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Adolnasium, Reforged: Gibberish


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So... The other day I was poring over the coppermind... And I saw one of hoid's lines in WoK. This one:

Nonsense. Balderdash. Figgldygrak. Isn't it odd that gibberish words are often the sounds of other words, cut up and dismembered, then stitched into something like them—yet wholly unlike them at the same time?

“I wonder if you could do that to a man. Pull him apart, emotion by emotion, bit by bit, bloody chunk by bloody chunk. Then combine them back together into something else, like a Dysian Aimian. If you do put a man together like that, Dalinar, be sure to name him Gibberish, after me. Or perhaps Gibletish.

— Hoid to Dalinar (after namedropping Adonalsium)


So... The upshot is... Considering he just brought up Adolnasium, does it seem to anyone else that Hoid is in fact talking about recombining the sixteen into a single deity again?

I mean, pulling adolnasium apart is likely a reference to the shattering... But Hoid implies some kind of reconstitution of adolnasium following this. The resultant being would be different from the original adolnasium, but whole again...

Is this, perhaps, Hoid's agenda?

EDIT: Also, I can actually see Sanderson naming the resultant deity "gibberish". It would be in the same vein of humor as the second era Scadrial novel's "high imperial" language.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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2 minutes ago, TwelfthOfSnackTime said:

I would like to know why he decided Gibletish. What words did he 'cut up, dismember, and stitch back together again' in order to come up with that word and is it relevant?

I swear I've seen something on here that figured out Gibletish was an anagram for something in-world.

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 A while back, people realized that "Balderdash" is an anagram for Shardblade, which is another gibberish word that Hoid brought up. I totally agree. I theorized once that Hoid wanted Dalinar to be that Vessel. People apparently didn't agree though.

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33 minutes ago, TwelfthOfSnackTime said:

I would like to know why he decided Gibletish. What words did he 'cut up, dismember, and stitch back together again' in order to come up with that word and is it relevant?

I don't know about the anagrams, but there is certainly the spoonerism with "gibberish" and "giblet", which makes it more a pun than anything else given what he was just discussing... There might also be an anagram but this is the most obvious reason why the word would be chosen.


As for the link... That anagram is fascinating. It makes me think that a fair amount of thought went into this line, which means it probably does bear some significance.


As for Dalinar being the vessel... The thought had occured to me. The only other likely candidates I can think of are Sazed and hoid himself. If Dalinar is the vessel however, then that would mean he will need to show up somehow in the final mistborn novels I think, because they are supposed to take place after the last stormlight archive books if I am correct.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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33 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

As for Dalinar being the vessel... The thought had occured to me. The only other likely candidates I can think of are Sazed and hoid himself. If Dalinar is the vessel however, then that would mean he will need to show up somehow in the final mistborn novels I think, because they are supposed to take place after the last stormlight archive books if I am correct.

He could become the Vessel of a reforged Honor. That would allow him to still be around, and relevant, in the last Mistborn trilogy.

I... don't think so, though. We already had someone pick up a shard as a climax, and I doubt Brandon would want to do the exact same thing again (except this time they would actually have to put Honor back together first).

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There is a six pages long thread dedicated to trying to figure out anagram out of a word that probably isn't an anagram. 17th Shard never ceases to amaze me.

(Cracking the Roshar continent shape thread was longer, but it actually made sense and we knew there was something in it, so it doesn't count :P)

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5 hours ago, Khyrindor said:

 A while back, people realized that "Balderdash" is an anagram for Shardblade, which is another gibberish word that Hoid brought up. I totally agree. I theorized once that Hoid wanted Dalinar to be that Vessel. People apparently didn't agree though.

That's pretty cool, but Balderdash isn't gibberish it's a real word, relating to lying or making stuff up.

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17 minutes ago, Argel said:

Hoid is so punny, or so I Jesk! ;)

Yes, yes!!!!!! This is the best thing ever!


. . . Anyway.

I think Dalinar will at least put Honor back together. Cause, you know. . .  (WoR spoilers)


He does have the 'spren' of the almighty. . . 


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Personally, my little prediction is that Roshar will be destroyed at the end of book 5. The next five will deal with the other planets in the Greater Roshar System. If Dalinar does survive that, and ascends to Honour, I doubt that would be the grande finale, though something like that is bound to happen, otherwise what else are they gonna do to Odium. If Hoid does have Dalinar in mind for the job, then I say we trust him.

Also, to those wondering about how Dalinar would live to the final Mistborn Trilogy, I'm willing to bet that if he doesn't ascend to a Shard, Stormlight can be a route to immortality, in the same way that holding enough breath is. If someone managed to keep enough stormlight handy, I think they'd survive indefinitely. After all, the Heralds are still kicking around... 

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Well, for all we know the heralds were living splinters of honor like the returned on nalthis were for endowement. So that might have been what kept them alive.

However, I bet that there is a way to harness stormlight to be ageless. Because on every other planet so far there is a magical way to become ageless. For Scadrial it is atium compounding, for Sel it is being an Elantrian, for Nalthis it is reaching the fifth heightening.

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I theorised that gibletish was an anagram for Light Sieb; Sieb translates to Sieve/Screen etc. in German according to google translate. A sieve has an interwoven appearance and Shallan uses her Lightweaving is seen using her illusions as a screen to hide things. Depends on how you see it

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It's a stretch that the anagram would contain words from two different languages, but maybe gibbletish is an anagram. I still think that one was just a pun (I mean it is constructed out of bits of words, it just isn't an anagram like balderdash was). I wonder about the other ones though, because "Figgldygrak" isn't even a normal phrase. It has to be something I feel...

One way or another, I think the general arc of the cosmere might be approaching the reformation of a single God... Which is partially evidenced by the fact that we see that shards can be put back together, we say Sazed do that.

Edited by Drake Marshall
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4 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

One way or another, I think the general arc of the cosmere might be approaching the reformation of a single God... Which is partially evidenced by the fact that we see that shards can be put back together, we say Sazed do that.

With Sazed we've seen the powers of Shards being taken up once their hosts were dead, but is that the same thing as a Shard being Splintered? Because if not we haven't seen evidence of someone taking up the powers of a Splintered shard, which is what Honor is.

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Well... I am guessing that a splintered shard is a little like a shattered adolnasium. And Sazed could pick up two shards of adolnasium... Maybe you can pick up two splinters of honor, too, and this is how you reconstruct honor. If this is the case, picking up a splintered shard would be a lot harder than doing so for a whole one, but it would definitely be possible.

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I think Hoid was trying to be witty with Gibletish, and it was undetectable by people who didn't have knowledge of the word giblet. That's the "guts" of a fowl; I think he was trying to make a comment about how useless of an effort it would seem to try to take a person (or animal) that's been split up and put them back together; you get gibletish.


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15 hours ago, Jondesu said:

I think Hoid was trying to be witty with Gibletish, and it was undetectable by people who didn't have knowledge of the word giblet. That's the "guts" of a fowl; I think he was trying to make a comment about how useless of an effort it would seem to try to take a person (or animal) that's been split up and put them back together; you get gibletish.


^^^ spoonerism and all that

Edited by Drake Marshall
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