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Let's do it, for the sake of discussion.

Okay, so I have already made a few comments that people might call dodgy. But those who have played against me before (my only previous game is MR15, so I'll be referring to it) will find my playstyle is the exact same as MR15's: I use every power given to me in order to deal out votes and panic. In MR15 that got me accused of bandwagoning, tunneling,  and running the senate on my whims. And I won't lie: I was guilty of all 3, along with abusing my vote-adding role (Landlord FTW!). But my unconventional means led to great results. D1 I called Eramit and for suspicious rabble-rousing, and he ended up being the head role of the Derethi elim team. Sure there were some bad results: I campaigned for Elodin's lynch D2 only to get him killed and find out he was a villager.

In short, crazy votes changed around on a moment's notice are my hallmark. Me slinging votes like dodgeballs is like Aman manipulating people or Stink being Stink. I am an unashamed bandwagoner, vote-slinger, and fear-monger. But I am your ally against the elims, and will use my vote and role to their detriment and our benefit.

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I'd just like to point out here that those other two votes on Elenion were made after I posted but before my post was approved, which is rather amusing. :P As of this writing, my previous post has still not been approved.

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6 minutes ago, Elenion said:

In short, crazy votes changed around on a moment's notice are my hallmark. Me slinging votes like dodgeballs is like Aman manipulating people or Stink being Stink.

Emphasis mine.

Me? Manipulate people? Whaaaaat? Nooooooo... :rolleyes:;)

Edited by Amanuensis
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I'd be really interested in people's thoughts on these two articles I stumbled across in the champion-choosing thread. Would hypothetical role-claiming be a useful tool given the unknown roles present in this game? I also find the gratuitous amounts of fluff-posting so far somewhat frustrating. Posting pure RP* or jokes for the purpose of avoiding the inactivity filter is something I would greatly discourage.

On a separate note, that last post by Elenion seems to be strong on defending himself after only very minor accusations. At the risk of causing a bandwagon, I want to point that out as a possibility of being one of those knee-jerk reactions people have been mentioning. Granted, I didn't play LG 23 so I have no way of knowing what typical behavior for him would be.

*not that I've got any problem with RP, it's just that posting a bunch of RP without anything else accomplishes little besides making someone seem more active than they actually are.

Edited by Emerald101
better phrasing
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1 hour ago, Kipper said:


I do as well. The only thing I don't lie about is private information-trading.

Ah okay, true. I'm just more vocal about it as I'm apparently the most known example of it. 

You're trying to tell me you never lie in role swapping?

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36 minutes ago, Elenion said:

But those who have played against me before (my only previous game is MR15, so I'll be referring to it) will find my playstyle is the exact same as MR15's:

I know.  I read all of MR15.  :P  I spent the day before this game started reading a couple games I had seen suggested a few times, and the previous two games.

I was trying to start discussion.  I think that your strategy works more than I would expect it to, but is a bit risky for my taste.

11 minutes ago, Emerald101 said:

On a separate note, that last post by Elenion seems to be strong on defending himself after only very minor accusations. At the risk of causing a bandwagon, I want to point that out as a possibility of being one of those knee-jerk reactions people have been mentioning. Granted, I didn't play LG 23 so I have no way of knowing what typical behavior for him would be.

He was not in LG23, I don't think.  Also, he was only doing that for the sake of discussion, which I prompted.  I got bored, and decided to get people talking.

edit; Woah.  What happened with Kippers earlier post?  It says it was there like an hour ago, but it literally just popped up now for me.

Also, I took away my original Elenion vote, right after I posted it.  I personally think that bandwagoning (actually a word) is silly, and Day 1 is a bad time to lynch in general.  The only thing Day 1 is good for is bringing night 1, getting a read on people, and starting the game.

Edited by Magestar
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3 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

Do you really want to get people talking? I have ways to do so. ;) 

Ooooh. Spooky.

But in all seriousness, I think a D1 lynch is always a bad idea.  I dislike bandwagons, in any Mafia-style games, and I think it is just too early.  Also, I see no reason to kill Elenion.

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11 minutes ago, Magestar said:

edit; Woah.  What happened with Kippers earlier post?  It says it was there like an hour ago, but it literally just popped up now for me.

Sadly, Kipper is on Mod-queue so anything he posts needs to be approved by a Mod/Admin before it will show up.  So don't be too surprised if you miss one of his posts every now and then.

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Dunno where I got LG 23 from, MR15 is what I meant. I know he said it was to produce discussion, and that's what I just did, I helped discuss something. I would like to note that discussion promotion was not the only reason I posted that. I genuinely think that his post was slightly suspicious, and I would appreciate other's input on it.

List of those who haven't posted so far, in case anybody's wondering.

This is based off of the Official list by Joe on page one. If your name is on here and doesn't deserve to be, let me know and I'll fix it. Note that this counts any post at all, regardless of content value.

Edited by Emerald101
clarity + pinged people
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12 minutes ago, OrlokTsubodai said:

@Mailliw73, are you trying to encourage us to move the ceremonial lynch forward just to silence you? :P

That's the reaction I was going for. You know what I mean, the new guys don't. It's up to you if you want to tell them.

10 minutes ago, Magestar said:

Ooooh. Spooky.

But in all seriousness, I think a D1 lynch is always a bad idea.  I dislike bandwagons, in any Mafia-style games, and I think it is just too early.  Also, I see no reason to kill Elenion.

Good. :)

We've argued this for ages in games past. The consensus is that there will be a lynch. All it takes is two people who want a lynch and they automatically outnumber those who don't. 

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20 minutes ago, Emerald101 said:

I'd be really interested in people's thoughts on these two articles I stumbled across in the champion-choosing thread. Would hypothetical role-claiming be a useful tool given the unknown roles present in this game? I also find the gratuitous amounts of fluff-posting so far somewhat frustrating. Posting pure RP* or jokes for the purpose of avoiding the inactivity filter is something I would greatly discourage.

On a separate note, that last post by Elenion seems to be strong on defending himself after only very minor accusations. At the risk of causing a bandwagon, I want to point that out as a possibility of being one of those knee-jerk reactions people have been mentioning. Granted, I didn't play LG 23 so I have no way of knowing what typical behavior for him would be.

*not that I've got any problem with RP, it's just that posting a bunch of RP without anything else accomplishes little besides making someone seem more active than they actually are.

So, I wholeheartedly agree with the first article. I always advocate that players make posts that clearly spell out their thoughts and prove that they're making thorough considerations. While OOG talk can be fun, I feel it does harm the game. The upside is it helps strengthen us as a community, which is cool and all, but I personally prefer to save that for PMs and docs.

As for the second article... I don't particularly have any opinion on it. I personally think if you've got a cop role (in this case, Dula) you should keep that a secret until you find someone you can trust absolutely to share that information with. If no one claims Dula then it effectively achieves the same thing as everyone claiming Dula, except nobody has to do any extra work.

As for Elenion... I'm not really seeing him acting any differently than he did in MR15. Given that that's the only time I've played with him, his current actions are not really alignment indicative, imo. Ultimately I have no reason to believe he is a villager, and therefore won't interfere, but I also have no reason to think he is an eliminator, and thus won't vote for him either.

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3 minutes ago, Mailliw73 said:

That's the reaction I was going for. You know what I mean, the new guys don't. It's up to you if you want to tell them.

If we're moving it up we need to wait for Wilson to make an inspiring post that details how Maill is evil first.:P

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2 minutes ago, Alvron said:

If we're moving it up we need to wait for Wilson to make an inspiring post that details how Maill is evil first.:P

She gets off work in approximately 22 minutes, so I reckon she can whip something up within the next hour.

Edited by Amanuensis
Clock struck 38 after when I posted this
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4 minutes ago, Alvron said:

If we're moving it up we need to wait for Wilson to make an inspiring post that details how Maill is evil first.:P

As long as it's wrong. ;) 

Really though, I'm good to stay till D2. 

And Orlok, you should know that threatening to lynch me won't shut me up. It tends to do quite the opposite  

Edited by Mailliw73
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How do we feel about the free PM's we've got? I'd like to note that games where everything happens in PM's are extremely frustrating for the less-experienced players (like me) who typically don't get invited into the important discussions. I also think that freedom of information is the villages best way to make the most important tool in the game - the lynch - really count. Granted, certain sensitive information (like roleclaims) should be dealt with using caution. Just like you shouldn't immediately believe roleclaims, you shouldn't immediately out somebody to the thread.

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Eh, I never really get into the important discussions, and I'm fine with it cause generally the 'really important' discussions turn out to just be stuff that they don't want to say in the thread, but could be said in the thread so after a while they just post in the thread and then you can be like "no screw your discussion", they just like to talk amongst each other before posting for confidence :P

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Personally, I think freeing information is REALLY dangerous in games like this.  It would be a helpful tool to the village, yes, but no-one knows at this point who is definitely village.  I also think that PM's can be really helpful, but are just as dangerous as the thread, and you should only use them to gain info, and talk to people you know you trust.

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