeri and I am? Elbereth told me in doc that you two are siblings. My response to you being evil too was not knowing that, and just assuming your sudden defense of him over me is because you're biased by being teammates and that I was absolutely right. Don't let the fact that you two are brothers cloud your judgment. Do some serious consideration about what we've both said and done so far game, and if you still think he's less likely than evil than I, post why.

Sorry if I didn't make myself clear before. I'm not defending Elenion because he's unsuspicious, but because you (in my mind) are suspicious. I'm suspicious of you because you used flawed (in my mind) logic to immediately assume the numbers of eliminators starting in the Senate and expected everyone to follow you based on the reasoning that "I'm not an eliminator and the person I scanned is not an eliminator, so....." It's your innocence versus Elenion's innocence, and the aggressive way you tried to shift the attention away from yourself leads me to believe that you're the one whose innocence should be questioned.

So please don't refer to me as "the accused's brother", as that makes me think that I have out-of-game reason to defend him. We don't have a truce or anything, and I don't have any qualms about lynching him if he's the most suspicious one in the game. Just refer to me as "the one who thinks the plaintiff is rather more suspicious.".

But enough of that for now. Let's lynch Elbereth (who's probably Jeskeri, not Derethi, at least by my interpretation of N2) and then review your case. Scan Elenion tomorrow!


So yeah, that's my reasoning. I have done some serious consideration about what has been said and done so far this game. I'm not letting the fact that we're brothers cloud my judgment. This is why I am still more suspicious of you.


Edit: read parts of the Senate doc. Think less of "I came to Elenion's rescue" and more of "I called you out for suspicious behavior" (in my mind)

Edited by Ecthelion III
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Just now, Ecthelion III said:

Sorry if I didn't make myself clear before. I'm not defending Elenion because he's unsuspicious, but because you (in my mind) are suspicious. I'm suspicious of you because you used flawed (in my mind) logic to immediately assume the numbers of eliminators starting in the Senate and expected everyone to follow you based on the reasoning that "I'm not an eliminator and the person I scanned is not an eliminator, so....." It's your innocence versus Elenion's innocence, and the aggressive way you tried to shift the attention away from yourself leads me to believe that you're the one whose innocence should be questioned.

So please don't refer to me as "the accused's brother", as that makes me think that I have out-of-game reason to defend him. We don't have a truce or anything, and I don't have any qualms about lynching him if he's the most suspicious one in the game. Just refer to me as "the one who thinks the plaintiff is rather more suspicious.".

But enough of that for now. Let's lynch Elbereth (who's probably Jeskeri, not Derethi, at least by my interpretation of N2) and then review your case. Scan Elenion tomorrow!


So yeah, that's my reasoning. I have done some serious consideration about what has been said and done so far this game. I'm not letting the fact that we're brothers cloud my judgment. This is why I am still more suspicious of you.

Scan me. It seems like good logic runs in the family.

@Amanuensis I've proposed a truce in the Senate doc that would be mutually beneficial.

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1 minute ago, Ecthelion III said:

Sorry if I didn't make myself clear before. I'm not defending Elenion because he's unsuspicious, but because you (in my mind) are suspicious. I'm suspicious of you because you used flawed (in my mind) logic to immediately assume the numbers of eliminators starting in the Senate and expected everyone to follow you based on the reasoning that "I'm not an eliminator and the person I scanned is not an eliminator, so....." It's your innocence versus Elenion's innocence, and the aggressive way you tried to shift the attention away from yourself leads me to believe that you're the one whose innocence should be questioned.

So please don't refer to me as "the accused's brother", as that makes me think that I have out-of-game reason to defend him. We don't have a truce or anything, and I don't have any qualms about lynching him if he's the most suspicious one in the game. Just refer to me as "the one who thinks the plaintiff is rather more suspicious.".

But enough of that for now. Let's lynch Elbereth (who's probably Jeskeri, not Derethi, at least by my interpretation of N2) and then review your case. Scan Elenion tomorrow!


So yeah, that's my reasoning. I have done some serious consideration about what has been said and done so far this game. I'm not letting the fact that we're brothers cloud my judgment. This is why I am still more suspicious of you.

Fair enough. That just chalks it down to you not knowing me well, yet :P. Once I am confident that I'm right about something I become an aggressive player. Ask any of the other reoccurring players. With that being said, so far your only reason for taking his side over mine appears to be because I'm my play style. Not a very good reason, in my opinion.

I am fine with that. Elbereth, Elenion and I have discussed a one-turn truce. If both of you remove your votes on me, as well as @OrlokTsubodai and I, no one has to get recalled tonight. I still believe the Elenion is without a doubt Jeskeri, and with cloud potentially being one too, am concerned with the Jeskeri pulling off a victory. But that can be alleviated if we do indeed scan Elenion tomorrow.

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Just now, Ecthelion III said:

So Aman, correct me if I'm wrong, this is your evidence that Elenion is evil:

       - I know my role and Bard's role, and we aren't bad

       - Probability says that there has to be a Jeskeri on the Senate

Read that entire post where I analyzed what he said / did D1. Those are all reasons why I found him suspicious. Plus more if I factor in more things from other turns. Knowing Bard's role and being confident that Elbereth is Derethi has just solidified that fact in my mind. Hence why I'm trying to remove the problem now before we can regret it later.

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1 minute ago, Ecthelion III said:

Also @Alvron, I thought rollover wasn't until 0300 GMT (which is 9:00 mountain daylight).

It's at 48 hours from start of the night as stated in the write up.  So in 34 mins approx.

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Just now, Ecthelion III said:

I meant evidence, not suspicion, although I can see where your suspicious are coming from.

Then yes, that's basically all the evidence I have is, if you can even call it that. The only true evidence in this game is investigations and lynch results. I'm just basing my decisions off what makes the most sense.

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This will be my last post, then, if rollover is this soon. Amanuensis, I guess. As much as I hate to do this, let's wait until Elenion is scanned. But in Alv's immortal words: "Trusting Aman is like trusting Petyr Baelish.  Honeyed are his words, sharp is his tongue, chaos is his hallmark."

@OrlokTsubodai PLEASE HURRY!

Edited by Ecthelion III
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13 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

This will be my last post, then, if rollover is this soon. Amanuensis, I guess. As much as I hate to do this, let's wait until Elenion is scanned. But in Alv's immortal words: "Trusting Aman is like trusting Petyr Baelish.  Honeyed are his words, sharp is his tongue, chaos is his hallmark."

@OrlokTsubodai PLEASE HURRY!


1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:



1 minute ago, Elenion said:


@Alvron, will all three of these colors count? If not, which is the official retraction?

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Day Five: The Mudbeer Unleashed

Opalin and Ashkelon wrestled with each other trying to throw them out the door.  Aeleus and Locke jumped into the mix throwing their support behind their chosen combatants.  They fought for what seemed like hours without either side gaining any clear advantage.

Ashkelon stepped back from the fight suddenly causing Opalin to fall on her face.

"This is silly.  How about we settle this the old fashioned way.  Over tankards of Mudbeer.  The loser leaves."
"Very well but know that I once drunk an Elantrian under the table."

Not long afterwards all combatants were soundly drunk and had completely forgotten what they were fighting about.

No Senators were recalled.
Recall Votes:
Elenion (1): Orlok

Amanuensis was attacked but survived.
The Young Bard was attacked but survived.
Day Five has begun and will last 24 hours.



1. Elbereth- Saoli
2. Mailliw- Reomaim Derethi Convert Duelist
3. Cloudjumper- Kelron
4. The Young Bard- The Mysterious Figure
5. Ecthelion III- Aeleus
6. Orlok- Locke
7. Elodin- oaR  Village Merchant
8. Straw- Straw
9. Conquestor- Lorienthe Mysteries Cultist Landlord
10. Eramit- Kolokolo Kolo Derethi Convert Gyorn
11. Metacognition- Meta Mysteries Cultist Merchant
12. emilylime- Lime
13. Eolhandras- Eolhandras
14. Elenion- Ashkelon
15. Sart- Sart
16. Jaimelecee- Jaena Village Merchant
17. Amanuensis- Opalin
18. Seonid- Sheon Idris
19. Kipper- Kipper


Edited by Alvron
gender change
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9 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Day Five: The Mudbeer Unleashed

Opalin and Ashkelon wrestled with each other trying to throw them out the door.  Aeleus and Locke jumped into the mix throwing their support behind their chosen combatants.  They fought for what seemed like hours without either side gaining any clear advantage.

Ashkelon stepped back from the fight suddenly causing Opalin to fall on his face.

"This is silly.  How about we settle this the old fashioned way.  Over tankards or Mudbeer.  The loser leaves."
"Very well but know that I once drunk an Elantrian under the table.:

Not long afterwards all combatants were soundly drunk and had completely forgotten what they were fighting about.

No Senators were recalled.
Recall Votes:
Elenion (1): Orlok

Amanuensis was attacked but survived.
The Young Bard was attacked but survived.
Day Five has begun and will last 24 hours.

  Reveal hidden contents

1. Elbereth- Saoli
2. Mailliw- Reomaim Derethi Convert Duelist
3. Cloudjumper- Kelron
4. The Young Bard- The Mysterious Figure
5. Ecthelion III- Aeleus
6. Orlok- Locke
7. Elodin- oaR  Village Merchant
8. Straw- Straw
9. Conquestor- Lorienthe Mysteries Cultist Landlord
10. Eramit- Kolokolo Kolo Derethi Convert Gyorn
11. Metacognition- Meta Mysteries Cultist Merchant
12. emilylime- Lime
13. Eolhandras- Eolhandras
14. Elenion- Ashkelon
15. Sart- Sart
16. Jaimelecee- Jaena Village Merchant
17. Amanuensis- Opalin
18. Seonid- Sheon Idris
19. Kipper- Kipper


I totally meant to roleplay this game. Opalin is supposed to be a young little Arelish girl who got separated from her parents in Duladel, who apparently was so adorable that they decided to elect her Senator... so it should definitely be she, and she's likely too young for mudbeer... but either way, I won't complain :P amusing write up either way.

Well, at least I finally got the eliminators to waste a turn attacking me >.> very glad to see that the other kill was blocked, too.

Edited by Amanuensis
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