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5 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Silverdragon, why did you expect to die this Night?

While we were waiting for turnover I expressed in thread that I thought SD was the most likely target for the Philosopher.

Just now, TheMightyLopen said:

No one died...:mellow: This is kinda weird. Did Preservation get slipped into this game somehow? :P

I think it's because we were getting suspicious of the Philosopher, and so he/she didn't want to exacerbate those suspicions.

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So, who to kill today? I don't think that aman is evil, as well as lopen. Their arguments seemed very village to me. I actually think kipper is evil since he's been pretty quiet the whole game.

Edited by TheSilverDragon
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Let's see if this ginormous post-in-making can go through without being gobbled up by the refresh monster. I hope I don't get ninjaed.

I've looked through D4 again, and some things are jumping out at me.

Aman points out the possibility of Ren being a villager "who made his suspicions immediately known in public without knowing all the details." He compares Ren to Lopen, who "said he thought the same thing when he read it, but just confined those thoughts to PMs." I assume that you meant that if Ren was a villager, he should have done what Lopen had done and just mentioned his theory in PMs.

I'm pretty sure there's a post where you express suspicion of Lopen for expressing that theory in PMs. However, I can't find it now. It's possible that I'm misremembering things. If that post does exist, could someone link it please? I remember thinking that contradicted the post above where Ren was suspicious because he posted his theory inthread.

You accuse Len of not caring who gets lynched. All Len said was "I'm with Rae here, Renegade. I have a few suspicions about Aman, but Orlok has corrorborated his story so far. If you can punch a hole in it and prove that Aman has lied, I'm more than happy to switch my vote."

That doesn't sound like someone who doesn't care where the lynch goes, that sounds like someone open to new evidence. Isn't that a good thing? Villagers who won't change their suspicions when new evidence comes along are usually considered "tunnellers."

This is the vote that made a tie. If Aman is village, I'm betting that SD is an eliminator/philosopher. If Aman is an eliminator, I'm betting that SD isn't on his team. It seems weird that SD is susicious of all three major accusers of D4. I can understand distrust of all of them, and if-he-is-village-he-is-evil type of reasoning, but not suspicion of all of them.

Of course, this is all slightly muddled by SD's retraction four minutes before turnover.

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  • Alvron: Retired Pirate
  • Amanuensis: Dula
  • Aonar: Beggar => Bodyguard (per Aman)
  • Arraenae: Beggar => Bodyguard
  • Burnt Spaghetti: Unclaimed
  • Conquestor: Retired Pirate
  • Elenion: Duke
  • Emerald: Bodyguard
  • Eolhondras: Unclaimed
  • Kipper: Unclaimed
  • Lopen: Chay-Shan
  • Orlok: Legionnaire
  • Sart: Sarrrrr!
  • Stink: Neutral with Defense Ability
  • The Silver Dragon: Noble
  • The Young Bard: Unclaimed

Since Rae is now claiming to have healed Aman, we can edit the role to chart to include that claim. However, that still leaves four people without role claims. I suspect that not all of them are eliminators, but I would bet that one of them is. I would like to hear from Kipper first. He hasn't posted since Monday, which could imply that he is the Philosopher.


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Well, it looks like I got ninja'd by Sart saying a similar thing, but...

I find it interesting that the Philosopher (I'll call him/her Phil) didn't make a kill last night. Either it was blocked, Phil is inactive, or they didn't want to give us any more info on who Phil couldn't be. Since no one claimed a second block on Aman and the third option is unlikely, I conclude that the Philosopher was inactive.

Looking through our list of suspects, players that I can't remember doing anything much yesterday include Alvron, Aonar, Conq, Eol, Kipper, and Bard. I'll discount Alv and Conq from the list because they're hard-cleared Pirate, leaving Aonar (claimed bodyguard), Eol (unclaimed), Kipper (unclaimed), and Bard (unclaimed).

Aonar isn't my primary choice to lynch because if he is really a bodyguard we don't want to kill him. But if he isn't, he's working with Aman.

This leaves Eol, Kipper, and Bard as my prime targets for being Phil (additionally, these players' lack of a claimed role makes me think they could also be Jeskeris). Since Kipper's already accumulated a couple of votes, I'll vote Eol and let Bard sit.

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Getting turn over for QF17 ready now, so I'll have to post after, but I will say this. I followed through with scanning Lopen and it turns out he's not an eliminator. Sorry, bud. I just get really defensive when people start saying I'm evil when I'm not. I didn't want to believe you'd make that mistake as a villager yourself.

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1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

Getting turn over for QF17 ready now, so I'll have to post after, but I will say this. I followed through with scanning Lopen and it turns out he's not an eliminator. Sorry, bud. I just get really defensive when people start saying I'm evil when I'm not. I didn't want to believe you'd make that mistake as a villager yourself.

That's good. At least I don't have to worry about whether you "scanned" him as elim to save yourself or whether you actually scanned him.

If Lopen isn't an eliminator, he's not trying to kill you because you're a threat to his team. That gives his accusations a little more credibility. The problem is, I still have some gut trust of you, so the headache of whether you're lying or Lopen is lying has now changed to whether I trust Lopen or my gut more. Lovely.

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5 hours ago, Kipper said:

I can go for SilverDragon.

And personally, @TheSilverDragon, I find it rather amusing that you're voting for me after our PM conversation. Disheartening as well, but mostly amusing.

Ok, I don't have a pm with you, and I doubled checked. I am really confused right now and want an answer why you would blatantly lie about being in a pm with me!!? 

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