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(alright, I'm so glad Mailliw hasn't been granted access to brackets yet, so he can't read what's between them or anything, unlike the great Jumae who also has the mighty italics from france)

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Lopen, looking back at my first post in QF15 I don't see much of a similarity. This time I commented on playstyles, in QF15 I commented on D1 lynches and Joe's plan. The only similarities I see is that I said three things, didn't vote for the lynch, and didn't accuse anyone of doing anything. As to the matter of Elenion, he is merely adopting a aggressive playstyle, however a aggressive player can cause confusion and chaos. Elenion seems to be the most suspicious player with Lopen as a close second.

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Bah an extension!? on D1? Doesn't really seem necessary but oh well.. 

I'm going to another concert tomorrow and will be in a dead zone most of the day and all of the night, so mostly inactive and will certainly miss rollover.  This should be an interesting read when I get back on Sunday.. >.>

P.s. all of those question marks are for you Kip.B)

Edited by jaimeleecee
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22 minutes ago, Straw said:

Lopen, looking back at my first post in QF15 I don't see much of a similarity. This time I commented on playstyles, in QF15 I commented on D1 lynches and Joe's plan. The only similarities I see is that I said three things, didn't vote for the lynch, and didn't accuse anyone of doing anything. As to the matter of Elenion, he is merely adopting a aggressive playstyle, however a aggressive player can cause confusion and chaos. Elenion seems to be the most suspicious player with Lopen as a close second.

It wasn't similar in content. It was similar in tone. You sounded as if you wanted to be seen as a village player discussing things rather than naturally discussing things as you usually do. You took what were the main topics of conversation at the time and sort of copied down what previous players had said.

Now you vote on Elenion, which, seems even more suspicious to me actually. I accuse you of treating Elenion as a villager in your post and then you respond by saying he seems to be the most suspicious player, with me as a close second(why exactly do you suspect me? Just because I'm accusing you?). Looks to me like you're trying to get me to back off of you rather than that's what you honestly think.

Aaaand ninja'd by Straw leaving. Well, I'd like to hear some more opinions on Straw anyways, so that's fine, given there's an extension.

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2 hours ago, STINK said:

(alright, I'm so glad Mailliw hasn't been granted access to brackets yet, so he can't read what's between them or anything, unlike the great Jumae who also has the mighty italics from france)

Too bad those are parantheses. :P

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1 hour ago, Elenion said:

@Alvron Ecthelion's vote should be on Straw, he changed it here.

Ecthelion didn't retract his vote on Ant so the new one on Straw normally wouldn't be counted.  It's up to the GM if it is but to me it's invalid.

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Alright, so I've woken up from my lovely slumber (it was like 5 hours) and now in my waking up thoughts, where all the deep thoughts are had, the bet it wants to make is that either Aman, Bard or Elenion are evil.

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9 hours ago, STINK said:

Alright, so I've woken up from my lovely slumber (it was like 5 hours) and now in my waking up thoughts, where all the deep thoughts are had, the bet it wants to make is that either Aman, Bard or Elenion are evil.

Why do your waking thoughts want to bet that either Aman, Bard, or Elenion are evil?

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Because a slightly sleepy STINK likes to think that he is an insightful person that can offer critical comments as to the situation of the game that you and I are currently occupied with, and so decided to burden himself with the decision to write such an insightful comment as has been talked about and thought it most important that whomever is viewed as someone occupied by working against the village should be forced out of the game through a method called the lynch.

I was also in a mood to write a really long sentence just now :P Btw, did I talk about my amazing literary technique in my Jumae RP?

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I personally think all 3 of those players are village, though that's just my initial read on them so far.

Aman - In my opinion, he's sounded like village!Aman. Basically just a gut/tone read, which have been accurate when it comes to Aman lately. :P Still, not so confident in that read that I'm gonna trust him at all yet.
Bard - I've been speaking with him in PM's and he's been fairly active in the thread as well and at the moment, I'm getting a village read on him. Like Aman, this is just a gut/tone read, and it's D1, so it's not too strong a read.
Elenion - Out of the 3 of them, I think I'd be most inclined to believe that he's an eliminator if there is one in this group. However, some of the things he's done have struck me as more villager than eliminator, as well as the fact he's roleclaimed to me...not that I think roleclaiming clears anyone much, but it has made me a little more trustworthy of him.

I think that just about explains my feelings on each player. As for suspicions...well, I'll get to those eventually. I've already stated Straw as my top suspicion, which is still the case, I believe. Only one thing that I thought could point to villager for Straw was that odd role reveal about Magestar or something, which I didn't really understand what happened and so I haven't really thought over whether Straw would be more likely to do what he did as an elim or a villager(or if it's alignment indicative at all really), but I thought if there was information about a neutral role he'd be less likely to post about it in the thread if he was evil and more likely to tell his evil buddies so that they could possibly work with them. Not really sure though.

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In case you people want to know, Arraenae claims to be a Neutral Beggar. Do with that what you will.



#RaeIsTooLiteral (<--way too literal)




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4 hours ago, STINK said:

When you get that Gut feeling for Aman, you don't ignore it :P In fact, you just don't ignore Aman.

I feel like you just claim that it's gut, and you're really saying your suspicious of me because my rate of being evil is like, 50% or something like that, so there's always a good chance you're right :P 

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