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1 hour ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Haha Ares' daughter. (no offense intended, just amusing for me considering the many times they both have tried to kill each other. Unless you see it as a love-hate relationship :/)

This is mainly from the justice league TV show, so canonicity is up for debate :P

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On 7/25/2016 at 11:26 PM, Oversleep said:

You know who's complicated? Donna Troy. :ph34r:

(I admit I only know about her because of nebezial's drawing)

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This picture is 110% percent accurate. Donna Troy is probably the most complicated character to explain to a non-comic book audience. :mellow:

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2 hours ago, Quiver said:

This picture is 110% percent accurate. Donna Troy is probably the most complicated character to explain to a non-comic book audience. :mellow:

And she's pretty heavily related to Wonder Woman, so that's fitting.-_-

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7 hours ago, Delightful said:

Is she a superhero? I don't think I've heard of her. 

I don't know much about Donna Troy past her crossovers and other mentions and references, I know her mainly from Teen Titans, teh White Lantern Corps and the Justice League, oh and Crisis on Infinite Earths.

She is basically the second Wonder-girl who then went on to become her own superhero and joined various teams starting off with the Teen Titans to the Justice League etc etc. She was created to be a duplicate of Wonder Woman and be her "playmate" during their younger years. Then (Dark Angel?) abducts her thinking she is WOnder Woman and curses her to reincarnate and live tragic lives. This went on till Wonder Woman, Hipplyta and the Flash intervened and stopped the cycle and she lived a happy life. Till she found out that her son Robert would go on to become a twisted god and kill her and rule as an evil overlord in the future, at which she gave up her powers to be normal. Then I think she tried to get her powers back, failed, joined the DarkStars anyway.....and I cannot remember any more

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  • 2 weeks later...

My thoughts on Suicide Squad

where do I even begin? Incohesive story, characters had little substance, story kept jumping leaps and bounds, script was sub-par. Redeeming features were pretty much only Will Smith (surprisingly) and Margot, although her characterisation was good, her accent wasn't great (super biased towards Tara Strong) and the writers and storyboarders  wasted a great opportunity to bring her to life so the whole thing felt off. Leto was an okay joker but they tried turning him through so many different directions that it just fell flat.

All in all, it isn't great but I wouldn't say its worth the very bad reviews, just the bad-average ones. I'd still rather watch this than that fantastic four reboot, which says a LOT.

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On 05/08/2016 at 3:44 PM, AnanasSpren said:

My thoughts on Suicide Squad


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where do I even begin? Incohesive story, characters had little substance, story kept jumping leaps and bounds, script was sub-par. Redeeming features were pretty much only Will Smith (surprisingly) and Margot, although her characterisation was good, her accent wasn't great (super biased towards Tara Strong) and the writers and storyboarders  wasted a great opportunity to bring her to life so the whole thing felt off. Leto was an okay joker but they tried turning him through so many different directions that it just fell flat.

All in all, it isn't great but I wouldn't say its worth the very bad reviews, just the bad-average ones. I'd still rather watch this than that fantastic four reboot, which says a LOT.


Honestly, I had zero interest in the Suicide Squad film. Even the "Good" trailers weren't that great for me, so I had no expectations...

But yeah, overall, I'd say it was okay. I might go see it again.It's not a great movie by any stretch of the imagination, and it has problems, but I liked it fine.

I think, in the context of the film, I get why they went the direction they did with Leto's Joker. They seem to have decided to focus on the "clown Prince of

crime" part of his moniker.

Heactually strikes me as an attempt at the film crew  to mix and match the Nicholson (mob boss) and Ledger (anarchist) incarnations. 

It's not an interpretation I like, to be sure, but I can see it as avaliable interpretation of the character, kind of like a punk version of the Penguin. The downside is that in making him "the boss", they've stripped out some of the anarchism that Ledger had, and make him less of a bogeyman type figure. The focus on crime also detracts from the "Prince" part of his moniker. He doesn't have the old-school class of the nor, Nicholson mob type, nor the manic energy of Ledger to compensate.

On the other hand, I did kind of like his...almost obsessive romance? I liked the moment in Harley's flashback when he came within inches of discarding her as a toy he was bored with. 

Basically, I maintain my old position. I think he would work better as a punk inspired by the Joker, rather than the Joker himself, but hey. Whatever.

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After seeing it fora second time, I've come to terms conclusion that there's probably a better edit of this film somewhere.

Itwouldnt correct all the films problems, naturally; I think there are a few critical differences that need to happen to do that

Like making it clear why the Squad is going in. The movie tells us ut's to recover the asset, but the backstop sets them up as the Anti-Superman army. 

Downplay the latter, and make it clear they are entering the city to extract Waller before the place gets carpet bombed. That way, Waller seems less incompetent.

It's disappointing that the film isn't better than it is, but here's hoping a better edit comes out eventually, BvS style. Because right now, it feels like a film that got sliced up and put back together in the wrong order. Surprises are revealed too soon, flashbacks aren't used well enough...it feels like tge right hand wasn't sure what the left hand was doing.

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1 hour ago, Quiver said:

After seeing it fora second time, I've come to terms conclusion that there's probably a better edit of this film somewhere.

Itwouldnt correct all the films problems, naturally; I think there are a few critical differences that need to happen to do that


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IMO, DC's cinematic offerings are generally pretty bad. The only films they really seem to do well with are batman films (And not even all the time). I've honestly started avoiding their live action flicks.


That said, their ANIMATED movies are generally wonderful. They actually did a good suicide squad animated movie a couple years ago (Assault on Arkham), and i HIGHLY recommend Justice League: Gods and Monsters (an alternate universe justice league). They actually did a small series of shorts on youtube before this movie released, which i also recommend, starting with "Bomb"

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10 hours ago, Eerongal said:


IMO, DC's cinematic offerings are generally pretty bad. The only films they really seem to do well with are batman films (And not even all the time). I've honestly started avoiding their live action flicks.


That said, their ANIMATED movies are generally wonderful. They actually did a good suicide squad animated movie a couple years ago (Assault on Arkham), and i HIGHLY recommend Justice League: Gods and Monsters (an alternate universe justice league). They actually did a small series of shorts on youtube before this movie released, which i also recommend, starting with "Bomb"

I've been planning on collecting the DC Animated films series for a while now. :ph34r: I've heard good things about the Gods and Monsters movie, so that's on the list.

I think... I was talking to someone the other day, and I think I've figured out what the difference between the Marvel and the DC films are.

I get the impression that the Marvel films are, primarily, concerned with being good movies. That's not to say that they are shallow, or unthinking popcorn licks; I think the fact that people are so heavily invested in them as a franchise shows that they are more than that. However, aside from the Cap movies, most of the Marvel films aren't particularly... they don't force people to think about messages or themes in them.

It's not that they aren't there; they just don't push it in your face. If you just want an action movie? Great! If you want emotional stuff, or to analyse the films for meaning, you can too.

DC, I think, are more concerned with trying to make "Important Movies". After all, the Dark Knight Trilogy was a film trilogy which was "About Things", which had messages beyond being superhero action flicks. So, DC has been trying to ape that formula, which is why you get stuff like Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice, with their long, long, long-winded discussions about vigilantism, responsibility for destruction, etcetera. 

Superhero films don't have to be -and in fact shouldn't be- mindless action films. Marvel has shown that you can do emotions and thinking movies in the genre. But I don't think DC has found the balance that they want for the movies yet. Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice were very much in the camp of trying to get across their "Big and Important Messages" first and foremost, which backfired spectacularly... so now they are scrambling to be the "fun" movies with the Justice League and Suicide Squad.

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11 hours ago, Quiver said:

I've been planning on collecting the DC Animated films series for a while now. :ph34r: I've heard good things about the Gods and Monsters movie, so that's on the list.

I think... I was talking to someone the other day, and I think I've figured out what the difference between the Marvel and the DC films are.

I get the impression that the Marvel films are, primarily, concerned with being good movies. That's not to say that they are shallow, or unthinking popcorn licks; I think the fact that people are so heavily invested in them as a franchise shows that they are more than that. However, aside from the Cap movies, most of the Marvel films aren't particularly... they don't force people to think about messages or themes in them.

It's not that they aren't there; they just don't push it in your face. If you just want an action movie? Great! If you want emotional stuff, or to analyse the films for meaning, you can too.

DC, I think, are more concerned with trying to make "Important Movies". After all, the Dark Knight Trilogy was a film trilogy which was "About Things", which had messages beyond being superhero action flicks. So, DC has been trying to ape that formula, which is why you get stuff like Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice, with their long, long, long-winded discussions about vigilantism, responsibility for destruction, etcetera. 

Superhero films don't have to be -and in fact shouldn't be- mindless action films. Marvel has shown that you can do emotions and thinking movies in the genre. But I don't think DC has found the balance that they want for the movies yet. Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice were very much in the camp of trying to get across their "Big and Important Messages" first and foremost, which backfired spectacularly... so now they are scrambling to be the "fun" movies with the Justice League and Suicide Squad.

I'm trying to decide if the rumored all female film is gonna bomb, even with Margot Robbie producing it :\

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11 hours ago, Quiver said:

I've been planning on collecting the DC Animated films series for a while now. :ph34r: I've heard good things about the Gods and Monsters movie, so that's on the list.

If you like good super hero movies, you definitely should. Practically all of them are excellent in my opinion.


11 hours ago, Quiver said:

I think... I was talking to someone the other day, and I think I've figured out what the difference between the Marvel and the DC films are.

I get the impression that the Marvel films are, primarily, concerned with being good movies. That's not to say that they are shallow, or unthinking popcorn licks; I think the fact that people are so heavily invested in them as a franchise shows that they are more than that. However, aside from the Cap movies, most of the Marvel films aren't particularly... they don't force people to think about messages or themes in them.

It's not that they aren't there; they just don't push it in your face. If you just want an action movie? Great! If you want emotional stuff, or to analyse the films for meaning, you can too.

DC, I think, are more concerned with trying to make "Important Movies". After all, the Dark Knight Trilogy was a film trilogy which was "About Things", which had messages beyond being superhero action flicks. So, DC has been trying to ape that formula, which is why you get stuff like Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice, with their long, long, long-winded discussions about vigilantism, responsibility for destruction, etcetera. 

Superhero films don't have to be -and in fact shouldn't be- mindless action films. Marvel has shown that you can do emotions and thinking movies in the genre. But I don't think DC has found the balance that they want for the movies yet. Man of Steel and Dawn of Justice were very much in the camp of trying to get across their "Big and Important Messages" first and foremost, which backfired spectacularly... so now they are scrambling to be the "fun" movies with the Justice League and Suicide Squad.


I could see that. It's just always been my personal rule of thumb to stay away from DC live action for the most part, but be all on-board for marvel live action. And I find this funny, because personally i prefer DC over marvel (not that I hate marvel, of course). I do really wish that DC could produce some decent live action movies, I think it would be great.


I've always felt, however, that the reason why they can't do live action well is because of the type of narrative each is based on. Specifically, Marvel generally focuses on a sort of more "real-world" where people got super powers kinda thing. That is, stuff like political situations are more real-world, and characters are a bit more relatable to the reader. Where as DC focuses on "larger than life" characters who are, effectively, gods compared to us and how they cope with their powers. Marvel's approach to super heroes translates to live action better than DC's, as i see it.


Until then, however, i can live with the DC animated flicks, since they're great anyways.

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11 hours ago, Eerongal said:

If you like good super hero movies, you definitely should. Practically all of them are excellent in my opinion.



I could see that. It's just always been my personal rule of thumb to stay away from DC live action for the most part, but be all on-board for marvel live action. And I find this funny, because personally i prefer DC over marvel (not that I hate marvel, of course). I do really wish that DC could produce some decent live action movies, I think it would be great.


I've always felt, however, that the reason why they can't do live action well is because of the type of narrative each is based on. Specifically, Marvel generally focuses on a sort of more "real-world" where people got super powers kinda thing. That is, stuff like political situations are more real-world, and characters are a bit more relatable to the reader. Where as DC focuses on "larger than life" characters who are, effectively, gods compared to us and how they cope with their powers. Marvel's approach to super heroes translates to live action better than DC's, as i see it.


Until then, however, i can live with the DC animated flicks, since they're great anyways.

Frankly, my biggest complaint with DC films is the way they are messing with their television shows. Mainly Arrow, but still...

Anyway, on the animated film front...is the animated film continuity stuff that started with Justice League War any good? I saw War (it was okay), but the announcement of Justice League Dark and Judge Contract has piqued my interest...

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2 hours ago, Quiver said:

Frankly, my biggest complaint with DC films is the way they are messing with their television shows. Mainly Arrow, but still...

Anyway, on the animated film front...is the animated film continuity stuff that started with Justice League War any good? I saw War (it was okay), but the announcement of Justice League Dark and Judge Contract has piqued my interest...

IMO, the justice league animated films are usually some of the weaker movies (except for gods and monsters), but overall they aren't bad. I assume you're specifically asking about Justice League: Throne of atlantis, though? Since it's basically a direct sequel to war? It's pretty decent, but it kinda hinges a lot on how much you like the re-envisioned aquaman of the past ~15-20 years, as he (and atlantis) is pretty much a focal point of the story.

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2 hours ago, Eerongal said:

IMO, the justice league animated films are usually some of the weaker movies (except for gods and monsters), but overall they aren't bad. I assume you're specifically asking about Justice League: Throne of atlantis, though? Since it's basically a direct sequel to war? It's pretty decent, but it kinda hinges a lot on how much you like the re-envisioned aquaman of the past ~15-20 years, as he (and atlantis) is pretty much a focal point of the story.

Well, throne of Atlantis certainly -I rather liked the New 52 Aquaman- but...

Well, I'd heard bad things about that line as a whole? So I was wondering if the other films in the sequance -which, currently, are just Batflicks- were wrth the asking prices...

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5 hours ago, Quiver said:

So I was wondering if the other films in the sequance -which, currently, are just Batflicks- were wrth the asking prices...

Are those about Damian Wayne? I've seen one where he becomes Robin (the whole thing with Talia abducted) and the one with the Court of Owls (I believe its name was Batman vs Robin)

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1 hour ago, Oversleep said:

Are those about Damian Wayne? I've seen one where he becomes Robin (the whole thing with Talia abducted) and the one with the Court of Owls (I believe its name was Batman vs Robin)

IIRC the first one you're talking about is Son of Batman, and the second one is, indeed, Batman vs Robin. I'm not entirely sure which movies @Quiver is talking about off hand, though.


As for those two movies, i really enjoyed the both of them. I thought they were good.

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5 hours ago, Eerongal said:

IIRC the first one you're talking about is Son of Batman, and the second one is, indeed, Batman vs Robin. I'm not entirely sure which movies @Quiver is talking about off hand, though.


As for those two movies, i really enjoyed the both of them. I thought they were good.

Yeah, those were the ones I meant. Son of Batman, Batman vs Robin and Bad Blood.

I'm a big fan of the Morrison run, but I've heard they weren't great adaptions 

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On 8/11/2016 at 8:12 AM, Quiver said:

Frankly, my biggest complaint with DC films is the way they are messing with their television shows. Mainly Arrow, but still...

Anyway, on the animated film front...is the animated film continuity stuff that started with Justice League War any good? I saw War (it was okay), but the announcement of Justice League Dark and Judge Contract has piqued my interest...

there was also some kind of ban on the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited shows from using most of the characters associated with Batman.  If memory serves, you get Bats himself, and the Joker shows up a couple times, but that is about it.

really they should have just let the tv universe keep using the characters.  deadshot was a pretty consistently good recurring character in Arrow, and while I didn't really like their Waller, the rest of task force x was generally pretty fun.  though I think they are realizing their mistake here, since apparently superman is supposed to be showing up on supergirl next season (not sure that is necessarily a good thing, but it shows they might be rethinking that ban at least)

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I just watched suicide squad, and I rather enjoyed it.

No real spoilers in my impressions.  I was most worried about Harley Quinn, and joker.  I'm not too familiar with any of the other characters, so they were fairly blank slates to me.

I liked the movies portrayal of Harley Quinn.  But I didn't like how joker came across.  He was a supervillain, in the same vain as Lex Luther.  He just didn't feel like joker to me.  That said, I want them to put out more of him, in a future movie.  Flesh out his character more.

With all that said, I did like the movie.  So I highly recommend it to anyone who has a passing interest in superheros/villains

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  • 2 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Oversleep said:

Remember the Donna Troy Origins picture I posted? The artist did some work on Harley Quinn:

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Ooh. Neat. I figured that Donna pic might be a cover or something. I. Need to check this artist out.

Also, super villain films.

Am I the only one really disappointed they didn't make a Rogues movie? I mean, maybe they want to save them for the Flash...but that could have been a way more fun super villain film than Suicide Squad. Antman was able to do a heist movie...so why not use the Rogues, trying to break into Waynetech for their next big score?

Set up the Rogues for a Flash film, and tell a supervillain movie about supervillains committing a crime...except rooting for the Rogues avoid the pitfall of rooting for serial killers and murderers, since the Rogues generally avoid killing.

Plus. The sheer hutzpah of stealing from Batman.

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