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Are Shardblades and Shardplate made of Honor's godmetal


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Just thought this out of nowhere. Personally I think it would explain a lot. It would explain why they're so heavily invested to start, and also partially explain how you can regrow Shardplate with just Stormlight. If it's Honor's metal than the Shardplate is just drawing on Stormlight and condensing it. Of course I might be wrong. Anyone know if there is a WoB on whether Stormlight is Honor's version of mist or if it's just natural to Roshar. There's also the part about some spren being connected to Cultivation soooo... Anyways tell me what you think.

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Shardblades are spren, who are splinters. That's why they're invested.

Also, there's a discussion in the Mistborn subforum about how atium doesn't behave like it's invested, I think.

Neither of these things mean shardblades AREN'T made of god metals, but not for the reasons you stated, I think.

As to shardplate, I have no idea. I suspect they are connected to spren too, but I guess we'll see.

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I know that spren are the Shardblades, what I'm thinking is that they kinda of turn into God metal when they become Shardblades. Normally they have trouble physically interacting with the world. The oaths help that, but I don't see them suddenly shifting so far into the physical realm on their bond mates call.

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I could be wrong, since I don't follow the Cosmere stuff all that closely, but I thought that Preservation and Ruin's physical bodies were metal because metal was the magic object on that world.

For Honor, if the situation were analogous, his body would be gemstones.  Or Stormlight, maybe, but I'd think that would be too ethereal.

Either way, I'm pretty certain that blades and plate are spren, not any part of Honor's physical body.

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Though I'm not sure on Shardplate, the situation for Shardblades is a little more complicated than what you're thinking. Remember that spren are splinters, and that radiantspren are composed of both Honor's and Cultivation's investiture. Now, Brandon has also compared Shardblades to Lerasium, so I would say that when Kaladin summons Syl as a Shardblade, that blade is composed of the godmetal of Syl rather than the godmetal of honor.

Edited by Emerald101
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On 6/30/2016 at 0:54 PM, Emerald101 said:

Though I'm not sure on Shardplate, the situation for Shardblades is a little more complicated than what you're thinking. Remember that spren are splinters, and that radiantspren are composed of both Honor's and Cultivation's investiture. Now, Brandon has also compared Shardblades to Lerasium, so I would say that when Kaladin summons Syl as a Shardblade, that blade is composed of the godmetal of Syl rather than the godmetal of honor.

Makes sense. Syl is a god. A little piece of one ;)

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One thing to remember is that "Godmetal" is a term for the physical form of a Shard on Scardial. There are no "Godmetals" on Roshar. That being said, a Shardblade does seem to be a "metal" from a "god" so it is not necessarily incorrect to call it a godmetal. Basically, my point is somewhat pedantic but I want to be sure that it is clear what the Cosmere term "Godmetal" refers to - the physical form of a Shard on Scadrial. 

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To be honest the "godmetals" are something very odd, of course not every metal made with Shard's power isn't a godmetal (or the whole Scadrial is made of Harmonium XD).

But it's something more like "Shard's power made solid without any king of editing" (Ruin and Preservation made all the others metals after all).

We don't know if the Godmetals' generation is something unique of Scadrial. We know at least that it's possible to take away a godmetal from Scadrial without trouble... but this says quite nothing to our knowledge.

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2 minutes ago, Yata said:

To be honest the "godmetals" are something very odd, of course not every metal made with Shard's power isn't a godmetal (or the whole Scadrial is made of Harmonium XD).

But it's something more like "Shard's power made solid without any king of editing" (Ruin and Preservation made all the others metals after all).

We don't know if the Godmetals' generation is something unique of Scadrial. We know at least that it's possible to take away a godmetal from Scadrial without trouble... but this says quite nothing to our knowledge.

I did say 

21 minutes ago, CaptainRyan said:

a term for the physical form of a Shard on Scardial.

I was not implying that all metals made by a Shard (steel, iron, etc.) are Godmetals but rather that the physical manifestation of the actual Shard (Lerasium for Preservation, Atium for Ruin) are the Godmetals. They are Allomantically active metals that grant unique powers and can be used to create unique alloys. 

Lerasium is literally a physical piece of Preservation whereas iron mined from Scadrial is simply a metal made by the power of Preservation but is not actually a piece of Preservation.

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Yeah I know CaptainRyan... I don't mean that you are wrong.

What I wanted to say, it's the godmetal is something strange and we don't know enough of them.

Because between "metal made with Preservation's power" and "metal made from Preservation's Power" the difference it's quite arbitrary ;) ... The semantic in these case, sucks <_<

Edited by Yata
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On 6/30/2016 at 3:06 PM, Blightsong said:

Yea, like other people have been saying, I think that if something like a god metal would manifest as a Gemstone on Roshar, metals being the physical body of a shard seems local to Scadrial.

Then it seems flowers are the physical representation of God's on Nalthis. I wonder if Odium will one day turn into a giant Venus flytrap thing.

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Actually we do have WoB on this:


Are shardblades made out of atium?

Brandon Sanderson

Shardblades are not but it is the same thing but from a different planet... It's made out of the god's body.



Brandon Sanderson

See, you thought I was saying something really cool there but I wasn't.


For a moment...


So I would argue that yes, Shardblades are made of "tanavastium".

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So...the obvious question is: what would happen if a Mistborn somehow swallowed a Shardblade, and burned it?

My gut instinct says that it would lead to some interesting relationships with the spren, similar perhaps to the wierdness associated with burning a Hemalurgic spike.

Or it may free the spren, allowing it to return to the Cognitive Realm and come back to life.

I realize that swallowing a Shardblade is something that is only survivable by a select few in the Cosmere, like maybe TLR, Hoid, and some others.

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On 6/30/2016 at 2:37 PM, Yata said:

But it's something more like "Shard's power made solid without any king of editing" (Ruin and Preservation made all the others metals after all).

We don't know if the Godmetals' generation is something unique of Scadrial.


On 6/30/2016 at 2:43 PM, CaptainRyan said:

I was not implying that all metals made by a Shard (steel, iron, etc.) are Godmetals but rather that the physical manifestation of the actual Shard

I think that when Shards invest themselves somewhere, their power gets physical manifestation. I think that Edgli's Tears would be another example of Shardic physical manifesttions.

That being said, Honor is dead. Shardblades, being physical manifestations of splinters seems to go in the same category of Lerasium and Edgli's Tears. But this makes me wonder about seons. Hmm...

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On 6/30/2016 at 6:40 PM, WeiryWriter said:

So I would argue that yes, Shardblades are made of "tanavastium".

Except that radiantspren aren't composed just Honor or Cultivation, but a mix (with varying ratios) of both. Is it really "Tanavastium" if there's some of cultivation's investiture in there too?

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The whole cross-over process for creating new God-Metals on Scadrial is super weird to begin with...from what I understand, by becoming invested in Scadrial, a shard is able to manifest its powers through the local magic systems (IE: hemalurgy and allomancy).  Things get a little hazy (misty?) when you ask the reverse question: "What would happen if Sazed invested himself in Roshar?"  Would he create new spren/surges?  Some weird messed up form of allomancy?  Or something else entirely?

To answer the question, "Could a mistborn burn a piece of shardplate they swallowed?" I'd have to say probably not, since the material it's made of wasn't created by a shard becoming invested in Scadrial.

I suspect the next Mistborn trilogy (which isn't due in the near future as far as I'm aware...) will shed a good deal more light on this.

NOW!  As to the question, "could a Feruchemist store an attribute in shardplate?"  I have no idea, maybe?  Feruchemy, I believe, has been confirmed to have existed before the shattering of Adonalsium and isn't native to Scadrial.  I'm sort of tempted to assume that a Feruchemist could therefore store an attribute in anything that constitutes a "God's Body."  That said, I doubt we'll be seeing any Feruchemist-Radiants, since they'd basically have the ability to rapidly store arbitrarily large amounts of speed, healing, strength, senses, and maybe other attributes...and reading about a character that is perfectly indestructible get's boring quick (which is probably why Hoid appears only in short bursts)

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4 hours ago, hwiles said:

To answer the question, "Could a mistborn burn a piece of shardplate they swallowed?" I'd have to say probably not, since the material it's made of wasn't created by a shard becoming invested in Scadrial.

I suspect the next Mistborn trilogy (which isn't due in the near future as far as I'm aware...) will shed a good deal more light on this.

Actually, we know that metals from other worlds work just fine for Allomancy. The fact that they're created by Preservation and Ruin doesn't matter, only the actual structure of the metal that acts as the key. Shardplate, not being one of the Allomantic metals, might still not be burnable if it isn't made of Investiture (instead of just from Investiture), but it's not because the Shard involved didn't invest in Scadrial, at least not directly.


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6 hours ago, hwiles said:

Feruchemy, I believe, has been confirmed to have existed before the shattering of Adonalsium and isn't native to Scadrial.  

Where was this confirmed? I have always thought as much, but I did not know that anything was official . . .

As for the subject at hand, it would certainly have interesting implications. I believe there is a WoB out there that says you do not have to necessarily have the metals in your stomach to burn them, so long as they are in your body. Does this mean you could burn a shardblade as it is slicing you? Could you burn away someones spren and effectively kill them? A living spren could probably resist being burned, but could a "dead" one? hmmm . . .

Edited by Kolten
Though of more to add, did not want to double post
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15 hours ago, Kolten said:

Where was this confirmed? I have always thought as much, but I did not know that anything was official . . .

As for the subject at hand, it would certainly have interesting implications. I believe there is a WoB out there that says you do not have to necessarily have the metals in your stomach to burn them, so long as they are in your body. Does this mean you could burn a shardblade as it is slicing you? Could you burn away someones spren and effectively kill them? A living spren could probably resist being burned, but could a "dead" one? hmmm . . .

I think it's mentioned in Secret History, along with the explanation that Ruin and Preservation made the people on Scadrial using what they knew of people from other inhabited planets in the Cosmere, which is how they ended up making some Feruchemists; also, Sanderson has stated that Hoid is a Feruchemist and that he didn't receive any of his powers through hemalurgy.

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27 minutes ago, hwiles said:

I think it's mentioned in Secret History, along with the explanation that Ruin and Preservation made the people on Scadrial using what they knew of people from other inhabited planets in the Cosmere, which is how they ended up making some Feruchemists; also, Sanderson has stated that Hoid is a Feruchemist and that he didn't receive any of his powers through hemalurgy.

I think he said that Hoid uses Feruchemy, which

(BoM spoilers)


we now know doesn't necessarily mean he has to be a Feruchemist himself, because of unlocked metalminds. He might be one, though.


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On 6/30/2016 at 3:19 PM, CaptainRyan said:

One thing to remember is that "Godmetal" is a term for the physical form of a Shard on Scardial. There are no "Godmetals" on Roshar. That being said, a Shardblade does seem to be a "metal" from a "god" so it is not necessarily incorrect to call it a godmetal. Basically, my point is somewhat pedantic but I want to be sure that it is clear what the Cosmere term "Godmetal" refers to - the physical form of a Shard on Scadrial. 

If you look at Shardbearer combat, you'll notice that Shardplate doesn't actually behave much like a metal at all.  It doesn't dent under stress; it cracks, then eventually shatters, more like glass or ceramic than metal.

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3 hours ago, Mason Wheeler said:

If you look at Shardbearer combat, you'll notice that Shardplate doesn't actually behave much like a metal at all.  It doesn't dent under stress; it cracks, then eventually shatters, more like glass or ceramic than metal.

Whether or not it acts like metal is no indication of whether or not it is solid Investiture, which I believe is being discussed. We use godmetal because the only prior instance of solid Investiture is in atium and Lerasium.

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