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I will sign up as Alaraon, an Arelishman who left Arelon when his wife, an Elantrian, was killed during the beginning of the Reod. He has returned to see what he can make of himself without a family.

Edited by Araris Valerian
Forgot about Aons in names
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Slight change of plans, This game will be starting twenty four (24) hours later then planned. I'm going to be on a family trip until very late Tuesday. I will have my laptop with me, so If I can find WiFi, I'll be as active as I normally am, but there's a chance I'll be silent until Wednesday.

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2 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

I'm dropping out. Good luck everyone.

Aww.  I was looking forwards to playing with/against you.

edit; Oh. This is because of MR15, isn't it.

Edited by Magestar
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1 hour ago, Magestar said:

Aww.  I was looking forwards to playing with/against you.

edit; Oh. This is because of MR15, isn't it.

Eh, once the initial shock wears off, I might cave and rejoin. A few players are trying to convince me that leaving is unnecessary. I really don't want to stop playing these games but... it's complicated. I've been a victim of reputation bias three games in a row (where people put more weight into an exaggerated perception of me over logic and reason), and as a result, all the effort I've put into these games is rendered pointless. Some people say to think of it as a compliment, but considering the amount of time and energy I put into playing these games, it's hard not to feel anything but insulted. It's like putting the last of your money and all of your heart into cooking a meal for someone you love, only for them to refuse to eat it and dismiss you from the table entirely. I can't really say more openly without violating the rules since MR15 is still on going, but if you want context feel free to PM me.

Edited by Amanuensis
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Yeah...  There is really nothing I can say without breaking some pesky zoning laws.  I personally think you can't take any dishonesty/comment on your honesty too personally in SE, simply because the game is literally based off of confusion and lies.  That's about all I can say- at all -with MR15 still going.

Not to say I don't sympathize.  I agree with what you said, and that it's frustrating.

That said, I do hope you decide to rejoin LG24.  It looks promising.


Edited by Magestar
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16 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

@Amanuensis: Now this has been revealed as a misunderstanding, are you willing to rejoin? I really am sorry about what happened.

There's nothing you need to be sorry for, brother. I'm guessing what happened is that Mek copied the PM he sent to Elbereth about cloudjumper and meant to edit the whole thing, but due to being in a rush, forgot to change more than just the name. An honest mistake, and one you couldn't have helped, anyway. That being said... yes, I'll rejoin. Same character. Hopefully I'll have time to do some introductory RP before the game begins.

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Well, I suppose if I want to jump back in to these, I might as well start somewhere. No guarantees on activity, (yay employment! :P) but I'll see what I can do.

Signing up as Aoryn Rasair; backstory to come.


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44 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

Change of plans: Aeleus survived, so I'll be running him this game. Sky Masterson is up for grabs.


8 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Since Ashkelon (the greedy, corrupt politician) also survived MR15, I'll swap my character to him. Sorry Mablung, I'll play you once Ashkelon dies.

So, kill both of you so we get new characters?  Consider it done.

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